Re-using and recycling bulky waste Workshop outline This is a one day workshop Aim This workshop aims to stimulate change in bulky waste services. It will bring together local authority, third and private sector staff to learn about latest developments and good practice of household bulky waste services – collections and HWRCs. It will enable delegates to identify and evaluate the re-use and recycling improvements they can make to their bulky waste services to achieve more diversion from waste, plus the socio-economic benefits. This workshop aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to enable them to plan, implement and market the newly designed services. Why it is important that you should come along With the waste legislation, waste prevention strategies and the need to drive down costs, local authorities are now looking seriously at ways to develop the traditional bulky waste collection service. This workshop will update you on the current thinking, the latest techniques for implementing change. It will equip you with the information, motivation and direction to make improvements to bulky services and ensure you are not falling behind. Target Audience This workshop is aimed at managers and supervisors: group size will be 10-15 attendees. Local authority staff with responsibility for the development of bulky waste services, whether an in-house service, with an existing contractor, or a service to be tendered. Private waste management companies with a contract and/or an interest in developing more reuse and recycling focussed bulky waste services. Third sector organisations in a position to innovate re-use collection services and willing to take steps with its local authorities and contractors to change bulky collection services. Consultants wanting to be kept informed on the latest thinking on achieving higher levels of diversion and socio-economic benefits from bulky waste services. Learning Outcomes Upon (successful) completion of the delegates will be able to: Identify and evaluate the local, national and international drivers for the delivery of bulky waste reuse/recycling schemes write service aims and objectives to develop/improve bulky waste schemes; identify the various levels of service options for delivering reuse focussed bulky waste schemes appraise different options for improving bulky waste against the service aims and objectives calculate and compare the costs for bulky collection schemes calculate the current provision as the baselinefor measuring progress identify stakeholders and lead on stakeholder engagement write service specificatons and develop Key Performance Indicators (KPIs); develop an action plan for managing change to bulky waste services decide on a stratigic communications plan, understand the brand and marketing needs Re-using and recycling bulky waste Workshop outline 2 Change management in bulky waste Is your current service fit for future purpose: why change it? Recognising the various service options and steps to implementation Costing , evaluating and specifying the service Action planning Marketing and communications for your new service Outline programme Introductions – round robin – and agenda for the day Identifying: EU, national and local drivers Setting Aims and objectives and their significance Coffee and tea break Recognised good practice options Costing options appraisal Lunch Stakeholder engagement process Establishing the baseline figures for bulky waste Deciding on the service option Tea break Writing the service specification Action planning Using the communications and marketing materials Final round up and feedback completion Start Time Finish Time 9:30 10:00 10:00 10:30 10:30 11:00 11:15 11:45 11:45 12:30 13:15 13:45 14:05 13:45 14:05 14:35 14:50 15:10 15:35 16:05 15:10 15:35 16:05 16:30 At each step delegates will be asked: At what step they are at in the process and their experience. What barriers they have faced or envisage. Plus, facilitators will add anecdotes from their own learning and case studies, suggestions, lessons learnt, what-not-to-do, etc. Signpost to WRAP Guidance, Bulky Basics manual and any other sources of reference.