Nick Jarosz Physics 419 Scientific Progress under Kuhn's Paradigm Shift Model For as long as humans have built civilizations, they have found use in organizing the information that describes the world around them. Observation and recording of natural phenomena leads to an understanding of cycles and causal links. This knowledge allows predictions to be made. However, throughout history, humans have encountered phenomena that do not fit their current understanding of the way things work. It is at this point that people must evaluate their current understanding of a set of natural phenomenon. The current understanding must then either go through a change to assimilate the new phenomenon, or it must be discarded in favor of a new understanding. Thomas Kuhn evaluated this process in his 1962 book, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. In it, Kuhn assigns the name paradigm to the understanding scientists adopt about a class of phenomena. The work scientists do to expand the body of knowledge under each paradigm is called normal science. Kuhn contests that scientific progress is no more than a change in paradigm, which parallels a change in perception. Examples of this type of paradigm shift are the famous revolutions in scientific history: Newtonian gravity, the atomic theory of matter, or Einstein's theories of relativity. I will argue the progress that occurs through this type of paradigm shift is neither a convergence on the true nature of the universe, nor an accumulation of understanding specific phenomenon. Instead, I argue that science progresses using the ideas that preceded the current paradigm as tools to reshape the existing paradigm. This reshaping may be looked at not as progress, but as a directionless change in our understanding of natural phenomena. To support the above claim, it is first necessary to examine the control a paradigm exercises over the practice of normal science. Kuhn observes that normal science, which makes up the bulk of scientific research, operates under the assumption that the existing paradigm is correct, "Normal science does and must continually strive to bring theory and fact into closer agreement...its object is to solve a puzzle for whose very existence the validity of the paradigm must be assumed"1. Here we see that Kuhn goes further than simply claiming that normal science assumes the truth of the operational paradigm; the nature of the research requires it. This can be demonstrated when examining any set of assumptions imposed by a paradigm. An easily adapted example is Newtonian mechanics, which assumes space and time are absolute objective features of the universe that all observers agree upon. If the validity of this axiom was not assumed, it would be impossible to make predictions with Newtonian mechanics. Quantities such as force, work, and velocity lose a significant amount of meaning if we do not either assume the rigidity of space and time or define them with an alternate system. When examining the experiments that led to major paradigm shifts, it becomes apparent that the validity of the experiment rests on the integrity of the paradigm. If the paradigm is not assumed to be correct, then the question that the experiment wishes to test cannot be said to be relevant question. A good historical example of this problem is the attempt to unify Newtonian mechanics, which has no preferred reference frame, with Maxwell's equations, which seem to require a reference frame. These clearly conflicting assumptions must be tested if the theories are to be unified. If a scientist were to attribute validity to one set of assumptions and not the other while designing an experiment that intended to shed light on the conflict, the results would favor the assumed principles. The dependence normal science has on paradigms is clearly visible in both historical and current research. Kuhn chooses to examine John Dalton's discovery of oxygen and the emergence of the atomic theory of matter that followed it. Dalton was primarily a meteorologist, though his research stretched 1 Kuhn pg. 80 into the fields of chemistry and physics because he studied the atmosphere extensively. Kuhn explains that among Dalton's contemporary chemists, it was strongly believed that mixtures such as salt in water, or air were as much chemical combinations as oxidized metals. This lack of differentiation between mixtures and chemical combinations made the search for the atomic and chemical constituents of air almost impossible because it was assumed that air was a chemical compound on its own, "Even if chemists had looked for such tests, they would have sought criteria that made the solution a compound. The mixture-compound distinction was part of their paradigm-part of the way they viewed their whole field"2. The understanding of the atomic theory was developed partially because of the discovery that mixtures and compounds were different, and yet, the paradigm that guided normal science research in Dalton's time operated under the assumption that mixtures and compounds were the same thing. It would make no sense to even question if mixtures and compounds were different because the current scientific theory needed to assume their identity. This raises the question, how did Dalton succeed in isolating oxygen or come to the conclusion that air was a mixture made up of chemical constituents? Kuhn claims that Dalton's success was due, in part, to his position as meteorologist who experimented in chemistry, "Partly because his training was in a different specialty and partly because of his own work in that specialty, he approached these problems with a paradigm different from that of contemporary chemists"3. Dalton's background in meteorology ensured that he viewed certain phenomenon differently than his contemporaries in chemistry. When Dalton looked at a mixture of gasses, or salt dissolving in water, he saw a physical process, not a chemical one. It was this mindset that allowed Dalton to find fault with the apparent homogeneity of air. By examining this historical anecdote, it becomes clear that normal science is very heavily dependent on the existing paradigm. We have seen that in Dalton's case, a mental construct from outside the established field was required to create a major advancement in chemistry. While it is true that much incremental progress is achieved with 2 3 Kuhn pg. 131 Kuhn pg. 133 normal science, a paradigm shift is needed to create revolutions in scientific theory. This raises the question, how can revolutions occur if normal science operates assuming the current paradigm's validity? To address the previous issue we will examine Kuhn's theory about how new paradigms emerge. Before the emergence of a new paradigm, scientists are typically performing research under the current paradigm. It is impossible to be looking for a new paradigm under normal science research, as a new paradigm is only needed when the current paradigm fails to explain the results of current normal science research. Further, it seems improbable that the inconsistencies in the results of normal science research should become apparent frequently. Kuhn addresses this point, and speaks about how a scientist approaches normal science experimentation, "He knows what he wants to achieve, and he designs his instruments and directs his thoughts accordingly"4. When framed in this light, it seems that normal science must be tautologically correct, and in a sense this is true. As Kuhn explains earlier, normal science, by his definition, operates under the assumption that the operational paradigm is correct. Thus, any scientist wishing to expand knowledge under the umbrella of the current paradigm must adhere to these assumptions. Consequently, experiments are designed to abide by these assumptions, and not to test them. If and when scientists wish to test the validity of their paradigm, they do so in a manner that is congruent with the paradigm. This type of testing was illustrated with the example of Dalton's discovery of oxygen. Chemists wishing to confirm their understanding of air's constituents in Dalton's time would have designed experiments with the assumption that air was a compound. Further, if the chemists had accidentally isolated oxygen, nitrogen, or any other gas, they would first attempt to attribute its new properties to that of chemical air in a way that agreed with their understanding of it. This attribution would be done in the interest of preserving the paradigm that framed the experiment. However, it is important to note that valid scientific paradigms must provide 4 Kuhn pg. 96 testable predictions outside the current body of knowledge. When these predictions are being tested, anomalous data or phenomena can appear. These persistent anomalies are the seeds of a crisis that demands revolution. In looking at Dalton's discovery of oxygen, we have seen that paradigm shifts occur only when normal science uncovers behaviors that demand it. Kuhn claimed that the normal science researcher designs experiments with an anticipated result. The failure of the paradigm occurs only when scientists encounter anomalies, seemingly at random, "Unanticipated novelty, a new discovery, can emerge only to the extent that his anticipations about nature and his instruments prove wrong"4. When such an anomaly occurs, the normal scientific community must evaluate its validity, and determine if it demands a change in paradigm, "Often the importance of the resulting discovery will itself be proportional to the extent and stubbornness of the anomaly that foreshadowed it"5. It is the cumulative nature of normal science that unearths a crisis or conflict between paradigm based expectation and observation, and creates the need for a new paradigm. Despite the fact that new paradigms replace previous ones, Kuhn explains that it cannot be said that displaced paradigms were unscientific in nature. Kuhn examines Newton's theory of gravity, which functioned very well as a mathematical description of observed phenomena at the time, fails to provide a qualitative explanation for how gravity functions, "The attempt to explain gravity, though fruitfully abandoned by most eighteenth century scientists, was not directed to an intrinsically illegitimate problem; the objections to innate forces were neither inherently unscientific nor metaphysical"6. The Newtonian gravity paradigm was in no way unscientific, and it was and remains an accurate theory in its domain. Newton's theory of gravity is scientific despite its failure to explain the mechanism by which gravity works. This explanation was not fully addressed until Einstein's theory of general relativity 5 6 Kuhn pg. 97 Kuhn pg. 108 replaced the Newtonian gravity paradigm. If we adopt the opinion that the paradigms that fail to explain every aspect of a phenomenon are unscientific in nature, we make the claim that all previous theories have been unscientific. This claim would lead to the apparent paradox of current theories being considered scientific, while all previous theories that helped lead to the current ones were unscientific. If, on the other hand, we accept the scientific nature of all previous theories, we must describe how to confirm the validity of proposed paradigms. While examining the nature of scientific knowledge, we have arrived at an apparent paradox. How can new paradigms be verified if all previous theories are considered equally scientific? One could perhaps claim that a theory can be considered legitimate if it describes data with more precision than a previous model. However, this stance carries with it the experimental error in obtaining the data. Further, it is possible to create a very precise mathematical model that describes a phenomenon that could have nothing to do with the nature of reality. We saw Newton's theory of gravity provides an excellent mathematical framework for gravity, though it does not describe the mechanism by which it works. Kuhn contests that paradigms are no more than man-made ideas, "Are theories simply man-mad interpretations of given data? The epistemological viewpoint that has most often guided Western philosophy for three centuries dictates an immediate and unequivocal, Yes!"7. This implies that all paradigms can be considered scientifically valid because they are of our own construction. A paradigm shift is nothing more than the a change in mental interpretations. The paradigm has no connection to the physical world, it is an artifact of our own creation, created by a psychological need to sort information in a logical order. Kuhn likens the mental paradigm shift to the gestalt switch studied in psychology, in which a person can see both a vase or two faces in the same photo, "two men with the same retinal impressions can see different things; the inverting lenses show that two men with different 7 Kuhn pg. 126 retinal impressions can see the same thing"8. The scientific paradigm shift identifies itself separately from a visual or psychological gestalt switch in one way; the scientific gestalt switch is irreversible. The irreversibility of the scientific paradigm is ensured by both the presence of objective sources of the crisis, and the conflicting set of assumptions that exist between two subsequent paradigms. The crises that create scientific revolutions are objective phenomena or data. While the paradigm represents a mental representation, the anomalous data that finds problem with the current paradigm is very real and objective. In the revolution started by Dalton's work, the objective source was the isolation of a gas from normal air that had very different qualities than air itself. The existence of oxygen is an objective phenomenon; it cannot be ignored or explained by a paradigm that says air is a chemical compound. Secondly, a new paradigm must have assumptions that differ in some way from the previous paradigm. Newton's assumptions about the rigid nature of space and time are in conflict with relativity's claim that space and time are subject to change based on relative velocity. Both sets of assumptions cannot be kept while they are in conflict, and the presence of the objective phenomenon ensures that only the newly emerged paradigm can remain. Kuhn adds an additional comment on the nature of paradigm shifts. The ability for paradigms to exist while they ignore certain questions, as Newton's gravity did, means that normal science lacks a language of true objectivity. The assumptions that normal science requires result in "a language that like those employed in the sciences - embodies a host of expectations about nature and fails to function the moment these expectations are violated"8. This lack of objectivity in the language of normal science is congruent with the paradigm creation process we have examined. Just as in the case of Dalton's discovery of oxygen, paradigms fail when anomalous phenomenon repeatedly appear in the process of testing the current paradigm's predictions. Thus, we have resolved the apparent paradox between the legitimacy of current scientific paradigms and the scientific nature of displaced paradigms. This solution 8 Kuhn pg. 127 demands that paradigm shifts are nothing more than mental constructs though this idea successfully matches the nature of scientific revolutions as we have observed them. Now that we have successfully identified the method by which scientific revolutions occur, we can move on to an analysis of that progress. The identification of paradigm shifts as a strictly mental phenomenon led to a logically consistent explanation of scientific progress. Kuhn argued that this paradigm shift model shows the progress of science lacks linearity, in contrast to the way science is traditionally taught. I will argue that this lack of linearity, coupled with the mental nature of paradigms, indicates that science is not a converging accumulation of facts but a directionless change in perception. Traditionally, science history is presented in a manner that conveys a simplicity and a linearity that simple doesn't reflect the true nature of progress. Linearity implies that every paradigm replaces the one that preceded it because it provides a more accurate description of existing phenomenon, and accommodates new phenomenon as well. This description ignores the fact that the search for a new paradigm is not the goal of normal science, and paradigm shifts cannot be predicted by normal science. Kuhn describes this progress by looking at Dalton's discovery of oxygen once more. In describing the practice of reflecting on paradigm changes, Kuhn says, "The result is a persistent tendency to make the history of science look linear or cumulative, a tendency that even affects scientists looking back at their own research"9. He goes on to attach this idea to John Dalton, who described the atmosphere in which his discoveries took place in a way that seems to contradict himself. In Dalton's later accounts, he records his progress as if he were interested in studying the chemical constituents of air at the beginning of his experimentation. However, when his early records are examined, from before his determination he isolated a gas that has properties unique from normal air, Dalton does not appear to have any insights about what he has refined, nor does he feel he has accomplished his goal. It was only after Dalton successfully isolated oxygen that he realized that his work required a change in paradigm. Kuhn 9 Kuhn pg. 139 describes this process as, "What all of Dalton's accounts omit are the revolutionary effects of applying to chemistry a set of questions and concepts previously restricted to physics and meteorology. That is what Dalton did, and the result was a reorientation toward the field"9. Dalton was unaware that he was searching for oxygen, and when he succeeded in isolating it, he didn't identify the implications until after the field had changed to accept previously incompatible questions. The normal science research that was occurring in Dalton's time was not searching for evidence of an atomic theory of matter, it simply happened by accident. It was only after the discovery had occurred that Dalton and the scientific community accepted it as being the next step forward in understanding chemistry. The linearity of science is an artifact we create when looking back at previous discoveries. Meanwhile, we ignore the fact that current normal science research does not know where the next revolution will come from, just as normal science researchers did not know in the past. This post revolutionary imposition of linearity gives insight into one last characteristic of revolutions; their invisibility. To see the invisibility of scientific revolutions, one can examine any revolution, but we will restrict our examination to Dalton's discovery of oxygen as it has been our main example. The process by which normal science is carried out insures that when a crisis occurs, the revolution remains invisible until after it has been accepted by the community. When scientists are educated, they are not taught to identify revolutions, they are taught how to carry out normal science because normal science is what scientists do. Scientists are educated to accept the current paradigm as a necessarily assumed truth and explore its predictions. They are also shown that the set of historical theories progressed in a linear fashion in which more accurate theories replace less accurate ones. Kuhn describes this form of presentation as "the textbook tendency to make the development of science linear hides a process that lies at the heart of the most significant episodes of scientific development"10. Further, Kuhn comments on this tendency as creating misconceptions, "those misconstructions render revolutions invisible"10. 10 Kuhn pg. 140 The imposition of the linear historical structure coupled with the nature of normal science ensures that revolutions remain invisible. This can be approached in a different way when one considers the questions that must be asked to bring on revolution. Questions that find problems with the current paradigm do not assume the paradigm is correct. If a scientist carrying out normal science research encounters a phenomenon that cannot be explained by the current paradigm, they must still approach the problem assuming the paradigm is correct. If scientists failed to do this, theories would be abandoned too quickly to make any substantive progress within them. It is only after a great persistence of the problem that scientists are forced to question their initial assumptions. The validity of these questions cannot be accounted for by the current paradigm as the questions themselves demand a solution which is in conflict with the assumptions of the paradigm. When a new paradigm is developed and tested to ensure it can explain both the new phenomenon as well as the old paradigm, the legitimacy of the questions born out of crisis can finally be addressed. Put simply, revolutions cannot be identified until after a paradigm shift is complete. This accounts both for the invisibility of revolutions as well as the irreversibility of paradigm shifts. This post revolutionary validation process is consistent with neither a linear progression of facts nor a predictable direction in the progress of science. Science is often thought of as being a cumulative process, and, in a sense, this is true. Normal science accumulates facts and data within a paradigm, and this process continues until data is discovered that cannot be explained under the current paradigm. The data that causes this trouble, however, is never the goal of normal science. Normal science only seeks to expand a body of knowledge given a set of assumptions and explore the predictions that can be made with those assumptions. However, certain persistent and unexplained phenomenon are found in this process. It cannot be predicted when the conflicting data will be found or when a crisis will occur. It is for this reason that the time and location of paradigm shifts cannot be predicted. Further, when conflicts are found with the current paradigm, there is no guarantee that a paradigm shift will occur. In most cases, normal science researchers will ignore this data as anomalous and be content with the incompleteness in the current paradigm. This was the case when Newton failed to explain how gravity acted at a distance and yet his theory was still accepted. This means paradigm shifts occur only when the intellectual climate is ready to accept the change. When this climate occurs is not clear. This should come as no surprise as a paradigm is a strictly mental structure. Lastly, it has been established that the apparent linearity we see in science history is a product of our own creation and provides no guarantee the next revolution lies along any predictable path. In Dalton's case, the realization that air was a mixture did not physically change air, it only changed the scientific community's understanding of it. Similarly, all other revolutions in science have merely been changes in mental perception. These changes rely on the intellectual climate they are brought into to survive. The result is an unpredictable and directionless process of change. Nature remains as it always has, it is only the way we understand it that changes. For this reason, it should be no surprise that revolutions seem to occur at random. Revolutions are strictly mental processes, that occur only when we are ready to accept a new understanding of existing evidence. Bibliographic Information: Kuhn, Thomas S. The Structure Of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago, IL : University Of Chicago Press, 1996. Print.