Lesson Plans 5/28-5/31/2013 Period 1: Students will review and continue to build their grammatical skills such as direct and indirect objects by working with a partner on a handout and discussing how to identify parts of a sentence. Monday 5/27 – No school Tuesday 5/28 1. Handout #2 with a partner: identify subject, predicate, direct object, and indirect object Wednesday 5/29 1. Handout #3 with a partner: identify subject, predicate, direct object, and indirect object Thursday 5/30 1. Test on identifying grammatical parts of a sentence with a partner Friday 5/31 1. Grammar Jeopardy Period 346: Students will present their Literary Facebook Page by speaking to their classmates about the character chosen and all elements of the page. Homework: 1. Complete, present, and submit Facebook Projects 2. Finish AR book Monday 5/27 – No school Tuesday 5/28 1. Rows 1 and 2 will present their projects to the class. 2. All students will write three facts and one question on their white boards for each presenter. 3. The presenter will choose one question to answer. Wednesday 5/29 1. Rows 3 and 4 will present their projects to the class. 2. All students will write three facts and one question on their white boards for each presenter. 3. The presenter will choose one question to answer. Thursday 5/30 1. Rows 5 and 6 will present their projects to the class. 2. All students will write three facts and one question on their white boards for each presenter. 3. The presenter will choose one question to answer. Friday 5/31 1. Students will test on their AR books and submit all library books Period 5: Students will demonstrate their understanding of historical context by reciting one poem from their book of 1960s poetry. Homework: 1. Complete, recite, and submit book of 1960s poetry 2. Finish That Was Then, This Is Now by S.E. Hinton Monday 5/27 – No school Tuesday 5/28 1. Rows 1 and 2 will recite their poems. 2. All students will write one literary device they hear on their white boards. 3. When the student is done reciting, all students will applaud and show their white boards to the presenter to indicate the literary device that was heard. Wednesday 5/29 1. Rows 3 and 4 will recite their poems. 2. All students will write one literary device they hear on their white boards. 3. When the student is done reciting, all students will applaud and show their white boards to the presenter to indicate the literary device that was heard. Thursday 5/30 1. Rows 5 and 6 will recite their poems. 2. All students will write one literary device they hear on their white boards. 3. When the student is done reciting, all students will applaud and show their white boards to the presenter to indicate the literary device that was heard. Friday 5/31 1. Students will take an AR exam on That Was Then, This Is Now