UDC 81’362:811.162.1 O. Sukhomlynov “RED SHIELDS” BY JAROSLAW IVASZKIEWICZ: BETWEEN EAST AND WEST The author of the article analyses the peculiarities of functioning of Ukraine’s image in the historical work “Red Shields” by Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz. Researcher makes conclusions, that for Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz the territory which is situated near the border between Polish-Ukrainian frontier zone is the constituent part of Europe, and Italy is a symbolic imaginary territory of Ukraine. Special attitude connects the creative works of Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz with Ukraine. His literary works and life were the main subjects of investigations of many scientists in the field of philology, in particular these are works of Hryhorii Verves, Yuliia Bulakhovska, Roman Radyshevskyi, Yuliia Kovaliva, Serhii Yakovenko, and also of P. Mitsner, Mariia Baranovska, Andrii Bernatskyi, Tymophii Bureka, A. Hronchevskyi, M. Yendrykhovska, H. Zavorska, Y. Kviatnykovskyi, Y. Lokh, V. Matsonga, H. Ritts, Y. Rohozinskyi, A. Sandauer, A. Turchynskyi, Y. Tshandel, M. Cherminskyi etc. But, to our mind, we should pay special attention to the analysis of imalogical presentations of Ukraine’s image in historical works of this famous writer of Polish-Ukrainian frontier zone. It is a well-known fact, that image of Ukraine in prose and poetic works of Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz was changing together with the process of obtaining existential experience, which hastened the evolution of writer’s conscious and world outlook. So, if the Ukrainian territory functions as a fairy-mythical decoration in the prose of Kyiv period (“Flight to Baghdad”, “Autumn Fest”, “Zenobia. Pallmyra”), the later works, in particular the novel “Moon Rising”, are notable for axiology, autothematism and autobiographism, which are explained by the fact of losing the Motherland and novelty, and even by foreignness and hostility of atmosphere of Warsaw-Polish reality. The idealization and mythologization of the lost territory of “the small Motherland” – Ukraine, are characteristic features of works which were written in Poland. The main feature of the next period of Jaroslaw Iwaszkiewicz’s creative works is unusual process of intensive recollection and comprehension of Ukrainian period, the process of giving new sense to reality, which were seen through the prism of the past experience (series of “Italian” stories, “Venetian lace I”, “Venetian lace II”, “Voci di Roma”). The author tries not only to give the artistic expression of his Ukrainian emotional experience, but also to estimate and comprehend historical processes, which determine the fate of individuality, and to shape up the new Ukrainian image during that time (“Glory and Praise”). It is important to mention, that the writer who is known as a traditionally apolitical aesthete, wrote also on historical topics. Each piece of work of that kind was the peculiar form of reaction to present day historical and political processes (“Red Shields”, “The Fight on the Sadgemur Plain”) or to the process of self-outlook changes (“Night in June”, “Zarudia”). At first sight the works which are different in many ways (genres, topic, problem, location of action and historic time, situational circles, etc.) have, by the way, similar features, which determine writer’s artistic style of “Glory and Praise”. When we analyse historic prose works, which appeared in post-war period, we can make a conclusion that existence of certain mechanism of transference of present day problems of political reality of that time to the Medieval times is one of the attempts to run away from the reality, which is connected with a tendency to think with the help of myth categories. We can affirm, that main myths of Iwaszkiewicz, as a way he sees and reflects the world, were formed in Ukraine and approximately coincide in time with the work on the libretto for the opera "King Roger". This image expressed existential philosophy and relied on diverse ancient legends, 1 which were compared with present time and modified in Szymanowski’s and Iwaszkiewicz’s imagination. The myth of cultural equality is basically connected with King Roger, ethnic situation in Sicily and perception of the Dionysus’ image as a significant symbol. It was the beginning for other Iwaszkiewicz’s myths, which in time became aesthetic and philosophical categories of the writer’s macrotext. Recognition of the writer is important in his relation to aesthetic Ukraine consciousness and Italian lands: “Image of Italy and Sicily, new musical possibilities, sense of Bacchus mysteries, definition of Greek myths, given by Zelinski, and, finally, opportunities to work for the great theatre, belief in my own opportunities, – all these things were mixed in my head and made my insomnia easier on the footstep of the train’s coach which loudly goes across full-ofscents night fields. Image of Sicily from conversations especially went deep into my memory and ruffled my imagination. It was the image which Shymanovskyi had created for me and later, many years later, I saw this with my own eyes. At the same time, when I was walking on the land of my youth, I felt something similar between it and Empedokles’ homeland. Here and there I saw West and East cultures which were superimposed on one another and created a specific aura” [1:51]. Leaving Ukraine, Iwaszkiewicz tries to find himself at the “new place” and imagine Poland and himself in Europe. In spite of the feelings of difference, as well as lingual, religious and cultural distinctions which are already in “Return to Europe”, author of “Red shields” includes Poland and Eastern lands to the countries of Mediterranean civilization, creating so called “symbolical community” on the foundations of Ukrainian agitations and tragic experience. Precisely in “Red Shields” Rome and Jerusalem, Sicily and Germany, Poland and Kyivska Rus are presented to the reader in the light of Henryk Sandomyrski’s reflection, who is semantically a central character and connects artistic world and two clearly separate parts of the novel: about hero forming and Poland as a centralized and powerful kingdom [2:197]. Moreover, Hamlet’s personality of Henryk Sandomyrskyi as an indecisive dreamer is perfectly inscribed into the context of romantic problems, where we see distinct domination of antagonism: personality – historical process. Thereby, Iwaszkiewicz keeps on considering about the problem of public “rank and choice”, which firstly appears in the novel “Moon rises” Back on topic, we should refer to Ukrainian or, even more, to Eastern motives. Rus is presented in two aspects in the “Red shields”: as an integral part of medieval Polish scope (permanent political, economic and family contacts) and personal Henryk’s anxieties. The image of Eastern lands is closely connected with Verhoslava’s person: “It is very odd, for some reason Royal Lake reminded him of the Dnipro, where he and his brother Boleslav used to swim, when they were in Kyiv. What a beautiful city! The tops of its churches, mysterious St. Sophia Cathedral, which was built by Yaroslav the Wise, rise above the river. Henryk was indifferent about the reason why they came to that city at that time – some boring and useless business! It is important that Verhoslava was born here…” [3.33]. It is interesting that Poland is described here simultaneously in two scopes: oriental and occidental. Ivaszkiewicz particularly underlines the meaning of the country on the Wisla as the peculiar bridge between Eastern and Western cultures. However, we may observe clear tendency for Polish and Russian lands convergence: “Here is Henryk, she said [Agnesa – O.S.], – my brother-in-law, a son of Countess of Berg, he wonders that I can speak Polish and Russian, that I am like a Polish Countess, hold near Russian servants tied with shawls. I am an emperor’s daughter and sister, I denied my Homeland to be Polish, and, maybe, I love Poland more than Kryvoustyi loved it” [3:53]. 2 Linguistic and cultural interference that we see here is deprived of idealization and thus is integral in the context of Iwaszkiewicz’s kress-borders (kress – is a borderland of the Old Poland (Ukrainian lands), specific vision of Polish and Ukrainian history and relationships between two nations. But author knew that those contacts had certain ambiguity. So, in spite of popularization of the idea concerning integration, he gives us certain warnings: “If Kazymyr could govern in Kyiv and I could govern in Krakow, thought Henryk, we would have a big power. Is it not acceptable for God? Boleslaw I the Brave and Boleslaw II the Generous were there, but they had to retreat in the face of the death that was stronger than their armies. But why did they want to go there? Could they give the new look to these lands, change them?” [3: 291]. Later in the novel “Glory and Fame” (“Sława i chwała”), Iwaszkiewicz will try again to give an estimate to the Poland’s role in the border between Poland and Ukraine. But this problem in its geopolitical aspect had never been a major one for Ivaszkiewicz. In “Red Shields” (“Czerwone tarcze”) Ukraine, like in other writer’s works, is a small Motherland, space for the private experience and individual feelings of the hero and narrator. In the novel “The Moon Rises” (“Księżyc wschodzi”) Ukraine is under the power of the remembrances and becomes the product of mentions and reflections. We can explain these with the help of the nature of the Iwaszkiewicz’s hero, who is more often ‘homo esteticus’ then ‘homo historicus’. Henryk Sandomyrski is not an exception, he presents so called “atypical” for the early Middle Ages prince, who left his progressive political ideas (strengthening of the Polish country through autocracy) because their realization was connected with fratricide. If Henryk was a strong person like Boleslaw, a powerful lord, who was able to ram his wish through, he wouldn’t be interesting for Iwaszkiewicz. For Henryk Sandomyrski his trip is the chance to get acquainted with new cultures, and the process of recalling is a reflection of the past. It’s not by accident that the prince’s page said his famous words: “Everything becomes memories”. “And that is why”, wrote Grigory Verves, “Henryk is not interested in state affairs (though he should do this), he is daydreaming about colours, maturity and delicacy of the real world, human and nature creation. We don’t see the effect of the art, nature and people at the moment of their contemplation, but we can see that later in the memories of our character. Henryk remembered Kyiv in his German castle, remembered Krakow and his meeting with Verhoslawa after their parting in Sandomierz, remembered his conversations with Roger and Barbarossa in totally improper circumstances…” Henryk Sandomyrski reminds us of the author of the novel “The Moon Rises”, because for him the process of recalling the past created an ideal situation for reflections about art. Like novel “The Moon Rises” which shows us the “portrait of the young artist” through the perspective of the loss of the native space, “Red Shields” multiplies cultural world of the character thanks to the trip and in the regular – post factum – reflections gives the opportunity to create broader conception of the cultural space that consists of Ukraine and Poland. Sending his character to the far journeys to Poland, Germany, through Corinthia, Rome and Palermo – to Jerusalem, Damascus, Alexandria, Balkans, the author doesn’t forget about his character formation as a sophisticated aesthete, whom he can entrust his own feelings and impressions from contemplation of art. The cultural heritage that we can see through the eyes of Henryk – Saint Sophia Cathedral, the ruins of the Solomon’s Temple in the Jerusalem, Domus Aurea in Rome, Coliseum, Capitoline Hill, Sicily Temples, Catholic Churches in Sandomierz – should create the common space of the Mediterranean culture in which Kresses, especially Ukraine like the country on the border of the East and West, should occupy the central place. The character met Bolesław IV Kędzierzawy, Gertrude, German kaisers Konrad der Dritte and Friedrich I Rotbart, Jerusalem Queen Melisandre and her son Baudouin du Bourg, sultan of Egypt and Syria Saladin and Roger II of Sicily. So, the circle is closed. Iwaszkiewicz’s juvenile libretto for opera 3 “King Roger”, which brought so unexpected experience of Sicily and Ukraine affinity echoed in the novel “Red Shields”. This legacy may be observed on the other levels of text. Not less important similarity with the prose of Kyiv period is a stylistic unity which may be summarized as a domination of Byzantine style. Analysis of early poetry of Iwaszkiewicz’s prose (especially the narrative of “Zenobia. Palmyra”), R. Przybylski underlines its similarity with Oscar Wilde’s aesthetics which was called “byzantine”. The main features of this eastern style is a resolute refusal from the nature imitation principles and decorative effect postulate and characteristic of Wilde’s ability to connect these principles with the admiration for sensitive nature beauty, made dominant two features for this poetry: formalism and sensitivity [5: 11]. For Iwaszkiewicz and his Ukrainian experience “byzantiness” was directly connected with Orthodoxy and heathenism cultures of Kyivska Rus. Compared with the prose of Kyiv period, in the late Iwaszkiewicz’s novels he altered the perception of Ukraine as well as the conception of the character formation, – “byzantine” style remains invariable (which reminds about itself even in the late “Zarudda”). For the Ukrainian writer this style means the art of “word weaving” – a characteristic feature of his poetic prose. A. Turchinsky supposes that language beauty of early Iwaszkiewicz’ works owes to the knowledge of Old Russian literature where poetry of word weaving is used widely. “Properly in Kyiv the tradition of a beautiful church word and eloquence remained alive”. [6: 189-190]. It was byzantine aesthetics, specifically byzantine mosaic that inspired Ivaszkiewicz made him look for the lost small Motherland in the Italian natural and cultural landscape. Ravenna’s mosaic reminds Iwaszkiewicz of mosaic at St. Sofia Cathedral, but mosaic decorations of Cappella Palatina in Palermo, in the palaces of Roger II and Wilhelm and the biggest and closest mosaic composition in pure byzantine style of the XII century in Montreal Cathedral in Sicily they are so similar to those of Kyiv that they should have been in writer’s mind while writing libretto or “King Roger” and “Red Shields”. Mastery, aesthetic charm and byzantine culture sophism according to Iwaszkiewicz contrast with the western world in particular Gallic culture. Erudition and inclination for art of Rus woman contrasts brightly with the image of “dark” Medieval Europe. Moreover, in that very time when Henryk was in Bamberg, dreaming to show his darling the West miracle, he recollects that Verkhoslava, Kyiv princess, “brought from Novgorod a secret art”. She created sacred images on the wooden or even copper plates for Roman Catholic Church. This work was not appropriate for a woman, that is why sometimes there was ill-disposed attitude to her creations, but Verkhoslava did it with the great devotion and was praying for a long time before starting a new sacred image – either it was Our Lady or God on the throne or other Saints. She was drawing according to the sharpest canons and she never deviated from the established rules that had been written on the wonderful parchment which she re-read attentively – it was written in Greek. Poor Verkhoslava, being the granddaughter of Yaroslav the Wise, was not only familiar with the art of reading, but also read in Greek! "[3: 27]. Among the main features of Byzantine aesthetics in "Red Shields" A. Turchinsky emphasizes the symbolism of red (the importance of this element shows even the title of the novel). "The Ukrainian folklore, which the author of" Red Shields "should have known, shows that the red had the great symbolic importance for funeral ceremonies, actually as a variant of gold and gold colour" [6: 145]. The gold and its colour that belonged at that time to the sacred sphere were associated with priestly, princely or royal exclusivity. Since the gold was a sign of God's presence – that is a sign of permanence, immutability, the red was counterpart in "this world", symbolized variability, rebirth and transformation. The connection of the life and death, manifested in symbolic red combined major stages of human life (birth, marriage, death and 4 burial), was a special date just for orthodoxy. This can be seen in the Ukrainian and Belarusian rite of Radonitsa (the second Easter Monday / Tuesday), which is very similar to the Greek festivals of Demeter and Ceres [6: 146]. Red shields in the novel are a sign of armed forces of Golden-haired Duke, the symbol of selection and higher purpose. For Henryk the red shields are the start of dream image of the ideal, fair principality, is a projection of his dream of "Journey Beyond Three Seas", combining fairy East and fantastic Sandomierz reality: "... dear Henryk’s shields. They were dark, red, and made from leather, artificially coloured in Byzantium "[3: 363]. The bearer of red colour as in connection with Byzantine, and at the same time Kress-Ukrainian aesthetics may be a woman named Verhoslava. Her red gloves become a sexual fetish of the Rus princess and at the same time a symbol of erotic desire of the prince who was in love with her. Henryk’s younger brother named Casimir, like Boleslaw the Curved-Lips, married Elena, the princess of Kiev, who wore red shoes during the wedding ceremony. The researchers noticed that the red is a marginal colour, the color of transition from one state to another, from sphere to sphere, from one reality to another [6, 148]. Thus, the red colour can mean the transition from Henrik’s high purpose dream image to painful defeat or sacrifice, but it can also be a symbol of the frontier, an area of intersection of different cultural traditions, actually the move from one world to another. Not coincidentally, Iwaszkiewicz dresses King Roger in the red coat, the true ruler of cultural and ethnic mosaic boundary, because the kingdom of Sicily is located at the intersection of pagan, ancient world, on the one hand, and Christian and Muslim world on the other hand. Here in Sicily they repeated the mysterious ritual of adoration to Pan and Dionysus but with greater destiny of authenticity, as well as in "Autumn Uchta", participants in this sexual ritual will be Henryk and Queen Sybil, for whom the mystery ends with death [7: 131]. The writer, for whom the cultures of East and West were important due to the place of his birth and maturity, was always between two poles, two vectors of European culture, namely Byzantine and Gallic. "Red Shields" is the best example of the struggle between these two worlds in aesthetic consciousness of the writer. Byzantine will win and finally choose their artistic and spiritual Homeland – Italy, which was a unifying link between the worlds of the East and the West [6: 207]. It is Italy (but the most of Sicily) that will become to Iwaszkiewicz the imaginary space of symbolic frontier and the images of Ukraine and Italy will become the space of cultural overlapping and interpenetration in terms of the lost Ukrainian Homeland. Список використаних джерел та літератури 1. Iwaszkiewicz Jarosław. Ludzie i książki. – Warszawa, 1971. – 453 s. 2. Ritz G. Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz. Pogranicza nowoczesności. – Kraków, 1998. – 312 s. 3. Iwaszkiewicz Jarosław. 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"Red shields" by Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz: Between East and West The author analyzes the features of the functioning of the image of Ukraine in the historical work of Jarosław Iwaszkiewicz "Red shields." The researcher concludes that the Polish-Ukrainian border area as seen by the author is part of the European cultural space, and Italy – the symbolic imaginary space of Ukraine. 6