Unit 2 Test

Nechako White Sturgeon Curriculum
Unit 2: Watersheds, Riparian Zones and River Habitat
Sample Test Questions:
True or False
1. Everything we do in a watershed impacts the overall health of the watershed.
2. The Nechako River is made up of over 50 sub basins.
3. Soil increases in moisture the farther away you move from a river.
4. An ecosystem is where plants and animals interact in their physical
5. Biodiversity is the count and number of different types of organisms in an
6. Water increase in temperature when left with little or no cover.
7. Rehabilitation projects on rivers improve river habitat.
Multiple Choice
1. How large is the Nechako Watershed?
a. 52,000 km2
b. 100,000 km2
c. 5,000 km2
d. 67,000 km2
2. What plays a huge part in creating a healthy riparian zone?
a. Termites
b. Plants
c. Humans
d. Sturgeon
3. A healthy riparian zone…
a. Reduces energy during floords
b. Provides habitat for animals
c. Regulates water temperature
d. Stores nutrients and contaminants
e. All of the above
4. Sturgeon eggs require this type of habitat to survive
a. Clean, rocky substrate
b. Temperatures 20-24 degrees Celcius
c. Silt and sand sediment
d. Low velocity
5. Larger sturgeon require…
a. Shallow areas
b. Brightly lit areas
c. Deep dark areas
d. Slow areas
6. Sturgeon life cycle goes as follows…
a. Larvae, sub-adult, juvenile, adult, egg
b. Egg, larvae, juvenile, sub-adult, adult
c. Juvenile, larvae, sub-adult, adult, egg
d. Egg, juvenile, larvae, sub-adult, adult
7. A biodiversity inventory involves…
a. Collecting rocks
b. Observing and recording plants and wildlife
c. Killing bugs
d. All of the above
1. Wetland
2. Groundwater
3. Riparian Zone
4. Precipitation
5. Land Use
6. Biodiversity
7. Larvae
8. Juvenile
Overland Flow
Sub Basin
Riparian Zone
Mainstem River
List-Long Answer
1. List two positive and two negative impacts to watershed health.
2. Explain the difference between a health riparian zone and an unhealthy
riparian zone.
3. List four ways animals use and benefit from riparian zones.
4. Explain how development in a riparian zone can negatively alter river and
riparian health.
5. Explain the story of the Fallen Leaf. How do humans influence the cycle?
6. Explain what good habitat is for Nechako white sturgeon at each life stage.
7. What causes river water to increase in temperature?
8. List three ways in which humans positively and negatively impact Nechako
white sturgeon habitat.
1. How do salmon nourish riparian zones?