UG2 School-Based Tasks PITE2003 ENG: Teach 2 guided reading

UG2 School-Based Tasks
 Teach 2 guided reading sessions with a small group of children.
Observe a teacher or TA carrying out a phonics session.
Teach a phonics session with a small group of children.
Be observed teaching your phonics session so that you can complete your
Phonics Tracking Sheet. Use your evidence to complete your Personal
Learning Plan and identify at which stage you are operating. The sheets are in
the Monitoring Progress in English folder on Blackboard.
Prepare a brief report about the phonics scheme that you observed in school. Bring
this to the next session so that you can feed back to peers.
All paperwork is available in your School Based Tasks pack and on the English
section on Blackboard.
AUTUMN TERM (2 tasks)
Task 1: Using resources
Where possible, make use of resource(s) to support the mathematics learning for children in
your class. This can be for a small number of children; it does not have to be for the whole
class. Make notes on the effectiveness of the resource(s) in supporting children’s learning.
If you are unable to carry out the above task, you must observe the teacher using resources
to support children’s learning and make notes on the effectiveness of them.
Please put your notes into your e-profile (500words), titled SE Autumn Term Task 1
There are several standards this could be linked to. Choose the standard(s) where you think
what you have written provides evidence and give reference
Task 2: Assessment of learning
Whilst in school, observe and make notes on how assessments of children’s learning in
mathematics are carried out. How does the teacher/additional adult use questioning,
discussion, observation? How is children’s written work used for assessment? Are there
specific assessment tasks/tests? How are children involved in their own assessment or
those of their peers? How are these assessment used to inform planning?
Please put your notes into your e-profile (250 words), titled SE Autumn Term Task 2
6a: know and understand how to assess the relevant subject and curriculum areas, including
statutory assessment requirements
6b: make use of formative and summative assessment to secure pupils’ progress
SUMMER TERM (2 tasks)
Task 1: Communicating with parents
At some stage during your placement devise take-home tasks/activities/games that can be
sent home for children to do with their parents/carers. Include a feed-back sheet for
parents/carers so that they can comment on the activity and their child’s engagement and
send back to you at school.
Summarise and evaluate the feedback you receive from parents and enter these comments
into your e-profile. Appropriate information and/or feedback sheets can also be put in your eprofile. This commentary should have title SE2 Summer Term Task 1 Communicating with
8e: communicate effectively with parents with regards to pupils’ achievements and wellbeing
Task 2: Observation
If school placement is in KS1 or KS2
Spend a whole day with children in Early Years. Observe how mathematics is part of the
integrated curriculum. Work with a small group on a guided mathematics activity. Engage
with the children and listen to their conversations whilst they are working.
Write a 200 word evaluation of the children’s learning related to Early Learning
Goals for mathematics.
Write a 200 word reflection on the approaches to teaching and learning
mathematics in Early Years and whether you think that any of these could be
appropriate for KS1/2.
Both pieces of writing should go into your mathematics e-profile, titled SE2 Summer Term
Task 2 Observation
If school placement is in EYFS
Spend a morning in KS2 to observe two different mathematics lessons being taught. Engage
with the children and reflect on the ways in which children are learning and identify
similarities and differences to EYFS.
Write a 200 word evaluation of children’s learning in the lessons observed.
Write a 200 word reflection on the approaches to teaching and learning
mathematics in KS2 and identify similarities and differences to approaches in
Both pieces of writing should go into your mathematics e-profile, titled SE2 Summer Term
Task 2 Observation
Copies of any notes/commentaries for school tasks can also be placed in your RP
where appropriate.
PITE2003 Science
You are required to write an essay, 2000 words, concerning the ideas that children
may already have about one part of the science content outlined in Science POS for
SC2, 3 or 4 or the Understanding of the World section of the EYFS. Your essay
needs to be based on theory as well as practical work that you will have carried out
with three children in school including a child with SEN. You will need to explore the
research available in your chosen content area in relation to children’s ideas in
science and compare the theoretical perspectives to your own findings. You will
need to critically evaluate the process and outcomes using two methods of formative
Professional Studies Transition Task
As part of the course and in preparation for developing an understanding of
transitions you must to complete the following task;
Find out about how the school manages the transition into the phase before the one
you teach and how the transition is managed into the next phase after the one you
3-7 pathway (into EY and into KS2)
5-11 pathway (into KS1 and into KS3).
Write a reflective account about the transition task and hand into your Professional
Studies Tutor by the end of term.