TODAY’S DATE_________________________ INTAKE FORM Please provide the following information and answer the questions below. Please note: information you provide here is protected as confidential information. Client Name: ______________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle Initial) Address: ________________________________________________________________ (Street and Number) ________________________________________________________________________ (City) (State) (Zip) Home Phone: _________________________ May we leave a message? □ Yes □ No Cell/Other Phone: _______________________ May we leave a message? □ Yes □ No E-mail: _________________________________________ May we email you? □ Yes □ No *Please note: Email correspondence is not considered to be a confidential medium of communication. SS# ____________ - __________ - ____________ Birth Date: ______ /______ /______ Age: ________ Gender: □ Male □ Female IF UNDER 18 YEARS, Name of parent/guardian _______________________________________________________________ (Last) (First) (Middle Initial) Client Ethnicity: □ White/Caucasian □ Asian or Pacific Islander □ Hispanic □ African American (not of Hispanic origin) □ Native American or Alaskan Native This information will be used for classification purposes only. Client Marital Status: □ Never Married □ Separated □ Domestic Partnership □ Divorced □ Married □ Widowed Parent Marital Status (if under 18): □ Never Married □ Domestic Partnership □ Separated □ Divorced □ Married □ Widowed Please list first names of client’s children, and their age(s): ___________________________________________________________________________ Referred by (if any): _______________________________________________________ Revised 1/15/2015 EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION NAME:_____________________________________________________________ RELATIONSHIP: _____________________________________________________ LOCAL PHONE NUMBER______________________________________________ PERMISSION TO CALL Client Signature:_________________________________ Have you previously received any type of mental health services (psychotherapy, psychiatric services, etc.)? □ No □ Yes Previous therapist/practitioner: _________________________________________ Are you currently taking any prescription medication? □ Yes □ No Please list: _______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been prescribed psychiatric medication (e.g., antidepressant, anti-anxiety)? □ Yes □ No Please list medications and provide dates: ___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces? □ No □ Yes If yes, in which branch did you serve? __________________________________________ Did you serve in combat? □ No □Yes GENERAL HEALTH INFORMATION 1. How would you rate your current physical health? (please circle) Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Very good Please list any specific health problems you are currently experiencing: ________________________________________________________________________ 2. How would you rate your current sleeping habits? (please circle) Poor Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Good Very good Please list any specific sleep problems you are currently experiencing: ________________________________________________________________________ 3. Date of last medical exam: ____________ Phone: ________________ Family doctor: ______________ Address: ____________________________________ 4. Do you currently have, or have you ever had any of the following health problems? High blood pressure Heart disease Stroke Diabetes Cancer Asthma Head Injuries Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No Kidney Disease Jaundice of liver Anemia Thyroid/endocrine STD Ulcer/gastritis Epilepsy/seizure Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No No No No 5.How many times per week do you generally exercise? __________ What types of exercise to you participate in? ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. Please list any difficulties you experience with your appetite or eating patterns: ________________________________________________________________________ 7. Are you currently experiencing overwhelming sadness, grief, or depression? □ No □ Yes If yes, for approximately how long? ___________________________________________ 8. Are you currently experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, or have any phobias? □ No □ Yes If yes, when did you begin experiencing this? ___________________________________ 9. Are you currently experiencing any chronic pain? □ No □ Yes If yes, please describe: _____________________________________________________ 10. Do you drink alcohol more than once a week? □ No □ Yes 11. How often do you engage recreational drug use? □ Daily □ Weekly □ Monthly □ Infrequently 12. Are you currently in a romantic relationship? □ No □ Never □ Yes If yes, for how long? __________________ On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your relationship? __________ 13. What significant life changes or stressful events have you experienced recently: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 14. Are you considering suicide? □No □Yes 15. Have you ever made an attempt to commit suicide? 16. Do you have a plan to commit suicide? □No □Yes 17. Have you had any legal issues in the past? □No □No □Yes □Yes If yes, please explain: ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________ 18. Have you experienced any situations of abuse (physical, psychological, sexual)? □ No □ Yes If yes, please explain: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ FAMILY MENTAL HEALTH HISTORY In the section below, identify if there is a family history of any of the following. If yes, please indicate the family member’s relationship to you in the space provided (father, grandmother, uncle, etc.). ____________________________________________________________________________________ Please Circle List Family Member Alcohol/Substance Abuse yes/no _______________________ Anxiety yes/no _______________________ Depression yes/no _______________________ Domestic Violence yes/no _______________________ Eating Disorders yes/no _______________________ Obesity yes/no _______________________ Obsessive Compulsive Behavior yes/no _______________________ Schizophrenia yes/no _______________________ Suicide Attempts yes/no _______________________ ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. Are you currently employed? □ No □ Yes Currently a student? □ No □ Yes If yes, what is your current employment situation, and/or school name? ________________________________________________________________________ Do you enjoy your work? Is there anything stressful about your current work? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you consider yourself to be spiritual or religious? □ No □ Yes If yes, describe your faith or belief: ________________________________________________________________________ 3. What do you consider to be some of your strengths? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 4. What do you consider to be some of your weaknesses? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 5. How and with whom do you spend leisure time? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 6. What would you like to accomplish out of your time in therapy? ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ Annual Household Income Up to $15,000 $15,001 to $30,000 $30,001 to $40,000 $40,001 to $50,000 Over $50,000 Do you have medical insurance? Yes No If Yes, Provider: ________________________________ Fees Intakes $50 Clinical Counseling, session rate $100 * Sliding Fee Scale is available for qualifying applicants. Drug & Alcohol Evaluation Anger Management Evaluation Anger Management (10 sessions) $150 $150 $1,000 Request for Records $25 Regular therapy services: Sessions are 50 minutes. Credit cards are accepted – however, Daemion Counseling Center incurs a processing fee of 2.75% (of total transaction) for swiping a card, or 3.5% + $.15 (for manual entry) for these transactions that will be added to your payment. All of your responses are confidential and we never rent or sell your information. FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Client #: ____________ Classification: _________________________ Assigned Fee: _________________ Counselor Assignment: __________________ Date entered into computer: ___________________