CirrusWorks Governor Product Guide

Product Guide:
The CirrusWorks Governor Administrative Interface
March 2015
Table of Contents:
Accessing the Administrative Interface
Main Menu
Governing Data
a. Governing Data Value Definitions
b. Data Filters
c. Governing Details
d. Governing Details Value Definitions
5. Synopsis
a. Main Graph
b. Synopsis Details
c. TCA Data
6. Graphs
a. IP Addresses and Governing
b. Concurrent IP Address Counts
c. Average Governing Duration
d. Average Governing Rate Percentage
7. System Stats
8. Tools
a. CWG Diagnostics
9. Options
10. Help
This manual is an administrator’s guide to the CirrusWorks Governor platform via the User
Interface provided on the platform.
The audience of this text is systems and network administrators experienced in the design and
operation of LAN networks with connections to public or private IP WAN networks.
Nomenclature and Display Variations
The CirrusWorks Governor software is currently provided in either L2 (Layer 2 Ethernet) or L3
(Layer 3 Switched) versions.
The Layer 2 (L2) software is designed for networks composed of a “flat” Ethernet topology (flat
Ethernet and most VLAN architectures).
The Layer 3 software is designed for networks employing Layer 3 switching within the LAN
fabric, multiple subdomains and other complex network topologies where the MAC addresses of
end devices are not always visible or are not reliably preserved across the LAN.
The headers and screenshots used throughout this manual may be of L2 or L3 software
screens. Where there is a distinct difference in meaning or operation, a notation is made
relative to the L2 or L3 differences in operation. Where no difference is noted, the display
columns for IP Address and MAC may be reversed in terms of being the unique or key value
indicator for devices on the LAN network.
Accessing the Administrative Interface
The administrative interface is the primary location for viewing the activity, data, and reports
pertaining to your Governor (CWG) device. Additionally, this is also where most changes can be
made, including enablement and disablement of the device.
In order to access the administrative user interface of the Governor, you will need to locate the
IP address of the Governor on your network. This address is displayed in the LCD panel on the
front of the Governor.
Caution: If the IP address shows as, do not continue. Your system is either not
configured properly for your network, or is incorrectly cabled into the LAN. Please refer to the
Product Guide and the Quick Installation Guide to remedy this problem before proceeding any
Figure 1: Correctly Configured CWG
To access the dashboard of your CWG device:
1. Open a new browser window or tab.
2. In the address bar, enter your IP address. (AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD Format)
3. You will be prompted to enter the username and password that you have set to your
a. If you a booting the CWG for the first time, the default username is “admin” and
the default password is “password”. These setting can be changed in the options
4. Your browser device will now connect to the main menu of the administrative interface.
Main Menu
You will be taken to the dashboard (main page) of the administrator interface upon login.
This page provides basic information about your device, including the system serial number and
the software version. You will also have critical network information, including the device’s IP
and MAC addresses.
To return to this screen at any time, select the “Dashboard” button from the navigation bar.
Figure 2: Main Menu
To view software release notes, click the “Software Release Notes” button, located in the
bottom right corner of the screen. This page makes note of what updates, changes, and new
features have been incorporated into the most recent version of the CWG software. Click the
“BACK” button to return to the dashboard.
Figure 3: Main Menu > Software Release Notes
Governing Data
Clicking the “Governing Data” button on the navigation bar will take you to the primary reporting
page of the CWG device. Here, all governing activity is reported and logged in three-hour
increments over a 24-hour local clock day cycle. The default view displays the data for current
date. To view data from previous dates, use the “Display data for” drop down menu to select
your preferred timeframe. The CWG maintains a history of active data for several days.
Figure 4: Governing Data
Governing Data Value Definitions
The following definitions correspond to the column headings that can be found on the Governing
Data page.
IP Address: The unique address for an individual device on your network. Each device is
assigned its own IP address. For L3 software, IP address will be the first column of the display.
For L3 Software: The MAC address shown for each IP may not be unique. This is
because the MAC address of the end device may not be preserved over the Layer 3
switching hops.
For L3 Software on DHCP Networks: It is assumed that the DHCP server pool is
sufficiently large to accommodate the population of endpoint devices, and that the pool
refresh and reuse cycles are sufficiently long as to not reuse IP addresses too
MAC Address: Media access control address (MAC address), a unique identifier assigned to
Ethernet network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment and are used
as a network address by Ethernet. For easier identification of a particular device, custom define
a name for the device by clicking the MAC address link, entering an alias into the dialogue box,
and clicking “Define-Modify” when finished. For L2 software, MAC address will be the first
column of the display.
For L2 Software: The MAC<>IP combination is assured to be unique.
Hostname: The resolved hostname for the source IP address (truncated to 32 characters). If
this field is empty, the hostname is nonexistent or the hostname cannot be resolved from the IP
address. The availability of the hostname is a function of how local DNS is provided within your
LAN network.
Active Minutes: The total number of minutes in which the CWG detected activity from a
particular IP address
Max PPS: The maximum packet count accumulated within a one second sampling period for a
particular IP address. Values are available only for governed IP addresses.
Governed Actions: The value represents the accumulated count of governing actions imposed
by the CWG on a particular device.
Peak Governing Percentage: The peak governing percentage the CWG applied to the IP
address over the course of all of its governing periods. Zero represents no governing, while
100% represents maximum governing. Values are available only for governed IP addresses.
Average Governing Percentage: The average governing percentage imposed over the course
of all of the IP address’ governing periods. Values are available only for governed IP
Average Governing Duration: The average duration, in seconds, of the governing periods
imposed on an IP address. Values are available only for governed IP addresses.
Time Scale: The CWG reports data in three-hour blocks.
Data Filters
The definitions below describe the functions of the filter options found on the Governing Data
Governing: Filters data for active IP addresses that are currently being governed.
Governed: Filters data for IP addresses that have been governed for the current day.
Privileged: Filters data for IP addresses that have been configured as privileged.
Active: Filters data for IP addresses that are currently active.
Governing Detail (IP or MAC)
To access governing detail information for a particular IP (or MAC) address, click on the cell that
intersects “Gov. Actions” and the IP (or MAC) address in question on the Governing Data page.
This will load a new page, with governing data specific to that IP (or MAC) address.
Figure 5: Governing Detail > Governing Detail
Governing Details Value Definitions
The following definitions correspond to the column headings that can be found on the Governing
Details page.
Start Time/End Time: Indicate when the CWG began to govern a particular IP address, and
when it stopped.
Duration: Indicates the duration of the governing period, in seconds.
Peak Governing Levels: Highest governing level experienced during the period. (1 = Low, 7 =
High) A gold background indicates a privileged IP address, and that the configured privileged
governing level was reached.
Average Governing Levels: The average governing level calculated for the governing period.
Packets per Second High-Water Mark: The packet per second count high-water mark
sampled over the course of the governing period.
Packets per Second Percentage: Packets per second as a percentage of the average for the
IP address population.
Destination IP Address: The destination to which the IP address was communicating when
governing first imposed.
Destination Hostname: Resolved Hostname for the destination IP address. If the hostname is
not found, the field is left blank.
The synopsis function provides graphical and raw data associated with WAN and LAN
connectivity on the network. All data pertains to the CWG’s current 24-hour data collection
Main Graph
The main synopsis page produces graphical output for the current day’s WAN and LAN
linkages. These variables are described in terms of governing levels, as well as by the
percentage of daily traffic that they produce.
The x-axis values represent governing levels 1-7. (1 = Low, 7 = High)
The y-axis values indicate what percentage of total traffic the WAN and LAN data make
Light blue data represents WAN link’s percentage of traffic governed at a particular level.
Dark blue data represents LAN linkages.
Figure 6: Governing Synopsis
For example, the data above indicates that LAN links that were governed at level 7—the highest
level of governing possible—contributed to 20% of the day’s total LAN traffic.
In terms of WAN, level 7 linkages made up 11% of the daily WAN traffic total.
Synopsis Details
The raw data for the CWG’s graphical output of the current governing synopsis can be viewed
by clicking the “Detail” button above the graph.
Figure 7: Governing Synopsis > Details
The synopsis data is divided into two sections. The first data set pertains to the current WAN
connection, and the second data set represents the LAN connection. The total number of bytes
transferred over the course of the current day can be found in the top line of each data set.
The subsequent lines indicate the number of txbytes (transfer data bytes) assigned to each level
of governing. This value is also represented as a percentage of total traffic.
Queue discards represent groupings of data packets to be transmitted over the network. The
values in this section represent the number of discarded packets. This is commonly attributed to
data overrun of available link bandwidth or due to internal queue adjustment, based on link
Finally, the rate values indicate the bandwidth allocation for a queue.
TCA Data
The governing structure is constantly analyzing WAN and LAN link bandwidth utilization in order
to properly align governing queue bandwidth allotment. This display is primarily for
troubleshooting purposes but shows overall link rate adjustments (automated bandwidth
The timing of the adjustments is also tracked. The currently observed Kbps rates are shown, as
well as the high-water mark bandwidth rate for the day.
Floor is the lowest link rate setting made during the day.
Figure 8: Governing Synopsis > TCA
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The CWG administrative interface generates several types of graphs based on current and/or
stored data from the previous 45 days.
Selecting from the four graphing option depicted above will generate a separate page with
graphical output. By default, the graphs are generated from the current 24-hour data collection
IP (or MAC) Addresses and Governing
This page produces graphical output that represents the number of IP (or MAC) addresses
monitored each hour, and how many of these addresses were governed. The total population of
IP (or MAC) addresses counted at each given hour is represented in dark blue, while the
population of governed IP (or MAC) addresses is represented in light blue.
Figure 9: Graphs > IP Addresses and Governing
For example, on 03/09/2015 at 7AM, the total population of unique IP addresses on the network
was 16. Two of these IP addresses were governed during this time period.
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Concurrent IP (or MAC) Address Counts
Count of simultaneous devices monitored by the CWG within each hour.
Figure 10: Graphs > Concurrent IP Address Counts
For example, in the 11 o’clock hour, a peak of 21 concurrent IP addresses was monitored.
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IP (or MAC) Average Governing Duration
This graphical output represents the average amount of time in seconds that a governed device
was governed by the CWG on a per hour basis.
Figure 11: Graphs > IP Address Average Governing Duration
For example, in the 9 o’clock hour, each governed device was governed an average duration of
52 seconds.
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IP (or MAC) Address Average Governing Rate Percentage
The graph depicts the average governing rate as a percentage of total packet activity by hour.
Level 1 = 14%, Level 7 = 100%
Figure 12: Graphs > IP Address Average Governing Rate Percentage
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Overlay Data
The four graphical outputs described previously include the option to overlay data from other
collection periods onto the current graph. The overlay data is presented as a line graph. The
data for the current day is represented as a bar graph.
If the dates selected for the display data and overlay data are equal, no overlay data will be
Figure 13: Graphs > Overlay Data
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System Stats
The graphs in this section represent various measures of system performance and resource
utilization. Please confer with your IT professional, channel partner or CirrusWorks for detailed
descriptions of these graphs.
Figure 14: System Stats
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The tools page allows the user to enable and disable the CWG, run diagnostics, and perform
other functions.
Figure 15: Tools
Disable Governor: Disables the CWG and renders its governing functions inactive.
Disable Verbose Governing Detail: Turn on/off hostname resolution of destination IP address
in governing detail data.
CWG Network Connectivity Test: Tests the required CWG connectivity to the web for proper
system operation and maintenance functions.
CWG Gateway MAC Acquisition Test: Test to determine if the CWG platform can correctly
identify the gateway router and its MAC address.
CWG Diagnostics: Please see next section.
Reboot CWG: Reboots the CWG device. (System reboot normally retains all historical
Force Update: Allows the user to manually update the CWG software.
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CWG Diagnostics
The following functions, most of which pertain to data logged regarding the software, are
available through the CWG diagnostics page.
Please note that all diagnostic tools are password protected, and that these functions are for
sole use of CirrusWorks for troubleshooting purposes. Passwords are temporary and will be
made accessible by CirrusWorks to allow information to be extracted for review.
Figure 16: Tools > CWG Diagnostics
Web Server Log: View data log of page requests.
Kernel Log: View log of data processing requests made by the CWG.
System Information: View system information about the CWG device.
CWG Software Log: Views data log of software activity and execution of processes.
CWG Software Configuration: View the software configuration of the CWG.
CWG Software Snapshot: View the active CWG software configuration.
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The options page allows the user to make changes to the CWG’s system and IP settings.
Figure 17: Options
Set Time Zone: Set the time zone that the CWG is operating in.
Set Admin Password: Set or reset the admin login password.
Set User Password: Set or reset the login password for general users.
Set System Tag: Set the local device name that the user can use to identify more than one
CWG in the network.
Set Static IP Address: Allows the user to assign the CWG a static IP address, gateway router
address, and DNS address.
Set Backend IP Address: Create a backdoor IP address on the local LAN to reach these
menus. (Not normally required.)
Restore DHCP Configuration: Process to turn off static addressing and return to default DHCP
Add Whitelist IP Address: Add an IP address to the IP address whitelist.
Multi-Add IP Addresses to Whitelist: Add multiple IP addresses to the IP address whitelist at
Delete Whitelist IP Address: Delete an IP address from the IP address whitelist.
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Multi-Delete IP Addresses from Whitelist: Delete multiple IP addresses from the IP address
whitelist at once.
Restore Default Whitelist IP Addresses: Restore default IP addresses to the whitelist by
removing all custom entries.
Add Privileged IP Address: Establish a floor governing level in which the IP is governed only if
that level is exceeded.
Modify Privileged IP Address: Modify the exceptions associated with a particular privileged IP
Delete Privileged IP Address: Remove privileged status and all exceptions from a particular IP
Add Hindered IP Address: Hard govern a particular IP address at a fixed governing level.
Modify Hindered IP Address: Modify the restrictions associated with particular hindered IP
Delete Hindered IP Address: Remove hindered status from a particular IP address.
Add Blocked IP Address: Block all data associated with a particular device.
Delete Blocked IP Address: Re-enable a blocked device.
MAC Aliases: Define, modify, remove, or query an alias associated with a MAC address.
Add MAC to Whitelist: Add a particular MAC address to the MAC whitelist.
Delete MAC from Whitelist: Remove a particular MAC address from the MAC whitelist.
Set WAN/LAN Bandwidth: Disable WAN and LAN bandwidth detection mechanism by hard set
known values of WAN and/or LAN bandwidth speeds.
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9. Help
To receive product support, select the “Help” button from the navigation ribbon. (Support may
be reached directly at
You will be transferred to the main CirrusWorks site in a new window or tab, and prompted to
submit your basic contact information, and a description of the issue you are having.
Please provide the following information in your message:
CWG Software Version (Available on the main menu.)
System Serial Number (Available on the main menu.)
Is the device currently inactive or intentionally disabled?
o If your device is inactive, please indicate when it last collected data and/or was
active, if possible.
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