Term of Reference (TOR) for the Posts of Expert Botanist/Zoologist/ Agronomist Gujarat Biodiversity Board, Gandhinagar 1. Positions : Expert Botanist (One), Expert Zoologist (One), Expert Agronomist (One). 2. Duty Station : 3. Employment 4. Remuneration : Consolidated Rs. 50,000/- per month subject to the deductions as per existing provisions of the government. While travelling for the affairs of the Board, TA/DA will be provided as per the provisions of the Board. Gujarat Biodiversity Board, B Wing, 5th Floor, Aranya Bhawan, Sector -10 A, Gandhinagar -382010, Gujarat. : On Contract Basis for the period of 11 Months. 5. Scope of work: Gujarat Biodiversity Board is a statutory organization of the State Government. The Board is looking after the conservation and development of Biological Diversity and the regulation of the use of biological resources and associated traditional knowledge. The Board is implementing the Biological Diversity Act, 2002, the Biological Diversity Rules, 2004 and Gujarat Biological Diversity Rules, 2010. Under these legal provisions, the experts in the field of Botany, Zoology, and Agronomy will undertake the following activities: 6. Duties and responsibilities: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Capacity building of the local bodies across the Gujarat under the provision of Biological Diversity Act and Rules. Constitution of the Biodiversity Management Committees (BMCs) in the local bodies, namely Village Panchayat, Municipalities and Municipal Corporations. Assist the BMCs and Technical Support Groups (TSGs) in the preparation of People’s Biodiversity Registers (PBRs) across the State. Conduct the survey of biological resources existing in the area of the BMCs as per the expertise of the subject. Authenticate and validate the contents of the biological resources/biodiversity incorporated in the PBRs developed by BMCs under the technical guidance of the TSGs. Study biodiversity related issues in different ecosystems and habitats of Gujarat. Provide technical guidance and training to the BMC members, TSG members, NGOs and other man power working for the biodiversity conservation measures. Document the industries utilizing biological resources for commercial utilization. Any other works assigned by the Member Secretary or Chairman under the provisions of the Biodiversity Act and Rules. 7. Educational Qualification and experience: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. Educational Qualification for the post of Expert Botanist: M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Botany and 15 years of experience in the related field. The candidate having M.Sc. and Ph.D. in taxonomy will be given preference. Candidate must have excellent knowledge of report writing and manuscript preparation in their relevant field. Educational Qualification for the post of Expert Zoologist: M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Zoology and 15 years of experience in the related field. The candidate having knowledge and working experience in the ecological study on faunal status (knowledge in animal taxonomy) will be given preference. Candidate must have excellent knowledge of report writing and manuscript preparation in their relevant field. Educational Qualification for the post of Expert Agronomist: M.Sc. in Agronomy and Ph.D. in Agronomy or other related fields of Agro-biodiversity and 15 years of experience in the related field. Candidate must have excellent knowledge of report writing and manuscript preparation in their relevant field Fluency in written and spoken English and Gujarati is a must. Outstanding time-management, organizational and inter-personal skills. Sufficient knowledge of computer along with statistical programmes is essential. 8. Age: Not more than 45 years on the closing date of application. Note: GBB reserves all the rights to reject/cancel etc. the appointment procedure, withdraw the advertisement notice without assigning any reason what so ever, and in such case no applicant shall have any claim arising out of such action. The application form for the above posts is attached herewith for the use as downloaded copy from the Board’s website. APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF EXPERT BOTANIST/ZOOLOGIST/AGRONOMIST (Information of 1 to 6 is to be filled in block letters. Please answer each question clearly and completely) Affix Passport 1. Name in Full : Size Photograph 2. Father'/Husband Name : 3. Date of Birth &Age : 4. Nationality : 5. Current mailing postal address : (With Tel. /Mob. and E-mail) 6. Permanent postal address : 7. Sex : 8. Marital Status : 9. Educational Qualification: (Degree / Diplomas / Post graduation / Ph.D.’s): Sr. No. Qualification Course / / Subject University/ Institute Year of passing % age of Marks obtained/ Division Remarks 10. Work Experience: Sr. No. Organization/ Institute/ Company Period From To Nature of work/ supervisory position held Pay/ drawn Remarks 11. Have you any objection in making inquiries about you with your present employer? 12. Have you ever been in Government employment? 13. Please mention core areas of proficiency: 14. Knowledge of languages: (i) Mother "Tongue (ii) Languages Known (Read, Write, Speak/Understand) 15. Reference (attach two in original): (i) (ii) 16. Have you ever been arrested, indicted or summoned into Court as a defendant in a Criminal Proceeding, or Convicted, Fined or Imprisoned for the violation of any Law? If yes, give full particulars: 17. Details of outstanding works (if any) done in the past: 18. Awards’/Rewards/Appreciation letters received, if any (Please attach copies): 19. Please list out the title of Books/project reports/research papers/concept papers that have been prepared in the past and other relevant details (year of submission/ publication/institution details): 20. Please write about yourself in not more than 750 words, and also state the reasons for considering your candidature for the position applied for: 21. Any other information: Declaration I hereby declare that the information furnished in the application is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that in the event of any information being found false or incorrect or there is any material omission made on a Personal History Form or other document requested by the Organization, my candidature/engagement is liable to be cancelled / terminated at any stage without notice or any compensation in lieu thereof. (Signature of the candidate with date) Note: The applicants will be requested to supply documentary evidence in support of the statements made in the application form as above. The applicants need not submit the original /texts of reference or testimonials unless they are requested for.