CCRR Consultation - BooSt Together for Children

BooSt Together for Children Board/Early Childhood Iowa Area
FY 2016 Consultation Progress Report
1. Please fill out a progress report for each program funded.
2. The report format is subject to change pending updates in reporting requirements from the Early Childhood Iowa Office and/or the BooSt Board.
3. All reports submitted must answer all required information and be in proper sequential order or will not be accepted as a completed progress
report. If information requested is not applicable to the program, respond with “NA” or “Not Applicable”.
4. Submit one (1) electronic version.
5. This report is due on or before the following dates: First Quarter by 10/15/15, Second Quarter by 1/15/2016, Third Quarter by 4/15/2016, Fourth
Quarter by 7/15/2016
1. Lead Agency Name: Orchard Place / CCR&R
2. Program Name: Consultation
3. Reporting Period: ___x___ First Quarter
4. Report Written By:
Leslie Stonehocker
______ Second Quarter _____ Third Quarter ______ Fourth Quarter
Child Care Consultant Coordinator
Program/Service Summary
1. Provide an overview of what has happened with the program/service to date. Identify successes experienced during this
reporting period. Identify challenges or barriers encountered. Identify strategies implemented, or strategies that will be
implemented, to address each challenge/barrier. Note if technical assistance is needed.
 This quarter the consultant has been successful in reaching out to the Nevada providers. Word of mouth referrals from providers to
the consultant has increased consultation visits and technical assistance opportunities.
 The consultant has worked with providers and city officials regarding possible changes to Ames city ordinances regarding ratios.
Through this, providers have made positive comments regarding consultation services and stronger relationships are being built.
 A specific provider receiving consultation services is resistant to following QRS requirements/processes. The concern is that this
provider may not be willing to complete the necessary steps to earn her QRS rating.
 Technology restraints sometimes make it difficult to complete tasks in a timely manner. Spotty internet access and lack of a tablet
slow down services.
2. Identify changes or revisions made in the program/service during this reporting period. This would include changes in
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Boone County Empowerment/Early Childhood Iowa Area FY12 Report Format
Office Use Only________________
program/service staff.
 No changes or revisions have occurred.
3. Is this program/service on schedule for the fiscal year? If not, identify the reason(s) and action steps that will be implemented
to get the program/service on schedule. Include fiscal target/ expenditure information.
 Yes, this program/service is on schedule for the fiscal year.
Was training or a services conducted as described in plan? If not identify reason(s) and action steps that will be implemented
to get the program/service on schedule as well as plans to prevent this from occurring if funded next fiscal year.
 NA
5. Describe a collaborative effort involving this program/service that is in progress or that has occurred within the BooSt/Early
Childhood Iowa Area during the reporting period. This example should reflect creative solutions to promote healthy and
successful children 0-5 and their families. Describe the result (or the anticipated result if the effort is in progress) and explain
how it strives to avoid duplication, enhance efforts, combine planning, and/or other progress.
 The consultant served on the needs assessment sub-committee.
 The consultant participated in a safe sleep training in partnership with the Iowa SIDS Foundation. The consultant not only can now
serve as a trainer on this topic but can also provide current best practice recommendations regarding safe sleep policies and
procedures during consultation visits.
 The consultant continues quarterly collaboration meetings with DHS Spot Checkers, CCNCs, and CACFP sponsors. Topics
discussed included an increase in complaint reports for home providers across all counties in the region, clarification regarding
distinction between complaint and investigation, and new process whereby home providers billing Child Care Assistance for children
over-ratio will be contacted by DHS (letter and/or spot check). These meetings ensure all agencies remain aware of current issues in
the counties served.
 The Early Childhood Leadership group met to discuss plans for this fiscal year. This collaboration includes directors from Boone and
Story County child care centers/preschools and CCR&R Child Care Consultants. The purpose of the group is to promote quality care,
share knowledge about best practices, and discuss matters pertaining to early care/education. The group decided to meet quarterly
and discussed topics for the remaining meetings in this fiscal year.
Fiscal Reporting
1. Use Attachment A: Budget Expenditures Summary to provide detailed information on Early Childhood Iowa (ECI) funds
expended during the reporting period and other funding support sources of this program.
2. Will all ECI funds allocated to support this program/service be expended by 6/30/2016?
__x__ Yes
____ No; If yes, what amount of funds won’t be spent by 6/30/16: $____________
Provide a brief explanation if a portion of funds won’t be spent:
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BooSt TCF/Early Childhood Iowa Area FY16 Report Format
Performance Measures
1. Performance Measures- Programs/services must report on all performance measures outlined in the FY16 program/service contract
with the BooSt ECI Board as applicable to each funded program/service component (as identified by the State ECI Board for
performance measure tracking). Use the table(s) below to provide updates on performance measures data. All columns should have
quantitative or numerical data. Refer to the program/service contract information for performance measures for the program.
Section II – Matrix #1-a:
For Indirect Services
Early Care and Early Education Consultation
Performance Measure
# of visits to BooSt ECI early learning
environment by a consultant
Amount of BooSt ECI funding
expended per program/home
# of Technical Assistance contacts to
BooSt ECI providers/programs (not
including direct visits)
Additional funding amounts and
funding sources to support
Consultation in BooSt ECI
# and % of BooSt ECI early care and
education programs participating in a
quality initiative (QRS, NAECY, QPPS)
1ST Quarter Data
2nd Quarter Data
3rd Quarter Data
4th Quarter Data
FY16 Totals
22 #
__ #
__ %
__ #
__ %
__ #
__ %
__ # __ %
0 # 0%
(self reported)
__ #
__ %
__ #
__ %
__ #
__ %
__ # __ %
6 Non-registered
27 DHS registered
1 DHS licensed
0 DE regulated
This # reflects only
programs QRS
rated 2-5 that
consultant worked
with this quarter
# and % for BooSt ECI early care and
education providers/programs
implementing an evidence based
Number of Early Learning programs
served by program type
DHS registered
DHS licensed
DE regulated
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BooSt TCF/Early Childhood Iowa Area FY16 Report Format
DHS registered
DHS licensed
DE regulated
DHS registered
DHS licensed
DE regulated
__ Non-registered
__ DHS registered
__ DHS licensed
__ DE regulated
Section II – Matrix #1-a:
For Indirect Services
Performance Measure
# and % of participating programs that
improved their quality rating or
maintained a high level (QRS 4or5,
NAECY, QPPS) in the last year
(establishing local baseline data)
1ST Quarter Data
See comment
2nd Quarter Data
__ #
__ %
3rd Quarter Data
__ #
__ %
4th Quarter Data
__ #
__ %
FY16 Totals
__ # __ %
1. Please identify any other comments or questions that you have at this time.
During Q1, one Story County CDH provider earned a QRS Level 4 rating after letting their QRS Level 3 rating expire on April 2015.
Additionally, two Story County Licensed Centers/Preschools increased their QRS Level 4 rating to QRS Level 5.
Please feel free to contact me if there are any questions, Marion Kresse 515-433-4892; e-mail:
Submit completed reports to: BooSt together for Children, 900 W 3rd St, Boone, Iowa 50036; e-mail electronic copy to
*We reserve the right to change the progress report, as needed.
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BooSt TCF/Early Childhood Iowa Area FY16 Report Format
Attachment A: FY 2016 Budget Expenditures Summary
Outline the approved program line item budget (in detail), the total Empowerment/Early Childhood
Iowa funds expended through the reporting period end date, and other sources of support.
Program Name:
Orchard Place/CCR&R Consultation
Reporting Period:
FY16 Q1
BooSt/ECI Area Funding Line Item Budget
In this table, provide detail on the line item expenses covered with
Empowerment/ECI funds.
SALARIES AND PERSONNEL BENEFITS (include staff title, FTE, and
salary/hourly rate):
Approved Budget
BooSt ECI Funds
Invoiced to Date
Other Funding/Support Sources Supporting the Program/Service:
Identify by type ALL other funding or support (as appropriate) that the agency has been successful in obtaining and
applying toward this program/service. Identify funds (actual cash amount) that come directly to and flow through the
agency to support this program/ service. Identify value of in-kind as calculated according to usual and customary
accounting principles (convert to cash value) that supports the community empowerment area’s community plan.
List each source separately; add additional lines as needed.
Other Funding/Support Sources: List
Type of Support
Other Sources
Other Sources Value
Expended to Date
each source separately by source name.
(Cash, In-Kind)
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BooSt TCF/Early Childhood Iowa Area FY16 Report Format