Lowertown Ballpark Design & Construction Committee Meeting Notes December 17, 2013 Present: Paul Mandell, Edith Jeske, John Miller, John Mannillo, Jim Bury, Tom Goldstein, Bill Hosko, Erling Noecker, Nancie Litin, Daniel Dean, Dennis Thompson, Dominic Tallarico, Cheryl Wilgren Clyne, Chip Lindeke, Bill Thurmes, Jim Ivey,Lenny Russo, Logan Gerken, Paul Johnson, Jody Martinez, Melissa Martinez-Sones, Annie Huidekoper, Mark Magrak Introductions of committee members, introductions of guests. Mannillo wants it reflected in the minutes that the dog park was approved for the current location. Design update and next steps: Press conference was held at Market House with renderings that were previously presented to LBDCC at the November meeting. SHPO and HPC. Design team presented at the HPC meeting in December, Gerken provided an overview of that presentation. Slides: Historic Character in Area of Direct Effect; Imagery/Photos of historic Lowertown. Mannillo asked about HPC staff concerns, and Logan noted that HPC staff had images from Wall Street at that meeting, not Broadway. Question and discussion from committee about historic context, Gerken noted that there is gray area because the ballpark is not in an historic district. Differentiated but compatible is the goal. Discussion about the modern design, Russo notated that there are numerous architectural styles in Lowertown, not all arches and red brick. Tom Goldstein noted his concern that HPC and SHPO are not present at the LBDCC because things can get lost in translation. Judgment of historical appropriateness should remain with SHPO and HPC. Mannillo agrees but feels that guidelines refer to adjacent properties and will feel comfortable if we really listen to what those groups have to say. Logan shared that 50% DD submission will be made on Friday. Tim Griffin shared that while we might disagree stylistically, this is where we are and it’s real architecture coming out of a modernist approach and it really is a park. It connects Bruce Vento back into Lowertown. Hosko passed out a flyer and stated that the people want a design that truthfully relates to Lowertown. Russo asked people to consider what this is replacing; now we’re getting a dog park, the GLMP calls for “stitching the seam” which is happening, and the community didn’t want the river cut off from the city. Mannillo stated that the GLMP does talk about this in a historic preservation context. Griffin feels it would be helpful for the group to take a field trip to the Union Depot train deck. Hosko stated that some downtown residents hated the new additions to Union Depot. Griffin stated that was an accurate statement but there is a difference of opinion on how you build next to a historic district. Mannillo stated it’s not safe to assume that people will grow to love something over time. Committee is not getting options. Julio Fesser totally disagrees and Mannillo’s opinions do not reflect the entire committee. Logan noted that the group has been meeting for over a year and through a series of discussions there was guidance given, and but for the LBDCC there is no way we’d have gotten the design we see today. Discussion about moving the next meeting to February 4th. Committee members agreed to the new date. Logan presented key milestone dates. Audience member had a question about the purpose of the meetings and asked that acronyms be explained. Jim Ivey stated that LBDCC had a large amount of input into the ballpark and cited examples of the impact, and he likes the design. Mark Magrak presented photographs of the site and the demo progress. Paul Johnson stated that the website has quite a bit of new information, including diagrams and planning documents. Public Art. There will be an internal charrette on Friday to do some initial vetting, and there has already been a listening session with the Saints and the City. There will be community outreach for public art in January and then in February Futures North will be presenting two options; LBDCC will represent one vote in the process. Other Business. Jim Ivey asked if Public Works will be coming at some point to discuss traffic issues. Jody Martinez stated that conversation has started internally and Public Works will be coming on February 4th with a draft of a plan, want to make sure it’s comprehensive. Question about Metro Transit being involved, agreed they should be involved. LBDCC is guaranteed t go through March with the possibility of a meeting in April that is more celebratory in nature. Lenny asked about an email he received regarding the Farmer’s Market moving and a parking ramp being explored for that space. Final comment about the timing of the transit planning and it should have been completed long before now. Gerken and Johnson explained that the EAW already did those things and improvements are being made because of it. What is being discussed is further coordination to building on the findings of the EAW, but there has already been an extensive study. The study was completed even before Ryan Companies was hired. Meeting adjourned.