DEBATE ACROSS CURRICULUM PROMO M. Callen | 20 June MEDIA FOUND CONNEMARA Labeled JUNE 2012 DEBATE PROMO FOR SCHOOLS Fade up from black / NON TAPE MEDIA Classroom //School Hallway #1 STILL Music VO with emphasizing text on and off. Adjust track if need more time #25 track music TEXT: Improve all students Retain excellent teachers -1- TRACK ONE: What if you had the opportunity to improve the academic performance of all your students… Retain and attract excellent teachers.. Meet and exceed ‘Common Core State Standards’ Exceed Common Core State Standards If you had the opportunity, would you take it? OVER BLACK OR PELLHAM GREY/Music out for this #11 or #12 BROLL DEBATE SCIENCE Track 26 MUSIC UNDER VO/ natsot kids debating with Debate Across Curriculum text BOSTON// STEVE #1 00 09 21 – 09 40 TRACK TWO: Debate Across Curriculum is your opportunity to help create successful students, successful schools and successful systems. + 80% Teachers say debate makes them more effective teachers. STEVE: What debate across curriculum really is, its not just debate, its good teaching. Its training the teacher how to move from a classroom where they’re the center of attention where they’re telling kids stuff where they have to write down and memorize to a classroom where students are truly engaged in control of the classroom and in control of their learning. TRACK THREE: More than eighty per cent of teachers in a recent survey in Massachusetts, said debate made them not more effective debate teachers, but more effective teachers. BOSTON / #1 Kristina 01 56 – 02 505 SVF/ Kristina Buenafe, Teacher High School Math KRISTINA: It’s kinda like the perils of urban schooling tend to repeat themselves if we don’t try new lessons or take risks in your teaching. GRAPHICS/ Common Core State Standards Embodied in the academic debate process. TRACK FOUR: Debate Across Curriculum offers a skill set that addresses overall requirements of ‘Common Core State Standards’. Indeed, SVF/ STEVE STEIN , Developer Debate Across Curriculum GRAPHICS/STATS Debate Across Curriculum DEBATE ACROSS CURRICULUM PROMO -2CCSS is embodied in the academic debate process. MAY INTERVIEWS/ JAMES #1 00 02 47 – 02 59 SVF/ JAMES ROLAND, Developer Debate Across Curriculum Text Re-emphasizes Debate Across Curriculum for ALL students Ravi’s group , darien and ted debating in social study classes JAMES: We’re teaching students critical listening skills, critical thinking skills, the ability to defend a particular position, the ability to critically write, but also to be able to package all that and be great oral communicators as well. TRACK FIVE: Schools across the country, including many in metropolitan Atlanta, are already using Debate Across Curriculum. It’s designed for all students, not just high achievers, in middle and high schools. And is effective in all subjects, From Social Science….. NATSOT kids debating TRACK SIX: …to Math. Kristina’s Group Debating in Mat Natsot kids debating math GRAPHICS/ STATS Debate Across Curriculum STUDENT ENGAGEMENT + 61% SKILL DEVELOPMENT + 56 % CONTENT KNOWLEDGE + 55% TRACK SEVEN: Surveys of those who implemented Debate Across Curriculum tell the same powerful story: NATILEE 4 00 00 54- 1:05 SVF NATILEEWN-VAN, Principal Middle School An increase in skill development An increase in student engagement An increase in content knowledge NATILEE: When students are assisting with the planning, they’re not just passengers on the ship, they’re crew, so every person is going to have their hands involved in the success of the school. Glenn Pellham Foundation animation TRACK EIGHT: For almost 3 decades, The Glenn Pelham Foundation for Debate Education has pioneered the benefits of debate and its expansion from an after school -3activity to a viable education tool in the classroom through Debate Across Curriculum. #1 JAMES 00 01 05 - 01 19 VO/ Slo mo shots of kids faces and kids JAMES: At then end of the day what makes a human being human is the capacity to articulate, communicate and advocate for yourself. and debate fundamentally provides students with the skill set in order to do that. And not just do that but to do it effectively. Wait a beat after end of james fade to black or pellham grey then diz on text DEBATE ACROSS CURRICULUM Your Opportunity for Success # #