Project #___: Unit 1: The Nature of Science Reading Packet Name: _____________________________ Core 1 2 3 4 Points ____/100 pts On-time In high school and beyond, you will be expected to take more and more responsibility for your own learning. Reading assignments will be a common expectation. We will be doing active reading assignments using textbooks, throughout the year, to help you get ready. These activities will: 1) help you learn how to take guided notes and summaries as you read a textbook; 2) improve your non-fiction reading comprehension skills; 3) prepare you to more fully participate in class discussions, activities and labs; 4) help you get better grades, now, and going forward. Use: Blue Voyagers Textbook On-line Access: School Website Teacher Websites Mr. Bruner 8th Grade Science Class Files Science Voyagers (Book) Pre-Reading Directions: 1. Before you begin your reading assignment, preview the text pages and your reading packet section. 2. Next, read each sub-section completely, and then, go back and complete your notes in the packet. 3. Do NOT try to skim the reading to just fill-in-the-blanks. That approach won’t really save you much time, and you will not get nearly the same kind of benefit from the exercise. Chapter 1 Section 1 page 1 to ___________ Scientific Problem Solving Notes Tip: Notice how the headings and sub-headings can be used to organize notes into an outline. A. What Science Is 3. Science is a process used to _____________________________________________________________________ Using Math (pg. 8) You will be expected to use 4-Part format for all problems, this year. Given Formula temp. = 20 degrees C speed = 1522 m/s time = 20 seconds (How deep means solving for distance.) speed = distance/ time s=d t So, d = s (t) 4. Work d = _______ m/s ( _____ s) 5. Solution d = _________________ m Include Units! NO naked numbers. B. Scientists as Explorers 6. Are scientists “explorers?” Why or why not? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 C. Scientific Methods 7. scientific method = ________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. Recognize the P_______________ 9. Form a H________________ The problem solving process begins with: A p__________________________ or A q___________________________ Need to make o___________________ and do r__________________________. Hypothesis = _________________________________________________________ Written as i_______ …. t_____________ statements. Example: IF ________________________________, then ____________________ Theory Definition: Scientific Law Definition: Example: ___________________________ 10. T________________ Your Hypothesis 11. control = __________________________________________________________________ 12. controlled experiment = _________________________________________________ 13. variable = _________________________________________________________________ 14. independent variable = __________________________________________________ 15. dependent variable = ____________________________________________________ 16. P______________ Experiment 19. Do E___________________ 21. Analyze D______________ 17. Constant = ________________________________________________________________ 18. An experimental plan includes: List of m_______________________________ needed Steps in the p______________________ that will be followed o And, may include t___________________ the procedure to make sure it tests for the d___________________ v_______________________ that you want to measure. 17. “blind” experiment = _______________________________________________________ 18. Observations can include: 1) m_________________________________ and d____________________________________ 19. Data t_________________________ use to organize r_____________________ 20. Observational studies = _________________________________________________ o o Observational studies = _________________________________________________ Graphs: (Figure 1-12) A. B. C. D. E. independent variable goes on __________________________________________ dependent variable goes on ____________________________________________ l______________ each axis with appropriate s_________________________ p__________________ the d____________________ create a “best fit” l___________________ through the d________ points Conculsion = statement based on r_____________________________ F. Create a legend to describe the d__________________ test trials 22. Draw C___________________ 2 Section 1.1 Assessment (page 19) 23. (Question # 3) Why is conducting multiple trials a good idea? ___________________________________ 24. (Question # 4) What else could Kashanna have used as the independent variable in her experiment? ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Using Math: (page 19) 25. Use the data in Table 1-1 (page 16) to find the average number of words for each trial. Type of Music Trial 1 Number of Words Copied Trial 2 Trial 3 Trial 4 Average 26. No music 27. Classical 28. Soft Rock 29. Hard Rock 30. What was the control? _______________________________________ 31. What was the independent variable? _________________________________________________________ (What did Kashanna the investigator, change each time?) 32. What was the dependent variable? ___________________________________________________________ (What did Kashanna measure?) 33. Make a BAR Graph to show the results of your calculations: Dependent Variable 34. Title: ________________________________________ 35._________________ Data Key: control classical solid hard 36. Independent Variable: _______________________________ 37. Under which conditions would Mario study best? ______________________ Support your conclusion with data based evidence! WHY are you right? _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 Section 2 page 1 to _______ Using Science to Explore Using Technology 38. technology = ___________________________________________________________________________________ 39. 3 hostile environments where an ROV could help scientists explore: ____________________________ 3 Using Science to Develop Technology 40. Reading Check : What is the difference between comparing and contrasting? o Comparing =____________________________________________________________________________ o Contrasting = ___________________________________________________________________________ 41. sequence = _____________________________________________________________________________________ 42. While testing procedures or equipment, scientists only change o____________ i____________________________ variable at a time, so __________________________________________________. 43. inference = _______________________________________________________________________________________ 44. center of mass =__________________________________________________________________________________ 45. stability can be increased by: o Lowering _____________________________________________________________________________ o Increasing ____________________________________________________________________________ o Example: f_____________________ player’s knees b___________ and feet wide a__________ 46. It’s important for scientists to organize data and communicate results, because ________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 47. Figure 1- 18 (page 26) ALWAYS look at the graphics and read the captions in textbooks. Colored ink is expensive, so the textbook publishers do not waste money on pictures for no reason. What might the researchers on this ocean-research vessel be studying in the Chukchi Sea (between Alaska and Russia)? o _______________________________________________________________________________________ o _______________________________________________________________________________________ Using Science Skills to Explore 48. Do scientists always follow one set method to explore? __________ Explain: _______________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ However, they do use many of the same skills whenever doing science including: 49. O_______________________ = _________________________________________________________________________ 50. I_______________________ = _________________________________________________________________________ 51. M_______________________= _________________________________________________________________________ 52. I________________________= _________________________________________________________________________ 53. C_______________________ = ________________________________________________________________________ Safe Science - What does SAFE TIPS mean? In general it is an acronym for s________________________ Summarize each briefly: S.A.F.E. T.I.P.S. 54. S_________________ lab only teacher 55. T ____________ your teacher immediately or p_____________________________________ accidents, injuries, or spills A________ questions if you don’t understand a I _________________________the location of procedure. emergency equipment. F ___________________________ ALL safety symbols. P____________ away chemicals and supplies E___________________________ in responsible properly. behavior S_____________ test tubes away from you when heating. 4 Section 1.1 Assessment (page 27) 56. (Question #4) You have read about ways that scientists are like explorers. How are modern scientists different from explorers in the past? The Circle of Life (page 29) Read the selection. 57. The key point is that many cultures that ________________________________________________ have noticed __________________________________________________________, and in recent times, scientists have provided __________________________________________________ such as: 58. s____________________ s________________________ 59. a____________________ Think Critically – Look through your textbook for additional examples of cyclical patterns. Find 1 example and the pages where you found them in the table below: Cyclical Patter Examples in Textbook 60. Page # where you found the example: 61. Chapter 1 – Reviewing Main Ideas (page 30) Review sections in a textbook cover the MAIN ideas in the chapter. You can use these sections to do a quick preview AND review. Each section will cover 3-5 KEY IDEAS. To summarize the review section, you need to find the 3-5 key ideas and put them in your own words. (Hint: Use text features like bolded words to help you do this.) Section 1-1 Scientific Problem Solving: What are 5 KEY IDEAS in the section? Summarize them in your own words. 62. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 63. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 64. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 65. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 66. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 67. Why should only one variable at a time be changed in a controlled experiment? ________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 68. What would happen if you changed MORE than one variable in an experiment? _________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 1-2 Using Science to Explore: What are 3 KEY IDEAS in the section? Summarize them in your own words. 69. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 70. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 72. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Career Connection John Swallow, Forest Technician 73. How does Mr. Swallow help logging companies AND helps to conserve the forest? Discuss 2 ways he helps: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 74. How can science help our understanding of the impact of logging on a forest? _________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 1 Assessment (pages 32 & 33) Worth 20 points Using Vocabulary - Use the selection of words (a through m) on page 32 75. A __________________________ is an approach to solve a problem. 76. An _________________________ is a prediction about a problem that can be tested. 77. ___________________________________________ is the process of trying to understand the world around us. 78. A ____________________________ is a standard to compare with.. 79. The ______________________________ ______________________________ is the factor being measured in the controlled experiment. Checking Concepts & Critical Thinking - Answer questions 6 – 20 in the spaces below. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 11. 91. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 92. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 93. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 94. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 95. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _______ On-time = 5 points = 100 points and an A+ !!!! Chapter 1 Assessment Answer Key: 1) scientific method; 2) hypothesis; 3) science; 4) control; 5) dependent variable; 6) A; 7) control variables; 8) D; 9) C; 10) D; 11) B; 12) A; 13) B; 14) A; 15) B; 16) be late or too early for school; 17) To know that it was the drug that had the effect, if any.; 18) Example: TV shows preferred by family members; 19) You, someone else, a pet or equipment could be damaged and/ or the experiment could be ruined. ; 20) They need more information to narrow down and focus the hypothesis to what is currently unknown. 6