Guide for Service Assessment - Standard 5 (Adapted with permission from a document developed by Louise Hanrahan, Director Maitland Pre-school and her team) Questions for reflective practice Standard 5.1 How do we build close, secure relationships with children of all ages, abilities, genders & backgrounds? How do we help children to feel that they belong in the service? How do we learn about individual children’s non-verbal cues & communication strategies, & the specific communication requirements of children who have additional needs? How do we cater for them? How do we engage in children’s play? What roles do we play? How do we interact with children to engage them in learning? What strategies & techniques do we use to extend & build on children’s comments & conversations? How do we use conversations & interactions with children to make routine times enjoyable & meaningful learning opportunities? BABIES AND TODDLERS How do we respond to the distress some babies & toddlers experience when they have to adapt to unfamiliar routines, new people & new places? Observe 5.1.1 An atmosphere that is generally relaxed & happy Relaxed, unhurried meal times during which educators sit, & talk with children Children initiating conversations with educators about their experiences inside & outside the service Children expressing ideas & feelings & sharing humour with educators Educators: Responding sensitively & appropriately to all children’s efforts to communicate Engaging children in many conversations throughout the day or session Engaging in sustained conversations with individual children about things that interest the child Document1 Sight Discuss How: The service’s Statement of philosophy guides interactions with children Experiences & routines are organised to maximise opportunities for meaningful conversations between children & educators The service ensures that all children have equal opportunities to engage in one-to-one & small group conversations with educators The Statement of philosophy The service’s policy on interactions with children Evidence that planned & spontaneous experiences & routines provide opportunities for children to engage in meaningful conversations with educators Reflections Page 1 of 9 Consistently responding positively to all children who require their attention Babies and Toddlers Predictable personal-care routines that are rich & enjoyable experiences for babies & toddlers Educators responding to babies & toddlers when they practice & play with language, by repeating the words, sounds & gestures that children use School Age Children Children initiating conversations with the educators about their experiences inside & outside the service Children expressing ideas & feelings & sharing humour with educators Educators engaging in sustained conversations with individual children about things that interest them (the child) Educators encouraging children to communicate their own ideas & express an opinion about matters that affect them Observe 5.1.2 Children: Engaging in spontaneous, two-way conversations & interactions with educators about what is happening around them, why things happened & what can be learnt from these experiences Asking educators for assistance as they try new things, take on new challenges & try to do things for themselves Document1 How educators learn about babies’ & toddlers’ non verbal cues & communication strategies How daily tasks & routines are managed to maximise opportunities to build trusting relationships between educators & children How: Educators learn out about babies & toddlers nonverbal cues & communication strategies Staffing & grouping arrangements within a centre-based service support the development of trusting relationships between educators & babies & toddlers Sight Discuss Plans for the inclusion of children with additional needs Evidence of planned & spontaneous experiences & routines that support the engagement of individual children & groups of children in experiences of their own choosing with the support & guidance of educators Reflections The ways in which children’s cues are used to guide the level & type of adult involvement in children’s play How children are encouraged to share their stories & ideas How routines & everyday experiences are used to support children’s learning Page 2 of 9 Educators: Participating in children’s play & using children’s cues to guide their level & type of involvement Responding positively & respectfully to children’s comments, questions & requests for assistance Modelling reasoning, predicting & reflective processes & language Collaborating with children about routines & experiences Using techniques, such as sign language & other resources & tools, to support the inclusion of children with additional needs Documentation of children’s learning that shows evidence that educators interactions with children are used to support the children’s developing ideas, skills & relationships The ways in which educators use information from their observations of & interactions with children to extend children’s thinking & learning How educators use their interactions with children to support the maintenance of home languages & learning English as an additional language Babies and Toddlers Educators describing objects & events & talking about routine activities with babies & toddlers Educators encouraging give-and-take communication by adding to interactions initiated by babies & toddlers Observe 5.1.3 Children: Demonstrating a sense of belonging & comfort in the environment Communicating their need for comfort & assistance Engaging in helping activities, & showing kindness & compassion to their peers An environment that reflects the lives of the children, their families & the local Document1 Sight Discuss Examples of the information gathered from: Families to support their child during the settling-in process Other professionals or support agencies that work with children, including children who have additional needs & those from culturally & linguistically diverse backgrounds Reflections Ways in which educators learn more about the histories, cultures, languages, traditions, child-rearing practices & lifestyle choices of families using the service Strategies used to assist all children to develop a sense of belonging & confidence in the service Page 3 of 9 community Practices & routines that honour children & their family & community contexts Group sizes & staffing practices that: Support the establishment of secure relationships between educators & children Support children settling into the service each day Facilitate effective daily communication with families Educators: Showing genuine interest in, understanding of & respect for all children Comforting children who cry or show other signs of distress Responding positively to the varying abilities & confidence of all children Acknowledging children’s efforts & achievements Actively supporting the maintenance of the child’s home language Babies and Toddlers Children: Being supported to build secure attachments with one & then more familiar educators Using a favourite toy or comfort item brought from home to help them settle & feel secure in the service Many opportunities for babies & toddlers to experience relaxed physical contact & one-to-one interactions with familiar educators Document1 The service’s approach to equity & inclusion, documented in the statement of philosophy Evidence that educators draw on the diverse knowledge, experiences & views of their colleagues in reviewing the experiences planned for children & their teaching strategies to ensure that all children have opportunities to achieve learning outcomes How staffing & grouping arrangements within a centrebased service support babies & toddlers to feel secure in the service Centre Based Services How rosters are planned to promote continuity for children Page 4 of 9 Questions for reflective practice Standard 5.2 How do we enable children to form & maintain positive relationships with others? How is a culture of respect, equity & fairness encouraged in the service? How is this communicated to educators, children & families? How are the program & routines arranged to ensure adequate time for children to engage in projects & play experiences of their own choosing, with a variety of peers & adults? How do we model positive, respectful relationships with others to children? How do we ensure that the physical environment, program & routines are conductive to the development & maintenance of children’s interpersonal relationships? How do we promote a sense of community within the service? How do we ensure that our policy on interactions with children reflects current information about child development & best practice in guiding your children’s behaviour? How do our own beliefs & attitudes & experiences as children influence the way in which we guide children’s behaviour? What opportunities do children have to make decisions about rules, expectations & outcomes in relation to their own & other’s behaviour? How do we manage situations where we experience challenges in relation to guiding the behaviour of a child or a group of children? How do we work with families & other professionals & resource agencies to ensure that behaviour guidance strategies are tailored for individual children? How are difference expectations managed? School Age Children How do we meet older children’s needs for independence & greater freedom? How do we ensure some consistency between school & the service in the approach taken to guiding children’s behaviour? Observe 5.2.1 Children Participating in play experiences & developing friendships as part of a small group Engaging in enjoyable interactions with their peers, contributing to shared play experiences & responding positively to ideas & suggestions from others Negotiating roles & relationships in play & leisure experiences Engaged in ongoing collaborative projects they have initiated that involve research, planning, problem Document1 Sight Discuss The service’s policy on interactions with children Evidence that: The program & routines include regular opportunities for children to engage in social play & collaborative experiences Educators regularly identify children’s shared interests & uses this information to plan further collaborative learning opportunities Reflections How staffing & grouping arrangements within a centre-based service support positive relationships between children How educators support & promote children’s interpersonal relationships The ways in which educators support inclusion of children from diverse backgrounds & capabilities in collaborative play, projects & experiences with others How educators learn about children’s shared interests & use how they use this information to plan further Page 5 of 9 solving & shared decision making Educators: Modelling for children explicit strategies to initiate interactions & join in play & social experiences with other children Engaging in children’s group play & projects Assisting & supporting children when they are having difficulty understanding or communicating with each other Creating opportunities for peer scaffolding Promoting a sense of community in the service learning opportunities School Age Children Children spending a large proportion of their time with peers Educators: acknowledging older children’s complex relationships & sensitively intervening in ways that promote social inclusion Providing opportunities for children to assume leadership roles & direct play experiences with their peers Observe 5.2.2 Children: Engaging in cooperative, helping behaviour Exploring different identities & points of view in dramatic play Challenging other children’s behaviour with it is disrespectful or Document1 The opportunities provided for children to take on leadership roles within the service How educators broaden children’s perspectives & encourage an appreciation of diversity & difference within the group Sight Discuss How educators: Learn about & respond to individual children’s relationships with others, & the relationship preferences they may have Use knowledge of individual children’s personalities & The service’s policies & procedures on interactions with children Evidence of: Planned & spontaneous experiences that support children to develop & practice the skills required to participate Reflections Page 6 of 9 unfair Expressing their feelings & responses to others’ behaviours confidently & constructively Being supported to communicate effectively to resolve disagreements with others Educators: Discussing emotions, feelings & issues of inclusion & exclusion, fair & unfair behaviour, bias & prejudice Encouraging children to listen to other children’s ideas, consider alternative behaviours & solve problems together Talking with children about the outcomes of their actions, & the rules & reasons for these Prompting & supporting children to remove themselves from situations where they are experiencing frustration, anger or fear Listening empathetically to children when they express their emotions & reassuring children that it is normal to experience positive & negative emotions at times Supporting children to negotiate their rights in relation to the rights of others & intervening sensitively when children experience difficulty in resolving a disagreement Document1 in group discussions & shared decision making with their peers Collaboration with schools, other professionals or support agencies that work with children who have diagnosed behavioural or social difficulties Examples of the information gathered from families about their children’s social skills & relationship preferences Plans for the inclusion of children who have specifically diagnosed behaviour or social difficulties friendship preferences to support children to manage their own behaviour & develop an understanding of others’ feelings Support children when they are trying to negotiate & resolve conflicts with others Support children who are subject to aggressive or bullying behaviour, including social isolation &, where applicable, cyber bullying Children who have specifically diagnosed behavioural or social difficulties are genuinely & sensitively supported to understand how their actions affect others Educators work with each child’s family &, where applicable, their school, to ensure that a consistent approach is used to support children who have specifically diagnosed behavioural or social difficulties Page 7 of 9 Observe 5.2.3 Children: Being allowed to make choices & to experience the consequences of these where there is no risk of physical or emotional harm to the child or another being Being acknowledged when they make positive choices in managing their own behaviour Who are not isolated for any reason other than illness, accident or a prearranged appointment with parental consent Spaces, resources & routines arranged to minimise times when children are likely to experience stress or frustration Educators: Pre-empting potential conflicts or challenging behaviours by monitoring children’s play & supporting interactions where there is conflict Using positive language, gestures, facial expressions & tone of voice when redirecting or discussing children’s behaviour with them Responding promptly to children’s aggressive or bullying behaviour Being patient, gentle, calm & reassuring even when children strongly express distress, frustration or anger Clearly reflecting the information received from families, other professionals & resource agencies Consistently guiding all children’s behaviour in ways that: Are focussed on supporting children to develop the skills to self regulate Document1 Sight Discuss The service’s policy on interactions with children that outlines a clear process for guiding children’s behaviour positively, based on what is currently understood to be best practice in early childhood education & care Examples of individual behaviour guidance plans for children with diagnosed behavioural difficulties that have been developed in consultation with families, other professionals & support agencies Reflections The strategies used by educators to encourage children’s positive behaviour & minimise negative behaviour How educators involve children in developing behaviour limits & the consequences for inappropriate behaviours How educators manage situations in which: Families have different expectations from the service in relation to guiding children’s behaviour A child’s behaviour is particularly challenging How the service supports educators to enhance their skills & knowledge in relation to guiding children’s behaviour Page 8 of 9 Preserve & promote children’s selfesteem That corporal punishment is not used at the service That food is being used appropriately & not as reward or punishment Babies and Toddlers Educators: Speaking in comforting tones & holding babies to soothe them when they are crying Responding positively to babies’ & toddlers’ exploratory behaviour School Age Children Older children having some privileges & increased freedom in recognition of their growing maturity & ability to take responsibility for their own behaviour Document1 How the service manages situations where babies & toddlers bite How educators ensure there is some consistency between school & the service in the approach taken to guide children’s behaviour Page 9 of 9