Di Rosa Giuseppe 1G 31st March 2012 STONEHENGE Student: ”Giuseppe, when Stonehenge was built?” Giuseppe: ”Scientific study and excavation have identified three main constructional phases between 3000 BC and c. 1500BC.The stone circle still visible today belongs to the third phase which was started in about 2000 BC.” Student: “why it was built and how it was used ?” Giuseppe: “Since the 12th century Stonehenge has aroused curiosity and has been subject of study and speculation. No one knows exactly why it was built, that is why different interpretations have been given. Because of the presence of mounds archaelogists agree that it probably was an ancient religious site or a place where people worshipped ancient gods . Some scientists on the other hand, think that Stonehenge was a kind of astronomical observatory and probably also used a calendar. We can obviously grant it a religious and ritual function; the astroarchaelogists would grant it an observatory one .It may have served more circular purposes such as law-giving and judging ;as a truceground in intertribal disputes ;and perphases even as some sort of annual market-place” Student: “interesting ! I want you one more question: who built/used it?” Giuseppe: “ Britian was first settled in the Neolithic period by Iberian people who spread slowly from the South. Grave mounds contain “beakers” or cups of early pottery. The most famous structure is the megalith of Stonehenge,in South West England .It is built of bluish stone ,brought 300 km from wales. To construct something so enormous shows how important something shows how important Stonehenge must have been to these people . Around 700 B.C the Celts began to arrive from north-west Germany.In general, the Celts worshipped the natural elements such as the Sun, the Moon, the trees and the rivers, since Water was regarded as the holy element which generantes life and as the door to the world after death. Also were making sacrifices to propitiate the gods. We can deduce that the Celts used it as a religious place. Student: “Giuseppe, in my history book is written that Stonehenge is so mysterious and fascinating. What do you think about it?” Giuseppe: ”Great question! So, the stones, that form Stonehenge, come from the Prescelly mountains in south wales ,about 250 miles away, and are know as “blue stones”. Prehistoric people were fascinated by them because of their hue :blue was a colour they considered “sacred” Each stone weighs up to 4 tons, how they were transported to the Salisbury plain is a mistery. Student: “You don’t say?” Giuseppe: "Yes it’s a mysterious! I think that Stonehenge is one of the things I like most of history, just because you do not know all of this construction, it remains a mystery, and everyone can think whatever you like " Fonte foto:http://www.google.it/imgres?q=Stonehenge&um=1&hl=it&sa=X&rls=com.microsoft:it:IE- Di Rosa Giuseppe 1G 31st March 2012 Address&rlz=1I7FTSF_itIT455&tbs=isz:l&tbm=isch&tbnid=2blibK9bt62iIM:&imgrefurl=http://www.crownhot elbassett.co.uk/stonehenge.html&docid=NmWGNo9yQ1R9dM&imgurl=http://www.crownhotelbassett.co.u k/_images/stonehenge/stonehenge4.jpg&w=1024&h=768&ei=pM52T8XkJtDZsgbCtPHLBA&zoom=1&iact=hc &vpx=304&vpy=270&dur=457&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=136&ty=144&sig=100892653976460584048&pag e=1&tbnh=142&tbnw=189&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:7,s:0&biw=1366&bih=566 Giuseppe Di Rosa 1G