# N-146 Objectives Considered Objective #5: Protect areas with high percent coral coverage, density and/or species richness 1 Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) Objective #8: Provide increased protection for key reef associated fish species and the habitats upon which they depend for their entire life cycle. Features Values % Hard Coral Cover 3%-34% % Reef within PU 5%-38% State park is located there and some protection already exists; there could be a partnership in management with the park service. A. cervicornis Presence Visual-Include Areas Good Habitat, good back reef/intercoastal area, important area for fishing historically. Good connectivity between habitats. Artificial Reefs Visual Want to extend to include protection for Bathtub Reef. With regards to extending the Northern Boundary to Bathtub reef, OFR wanted to focus on the reef tract solely; but there could be exceptions/partnerships with other groups/agencies if it is necessary for protection/area of interest. % Soft Coral Cover % Sponge Cover Fish Density Mangroves Presence Visual Seagrass Presence Visual State Park Boundaries Visual # Fish Species Objective# 1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region 2 Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) Discussion # Hard Coral Species Low % Hard Coral Cover 3%-34% % Reef within PU 10% Anchoring Data Medium-High Depth <50' Distance From Inlets Ease of Access Fish Density Central St. Lucie Inlet State Park - Higher fish richness. Higher number of fish. Higher coral. Higher % reef. More ridge compared to the South St. Lucie State Park drawing. Includes one SECREMP monitoring station. The differences between these 2 options are probably interchangeable from a conservation perspective. These can be options A and B for this region. These options will likely achieve objective 1 and 3 for this section of the reef. Wanted to protect wormrock and colonized pavement. Fishing Pressure Visual Spawning Aggregations Visual-Include Areas Group discussed advantages and disadvantages of having the area nearer/further from the inlet. # Fish Species Objective# 1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region # Hard Coral Species % Hard Coral Cover 3 Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) 3%-34% % Reef within PU Distance From Inlets Wanted to protect wormrock and colonized pavement Ease of Access Fish Density Fishing Pressure South St. Lucie Inlet State Park- More nearshore hardbottom habitat compared to ridge is in this location vs. the central box. Argue that the ridge might be better quality habitat. Visual Group discussed advantages and disadvantages of having the area nearer/further from the inlet. HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE 1 2 3 Total Area 31.1 km² 2.64 km² 2.94 km² Percent Area to SEFCRI region 3.00% 0.00% 0.00% Percent Reef within SEFCRI Region 2.60% 0.50% 0.50% Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) Martin Martin Martin County(ies) Martin Martin Martin Depth Range -10 to 50 ft. 6 to 49 ft. 4 to 35 ft. avg. Depth 24 ft. 23 ft. 23 ft. Distance Range from Shore 0.0 - 1.4 mi. 0.1 - 0.9 mi. 0.0 - 0.9 mi. Distance Range from Coastal Inlet 0.1 - 5.4 mi. 2.4 - 3.6 mi. 4.2 - 6.0 mi. Distance Range from Outfall 43.9 - 50.5 mi.45.6 - 46.6 mi. 43.1 - 44.8 mi. Distance Range from Pier 6.1 - 11.1 mi. 8.5 - 9.8 mi. 9.7 - 10.8 mi. Mapped Reef Habitat Area 6034937 m² 1186083 m² 1153149 m² Mapped Sand Habitat Area 17384156 m² 893917 m² 1166851 m² Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area 0 m² 0 m² 0 m² Mapped Artificial Habitat Area 18311 m² 0 m² 0 m² Sponge Percent Cover Range 0.0 - 22.0 0.25 - 10.6 0.2 - 5.0 Sponge Percent Cover avg. 3.35 4.58 1.95 Coral Density (corals per m²) Range 0.04 - 2.6 0.37 - 2.55 0.04 - 2.6 Coral Density (corals per m²) avg. 1.08 1.35 1.13 Coral Percent Cover Range 0.0 - 33.58 0.0 - 33.58 0.0 - 4.34 Coral Percent Cover avg. 3.72 7.49 2 Number of Coral Species Range 0.0 - 8.0 0.0 - 8.0 0.0 - 5.0 Number of Coral Species avg. 2.25 3.38 3 Large Live Coral Planning Units 0 0 0 Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units 0 0 0 Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area 0 m² 0 m² 0 m² Pillar Coral Planning Units 0 0 0 Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) 0 0 0 Soft Coral Percent Cover Range 0.0 - 0.6 0.0 - 0.6 0.0 - 0.0 Soft Coral Percent Cover avg. 0.07 0.24 0 Reef Fish Density Range 17.5 - 538.0 73.5 - 356.5 69.0 - 368.0 Reef Fish Density avg. 157.15 163.08 185.2 Number of Reef Fish Species Range 11.0 - 33.0 15.0 - 33.0 20.0 - 24.0 Number of Reef Fish Species avg. 19.52 23 22.2 Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range 9.0 - 233.5 20.5 - 20.5 134.5 - 233.5 Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density avg. 86.71 20.5 184 Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units 9 0 0 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low 236 24 45 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium 21 12 0 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High 20 9 0 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High 0 0 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low 15 5 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium 0 0 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High 0 0 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High 0 0 0 Mooring Buoy Planning Units 7 5 0 Injury Site Planning Units 0 0 0 Historic Impacts Planning Units 7 0 0 # N-146 Objectives Considered Objective #3: Seasonal protection of spawning aggregations 4 Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) Objective #8: Provide increased protection for key reef associated fish species and the habitats upon which they depend for their entire life cycle. Features Values % Hard Coral Cover Low (0-1%) Artificial Reefs Visual-Include Areas Discussion Data and local knowledge: Not necessarily high coral area but high relief area offshore (i.e., fish aggregation are high such as snapper). Wanted to include artificial reefs to the north and then extended it through the entire ledge. Fish Density Spawning Aggregations Visual-Include Areas # Reef Fish Species 30-56 Species % Cover Coral Low (0-1%) Depth 60-90' Fish Density High (300-1700 ) It was brought to the group’s attention there was a lot of fishing that goes on in the area, depending on what is implemented in the box, it is important to note when moving forward. Sightseeing diving occurs at 80-100’ fishermen would be happy. Maybe trolling would still be allowed and this box would limit box fishing. Includes 2 reef lines. Includes artificial reefs to the north. 5 It is a unique area that stands out. Objective #3: Seasonal protection of spawning aggregations Later we will go back and identify what’s going on there. Spawning Aggregations Visual-Include Areas Beach renourishment is also an issue, consider the location of borrow area. If we draw the box over this region, will that affect beach renourishment? Management plan established for this region would need to determine if beach renourishment would be allowed or not. HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE Total Area Percent Area to SEFCRI region Percent Reef within the SEFCRI region Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) County(ies) Depth Range avg. Depth Distance Range from Shore Distance Range from Coastal Inlet Distance Range from Outfall Distance Range from Pier Mapped Reef Habitat Area Mapped Sand Habitat Area Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area Mapped Artificial Habitat Area Sponge Percent Cover Range Sponge Percent Cover avg. Coral Density (corals per m²) Range Coral Density (corals per m²) avg. Coral Percent Cover Range Coral Percent Cover avg. Number of Coral Species Range Number of Coral Species avg. Large Live Coral Planning Units Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area Pillar Coral Planning Units Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) Soft Coral Percent Cover Range Soft Coral Percent Cover avg. Reef Fish Density Planning Units Reef Fish Density Range Reef Fish Density avg. Number of Reef Fish Species Range Number of Reef Fish Species avg. Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density avg. Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Buoy Planning Units Injury Site Planning Units Historic Impacts Planning Units 4 32.22 km² 3.00% 1.20% Martin Martin 41 to 102 ft. 78 ft. 3.0 - 6.1 mi. 5.5 - 10.0 mi. 38.4 - 44.0 mi. 5.7 - 11.3 mi. 2801788 m² 22637004 m² 0 m² 1208 m² 0.0 - 2.08 0.77 0.01 - 0.43 0.14 0.0 - 0.42 0.16 1.0 - 4.0 1.75 0 0 0 m² 0 0 0.0 - 0.0 0 18 21.5 - 1702.5 379.39 14.0 - 43.0 28.56 19.0 - 583.0 162.95 0 159 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 12.66 km² 1.00% 1.00% Martin Martin 51 to 92 ft. 76 ft. 3.1 - 4.9 mi. 6.0 - 8.9 mi. 38.4 - 41.8 mi. 6.2 - 9.1 mi. 2196551 m² 7803449 m² 0 m² 0 m² 0.0 - 2.08 0.76 0.04 - 0.43 0.18 0.0 - 0.42 0.14 1.0 - 4.0 2 0 0 0 m² 0 0 0.0 - 0.0 0 14 21.5 - 1702.5 444.64 14.0 - 43.0 30.57 36.0 - 583.0 188.69 0 123 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 # 6 N-146 Objectives Considered Features Values Discussion Objective# 1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region Blowing rocks was a unique area to protect; lots of fishing in that area. Objective #5: Protect areas with high percent coral coverage, density and/or species richness Sea turtle nesting sites on the beach for Green and Loggerhead turtles species. Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) Will have lots of pushback from fisherman. But has a lot of protection in the area already; thus, may not be as bad as initially thought of from a management perspective. HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE 6 Total Area 0.71 km² Percent Area to SEFCRI region 0.00% Percent Reef in the SEFCRI region 0.00% Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) North Palm Beach County(ies) Martin Depth Range 1 to 22 ft. avg. Depth 10 ft. Distance Range from Shore 0.0 - 0.0 mi. Distance Range from Coastal Inlet 2.1 - 3.0 mi. Distance Range from Outfall 35.3 - 36.2 mi. Distance Range from Pier 1.9 - 2.7 mi. Mapped Reef Habitat Area 34471 m² Mapped Sand Habitat Area 318865 m² Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area 0 m² Mapped Artificial Habitat Area 0 m² Sponge Percent Cover Range None - None Sponge Percent Cover avg. None Coral Density (corals per m²) Range None - None Coral Density (corals per m²) avg. None Coral Percent Cover Range None - None Coral Percent Cover avg. None Number of Coral Species Range None - None Number of Coral Species avg. None Large Live Coral Planning Units 0 Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units 0 Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area 0 m² Pillar Coral Planning Units 0 Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) 0 Soft Coral Percent Cover Planning Units 0 Soft Coral Percent Cover Range None - None Soft Coral Percent Cover avg. None Reef Fish Density Range None - None Reef Fish Density avg. None Number of Reef Fish Species Range None - None Number of Reef Fish Species avg. None Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range None - None Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density avg. None Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units 0 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low 5 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium 5 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High 0 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High 0 Mooring Buoy Planning Units 0 Injury Site Planning Units 0 Historic Impacts Planning Units 0 # N-146 Objectives Considered Objective #3: Seasonal protection of spawning aggregations 7 Objective #5: Protect areas with high percent coral coverage, density and/or species richness Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) Features Values Artificial Reefs Visual-Include Areas Piers Visual Discussion Include step reef artificial reefs to help juvenile fish recruit to be able to make it out the larger reefs ~40’. Use Juno Pier as the demarcation line for mariners (good visual). Keep western boundary to shoreline for high value of sea turtle nesting. Spawning Aggregations Visual-Include Areas Eastern boundary for high diving and fishing opportunities. Squared off in the north to include Blowing Rocks area. Area of interest for management action to be moved forward. # Coral Species # Fish Species 40-55 Species % Hard Coral Cover 8 Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) Diving Activity Visual Fish Density 100-1436 Fishing Pressure Visual Hard Coral Density Didn’t include area to the shore because that shoreline is mostly hardened. Discussed issue of Mangrove/ Estuary connectivity (to offshore), that this is quite a distance away and the shoreline isn’t natural. Drivers were #reef fish and reef fish density. Looked at grey Snapper Spawning aggregation areas. HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE County(ies) Depth Range Avg. Depth Distance Range from Shore Distance Range from Coastal Inlet Distance Range from Outfall Distance Range from Pier Mapped Reef Habitat Area Mapped Sand Habitat Area Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area Mapped Artificial Habitat Area Sponge Percent Cover Range Sponge Percent Cover Avg. Coral Density (corals per m²) Range Coral Density (corals per m²) Avg. Coral Percent Cover Range Coral Percent Cover Avg. Number of Coral Species Range Number of Coral Species Avg. Large Live Coral Planning Units Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area Pillar Coral Planning Units Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) Soft Coral Percent Cover Range Soft Coral Percent Cover Avg. Reef Fish Density Range Reef Fish Density Avg. Number of Reef Fish Species Range Number of Reef Fish Species Avg. Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Avg. Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Buoy Planning Units Injury Site Planning Units Historic Impacts Planning Units Total Area Percent Area to SEFCRI region Percent Reef in SEFCRI region Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) 7 107.45 km² 9.00% 14.30% N Palm Beach Palm Beach, Martin -28 to 185 ft. 68 ft. 0.0 - 5.3 mi. 0.1 - 6.0 mi. 29.6 - 36.4 mi. 0.8 - 6.8 mi. 32736230 m² 49718646 m² 0 m² 29060 m² None - None None 1.05 - 1.05 1.05 0.09 - 0.09 0.09 6.0 - 8.0 7 0 0 0 m² 0 0 None - None None 9.0 - 1583.0 184.62 4.0 - 67.0 24.07 0.0 - 207.5 33.11 3 364 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 138 Palm Beach 32 to 167 ft. 85 ft. 0.6 - 4.3 mi. 3.2 - 6.9 mi. 28.6 - 30.5 mi. 3.9 - 7.7 mi. 12618462 m² 4340848 m² 0 m² 0 m² None - None None 0.85 - 0.85 0.85 1.9 - 1.9 1.9 7.0 - 7.0 7 0 0 0 m² 0 0 None - None None 11.5 - 1436.5 201.36 9.0 - 55.0 24.81 1.0 - 37.5 9 0 178 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 21.42 km² 2.00% 5.50% N Palm Beach # 9 N-146 Objectives Considered Objective #8: Provide increased protection for key reef associated fish species and the habitats upon which they depend for their entire life cycle. Features Values Discussion State Park Boundary Visual Offshore John D. Macarthur State Park, use park boundaries as visual. Terrestrial Section already protected. Good representative sample of habitat. High sea turtle nesting area. Snorkel area is good as well HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE Total Area Percent Area to SEFCRI region Percent Reef in SEFCRI region Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) County(ies) Depth Range Avg. Depth Distance Range from Shore Distance Range from Coastal Inlet Distance Range from Outfall Distance Range from Pier Mapped Reef Habitat Area Mapped Sand Habitat Area Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area Mapped Artificial Habitat Area Sponge Percent Cover Range Sponge Percent Cover Avg. Coral Density (corals per m²) Range Coral Density (corals per m²) Avg. Coral Percent Cover Range Coral Percent Cover Avg. Number of Coral Species Range Number of Coral Species Avg. Large Live Coral Planning Units Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area Pillar Coral Planning Units Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) Soft Coral Percent Cover Range Soft Coral Percent Cover Avg. Reef Fish Density Range Reef Fish Density Avg. Number of Reef Fish Species Range Number of Reef Fish Species Avg. Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Avg. Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Buoy Planning Units Injury Site Planning Units Historic Impacts Planning Units 1.26 km² 0.00% 0.00% North Palm Beach Palm Beach -8 to 23 ft. 12 ft. 0.0 - 0.2 mi. 2.9 - 4.4 mi. 24.2 - 25.7 mi. 7.9 - 9.5 mi. 0 m² 695243 m² 0 m² 0 m² None - None None None - None None None - None None None - None None 0 0 0 m² 0 0 None - None None None - None None None - None None None - None None 0 23 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 9 # N-146 Objectives Considered Features Values Discussion This is relevant to Blue Heron Bridge. And the little Blue heron snorkel trail. There was a recommendation for no-take within this area regarding aquarium collection. The working group was informed that it was already a no-take area. The group acknowledge that this was outside of the reef tract and may not be actionable by SEFCRI or FDEP CRCP, but might be able to be worked implemented by County. 10 Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region The group acknowledged that area has unique species not found anywhere else, but that its support of reef fish may not be as important as the seagrass beds and mangroves. Group stated that it’s one of the most dived locations and maybe to build public support around OFR in general, this would be a good area to include. Seagrass Presence 11 Objective #8: Provide increased protection for key reef associated fish species and the habitats upon which they depend for their entire life cycle. Visual-Include areas Some suggested not having it in the plan until general public brought it up at community meetings in the spring 2016 This is relevant to the sea grass bed in Lake Worth Inlet, specifically want this area protected from coastal construction. Must protect from dredging. Protect nearshore habitats from removal and sedimentation. Army Corps of Engineers wants to dredge, then plant seagrass elsewhere. It was stated that the loss of this habitat cannot be mitigated because the mitigation would be elsewhere and this particular grassbed is resilient due to its exposure to sedimentation and land based sources of pollution in and around the inlet. Already in federal exclusion zone. # N-146 Objectives Considered Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) 12 Features Values # Coral Species High % Hard Coral Cover High % Reef within PU >10% Anchoring Data Objective #8: Provide increased protection for key reef associated fish species and the habitats upon which they depend for their entire life cycle Medium-High Discussion Midtown/Breakers Reef to capture heavily frequented dive area and most frequently exposed hardbottom. Spotty Acropora patched could be on outer ledge. Depth Average 20' Hard Coral Density High Reef Fish Density >100 # Fish Species Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) 13 Objective #8: Provide increased protection for key reef associated fish species and the habitats upon which they depend for their entire life cycle A. cervicornis Visual-Include Areas Avoid popular dive site Breakers and Flower Gardens Reefs. Artifical Reefs Possibly avoiding inlets can be a good thing to reduce user conflict and public perception. Coral Density Acropora start showing up. Higher coral cover in this particular region. Diving Activity Visual Beginning of 3rd biogeographic zone/Bahama fault. Fish Density 250+ Small number of grey and lane snapper which are just legal size (lots of fish numbers in the area). ~ 5.6 miles away from the next inlet from north to south. HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) County(ies) Depth Range Avg. Depth Distance Range from Shore Distance Range from Coastal Inlet Distance Range from Outfall Distance Range from Pier Mapped Reef Habitat Area Mapped Sand Habitat Area Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area Mapped Artificial Habitat Area Sponge Percent Cover Range Sponge Percent Cover Avg. Coral Density (corals per m²) Range Coral Density (corals per m²) Avg. Coral Percent Cover Range Coral Percent Cover Avg. Number of Coral Species Range Number of Coral Species Avg. Large Live Coral Planning Units Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area Pillar Coral Planning Units Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) Soft Coral Percent Cover Range Soft Coral Percent Cover Avg. Reef Fish Density Range Reef Fish Density Avg. Number of Reef Fish Species Range Number of Reef Fish Species Avg. Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Avg. Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Buoy Planning Units Injury Site Planning Units Historic Impacts Planning Units Total Area Percent Area to SEFCRI region Percent Reef in SEFCRI Region 12 4.18 km² 0.00% 0.40% S Palm Beach, N Palm Beach Palm Beach -7 to 40 ft. 17 ft. 0.0 - 0.4 mi. 2.5 - 6.2 mi. 15.1 - 18.8 mi. 14.8 - 18.5 mi. 920149 m² 2102978 m² 0 m² 2357 m² 0.6 - 3.4 1.46 0.0 - 3.8 1.01 0.0 - 7.77 1.27 0.0 - 7.0 1.87 0 0 0 m² 0 0 0.0 - 1.9 0.4 21.5 - 2602.5 481.53 11.0 - 40.0 24.38 0.5 - 2274.5 433.86 1 45 25 9 0 22 0 0 0 2 0 10 13 7.1 km² 1.00% 0.40% South Palm Beach Palm Beach -12 to 128 ft. 47 ft. 0.0 - 1.3 mi. 5.4 - 6.9 mi. 14.4 - 16.0 mi. 17.6 - 19.3 mi. 914455 m² 4388488 m² 0 m² 11739 m² 3.4 - 7.31 5.36 0.1 - 7.3 1.75 0.05 - 7.77 1.94 1.0 - 9.0 3 0 0 0 m² 0 0 0.0 - 17.9 8.95 126.0 - 1174.0 466.78 17.0 - 53.0 33.11 20.0 - 645.0 271.88 0 79 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 9 # N-146 Objectives Considered Features Values Discussion Nearshore habitat protection for juvenile spp from Lake Worth pier to Manalapan. 14 Objective #8: Provide increased protection for key reef associated fish species and the habitats upon which they depend for their entire life cycle (nearshore hardbottom) Loggerhead Sea Turtle Nest Densities Visual Piers Visual Popular Dive Sites Visual High juvenile green sea turtle foraging area habitat. Horseshoe Reef (which is Northeast of Lake Worth Pier). Brain coral gets buried when dredging occurs. The dredging is the driver for the area being of interest; high Brain coral area. Outer reef with good coral spots and fish in addition to good artificial reef spots with fish. HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE Total Area 2.97 km² Percent Area to SEFCRI region 0.00% Percent Reef in SEFCRI region 0.00% Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) South Palm Beach County(ies) Palm Beach Depth Range -11 to 34 ft. Average Depth 14 ft. Distance Range from Shore 0.0 - 0.3 mi. Distance Range from Coastal Inlet 2.0 - 4.5 mi. Distance Range from Outfall 7.7 - 10.2 mi. Distance Range from Pier 17.9 - 20.4 mi. Mapped Reef Habitat Area 0 m² Mapped Sand Habitat Area 1829685 m² Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area 0 m² Mapped Artificial Habitat Area 0 m² Sponge Percent Cover Range 0.0 - 0.0 Sponge Percent Cover Average 0 Coral Density (corals per m²) Range 0.0 - 2.4 Coral Density (corals per m²) Average 0.62 Coral Percent Cover Range 0.0 - 2.01 Coral Percent Cover Average 0.37 Number of Coral Species Range 0.0 - 3.0 Number of Coral Species Average 0.79 Large Live Coral Planning Units 0 Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units 0 Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area 0 m² Pillar Coral Planning Units 0 Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) 0 Soft Coral Percent Cover Range None - None Soft Coral Percent Cover Average None Reef Fish Density Range None - None Reef Fish Density Average None Number of Reef Fish Species Range None - None Number of Reef Fish Species Average None Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range None - None Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Average None Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units 0 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low 33 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium 0 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High 0 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High 0 Mooring Buoy Planning Units 0 Injury Site Planning Units 0 Historic Impacts Planning Units 0 14 # N-146 Objectives Considered Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) 15 Features Values % Hard Coral Cover High # Reef Fish Species High A. cervicornis Visual-Include Areas Anchoring Activity Low Diving Activity Visual-Avoid Areas Discussion ~9 miles from drawing to the north. High coral percent cover and Acroporids Avoid popular dive sites. Fish diversity high. Objective #8: Provide increased protection for key reef associated fish species and the habitats upon which they depend for their entire life cycle (nearshore hardbottom) Boynton water tower (Martini Glass) Great area for demarcation for fishermen to see Popular Dive Sites Visual-Avoid Areas HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE Total Area Percent Area to SEFCRI region Percent Reef in SEFCRI region Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) County(ies) Depth Range Avg. Depth Distance Range from Shore Distance Range from Coastal Inlet Distance Range from Outfall Distance Range from Pier Mapped Reef Habitat Area Mapped Sand Habitat Area Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area Mapped Artificial Habitat Area Sponge Percent Cover Range Sponge Percent Cover Avg. Coral Density (corals per m²) Range Coral Density (corals per m²) Avg. Coral Percent Cover Range Coral Percent Cover Avg. Number of Coral Species Range Number of Coral Species Avg. Large Live Coral Planning Units Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area Pillar Coral Planning Units Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) Soft Coral Percent Cover Range Soft Coral Percent Cover Avg. Reef Fish Density Range Reef Fish Density Avg. Number of Reef Fish Species Range Number of Reef Fish Species Avg. Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Avg. Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Buoy Planning Units Injury Site Planning Units Historic Impacts Planning Units 3.71 km² 0.00% 0.40% South Palm Beach Palm Beach 38 to 145 ft. 71 ft. 0.5 - 1.2 mi. 1.2 - 3.0 mi. 2.6 - 4.5 mi. 12.8 - 14.8 mi. 1014731 m² 1686246 m² 0 m² 0 m² None - None None 0.75 - 2.15 1.42 0.58 - 2.65 1.55 5.0 - 11.0 7.67 0 0 0 m² 0 0 None - None None 255.5 - 919.5 610.55 36.0 - 48.0 43.2 23.5 - 334.0 156.3 0 61 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 20 15 # 16 N-146 Objectives Considered Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reef and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region Features Values # Coral Species 2-10 Species 17 Objective #5: Protect high density coral areas Objective# 6: Protect 20-30% of each type of representative reefs and associated habitats in the SEFCRI region from extractive use (no take) 18 Fink's grouper hole AKA Delray grouper ledge, to include high fish density and richness sites. # Fish Species Fish Density High Area popular dive site ledges abundant, high coral and fish density, high species for coral (2-10), high density fish areas. Hard Coral Density High The high density fish areas is the driver for this area and may be contentious % Hard Coral Cover Coral Density Objective #2: Protect vulnerable/sensitive species and habitats Discussion Diving Activity High 3rd reef is well developed. Between two inlets. Central between Boynton and Boca Inlets. High Visual Big fishing area due to good reef structure, this could be contentious. Local knowledge says this is a good fishing and diving area. Fish Density High This includes Fink's Reef and the Delray Snapper Hole. % Hard Coral Cover Anchoring Activity Visual Low use, higher coral cover, high fish density and number of species. ~9 from previous drawing Objective #8: Provide increased protection for key reef associated fish species and the habitats upon which they depend for their entire life cycle. Fish Density Includes Fink's Grouper Hole but may want to make area smaller and bring northern boundary further south to avoid area of medium anchoring according to Behringer data Use Data Low HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) County(ies) Depth Range Avg. Depth Distance Range from Shore Distance Range from Coastal Inlet Distance Range from Outfall Distance Range from Pier Mapped Reef Habitat Area Mapped Sand Habitat Area Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area Mapped Artificial Habitat Area Sponge Percent Cover Range Sponge Percent Cover Avg. Coral Density (corals per m²) Range Coral Density (corals per m²) Avg. Coral Percent Cover Range Coral Percent Cover Avg. Number of Coral Species Range Number of Coral Species Avg. Large Live Coral Planning Units Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area Pillar Coral Planning Units Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) Soft Coral Percent Cover Range Soft Coral Percent Cover Avg. Reef Fish Density Range Reef Fish Density Avg. Number of Reef Fish Species Range Number of Reef Fish Species Avg. Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Avg. Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Buoy Planning Units Injury Site Planning Units Historic Impacts Planning Units Total Area Percent Area to SEFCRI region Percent Reef in SEFCRI Region S Palm Beach Palm Beach S Palm Beach Palm Beach Palm Beach Deerfield, S Palm Beach 18 5.81 km² 0.00% 0.80% -12 to 162 ft. -12 to 151 ft. 41 to 144 ft. 55 ft. 55 ft. 78 ft. 0.0 - 1.1 mi. 0.0 - 1.0 mi. 0.4 - 1.1 mi. 4.7 - 7.2 mi. 5.9 - 7.2 mi. 2.6 - 6.1 mi. 0.0 - 3.8 mi. 0.4 - 3.0 mi. 1.5 - 3.8 mi. 6.3 - 11.1 mi. 7.2 - 9.7 mi. 4.0 - 7.5 mi. 2324096 m² 1469208 m² 1846062 m² 9814065 m² 4924375 m² 2548978 m² 0 m² 0 m² 0 m² 316 m² 164 m² 0 m² 7.76 - 7.76 7.76 - 7.76 None - None 7.76 7.76 None 1.1 - 3.2 1.1 - 2.6 1.05 - 3.2 2.11 1.98 1.86 1.06 - 2.69 1.06 - 2.69 0.29 - 2.0 1.64 1.67 1.27 4.0 - 15.0 5.0 - 15.0 4.0 - 9.0 8.33 8.83 6.57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 m² 0 m² 0 m² 0 0 0 0 0 0 19.91 - 30.3 19.91 - 30.3 19.5 - 30.3 25.11 25.11 23.73 55.5 - 1401.555.5 - 1401.5 56.0 - 718.0 292.24 261.67 223.18 23.0 - 56.0 23.0 - 39.0 21.0 - 46.0 32.96 30.93 31.74 2.0 - 105.0 3.5 - 83.0 2.0 - 515.0 30.25 29.7 41.93 0 0 0 223 117 96 13 0 13 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 65 38 11 17 8.97 km² 1.00% 0.60% 16 17.29 km² 1.00% 1.00% Features Values Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region # Fish Species 20-50 Objective #2: Protect vulnerable/ sensitive species and habitats A. cervicornis Presence # N-146 Objectives Considered 1 9 Artificial Reefs Objective #5: Protect high density coral areas 2 0 # Fish Species 20-50 A. cervicornis Presence Include Areas Uses Fishing Pier as boundary. Objective #2: Protect vulnerable/ sensitive species and habitats Hard Coral Density Large Live Corals Include Areas Objective #5: Protect high density coral areas Piers Visual Pillar Corals Include Areas This could be an alternative to the Danie/John U Lloyd area. Objective #11: Protect from coastal construction Spawning Aggregations Visual-Include Areas # Fish Species 20-56 A. cervicornis Presence Patches Artificial Reefs Visual Hard Coral Density 2-13/ m^2 Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region 2 2 Includes Copenhagen Preserve. Goal is No Anchor Zone with increased management. Not necessarily No Take Zone. Fishermen can still be active on the Piers and get benefits of Present spillover effects on both ends of area. Dense A. cervicornis and A. palmata. Near Pompano there are many artificial reefs (AR) used as diving reefs. The Rodeo ship north of Commercial Blvd. and Pompano pier. The area’s reef is important enough to block it out even if Visual you do not go out to the second reef and then block it out. There would be very little resistance from the fishing community. But, you may have some Visual-Include resistance from the dive community because the area is very popular for lobster diving. Areas If the third reef is included, you will get a lot of resistance from fishermen. North boundary of Lauderdale by the Sea (LBTS), to Commercial Blvd., and east to include the middle reef (but exclude the outer reef). South of commercial pier has some of the best coral reef tract. Concerned about the popularity of lobster fishing there and the potential backlash. Fishermen will be upset if they cannot catch baitfish and pelagic. Hard though from an enforcement aspect. One comment that ~75% offshore fishing is being done in this particular region while 25% of the fishing is done closer to shore. Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region 2 1 Popular Dive Sites Discussion Objective #2: Protect vulnerable/ sensitive species and habitats Objective #5: Protect high density coral areas Objective #6:20–30% of the SEFCRI Region as non-extractive (no take) From the shore to the 3rd reef. Fish Density Fishing Pressure Visual Large Live Corals present Includes Snook Spawning Aggregation Dense Acropora sites, 2 meter large live corals, and high coral cover areas. Southern end by LBTS, which is a couple blocks from the pier to Sunrise Blvd., there is limited to no beach access. Shore activity is limited; not as popular to fish/dive as LBTS and the pier. Area has lots of nearshore nursery grounds because it has not been buried under sediment by beach nourishment projects. HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE Mooring Buoy Planning Units Injury Site Planning Units Historic Impacts Planning Units Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Avg. Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) County(ies) Depth Range Avg. Depth Distance Range from Shore Distance Range from Coastal Inlet Distance Range from Outfall Distance Range from Pier Mapped Reef Habitat Area Mapped Sand Habitat Area Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area Mapped Artificial Habitat Area Sponge Percent Cover Range Sponge Percent Cover Avg. Coral Density (corals per m²) Range Coral Density (corals per m²) Avg. Coral Percent Cover Range Coral Percent Cover Avg. Number of Coral Species Range Number of Coral Species Avg. Large Live Coral Planning Units Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area Pillar Coral Planning Units Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) Soft Coral Percent Cover Range Soft Coral Percent Cover Avg. Reef Fish Density Range Reef Fish Density Avg. Number of Reef Fish Species Range Number of Reef Fish Species Avg. Total Area Percent Area to SEFCRI region Percent Reef in SEFCRI Region 0 m² 2260 m² 1.5 - 20.77 5.5 0.15 - 12.8 1.69 0.0 - 22.59 3.72 0.0 - 15.0 7.15 7 28 62574 m² 0 0 1.5 - 12.75 7.49 2464590 m² 2295506 m² 6344897 m² 6272186 m² 0 m² 0 m² 6767 m² 353 m² 0.25 - 14.0 3.53 - 4.83 3.8 4.18 0.12 - 2.95 0.35 - 2.65 1.03 1.12 0.0 - 8.11 0.2 - 8.11 1.54 1.64 0.0 - 14.0 0.0 - 9.0 6.32 4.81 0 0 10 10 27521 m² 27521 m² 0 0 0 0 0.0 - 17.5 1.5 - 9.5 5.6 5.5 198.79 230.44 12.0 - 50.0 15.0 - 50.0 29.05 28.08 0.0 - 128.5 3.0 - 83.5 32.45 43.82 15 7 246 101 3 1 0 0 0 0 66 38 34 23 44 21 42 20 25 15 1 0 43 16 35.0 - 953.5 55.0 - 953.5 5108187 m² 30 ft. 0.0 - 0.9 mi. 2.8 - 4.6 mi. 2.5 - 4.6 mi. 0.0 - 1.7 mi. 52 ft. 0.0 - 1.6 mi. 1.6 - 4.6 mi. 1.2 - 4.6 mi. 0.0 - 2.1 mi. 0 m² 6752 m² 1.5 - 31.2 7.2 0.15 - 12.8 1.69 0.0 - 22.59 3.43 0.0 - 15.0 7.16 7 28 62574 m² 0 0 1.5 - 14.0 7.55 7824567 m² 7942203 m² 49 ft. 0.0 - 1.7 mi. 3.0 - 5.8 mi. 4.3 - 8.1 mi. 0.0 - 3.7 mi. -25 to 167 ft. 22 21.15 km² 2.00% 3.50% BrowardMiami Broward 284.26 14.0 - 50.0 32.34 1.5 - 200.0 46.5 9 207 47 0 0 62 22 25 1 10 4 15 264.63 14.0 - 50.0 31.37 1.5 - 200.0 39.34 10 267 52 0 0 104 22 25 1 10 5 28 23.0 - 1401.5 23.0 - 1401.5 5940096 m² 35 ft. 0.0 - 1.2 mi. 3.0 - 5.7 mi. 4.3 - 8.1 mi. 0.0 - 3.5 mi. -25 to 77 ft. -8 to 91 ft. -9 to 168 ft. 21 13.82 km² 1.00% 2.60% BrowardMiami Broward 20 6.29 km² 1.00% 1.10% BrowardMiami Broward 19 16.73 km² 1.00% 2.80% BrowardMiami Broward # N-146 Objectives Considered Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region 23 Objective #2: Protect vulnerable/ sensitive species and habitats Features Values # Fish Species 20-50 # Hard Coral Species Medium-High A. cervicornis Presence Dense Discussion Adjacent to John U Lloyd State Park and an area of Acroporaa. Snook spawning aggregations Large Live Corals Spawning Aggregations Visual-Include Areas State Park Boundaries Visual # Fish Species >30 # Hard Coral Species 11-13 sp Objective #5: Protect high density coral areas Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region % Hard Coral Cover Objective #2: Protect vulnerable/ sensitive species and habitats A. cervicornis Present Visual-Include Areas Artificial Reefs Visual Reason for are is due to a dense Acropora patch and tarpon which are located in the Navy restricted area in Broward County (off of Hollywood Beach area). Distance From Inlets Visual Midway between inlets. Fish Density 200-557 Large Live Corals Visual-Include Areas Navy Restricted Area Visual-Include Areas Outfalls Visual-Avoid Areas Pillar Coral Include Areas Spawning Aggregations Visual-Include Areas Coral Density 24 Objective #5: Protect high density coral areas Objective #6: 20 – 30% of the SEFCRI Region as non-extractive (no take) Objective #11: Protect from coastal construction Close to southern area that was the John u Lloyd park/navy exclusion zone. Navy would also be in big support for protecting area. # N-146 Objectives Considered Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region 25 Objective #2: Protect vulnerable/ sensitive species and habitats Objective #5: Protect high density coral areas Objective #6: 20 – 30% of the SEFCRI Region as non-extractive (no take) Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region 26 Objective #2: Protect vulnerable/ sensitive species and habitats Features Values # Fish Species >30 # Hard Coral Species 11-13sp % Hard Coral Cover A. cervicornis Presence Visual-Include Areas Artificial Reefs Visual Coral Density Distance From Inlets Visual Fish Density 200-557 Large Live Corals Visual-Include Areas Outfalls Visual-Avoid Areas Pillar Coral Include Areas Spawning Aggregations Visual-Include Areas # Fish Species 30-50 # Hard Coral Species Medium-High % Hard Cover Coral High A. cervicornis Presence Visual-Include Areas Anchoring Activity Artificial Reefs Visual Distance From Inlets Visual Discussion Hallendale to Sunny Isle Beach Mutton snapper aggregations are just south of Hollywood in the area by Miami Dade north. Not many ARs in the area. Fish haven is where they can put ARs by the Army Corps of Engineers. According to DERM, mitigation for artificial reefs have to be 16 feet down; due to potential of hurricanes. Considered using landmarks as a reference. Reason: make it easier for people to delineate where they are. § i.e., The Diplomat. CWGs are concerned about relying too much on the buildings as a reference/designation. Reason: there are different laws and regulations between Sunny Iles and their nearby areas. Some CWG members are concerned about making too large of polygons that may not be beneficial to the end game. Excluded Tenneco towers bc popular spot for fisherman South boundary: start north of the Newport fishing pier to 3rd reef include Graceland (dive site) northern point no distinct area *Note: Being around inlets the fishing community will have nowhere to fish- could be an issue. There isn’t a lot in this areaAlternate option: Port Everglades to Dania pier Objective #5: Protect high density coral areas Large Live Corals Visual-Include Areas Spawning Aggregations Visual-Include Areas HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE County(ies) Depth Range Avg. Depth Distance Range from Shore Distance Range from Coastal Inlet Distance Range from Outfall Distance Range from Pier Mapped Reef Habitat Area Mapped Sand Habitat Area Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area Mapped Artificial Habitat Area Sponge Percent Cover Range Sponge Percent Cover Avg. Coral Density (corals per m²) Range Coral Density (corals per m²) Avg. Coral Percent Cover Range Coral Percent Cover Avg. Number of Coral Species Range Number of Coral Species Avg. Large Live Coral Planning Units Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area Pillar Coral Planning Units Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) Soft Coral Percent Cover Range Soft Coral Percent Cover Avg. Reef Fish Density Range Reef Fish Density Avg. Number of Reef Fish Species Range Number of Reef Fish Species Avg. Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Avg. Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High Mooring Buoy Planning Units Injury Site Planning Units Historic Impacts Planning Units Total Area Percent Area to SEFCRI region Percdent Reef in SEFCRI region Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) 25 36.0 km² 3.00% 6.50% Broward-Miami Miami-Dade, Broward -26 to 138 ft. 43 ft. 0.0 - 2.2 mi. 1.7 - 6.8 mi. 0.3 - 3.8 mi. 0.0 - 4.7 mi. 14957004 m² 12707117 m² 0 m² 105807 m² 2.0 - 10.5 5.03 0.25 - 4.55 1.35 0.04 - 11.34 2.38 2.0 - 14.0 7.46 8 12 55808 m² 0 0 0.7 - 14.0 8.41 23.5 - 648.0 159.98 13.0 - 44.0 27.49 0.5 - 166.0 28.81 0 509 67 11 0 43 15 8 0 2 3 145 26 27.64 km² 2.00% 5.50% Broward-Miami Miami-Dade, Broward -10 to 133 ft. 40 ft. 0.0 - 2.1 mi. 2.3 - 6.8 mi. 0.9 - 3.8 mi. 0.2 - 4.6 mi. 12523649 m² 9553144 m² 0 m² 32786 m² 2.0 - 10.5 5.03 0.25 - 3.15 1.25 0.04 - 11.34 2.47 2.0 - 14.0 7.37 8 12 55808 m² 0 0 0.7 - 14.0 8.41 23.5 - 648.0 153.61 13.0 - 44.0 26.94 1.33 - 166.0 29.56 0 408 38 5 0 17 8 6 0 1 3 104 # N-146 Objectives Considered Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region # Fish Species Objective #2: Protect vulnerable/ sensitive species and habitats # Hard Coral Species Acropora cervicornis presence 27 Objective #5: Protect high density coral areas Objective #1: Protect areas that are unique within the SEFCRI region 28 Features Objective #2: Protect vulnerable/ sensitive species and habitats Objective #5: Protect high density coral areas Objective #6: 20 – 30% of the SEFCRI Region as nonextractive (no take) Values 30-50 Medium-High Visual-Include Areas Diving Activity Visual Seagrass Visual # Coral Species 12-15 % Hard Coral Cover 4-21% Artificial Reefs Visual-Avoid Areas Coral Density 3-5.5/m^2 Diving Activity Visual Key Biscayne Special Mgt Zone Visual Large Live Corals Visual-Include Areas Discussion Goal is enhanced management for the area. Leaves the 3rd reef out (incuding artifical reefs and wrecks) for fisherman. Already no spear fishing in this area. a) South end of Elliot key- Key Biscayne Spec Management zone and artificial reefs in the area b) Should be according to James Byrnes presentation 9 miles apart from any other preserve Biscayne Nat park and remnant seagrass areas. c) Needs further refinement with BBAP & Key Bisc Special Mgt Zone. d) Exclude the outer reef with artificial reefs for fisherman. This area already is no spearfishing. East and North of Rainbow reef and south of Emerald Reef. Group took the polygon to the shoreline to incorporate seagrass and mixed harbottom habitat. South boundary line it up with the lighthouse Bill Baggs north boundary could be from the buildings onshore Village of Key Biscayne BNP (no take) boundaries are just south of this area- distance between the polygon and Nat Park is about 10 miles. * Note needs further refinement with BBAP & Key Bisc Special Mgt Zone. Boundary being to the edge of national park boundary to the south and to the north being just south of the Atlantis Memorial reef. Cut out the area that is Spirit of Miami and Atlantis/Memorial reef. Bait fishermen do use the southern area. They come around the southern cut of Key Biscayne. But dive boats do not come out of there. There are two dive boat operators: one comes through bear cut and the other comes through government cut. Emerald and Rainbow reefs are only about 20 feet deep. Atlantis is the same as Memorial reef, Orion reef is about 120’. Emerald reef/Memorial reef are popular dive sites with 7 mooring buoys as well. Restrict reserve to certain areas seaward; divers get shallower areas and fishermen get deeper areas. Wrecks are further out in sand deeper than 60’-300’; remains are of a 727 jet (Spirit of Miami reef). Some wrecks have been moved by hurricanes and have been moved closer to the reefs. Barge area is popular for fishermen to catch sardines in the area. Restriction on the reefs near the Spirit of Miami reef and the Atlantis/Memorial reef for no spearfishing; called the special management zone; but not clearly marked and has no obvious geographic markers; big issue. Government Cut; lot of spoil and artificial reefs; also an outfall; lots of fishing/other activities in the region; lots of seagrass in the area as well. Try not to get too close to that area due to the high traffic shipping/boating. HABITAT CORAL FISH PEOPLE 27 28 Total Area 30.93 km² 45.82 km² Percent Area to SEFCRI region 3.00% 4.00% Percent Reef in SEFCRi region 3.30% 5.30% Benthic Habitat Eco-subregion(s) Biscayne Biscayne County(ies) Miami-Dade Miami-Dade Depth Range -31 to 53 ft. 1 to 165 ft. Avg. Depth 19 ft. 28 ft. Distance Range from Shore 0.0 - 3.9 mi. 0.5 - 4.6 mi. Distance Range from Coastal Inlet 0.3 - 4.5 mi. 0.9 - 4.9 mi. Distance Range from Outfall 14.0 - 16.3 mi. 12.6 - 16.1 mi. Distance Range from Pier 4.3 - 7.0 mi. 4.3 - 8.6 mi. Mapped Reef Habitat Area 7442040 m² 12212730 m² Mapped Sand Habitat Area 9451284 m² 19198142 m² Mapped Seagrass Habitat Area 7646690 m² 5625029 m² Mapped Artificial Habitat Area 4231 m² 4231 m² Sponge Percent Cover Range 0.75 - 4.0 0.75 - 6.45 Sponge Percent Cover Avg. 2.41 2.87 Coral Density (corals per m²) Range 0.07 - 5.05 0.07 - 5.05 Coral Density (corals per m²) Avg. 2.13 2.22 Coral Percent Cover Range 0.0 - 20.02 0.0 - 20.02 Coral Percent Cover Avg. 3.14 2.7 Number of Coral Species Range 3.0 - 14.0 3.0 - 15.0 Number of Coral Species Avg. 10.06 10.2 Large Live Coral Planning Units 5 8 Dense Acropora Patch Planning Units 0 0 Mapped Dense Acropora cervicornis Habitat Area 0 m² 0 m² Pillar Coral Planning Units 0 0 Coral Resilience Index Planning Units (FRRP) 0 0 Soft Coral Percent Cover Range 3.75 - 27.5 3.75 - 27.5 Soft Coral Percent Cover Avg. 14.66 14.77 Reef Fish Density Range None - None None - None Reef Fish Density Avg. None None Number of Reef Fish Species Range None - None None - None Number of Reef Fish Species Avg. None None Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Range 14.5 - 96.0 14.5 - 96.0 Recreationally and Commercially Important Fish Density Avg. 58.33 55.5 Diving and Fishing Use Overlap Planning Units 1 0 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low 316 521 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium 9 41 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High 0 0 Anchoring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High 0 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Low 86 104 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Medium 13 13 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): High 0 0 Mooring Density Planning Units (Berhinger data): Very High 0 0 Mooring Buoy Planning Units 2 2 Injury Site Planning Units 0 1 Historic Impacts Planning Units 33 48