All the

___A__ 1. The two major processes that Ecologists study in an ecosystem are:
a. Movement of energy and nutrients through the food chain
b. Movement of producers and consumers through the food chain
c. Cell respiration and the movement of nutrients in an ecosystem.
d. Photosynthesis and the movement of energy in an ecosystem.
e. None of the above are correct
___d__ 2. The ultimate source of energy for most ecosystems comes from:
a. Chemical energy from food
b. Heat energy from cell respiration
c. ATP from cell respiration
d. Light energy from sun
e. Light energy from cell respiration
___e__ 3. Energy:
All of the below
Is a one direction flow through the food chain
Flows from sun to producer to consumer to eventually decomposer
Is not recycled
Is required for living things to carry out activities
___C__ 4. The process of _____________________ captures light energy from the
sun and converts it into _________________ stored in __________________________.
Cell respiration; heat energy; food
Photosynthesis; chemical energy; food
Photosynthesis; heat energy; food
Photosynthesis; chemical energy; carbon dioxide
Cell respiration; chemical energy; carbon dioxide
___a__ 5. The trophic level that can capture light energy and make food is:
a. Producer
b. Primary consumer
c. Secondary consumer
d. Tertiary consumer
e. Decomposer
_C_____ 6. Heterotrophs obtain their energy and nutrients:
a. By cell respiration
b. By photosynthesis
c. By eating other organisms
d. By making their own food
e. By doing the Tango while wearing pink and yellow poker dotted
__C___ 7. In photosynthesis, plants extract _____________ from the air, _______________ from
the soil, and _______________ from the sun.
Carbon dioxide; fertilizer; light energy
Oxygen; water; light energy
Carbon dioxide; water; light energy
Food; nutrients; heat
None of the above are correct
___d__8. In photosynthesis, the final products are
a. Carbon dioxide and water
b. Oxygen and water
c. Food (glucose) and water
d. Food (glucose) and oxygen
e. Food (glucose) and carbon dioxide
___b__ 9. After a plant obtains energy:
a. c and d only are true
b. c, d, and e are true
c. It uses some of the energy to carry out its own activities
d. It stores some of the energy in its plant tissue
e. Some of that energy is lost as heat
___a__ 10. The purpose of cell respiration:
a. Is to breakdown food to release energy in order to make the energy
available for the organism to do work.
b. Is to make food from carbon dioxide, water, and light
c. Is to provide oxygen
d. Is to recycle energy
e. None of the above are correct
__b___ 11. The inputs or reactants of cell respiration are:
a. Carbon dioxide and water
b. Food (glucose) and oxygen
c. Light energy
d. ATP
e. Both c and d
___c__ 12. Which of the following is not an output or product of cell respiration?
a. Carbon dioxide
b. Water
c. Oxygen
d. ATP
___e__ 13. Primary consumers get their energy by:
a. Eating Secondary consumers
b. Eating Decomposers
c. Eating Tertiary consumers
d. Eating Quaternary consumers
e. None of the above are correct
___a__ 14. In the process of cell respiration:
a. Energy is lost as heat to the environment
b. Energy is lost as light to the environment
c. Energy is lost as chemical to the environment
___a__ 15. The trophic level that contains the most energy is the:
a. First trophic level
b. Second trophic level
c. Third trophic level
d. Quaternary trophic level
e. Decomposers
__a___ 16. The trophic level that contains the most nutrients (biomass) is the:
a. First trophic level
b. Second trophic level
c. Third trophic level
d. Quaternary trophic level
e. Decomposers
___a__ 17. The energy molecule formed in cell respiration that can be used by cells to
out work is:
Carbon dioxide
___T__ 18. Both plants and animals perform cell respiration
___F__ 19. Both plants and animals perform photosynthesis
__F___ 20. Energy is recycled
___T__ 21. Nutrients are recycled
___F__ 22. All the energy obtained by primary consumers from producers is available to
secondary consumers.
___T__ 23. The direction of the flow of energy and nutrients through a food chain
(ecosystem) is producer to consumer to decomposer.
24. sunlight
Carbon Dioxide
Primary consumer
Secondary Consumer
glucose (food)
36. glucose
38. carbon
39. water
37. oxygen
40. ATP
Secondary 3
Primary 2
800,000,000 units of
3rd trophic level
2nd trophic level
1st trophic level
Label #’s 1, 2, and 3 in the above model with the appropriate term: secondary consumer,
primary consumer, tertiary consumer, or producer.
Label #’s 4, 5, and 6 in the above model the appropriate trophic level
Label #’s 8, 9, and 10 with the correct amount of energy available to that feeding level
#8= 80,000,000
#9= 8,000,000
#10= 80,000
__b___ 11. What is the name of the model above?
a. Numbers pyramid
b. Energy pyramid
c. Biomass pyramid
d. Food chain
e. Food web
___e__ 12. The model above shows:
a. The amount of biomass at each trophic level
b. The number of organisms at each trophic level
c. The amount of energy at each trophic level
d. Energy decreases as you move up to higher trophic levels
e. Both c and d
___d__ 13.
Where on the food chain should humans eat in order to gain the most energy?
Tertiary consumer
Secondary consumer
Quaternary consumer
Primary consumer
___b__ 14. In an energy pyramid, which way does energy transfer?
a. From the top of the pyramid to the bottom.
b. From the bottom of the pyramid to the top.
c. From the middle of the pyramid to both the bottom and top
d. Both a and b
e. None of the above
___a__ 15. In the diagram above, the giant sea bass do not get as much energy from eating
the same amount of food as sea urchin’s. Which statement best describes the reason?
a. There is more energy in organisms of the first trophic level than the third
trophic level.
b. Trophic level 3 has greater biomass than first trophic level
c. Sea urchins live on less energy than bass.
d. Sea urchins are bigger than sea bass
e. Sea urchins move around less than bass
__c___ 16. Which level of the food pyramid above represents the largest number of
a. Tertiary consumers
b. Secondary consumers
c. Primary consumers
d. Producers
e. Pyramids can’t show number of organisms at each trophic level
___B__ 17. If birds eat insects that feed on corn, which pyramid level below would birds
___b__ 18. As one progresses from level D to level A in the pyramid diagram above, the
amount of energy available is:
a. Increasing
b. Decreasing
c. Not changing
___a__ 19. In a biomass pyramid, the greatest amount biomass is located
a. at the producer level
b. at the primary consumer level
c. at the tertiary consumer level
d. at the secondary consumer level
e. No such thing as a biomass pyramid
___e__ 1. In a food chain, which of the following best summarizes the relationship
between trophic levels?
a. When the final trophic level of consumers is reached, the amount of nutrients
available decreases but the amount of energy increases.
b. When the final trophic level of consumers is reached, the amount of nutrients
available increases but the amount of energy decreases
c. When the final trophic level of consumers is reached, the amount of nutrients
available increases and the amount of energy increases
d. When the final trophic level of consumers is reached, the amount of nutrients
available decreases and the amount of energy decreases
e. None of the above
___d__ 2. In a community populated by all of the following organisms, which would
probably have the largest population, most biomass, and most energy?
a. Foxes
b. Field mice
c. Grasshopper
d. Lilies (type of flower)
e. Skunk
__c___ 3. Over time the balance of nature has been upset most seriously by:
a. The effects of lightening in forests.
b. The spread of disease
c. Human activities
d. Flooding
e. Hurricanes
___d__ 4. In ecosystems, the flow of ________________ is one way, while _________
are constantly recycled.
a. minerals…………energy compounds
b. genetic information………..genotypes
c. organic compounds………minerals
d. energy………….nutrients
e. food………
__e___ 5. Which of the following statements is/are true of producer organisms?
a. They can take in carbon dioxide and water molecules and by combining and
rearranging these molecules can form sugar.
b. They can convert light energy into chemical energy
c. They are eaten by carnivores
d. They are eaten by herbivores
e. The answers a, b, and d are all true
Maple tree -- aphid-- ladybug --- frog - snake - hawk
___b__ 6. Which organism in the food chain can transform light energy into chemical
a. Frog
b. Maple tree
c. Aphid (type of bug)
d. Hawk
e. Snake
___c__ 7. Which organism in the food chain is considered to be a primary consumer?
a. Frog
b. Maple tree
c. Aphid
d. Hawk
e. Snake
__d___ 8. At which trophic level in the food chain will there be the smallest amount of
a. Frog
b. Maple tree
c. Aphid
d. Hawk
e. Snake
___e__ 9. Which trophic level is missing from the food chain?
a. Producer
b. Primary consumer
c. Secondary Consumer
d. Tertiary consumer
e. Decomposer
___a__ 10. In a hypothetical food chain consisting of grass, grasshoppers, sparrows, and
hawks, the grasshoppers are:
a. primary consumers
b. primary producers
c. secondary consumers
d. secondary producers
e. detrivores
___d__ 11. In the ecosystem, which of the following is an abiotic factor?
a. Yeast
b. Fungus
c. Algae
d. Water
e. Insect
___c__ 12. Which of the following is the correct sequence in a food chain?
a. Mice, plant, snake, hawk
b. Mice, snake, plant, hawk
c. Plant, mice, snake, hawk
d. Plant hawk, snake, mice
e. Hawk, snake, mice, plant
__e___ 13. All of the following processes occur in ecosystems EXCEPT FOR:
a. energy flows through the system
b. carbon is cycled between biotic and abiotic forms
c. nitrogen is cycled between biotic and abiotic forms
d. Producers can take up elements from inorganic form from the soil and the air
e. The energy source that powers the ecosystem is used by consumers to make
organic compounds
___c__ 14. Which of the following explains why carnivores depend on green plants for
their food?
a. Carnivores need a balanced diet
b. Carnivores need protection against vitamin deficiency
c. Only plants can make food
d. Carnivores eat both plants and animals directly
e. None of the above
___d__ 15. Which of the following is not recycled between organic matter and abiotic
a. water
b. carbon
c. nitrogen
d. energy
e. All of the above are recycled between biotic and abiotic reservoirs
__a___ 16. The movement of energy and matter through a food web are different because:
a. Energy flows in one direction and matter recycles
b. Energy is limited in the biosphere and matter is in limitless supply
c. Matter flows in one direction and energy recycles
d. Energy rearranges itself to form organic molecules
e. Both a and d
_____ 17. Which of the species in the above food web is the producer?
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E
_____ 18. Species B and C represent which of the following?
a. Producers
b. Primary consumers
c. Secondary consumers
d. Tertiary consumers
e. Omnivores
_____ 19. Which of the following most accurately describes species E?
a. An herbivore, and a secondary consumer
b. An omnivore, and a secondary consumer
c. An omnivore, and both a primary consumer and secondary consumer
d. An herbivore, and both a primary and secondary consumer
e. A decomposer
___f__ 17. Which of the species in the above food web is the producer?
f. A
g. B
h. C
i. D
j. E
___g__ 18. Species B and C represent which of the following?
f. Producers
g. Primary consumers
h. Secondary consumers
i. Tertiary consumers
j. Omnivores
_J____ 19. Which of the following most accurately describes species E?
f. An herbivore, and a secondary consumer
g. An omnivore, and a secondary consumer
h. An omnivore, and both a primary consumer and secondary consumer
i. An herbivore, and both a primary and secondary consumer
j. A decomposer
___a__ 20. What might happen to the balance in the food web of a river if over fishing by
humans reduced significantly the number of one type of fish?
a. The organisms that the fish fed on will increase in number dramatically
reducing the amount of food available for them to feed on
b. The organisms that feed on the fish will increase
c. The organisms that feed on the organisms that feed on the fish will increase
d. The organisms that the fish fed on will decrease in number dramatically
increasing the amount of food they feed on
e. Both a and b
___e__ 21. Only 10 percent of the energy stored in an organism can be passed on to the
next trophic level. Of the remaining energy some is used to carry out the
organisms activity, and the rest is
a. Lost as heat
b. Lost as waste
c. Stored as biomass
d. Used to carry out life processes
e. Both a and b
___c__ 22. . Only 10 percent of the energy stored in an organism can be passed on to the
next trophic level. Which portion of the energy is available to other organisms for
their use?
a. Portion lost as heat
b. Portion lost as waste
c. Portion stored as biomass
d. Portion used to carry out life processes
e. Both a and b
___b__ 23. Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere enters the biotic parts of the biosphere
a. Burning of fossil fuels
b. Photosynthesis
c. Cell respiration
d. Secondary consumer eating a primary consumer
e. Both b and c
___c__ 24. Carbon dioxide returns to the abiotic atmosphere through
a. Burning of fossil fuels
b. Photosynthesis
c. Cell respiration
d. Secondary consumer eating a primary consumer
e. Both a and c
___c__ 25. What is the term for each step in the transfer of energy and nutrients within a
food web?
a. energy path
b. food chain
c. trophic level
d. food pyramid
e. none of the above
___c__ 26. Which type of ecological pyramid shows the amount of living tissue at each
trophic level in an ecosystem?
a. pyramid of numbers
b. an energy pyramid
c. a biomass pyramid
d. a food pyramid
e. none of the above
___e__ 27. Carbon dioxide and water
a. Used in photosynthesis
b. Have little energy
c. Light energy is used to link together carbon dioxide and water to make sugar
d. Are important abiotic factors
e. All of the above
___e__ 28. Food
a. Contains matter
b. Contains energy in the form of chemical energy
c. Can be broken down for energy to grow and reproduce
d. Can be used to build structure of the body
e. All of the above
___d__29. Burning of fossil fuels
a. Increases the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
b. Increases the greenhouse effect
c. Contributes to global warming
d. All of the above
___d__ 30. An organism that produces its own food supply from inorganic compounds is
called a (an):
a. heterotroph
b. consumer
c. detrivore
d. autotroph
e. herbivore
__b___ 31. What animal eats both producers and consumers?
a. herbivores
b. omnivores
c. autotrophs
d. chemotrophs
e. organisms in the first trophic level
__d___ 32. Suppose 10,000 units of energy are available at the level of the grasses. What
is the total amount of energy available to the tertiary consumer above?
a. 10,000
b. 1000
c. 100
d. 10
e. 1
___d__ 33. All the interconnected feeding relationships in an ecosystem make up a
a. interaction
b. food chain
c. food network
d. food web
e. ecological pyramid
___e__ 34. Who are the major decomposers?
a. bacteria
b. fungi
c. centipedes
d. 4th trophic level organisms
e. both a and b
___a__ 35. An organism that cannot make its own food is called a (an)
a. heterotroph
b. chemtroph
c. autotroph
d. producer
___c__ 36. What is the original source of almost all the energy in most ecosystems?
a. carbohydrates
b. proteins
c. sunlight
d. water
e. carbon dioxide
___d__ 37. A snake that eats a frog that has eaten an insect that fed on a plant is located in
which trophic level?
a. 1st
b. 2nd
c. 3rd
d. 4th
e. decomposer level
___e__ 38. An energy pyramid is a model that shows all of the following EXCEPT:
a. how much energy is available at each trophic level
b. that energy decreases at each trophic level
c. the total transfer of energy from one trophic level to the next
d. illustrates why meat is a luxury for humans
e. none of the above would be exceptions
__b___ 39. Below are the steps for the basic pattern of nutrient cycling. They are not in
correct order. You must place each sequence in the correct order.
1. Cycle begins again
2. Consumers eat the producers, taking up organic compounds into their cells
3. As organisms die, decomposers convert organic compounds into inorganic
compounds, returning them back to the abiotic environment
4. Producers take in inorganic chemicals from abiotic environment and convert
them to organic compounds
4, 1,2,3
Circle the word or phrase that includes all the rest
40. trophic level, food web, food chain
41. omnivores, consumers, carnivores, herbivores, decomposers
42. evaporation, precipitation, water cycle, transpiration, runoff, respiration
__A___ 1. A community is made up of:
A) Different kinds of living organisms.
B) One species of organism.
C) Living organisms and their nonliving environment
D) Ecosystems
E) The factors that constitute an organism’s niche
___D__ 2. If an overlap develops between the ranges of two closely related species, (such
as barnacles or red headed and yellow headed blackbirds), and if the species can occupy
the same niche in the zone of overlap, what will probably happen in the zone of overlap?
A) A new species will arise.
B) Both species will coexist, provided the environment in the zone of
overlap is different from that in either individual range.
C) Both species will coexist, provided the environment in the zone of
overlap is similar to that of one of the individual ranges.
D) One species will out compete the other species in the overlap zone.
___B__ 3. In a community, you would most expect to find interspecific competition
A) males and females of the same species
B) population of two species trying to occupy the same niche
C) males of a species during breeding season
D) a prey species and its predator
E) two wasp species that mimic each other’s appearance
___B__ 4. According to the competitive exclusion principle, two species cannot continue
to occupy the same:
A) habitat
B) niche
C) territory
D) range
E) biome
___A__5. The relationship between Heliconius caterpillars, which feed on passionflower
vines, and the passionflower vines, which combat the caterpillars by various defense
mechanisms, would best be described as:
A) predation
B) parasitism
C) mutualism
D) Commensalism
E) interspecific competition
___D__ 6. A vacant lot my have organisms such as timothy grass, dandelions, ants, soil
bacteria, earthworms, ailanthus trees, and mice living in it. Together, all of these
organisms comprise a(n):
A) population
B) ecosystem
C) biosphere
D) community
E) none of the above
__C___ 7. The relationship between a termite and the wood-digesting protist in its
stomach would best be described as:
A) predation
B) parasitism
C) mutualism
D) Commensalism
E) interspecific competition
__D___ 8. The relationship between a clown fish that can swim between the poison
tentacles of a sea anemone and thus avoid predators without harming or benefiting the
anemone would best be described as:
A) predation
B) parasitism
C) mutualism
D) Commensalism
E) interspecific competition
___D__ 9. When a New England farm is abandoned, its formerly plowed fields first
become weedy meadows, then shrubby areas, and finally forest. This sequence of plant
communities is an example of:
A) evolution
B) a phylogenetic trend
C) primary succession
D) secondary succession
___D__ 10. During ecological succession, the species composition of a plant community
A) Changes from a diverse community in which many plants are common
to one in which a few species are numerically dominant.
B) Simplifies until most of the plants originally present have disappeared.
C) Remains stable
D) Changes gradually because each species responds differently to the
changing environment
E) Changes until climax forest is established and a single species remains
_A____ 11. An organism’s niche is:
A) An organism’s habitat, its food sources, and other factors specific to its
way of life.
B) All the physical factors in the organism’s environment
C) The place an organism lives
D) The amount of precipitation in its biome
___C__ 12. No two species can occupy the same niche in the same habitat at the same
A. because of resource partitioning
B. because of predator-prey interactions
C. because of the competitive exclusion principle
D. because of the keystone predator concept
___D__ 13. An interaction in which one organism captures and feeds on another organism
is called:
A) competition
B) symbiosis
C) mutualism
D) predation
__A___ 14. The symbiotic relationship between a flower and the insect that feeds on its
nectar (which helps pollinate the plant) is most likely an example of:
A) mutualism because the flower provides the insect with food, and the
insect pollinates the flower
B) parasitism because the insect lives off the nectar from the flower
C) commensalism because the insect does not harm the flower and the
flower does not benefit from the relationship
D) predation because the insect feeds on the flower
__B___ 15. The series of changes that occurs in a community over time is called:
A) population growth
B) ecological succession
C) competitive exclusion
D) climate change
___B__ 16. What is one difference between primary and secondary succession?
A) Primary succession is slow and secondary succession is rapid
B) Secondary succession begins on soil and primary succession begins on
virtually lifeless areas
C) Primary succession modifies the environment and secondary
succession does not
D) Secondary succession begins with lichens and primary succession
begins with trees.
___A__ 17. The relationship between cats and mice could best be described as:
A) predator-prey
B) parasite-host
C) scavenger-carrion
D) consumer-producer
E) none of the above
___C__ 18. The fact that two species in a symbiotic relationship or in a predator prey
relationship can affect change on one another over time is described by the concept:
A) partition resourcing
B) competitive exclusion principle
C) co-evolution
D) keystone predator
E) none of the above
___E__ 19. Competition between members of the same species for limited resources is
known as:
A) Interspecific competition
B) Predator-prey competition
C) Co-evolution competition
D) Symbiotic competition
E) None of the above
__B___ 20. When two similar species coexist in a community by inhabiting slightly
different niches, for example, different locations on the same tree, this is called:
A) Competitive exclusion principle
B) Resource partitioning
C) Keystone predator
D) Co-evolution
E) Predator-prey relationships
___e__ 21. All of the following are prey mechanisms of defense to avoid being eaten
A) camouflage
B) Mimicry
C) Armor
D) Warning colorations
E) All the above are defense mechanisms of prey to avoid predators
___A__ 22. A pioneer species:
A) is the first organism to colonize an area
B) is the last organism to colonize an area
C) remains as a dominant organism in the community through
each change
D) is only seen in the climax community
___B__ 23. A typical pioneer organism is:
A) grass
B) Lichen
C) Moss
D) Pine trees
E) Oak trees
___C__ 24. Succession leads to a relatively stable collection of organisms known as the:
A) Pioneer community
B) Keystone predator
C) Climax community
D) Ecological community
E) None of the above
___A___ 25. As succession progresses in a community, all of the following are true
A) species diversity decreases
B) Biomass increases
C) Species that are better competitors replace the early rapid
D) Interactions become more varied
__A___ 26. Receding glaciers or ocean volcanoes are responsible for:
A. primary succession
B. secondary succession
C. resource partitioning
D. keystone predators
___B__ 27. Fires and earthquakes are responsible for:
A) primary succession
B) secondary succession
C) resource partitioning
D) keystone predators
___D__ 28. Which of the following is the correct order of succession?
A) Moss, weeds and grasses, shrubs, lichen , pine trees, oak trees
B) Lichen, moss, weeds and grasses, pine trees, shrubs, oak trees
C) Oak trees, pine trees, shrubs, moss, lichen, weeds and grasses
D) Lichen, moss, weeds and grasses, shrubs, Pine tress, Oak trees
E) Weeds and grasses, mosses, lichen, Oak trees, Pine trees, shrubs
___C__ 29. Relationship between organisms in which one organism benefits at the
expense of the other:
A) mutualism
B) commensalism
C) parasitism
D) predation
__B___ 30. Relationship between organisms in which one organism benefits and the other
is neither harmed nor benefited:
A) mutualism
B) commensalism
C) parasitism
D) predation
___A__ 31. Relationship between organisms in which both organisms benefit:
A) mutualism
B) commensalism
C) parasitism
D) predation
___B__ 32. The replacement of one community by another as environmental conditions
A) population growth
B) ecological succession
C) competitive exclusion
D) climate change
__D___ 33. According to the competitive exclusion principle, when two kinds of
organisms both use a resource that is in short supply, the usual end result is that
A) Both species modify their needs and use some substitute
B) Both species survive as long as possible, and then die out
C) The amount of the resource expands to fill the need
D) One species will win out and eliminate the other
E) The two species cooperate and share what is available
___D__ 34. Which word does not describe interactions between populations within a
natural community?
a. Competitive
b. Predatory
c. Symbiotic
d. Spiteful
e. Parasitic
___b__ 35. Which factor applies more to defining an organism’s habitat than to defining
its niche?
a. Feeding behavior
b. Physical location in the community
c. Requirements for water
d. Tolerance for temperature extremes
e. Reproductive behavior
___e__ 36. Three species of moss coexist in the same bog because:
a. They require the same amount of moisture
b. They crowd out all flowering plants
c. They grow at the same rate
d. The competitive exclusion principle is in effect
e. Of resource partitioning