Lesson Plan Teacher: Herrera Utley Middle School 2015-16 Subject: 8th Science DAY LEARNING GOALS TEKS MON 11/2 What are the main plate boundaries and what landforms do they create? TUE 11/3 How do the plate boundaries interact with each other? WED 11/4 How do the boundaries affect the features of the crust? THU 11/5 What are supporting factors that contribute to the support of the plate tectonic theory and how does it affect features of the crust? FRI 11/6 I will show my understanding of the supporting factors that contribute to the support of the plate tectonic theory and how does it affect features of the crust 8.9 A,B evidence of support of plate tectonic theory; relationship of crustal features 8.9 A,B evidence of support of plate tectonic theory; relationship of crustal features 8.9 A,B evidence of support of plate tectonic theory; relationship of crustal features 8.9 A,B evidence of support of plate tectonic theory; relationship of crustal features 8.9 A,B evidence of support of plate tectonic theory; relationship of crustal features Week: 11/02/15 ACTIVITY/ASSESSMENT Homework Students will create a foldable to organize information regarding plate boundaries and resulting land formations Review classwork to prepare for unit test. Students will create a paper model of plate boundaries and model how they interact. Review classwork to prepare for unit test. Students will complete several mini plate tectonic lab stations. Review classwork to prepare for unit test. Plate tectonic unit test review Review classwork to prepare for unit test. Plate tectonic unit Test Lesson Plans subject to change at teacher’s discretion