
Curriculum Vitae
Robert Harris
New College, University of Oxford, Oxford OX1 3BN England
Oxford Centre for Conflict and Crisis Analysis (founder and director)
Dept. of Politics & International Relations
Univ. of Oxford, Manor Rd, Oxford OX1 3UQ
University of Oxford (1992—present):
New College and Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages
Lecturer in Russian Studies (specialty: 19th century Russian Jewish history and Russian intellectual history)
Oriental Institute, University of Oxford
Instructor in Modern Hebrew Language and Literature
Oxford Centre for Hebrew and Jewish Studies
Lector in Modern Hebrew
Instructor in Talmud
Oxford University Press
Dead Sea Scrolls on CD-ROM Project
Stanford University Centre in Oxford
Tutor in Modern Jewish History
Institute for Scholars in International Studies, Oxford
Oxford Summer Seminar in Jewish Studies
Hebrew University of Jerusalem (1990—92)
Research Fellow
York University, Dept. of Religious Studies (1989—90)
Instructor: Biblical Studies: Genesis to Daniel
Institute for Jewish Learning
Instructor: Modern Jewish History
New School for Social Research (1988—89)
Instructor: Talmud; Jewish Philosophy; The Jew in the Modern World
Columbia University (1987—88)
Reader in Modern Jewish History
Undergraduate Course in 19th & 20th Century Russian and Polish Jewry
Society for the Advancement of Judaism (1986—89)
Instructor in Jewish History and Religion
Response Magazine: A Contemporary Jewish Review (1986—89)
City University of New York (1985—89)
Lecturer in Biblical Studies
Columbia Encyclopedia of the Modern Middle East (1985)
Researcher for entries on modern Israeli history
Columbia University (1984—86)
Tutor in Modern Jewish History
"Alexander Herzen: A Critical Introduction." In Kathleen Parthe, A Herzen Reader. Northwestern Univ. Press, (to
appear October 2012).
"Words of Revolution, Ideals of Aesthetic Self-Formation: Alexander Herzen and the Rhetoric of Regime Change
and Inner Transformation." The Long 19th Century Seminar: Language Questions and Language Politics in the
Long 19th Century. Oriel College, Oxford. 11 May 2011.
Review of Laura Engelstein, Slavophile Empire: Imperial Russia’s Illiberal Path. Slavonica 17:1 (April 2011).
"Свобода для России, свобода для Англии : Александр Герцен, Джон Стюарт Милль и смысл жизни [или]
смысл бытия." [Liberty for Russia, Liberty for England: Alexander Herzen, J.S. Mill and the Ends of Life.]
Freedom of Conscience: A Symposium. St. Tikhon's University, Moscow. 23 November 2010.
"Hegel and the Battle for Russia’s Soul." Rush Rhees Lecture. Univ. of Rochester. 10 November 2010.
"Granovsky and Chicherin." The Many Colours of Hegelianism: Hegel’s Philosophy and its International
Reception. Univ. of Oxford, 4 June 2010.
"Society and the Individual: State and Private Education in Russia during the 19th and 20th Centuries." In Politics,
Modernisation and Educational Reform in Russia from Past to Present, ed. David Johnson. Oxford Studies In
Comparative Education, 2010.
"The Reception of Alexander Herzen during the Soviet Period: The Dissonant Voice of a Socialist Icon." In
National Identity in Russia from 1961: Traditions and Deterritorialisation 5 (June 2010).
"J.S Mill and Robert Owen: English Theories of Individual Liberty for the Russian Nation." American Association
for the Advancement of Slavic Studies. 41st National Convention. Boston, 12–15 November 2009.
"Out of the Ashes: Isaiah Berlin and the Ideology of Redemption." Slavonic Department Seminar. Univ. of
Cambridge. 12 March 2009.
"Russian Social Thought in Nineteenth-Century Jewish Nationalist Discourse: Myths of Self-Assurance and
Inferiority: Herzen, Ahad Haam and the Doctrine of Inner Transformation." AAASS. 40th National Convention.
Philadelphia, November 20–23, 2008.
"Negotiating French Social Doctrine and English Theories of Individual Liberty for The Russian Nation."
Solidarities & Loyalties in Russian Society, History & Culture. Centre d'études des mondes russe, caucasien et
centre-européen, Paris, 24—26 Octobre 2008.
"The Construction of a Liberal Socialist Identity in Nineteenth-Century Russia." The Russian National Idea. Univ.
of Oxford, 6—7 June 2008.
"Double Others: Jews in the Russian Milieu." "Them" and "Us": The Other in the Russian Imagination. St.
Antony's College, Oxford. 11 May 2007.
"Early Zionist Ideology." University of Cambridge. October, 2003.
"Belief, Symbol, and Ritual in Judaism." Theology Seminar. Worcester College, Oxford. February, 1998.
"Das Wesen des Judentums: The Shell and Kernel Debate." Keynote paper, University of Amsterdam, Joden
Beschouwen he Verleden (Jews Contemplating the Past). Amsterdam, May 1996.
Section Chairman: Modern Hebrew Language and Literature, 26th Annual Association for Jewish Studies
Conference. Boston, December 1994.
"From Ghetto to Modernity." Keynote paper, 2nd Limmud/Spiro Conference. Leeds, October 1994.
The Concept of Peace in Jewish History. Jerusalem: Melitz, 1994.
"Jewish Identity in Crisis: From the Maccabees to the Modern Era." Institute for Jewish Learning. Toronto,
December 1993.
Chronology for Salo W. Baron’s Social and Religious History of the Jews. New York: Columbia Univ. Press, 1993.
Review essay of Midrash, Mishnah, and Gemara (Harvard Univ. Press) by David Weiss Halivni. Response (Spring
1987): 101-106.
Canada Council Research Fellowship; Cooper Scholarship; Interuniversity Research Fellowship to Hebrew
University; Pulver Fellowship; Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture; Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council of Canada Doctoral Fellowship; Center for Israel and Jewish Studies Fellowship; Columbia
University President’s Fellowship; Columbia University Graduate Fellowship; York University Undergraduate
Honor’s Award; Hebrew University Tuition Scholarship; York University President’s Award; York University
Entrance Scholarship; Ontario Scholar