4-24-13 Name of Teacher: _______________________________________ School:__________________________________________ HCPSS Student Learning Objective Speech Language Pathology - Narrative Component Student Learning Objective (SLO) Description 100% of students on my caseload with language formulation difficulties will demonstrate growth over baseline of reporting on telling a story in an organized manner with descriptive details to support main ideas and themes. (Common Core State Standards for Language Arts: Speaking and Listening 4.SL.4) Population ______# of 4th grade students in elementary school who are identified through their IEPs as having documented language formulation difficulties. Learning Content Skills to be addressed through students telling a story given a story starter and a picture includes the following: Setting: states when and where the story occurs Characters: identifies the characters and includes dialogue Story Elements: indicated a problem/conflict/event, actions and events, temporal /causal relationships between actions and events, consequence/resolution Story Cohesion: story makes sense and story is complete, creative, and well organized. Instructional Interval 2013-2014 school year Evidence of Growth Student growth will be measured by using a narration rubric created by the SLP on a quarterly basis. Pre and post data will be gathered at the start of the school year and end of the school year. Baseline SLP will use a story narration rubric to measure the students’ story -telling skills by obtaining a point value on a rubric at the beginning of the school year. (Attach class roster to share students’ scores on Beginning-ofthe-Year Assignment/Performance Task/Assessment.) Rationale for Student Learning Objective Difficulties with oral story narration impacts student’s ability to take part in rich, structured conversations as well as to write well developed narratives using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences. This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be achieved for all students. 4-24-13 Target 8/10 of students will increase their point total on the performance rubric by 2 points. *Please note: Students identified by IEP teams as having significant cognitive disabilities will have individual targets. Criteria for Effectiveness Strategies Full Attainment of Target Partial Attainment of Target More than 90% of students meet agreed upon learning objectives OR 8/10 students will meet or exceed target. Between 75% and 90% of students meet agreed upon learning targets OR 6/10 students will meet or exceed target. Insufficient Attainment of Target Less than 75% of students meet agreed upon learning targets OR 4/10 students or less will meet the target. Participation in weekly speech-language therapy Use of graphic organizers Modeling Evaluating other students’ oral narratives Collaboration with teachers This SLO is a sample. Targets need to be adjusted based on your students’ data. Student growth should be achieved for all students. Narrative Rubric Narrative Elements Setting 3 points Names at least one specific location and gives at least one specific time information Characters Identifies two or more characters with specific names and provides one example of dialogue Provides all of the following: 1)problem, conflict or event, 2) resolution or consequence to the problem/ conflict/ event 3) an ending to the story Story Elements Story Sense All statements make sense 2 points 1 point 0 points Names one specific location or gives specific time information (In Baltimore at 2:00 in the afternoon) States one location or time information in general terms (e.g., in a store, once upon a time) States no location or time information Identifies at least one character with a specific name Identifies one or more character with a general reference (e.g., the girl) Identifies no characters nor provides any dialogue Provides two of the following: )problem, conflict or event, 2) resolution or consequence to the problem/ conflict/ event 3) an ending to the story One statement does not make sense with reference to the story Provides one of the following: 1)problem, conflict or event, 2) resolution or consequence 3) an ending to the story Identifies no problem, conflict or event Two or more statements do not make sense with reference to the story Three or more statements do not make sense with reference to the story Does not provide a resolution or consequence to the problem/conflict/ event Does not provide an ending