Monday Jan. 27th- Regular Meeting - The Ridgefield Philanthropic

PYC Agenda
Tuesday 1/27/14 7:00-8:30
Ridgefield Boys and Girls Club
Snacks: Cole
Drinks: Ally
1. Grant speakers
a. Meals on Wheels- rescheduled
b. SPHEREi. Money went to Bride of Frankenstein film last year
ii. Arts group for adults with developmental disabilities
iii. Films help the members shine and they really enjoy making them
iv. Newest movie: The Great Gatsby
v. Movies are extremely low budget
vi. Apply to mainstream film festivals- accepted in 7 (best short, fan
1. Shows people what sphere members are capable of
vii. Budget: $22,000 total- very small compared to low-budget Hollywood
viii. Zumba class, nutrition class, jewelry class (sells jewelry), bingo,
cooking, walking club, film
ix. learn about communications and confidence- learn how to talk into
camera and people have really grown
x. 60 members- mainly from Ridgefield
xi. our grant would go to: they can honor any request we have (costumes,
dance class, editing, props)
xii. accept adults over 21, there is a lack of programs for people of this
age-they would be isolated otherwise
xiii. meetings 6 times a week, other activities throughout the week
xiv. really passionate volunteers work long days to make the movies
xv. helps people become independent
xvi. every member plays an annual fee of $125 or $75 for a class, a very
small price- get a lot of money from fundraising
xvii. about 20 volunteers
xviii. visit to watch videos or SPHERE of CT Facebook page
2. Jar collections
3. Date Auction- 6:00 set up, doors oven at 6:45
a. Meal donations- go in person with details about PYC and auction- print out
who is PYC sheet (Page 3 of minutes), go at 3pm or 4pm, email out your
answers by Wednesday night, they can restrict the date of the gift card, we
will thank them publically, they will receive formal letter with 5013c number
for tax return
i. Bernards- yes- needs to be picked up
ii. 50 coins- $30 gift card
iii. Venice- $20
iv. Sagi- Ally
v. Southwest café- Ally
vi. Bareburger- Kate
vii. 850- Chase
viii. Luke’s- Jordan
ix. Terrasole- Greg
x. Hideaway- Max
xi. B and G on 7- Cavan
xii. Little Pub- Sarah
xiii. Wild Ginger- Colleen
xiv. Cuttingboard- Colleen
Philanthropic Youth Council
The PYC is the student advisory council to the Ridgefield Community
Foundation. It is comprised a. 21 high school aged students who reside in
Ridgefield. The Leadership Speaker series of the PYC has heard from over 65 local
leaders who have graciously given of themselves to guide the PYC.
Ridgefield students supporting Ridgefield needs. The PYC has
fundraisers throughout the year and then grants all of the proceeds raised every
year to local organizations via a grant review process.
WHY the Flamingo?
Our logo is the flamingo. The surprise of seeing a
pink flamingo symbolizes the surprise that some people have when they hear how
their neighbors in Ridgefield are in need.
HOW: The PYC has had dances, date auctions, sold flamingo flocks, had comedy
nights, sold Ridgefield Ready emergency kits, sold baked goods and glow sticks, had
a tag sale all to raise awareness and support for the needs in our community.
The PYC was formed in May of 2001 and has since granted over
$140,000 to the needs in the community of Ridgefield.
WHERE: Local organizations go through a thorough grant review process and
grants of the PYC perennially go to organizations such as:
Founders Hall
LatchKey Kids
Ridgefield Boys and Girls Club
Meals on Wheels, SPHERE
Woodcock Nature Center
ABC Foundation, Ability Beyond Disability
TBICO (The Bridge for Independence and Career Opportunities)
Ridgefield Back-to-School program
Ridgefield Emergency Fuel Fund
Awarded 2011 State of Connecticut Youth Philanthropy of the Year
By the Association of Fundraising Professionals
b. Materials
i. 4 white boards and markers- time keepers/events- Greg/Joe each
need one, Joe/Greg pick up on Wednesday 7 whiteboards/markers
and 2 stopwatches
ii. Markers for door- Chase sharpies (5-10)
iii. Stop watches- Greg/Joe pick up
iv. Small table- Mrs. McClain/ 2 chairs
v. 2 trifolds/duct tape/sheet- Lauren, Jordan- bed sheet/shower curtain
vi. Concessions- case of water/some candy variety pack
(chocolate/skittles) ($30-40 tops) – Greg
vii. Paddles- bring them on Saturday!!!
viii. Lights- Julianne-Christmas lights, Sarah B-flood lights, Mrs. McClainpainter lights, Cavan-painter light, Ally, Caroline/Lauren…anyone that
has them!!!
1. Put your name on it
ix. Bring extension chords if you have them!!!
1. Label with name
x. Maxine- find fun lights
xi. Decorations- Ally- black, white, red (24 balloons), black white red
xii. Microphone- Ally
c. Chaperones- 6:45
i. Mr. and Mrs. Garbow
ii. Yolens
iii. Boys and Girl’s Club staff
d. Assign jobs
i. Katie- type up sheet to give to winners
Backstage Managers
DJ Assistants
Colleen G
Katie G
Cavan B
Harrison L
Maxine G
Ally L
Steven A
Julia G
Sarah B
Bid Recorders
Sarah A and Julianne P
Ally L and Katie G
Kate L and Julia G
Sarah B and Harrison L
Snack Stand
Julianne P
Max S
Michael C
Sarah A
Caroline D
Jordan G
Lauren D
Kate L
Greg G
Joe K
e. Chairs-Cavan
i. Delivering 300 on Friday
ii. Trapezoid arrangement (wider isle for better viewing)
f. Update about boys
g. Script- everyone print out a copy and bring to the auction
h. Bid recorders bring notebooks/bring a pen- record name/phone
number/final price- first and second place
i. Advertizing- sophomores and freshmen especially talk it up! Tell them to
bring money just in case
i. Talk to boys- cheer on friends
ii. Friends from other towns
j. Dress in a black (shirt at least), dress nicely