Morrison CV - 1 CURRICULUM VITAE WILLIAM R. MORRISON III, PH.D. USDA-ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station 2217 Wiltshire Road Kearneysville, WV 25430 USA Cell: (480) 861-1732 Fax: (304) 728-2340 url: http://williamrobertmorrisoniii. EDUCATION 2010-2014 Ph.D., Entomology; Ecology, Evolutionary Biology & Behavior Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI 2007-2009 M.S., Ecology, Evolution and Systematics University of Munich, Munich, Germany 2002-2006 B.A., cum laude, Biology; German Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI RESEARCH EXPERIENCE May ’14-Current Post-doctoral Researcher, joint appointment between USDA-ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station., Kearneysville, WV and Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ Focus: development of attract-and-kill using semiochemicals and understanding the retention capacity of the brown marmorated stink bug in apple orchards and in trap crops for organic vegetable production in Dr. Tracy Leskey’s laboratory. Designed and conducted field and lab experiments; wrote up manuscripts on projects dealing with brown marmorated stink bug, plum curculio, and apple fly maggot; aided projects by performing statistical analyses (univariate and multivariate methods); supervised and mentored undergraduate students; partly responsible for grant-writing; maintained regional and national collaborations dealing with pest management issues. Jun ’10-May ‘14 Ph.D. dissertation, Vegetable Entomology, MSU, East Lansing, MI Focus: integrated pest management, chemical ecology, biological control, spatial distribution, and development of the asparagus miner (Ophiomyia simplex; Diptera: Agromyzidae) in Dr. Zsofia Szendrei’s laboratory. Combined various methodologies, including: field studies, headspace collection (in the field, greenhouse and lab), GC-MS, y-tube choice tests, environmental chamber experiments, conservation biological control habitat manipulations, multivariate and univariate statistical analyses in R, among others. Jun ’10-Aug ‘12 Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Entomology, MSU, East Lansing, MI Helped with the collection and write-up of data for asparagus-related projects, including: data for pesticide trials with the asparagus miner and asparagus beetle, managing undergraduate workers in the field, establishing asparagus research fields, communicating with growers, aiding with writing asparagus reports and summaries for extension-related purposes, among others. Oct ’09-May ‘10 Laboratory Technician, W.K.Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI Worked in Dr. Jay Lennon’s laboratory using microbiological techniques (preparing cell media, maintaining cultures, setting up and sampling from chemostats, isolating isogenic lines of bacteria and phage, making agar plates, cryopreserving samples, performing competition experiments using cyanobacteria and phage) to evaluate the cost of resistance in cyanobacteria to various phage strains from marine systems. Oct ’08-Oct ‘09 Master’s thesis, Behavioral Ecology Group, LMU, Munich, Germany Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 2 Focus: investigation of the ecological, chemical and genetic differentiation of two morphologically similar species of ants, Lasius platythorax and Lasius niger to understand coexistence and speciation in Dr. Volker Witte’s lab. Combined field observations (baiting, activity patterns, niche differentiation and food sources), microsatellite analysis and cuticular hydrocarbon analysis with GC-MS Aug’08-Oct ‘09 Laboratory Assistant, Department of Ecology, Munich, Germany Maintained ant colonies by feeding, watering and cleaning artificial nests; reviewed manuscripts and reports in working group, ensuring fluency of English; helped transfer collected ants from the field into artificial nests. Aug ’08-Oct ’08 Research Assistant, W.K. Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI Worked on a large Department of Energy-funded project to assess the ecosystem services of biofuel crops around Southwest Michigan. Specifically, the plant biodiversity of restored prairies versus switchgrass fields were evaluated. In the form of personal research, also evaluated the biodiversity of ants, collecting and identifying specimens down to genus. May ’08-Aug ‘08 Lab Rotation, Technische Universität München (TUM) , Munich, Germany Assessed impact of oak species (Quercus rubra or Quercus robur) on the development of gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) larvae over a 39-day period. Worked with SPSS and SigmaPlot to analyze data; wrote 38 page report detailing findings in typical scientific format and created and presented a poster about project. Spent over 300 hours on the project. Jan-Jun ’08/Jan 09 Assistant to the Evolution, Ecology & Systematics Coordinator, Munich, Germany Updated contact information database for program coordinators across Europe by contacting programs; revised and updated EES program website; translated the Rules and Study Regulations for the EES program from German to English. Nov ‘07-Feb ‘08 Lab Rotation, Ludwigs-Maximilians Universität, Munich, Germany Investigated role of the poison gland in a novel species of mushroom-feeding ant (Euprenolepsis procera), its role in colony communication, and the chemical composition of the poison gland extract using GC-MS. Involved over 120 hours of laboratory time, excluding time taken for a literature review, scientific write-up of the results and an oral presentation of results to working group. Feb-Aug ‘07 Research Assistant, W.K Kellogg Biological Station, Hickory Corners, MI Worked in a plant lab (Dr. Kay Gross) on a project involving studying the effects of soil nutrient heterogeneity on plant biodiversity. Duties included biomass clipping, weighing, sorting; plant identification in the field; plant censusing using cover classes and stem counts; data entry; fertilizer weighing and application by hand; greenhouse experiment maintenance including raising seedlings; and other various tasks. Jul-Dec ‘06 Research Intern, Archbold Biological Station, Lake Placid, FL Worked half of the time for director of the MacArthur Agro-Ecology Research Center (MAERC). Helped other interns and Ph.D. students with their research in the field. Worked on various field projects dealing with wetland ecology in a cattle ranch setting, ranging from effects of plant-plant competition to the effects of cattle grazing and fire. Other half of time: formulated, designed and completed personal independent research project focusing on the effects of different plant communities on the abundance, diversity and composition of the associated invertebrate fauna. Gained experience with ordination, diversity indices and other analytical tools. Jan.-Jun ‘06 Research Apprenticeship/Independent Research Study, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI Identified ant species to genus and morphospecies using dichotomous keys as a part of a larger biodiversity assessment project. Evaluated focal arthropod (spiders, beetles, etc.) taxa as bioindicators of larger biodiversity in oldfield sites. Sorted and catalogued to order and morphospecies; analyzed and interpreted diversity data. Spent over 170 hours on project, 158 hours of which were in the lab. Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 3 GRANTS, SCHOLARSHIPS, AND FELLOWSHIPS Feb ’15-Feb’16 State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania Grant (funded at $12,500), “Amplifying natural enemy impacts: Enhancing attraction of brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys) and its natural enemies with semiochemicals at floral patches” (PI; Lead institution: USDA-ARS) Aug ’14-Aug ’16 USDA Specialty Crops Research Initiative CAP Renewal (funded at $5,357,738), “Biology, Ecology, and Management of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug in Orchard Crops, Small Fruits, Grapes, Vegetables, and Ornamentals” (Co-PI; Lead institution: USDA-ARS) Feb ’14 NCB ESA Student Travel Award ($250), East Lansing, MI Jan ’14 Hutson Endowment Travel Grant ($400), East Lansing, MI Nov ’13 Vegetable Industry Scholarship ($1,000), Michigan Vegetable Council, East Lansing, MI Sep ’13 Monsanto Student Travel Award ($1,830) through ESA, East Lansing, MI Jun ’13 Hutson Professional Research Award ($1,200), East Lansing, MI Nov ’12 Monsanto Student Travel Scholarship ($424) through ESA, East Lansing, MI Sep ’12 Hutson Endowment Travel Grant ($400), East Lansing, MI Aug ’12-Jul ‘14 USDA NIFA AFRI Predoctoral Fellowship (funded at $37,121/yr, 2 years), “Development of an Integrated Pest Management Program for the Asparagus Miner (Ophiomyia simplex): Mitigating a Threat to the National Asparagus Industry” (PD), East Lansing, MI Sep ’11 Hutson Endowment Travel Grant ($400), East Lansing, MI Jan ’11 North-Central ESA Presidential Travel Scholarship ($250), East Lansing, MI Dec 10’ Hutson Endowment Travel Grant ($400), East Lansing, MI Aug ’10-May ‘14 C.S. Mott Predoctoral Fellowship in Sustainable Agriculture, East Lansing, MI ($8,250/yr, 4 years, based on outstanding previous achievement) Mar ’09 LMU Evolution, Ecology and Systematics Travel Grant ($300), Munich, Germany Feb ’09 LMU Evolution, Ecology and Systematics IRT3 Fund ($920), Munich, Germany Dec ’08 DAAD Gruppenreise Stipendium (Group Travel Grant, $2,710), Munich, Germany Nov ’08 LMU Evolution, Ecology and Systematics Travel Grant ($1,645), Munich, Germany Mar ’08 LMU Evolution, Ecology and Systematics Travel Grant ($450), Munich, Germany Sep ’02-Jun ’06 Kalamazoo College Honors Scholarship ($6,000/yr, 4 years), Kalamazoo, MI TEACHING Jul ’14 Guest Lecturer on harmonic radar, behavioral monitoring and invasive species for 30 high school students in the field excursion for the Biotech Summer Institute, Hagerstown Community College, Kearneysville, WV Apr ’14 Guest Lecturer for grad-level ENT890: Ant-plant-herbivore mutualisms, East Lansing, MI Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 4 Mar ’14 Guest Lecturer for grad-level ENT890: Multivariate data: Theory & Use in Chemical Ecology, East Lansing, MI Feb ’14 Guest Lecturer for undergrad-level ENT205: Integrated Pest Management, East Lansing,MI. Jan ’14-May ’14 TA for grad-level Tritrophic Interactions: Theory and Practice (ENT890), East Lansing, MI Gave lab demonstrations, guest lectures (topic: ant-plant-herbivore mutualisms, multivariate statistics), and aided students with their research in the lab Dec ’13 Guest Lecturer for undergrad-level ENT404: Biological Control, East Lansing, MI Oct ’13 Host/Organizer (co-presenter), Kalamazoo College’s Entomology Course (BIOL396) Field Trip, East Lansing, MI Oct ’13 Guest Lecturer for undergrad-level ZOL355: Species Distributions/Patterns, E. Lansing, MI Sep ’13 Guest Lecturer for undergrad-level ENT205: Integrated Pest Management, East Lansing, MI Mar ‘13 Guest Lecturer for undergrad-level ENT205: Integrated Pest Management, East Lansing, MI Oct ‘12-April ’14 Proctor for undergrad-level Pests, Society & Environment (ENT205), East Lansing, MI Sept ’12 Guest Lecturer for undergrad-level ENT205: Integrated Pest Management, East Lansing, MI Dec ’12 Guest Lecturer for grad-level ENT890: Ant-plant-herbivore mutualisms, East Lansing, MI Sep ’12-Dec ’12 TA for grad-level Tritrophic Interactions : Theory & Practice (ENT890), East Lansing, MI Sep ’11-May ‘14 Bug tour guide at the MSU Bug House for Pre-K-12 children, East Lansing, MI Oct ’08-Feb ’09 TA/Tutorial Instructor for Evolutionary Ecology Course, Munich, Germany Instructed Bachelor/Diplom students for 14 weeks, explaining concepts, grading homework, answering questions from the main lecture. April ’08-Jul ’08 Biology Career Mentor to Bachelor Students, Munich, Germany Advised 10 first-year German bachelor students (in German) about careers in biology, giving them tours of research labs, discussing current topics in biology and why people choose biology. Sep ’03-Dec ’03 German Mentor at Woodward Elementary, Kalamazoo, MI Taught inner city 4th grade students German through weekly meetings and facilitated creative learning. Mar ’03-Jun ’03 Science Mentor at Northglade Elementary, Kalamazoo, MI Guided at-risk 4th grade students through the designing, construction of an experiment and subsequently making a poster. PEER-REVIEWED PUBLICATIONS Prep Bergh, C., W.R. Morrison III, and T.C. Leskey. Overwintering shelters and environmental cues for the emergence of brown marmorated stink bug. Review Leskey, T.C., D-H. Lee, D.M. Glenn, and W.R. Morrison III. Behavioral responses of the invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) to light-based stimuli in the laboratory and field. Journal of Insect Behavior. Review Morrison, III W.R., J.P. Collum, and T.C. Leskey. Evaluation of trap design and deployment strategy for capturing Haylomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Environmental Entomology. Review Morrison, III W.R., A. Ingrao, J. Ali, and Z. Szendrei. Identification of plant semiochemicals and evaluation of their interactions with insect pests of asparagus. Journal of Pest Science. Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 5 Review Morrison, III W.R., D.-H. Lee, B. Short, A. Khrimian, and T.C. Leskey. Establishing the behavioral basis for an attract-and-kill strategy to manage the invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in apple orchards. Journal of Pest Science. 2015 Leskey, T.C., A. Agnello, J.C. Bergh, G.P. Dively, G.C. Hamilton, P. Jentsch, A. Khrimian, G. Krawczyk, T.P. Kuhar, D-H. Lee, W.R. Morrison III, D.F. Polk, C. Rodriguez-Saona, P.W. Shearer, B.D. Short, P.M. Shrewsbury, J.F. Walgenbach, D.C. Weber, C. Welty, J. Whalen, N. Wiman, and F. Zaman. Attraction of the invasive Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) to traps baited with semiochemical stimuli across the United States. Environmental Entomology. (In Press) Impact factor: 1.424, Entomology 30/90 2015 Leskey, T.C., A. Khrimian, D.C. Weber, J.C. Aldrich, B.D. Short, D-H Lee, and W.R. Morrison III. In press. Behavioral responses of the invasive Halyomorpha halys (Stål) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) to traps baited with stereoisomeric mixtures of 10,11-epoxy-bisabolen-3-ol. Journal of Chemical Ecology. (In Press) Impact factor: 2.139, Ecology 63/141 2014 Morrison, III W.R., G. Gibson and Z. Szendrei. The parasitoids of the asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae): Field parasitism and the influence of food resources on life history. Environmental Entomology 43(6): 1526-1534. Impact factor: 1.424, Entomology 30/90 2014 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. 2014. The common asparagus beetle and spotted asparagus beetle: Identification, ecology, and management. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 5(3): B1-B6. Impact factor: n/a. 2014 Morrison, III W.R., J.A. Andresen, and Z. Szendrei. 2014. The development of the asparagus miner (Ophiomyia simplex Loew; Diptera: Agromyzidae) in temperate zones: A degree-day model. Pest Management Science 70: 1105-1113. Impact factor: 2.59, Entomology 5/87 2013 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Patterns of spatial and temporal distribution of the asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae): Implications for management. Journal of Economic Entomology 106(3): 1218-1225. Impact factor: 1.70, Entomology 20/87 2012 Morrison, III W.R., J.T. Waller, A.C. Brayshaw, D.A. Hyman, M.R. Johnson and A.M. Fraser. Evaluation of multiple arthropod taxa as indicators of ground-dwelling invertebrate biological diversity within open fields. Great Lakes Entomologist 45 (1-2): 40-52. Impact factor: n/a 2011 Morrison, III W.R. and V. Witte. Strong differences in chemical recognition cues between two closely related species of ants from the genus Lasius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24 (11): 2389-2397. Impact factor: 3.66, Ecology 32/134 2011 Morrison, III W.R., J. Tuell, M.K. Hausbeck and Z. Szendrei. Constraints on asparagus production: The interaction of asparagus, Ophiomyia simplex (Diptera: Agromyzidae) and Fusarium spp. Crop Science 51: 1-10. Impact factor: 2.02, Agronomy 20/80 2010 Morrison III, W.R. and P.J. Bohlen. Influence of vegetation on invertebrate communities in grazed freshwater wetlands. Southeastern Naturalist 9(3): 453-464. Impact factor: 0.317 2009 Morrison III, W.R., J.L Lohr, P. Duchen, R. Wilches, D. Trujillo, M. Mair, S.S. Renner. The impact of taxonomic change on conservation: Does it kill, can it save, or is it just irrelevant? Biological Conservation 142: 3201-3206. Impact factor: 3.50, Ecology 27/134 RESEARCH PRESENTATIONS Invited Presentations Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 6 Nov ’15 Leskey, T.C., B.D. Short, D.-H. Lee, W.R. Morrison III, J.C. Bergh, J.P. Cullum, D. Weber, and A. Khrimian. Pheromone-based decision support tools and management tactics for the invasive brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in specialty crops. 63 rd Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. Mar ’15 Morrison, III W.R. and T.C. Leskey. Laying the foundation for an attract-and-kill strategy to manage H. halys (Pentatomidae: Hemiptera) in apple orchards in the mid-Atlantic. 85th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Rehoboth, DE. Feb ’15 Morrison, III W.R. and T.C. Leskey. Behaviorally-based management strategies for the brown marmorated stink bug: An update from West Virginia. Invited by Dr. Kelly Hamby, Department of Entomology Colloquium Series, University of Maryland, College Park, MD. Feb ’15 Morrison, III W.R. Attract-and-kill & SARE Project Update. BMSB SCRI Planning Meeting, Kearneysville, WV. Jan ’15 Morrison, III W.R., Clarissa Mathews, and T.C. Leskey. Tracking bugs on the farm. Invited by A. Nielsen, BMSB OREI Overview and Planning Meeting, Bridgeton, NJ. Jan ’15 Morrison, III W.R., C. Mathews, T.C Leskey. Management of invasive pests and other emerging issues in sustainable pest control. 16th Annual Cultivate the Chesapeake Foodshed Conference, Chesapeake Alliance for Sustainable Agriculture, College Park, MD. Oct ’14 Morrison, III W.R. and T.C. Leskey. Using a carrot-and-stick approach: Attraction, retention, and management of brown marmorated stink bug in fruit and vegetables. Invited by Dr. George Hamilton, Department of Entomology’s Seminar Series, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ. Jun ’14 Morrison, III W.R., Z. Szendrei and T. Leskey. Steps leading to the identification and application of semiochemicals in agriculture. Annual Macadamia Workshop, South African Macadamia Growers’ Association (SAMAC), Tzaneen, South Africa. Jun ’14 Morrison, III W.R., Z. Szendrei, and T. Leskey. Field and landscape distribution of insects in agriculture: Prospects for their management through the use of semiochemicals. Annual Macadamia Research Symposium, South African Macadamia Growers’ Association (SAMAC), Tzaneen, South Africa. Mar ’14 Morrison, III W.R. Stalking sustainable solutions for Michigan’s asparagus growers: The integrated pest management of a stalk-mining fly, the asparagus miner. Invited by Dr. Tracy Leskey, USDA-ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station, Kearneysville, WV. Feb ’14 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Using baits in the management of the asparagus miner. Poster presentation, Annual MSU Interdepartmental Plant Science Fellowship Recruiting Weekend for potential graduate students, East Lansing, MI. Feb ’14 Morrison, III W.R. The integrated pest management and tritrophic interactions of the asparagus miner, a not-so-minor pest of asparagus. Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior Colloquium Series, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Jan ’14 Morrison, III W.R. Get your tarsi off my asparagus: Exploiting ecological and behavioral knowledge in an integrated pest management program for the asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae). Oral presentation, EEBB Program 2013/2014 Distinguished Student Speaker, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 7 Dec ’13 Morrison III, W.R. Predators and parasitoids. Oral presentation, Biological Control Workshop, Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Expo, Grand Rapids, MI. Nov ’13 Szendrei, Z., W.R. Morrison III, and J. Jubenville. From asparagus to potatoes: vegetable IPM in Michigan. Oral presentation, 61st Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, P-IE Section Symposium: Current Status of Vegetable Insect Pests in the USA, Austin, TX. Feb ’10 Morrison, III W.R. Biological career networking interviews, Professional Development Institute (PDI), Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, MI. Contributed Oral Presentations Aug ’15 Morrison, III W.R., C. Mathews, and T. Leskey. Pushing the frontiers of applied ecological science with the use of harmonic radar and micro-tagged insets to address questions related to the management of invasive species. 100th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD. Dec ’14 Morrison, III W.R. and T. Leskey. Defending vegetables in organic production from the brown marmorated stink bug: Attraction and retention using trap crops. Bi-Annual Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Northeast IPM Working Group Meeting, Winchester, WV. Nov ’14 Morrison, III W.R., and T. Leskey. Manipulating the behavior of the brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) using pheromonal stimuli in the field: Attraction, retention, and active space. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Portland, OR. Nov ’14 Mathews, C., W.R. Morrison III, and T. Leskey. Fate of brown marmorated stink bug egg masses exposed to common generalist predators in the laboratory and in organic vegetable plots. 62 nd Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Portland, OR. Oct ’14 Morrison, III W.R. and T. Leskey. The behavioral basis for attract-and-kill of H. halys in apple orchards. 76th Annual New England, New York, and Canadian Fruit Pest Management Workshop, Burlington, VT. Mar ’14 Morrison, III W.R. Investigation of the tritrophic interactions of the asparagus miner (Ophiomyia simplex; Diptera: Agromyzidae) and the influence of temperature on its population dynamics. Departmental Doctoral Defense, Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Mar ’14 Morrison, W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Developing a conservation biological control program for the asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae). 12th Annual Plant Science Graduate Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI. Mar ’14 Morrison, III W.R and Z. Szendrei. Biological control and degree-day modeling yield promising results for managing the asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in commercial asparagus fields. 69 th Annual Meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Des Moines, IA. Nov ’13 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Making a feast out of a fly: The asparagus miner (Ophiomyia simplex; Diptera: Agromyzidae) and the composition, longevity, and flower preference of its parasitoid community. 61st Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Austin, TX. Mar ’13 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Spatiotemporal distribution of the asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in commercial asparagus plantings: Using spatial ecology to inform sustainable pest management. 11th Annual Plant Science Graduate Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI. Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 8 Nov ’12 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Developing a bait for asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae) monitoring in commercial asparagus fields. 60th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Knoxville, TN. Apr ’12 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Expanding the grower’s toolkit: Development of a degree-day model for the asparagus miner (Ophiomyia simplex; Diptera: Agromyzidae). 10th Annual Plant Science Graduate Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI. Nov ’11 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Developing a degree-day model to improve asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae) management in Michigan. 59th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Reno, NV. Dec ’10 Morrison, III W.R. and V. Witte. Traces of evolution: genetic, chemical and ecological differentiation in two sibling species of the genus Lasius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). 58th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Oct ’09 Morrison, III W.R. and V. Witte. Ecology, genetics and chemistry: What part have they played in the speciation of two sibling species from the genus Lasius? 3rd Annual Evolution, Ecology and Systematics Conference, University of Munich, Munich, Germany. Oct ’09 Morrison III, W.R. and V. Witte. Two closely related but vastly different sibling species from the genus Lasius. 3rd Annual Central European Workshop in Myrmecology, Frauenchiemsee, Germany. Sep ’09 Morrison, III W.R. and V. Witte. Ecology, chemistry and genetics in two sibling ant species from the genus Lasius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae): What roles have they played in speciation? 39th Annual Conference of the Ecological Society of Germany, Switzerland and Austria, Bayreuth, Germany. Nov ’06 Morrison, III W.R. and P.J. Bohlen. Effects of wetland vegetation patches on the invertebrate community. Intern seminar, Archbold Biological Station, Lake Placid, FL. May ’06 Morrison III, W.R. Towards a caring biology: An ethical approach towards biology. 23rd Annual Diebold Symposium, Kalamazoo College, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Contributed Poster Presentations Aug ’15 Mathews, C., W.R. Morrison III, and T. Leskey. CSI egg mass damage: Tracking down unexplained predation of brown marmorated stink bug egg masses by native natural enemies. 100 th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD. Mar ’15 Morrison, III W.R., C. Mathews, and T. Leskey. Using harmonic radar to measure the retention capacity of trap crops for the invasive brown marmorated stink bug in organic pepper production. 85th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Rehoboth, DE. Dec ’14 Morrison, III W.R., C. Mathews, and T. Leskey. Using harmonic radar to measure the retention capacity of trap crops for the invasive brown marmorated stink bug in organic pepper production. USDA NIFA SCRI CAP Brown Marmorated Stink Bug Project Stakeholder Advisory Panel Meeting, Kearneysville, WV. Nov ’14 Morrison, III W.R., C. Mathews, and T. Leskey. Using harmonic radar to measure the retention capacity of trap crops for the invasive brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in organic pepper plantings. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Portland, OR. Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 9 Feb ’14 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. A grower’s best friend: Natural enemies of the asparagus miner. 10th Annual Meeting of the Great Lakes Vegetable Working Group, Amherst, NY. Feb ’13 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. To attract or repel? Asparagus miner management with baits. 9th Annual Meeting of the Great Lakes Vegetable Working Group, West Lafayette, IN. Feb ’12 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Timing management actions for the asparagus miner: a degreeday model. 8th Annual Meeting of the Great Lakes Vegetable Working Group, East Lansing, MI. Mar ’11 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. The parasitoid community of the asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae), a putative vector of Fusarium spp. in commercial asparagus fields in Michigan. 9th Annual Plant Science and Graduate Student Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI. Mar ’11 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. The parasitoid community of the asparagus miner (Diptera: Agromyzidae) in commercial asparagus fields in Michigan. 66th Annual North-Central Branch Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Minneapolis, MN. Mar ’09 Morrison III, W.R., J.L Lohr, P. Duchen, R. Wilches, D. Trujillo, M. Mair, S.S. Renner. Bad and good taxonomy: does it kill, can it save, or is it just irrelevant? 14th Annual Graduate Evolution Conference, German Zoological Society (DZG), Munich, Germany. Oct ’08 Morrison III, W.R. and R. Schopf. English Oak (Quercus robur) and Red Oak (Quercus rubra): Preferences, effects on development and nutrition in the Gypsy Moth (Lymantria dispar L.). 2nd Annual Evolution, Ecology and Systematics Conference, University of Munich, Munich, Germany. Dec ’07 Fraser, A.M., J.T. Waller, W.R. Morrison III, A.C. Brayshaw, D.A. Hyman and M.R. Johnson. Evaluation of multiple arthropod taxa as indicators of ground-dwelling invertebrate biological diversity within open meadows. 55th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, California. SYMPOSIA MODERATED AND/OR ORGANIZED Mar ’15 Morrison, III W.R., B. Blaauw, and B. Short. Managing the ongoing threat posed by invasive species in the Eastern U.S., accepted program symposium. Co-organizer and co-moderator, 85th Annual Meeting of the Eastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Rehoboth, DE. Nov ’14 Morrison, III W.R. and N. Nagaraj. Ten-Minute Papers, PI-E Section: Semiochemicals. Comoderator, 62nd Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Portland, OR. Mar ’14 Morrison, III W.R. Agriculture Oral Presentation Session. Moderator, 6th Annual Graduate Academic Conference, East Lansing, MI. Mar ’14 Harris, Alice and W.R. Morrison III. The buzz about entomology: Engaging the public in science. Co-moderator, NCB-SAC student-organized symposium, 69th Annual Meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Des Moines, IA. Mar ’14 Morrison, III W.R. and Alice Harris. Student luncheon: Career advice from representatives in different sectors of entomology. Co-moderator, 69th Annual Meeting of the North Central Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Des Moines, IA. Nov ’12 Morrison, III W.R. and A. Bryant. Variety is the spice of life: Biodiversity in agricultural systems, accepted symposium. Co-organizer and co-moderator, 60th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Knoxville, TN. Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 10 Mar ’09 Morrison, III W.R. 14th Annual Graduate Student Evolution Conference, German Zoological Society (Deutsche Zoologische Gemeinschaft), conference co-organizer, Munich, Germany. EXTENSION Publications, Bulletins, Proceedings, and Articles Press Krasnow, C., M. Hausbeck, A. Bryant, W.R. Morrison III, B. Werling, N. Quinn, and Z. Szendrei. In press. Diseases and insects in Michigan cucurbits and their management. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. 2015 Morrison, III W.R., and T.C. Leskey. Developing the behavioral basis of attract-and-kill for the brown marmorated stink bug in apple. 90th Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Worker’s Meeting Conference Proceedings, Winchester, VA. 2015 Morrison, III W.R., B. Bishop, and Z. Szendrei. Degree-day model for managing the asparagus miner in the Midwest. October eIssue, Vegetable Growers News, Sparta, MI. 2014 Morrison, III W.R., S. Linderman, M.K. Hausbeck, B.P. Werling, and Z. Szendrei. Disease and insect pests of asparagus. E3219, Michigan State University Extension, East Lansing, MI. Accessible online at: 2014 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Asparagus miner degree-day model is now available on MSU Enviro-weather. Michigan State University Extension, Vegetable News. Online at: o_weather 2014 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. The odious asparagus miner and odorous asparagus. Michigan State University Extension, Vegetable News. Online at: 2013 Morrison, III W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Biology of insects and natural enemies. Proceedings of the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Expo, Grand Rapids, MI, 1-4. Online at: 2013 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus miner integrated management. Proceedings of the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Expo, Grand Rapids, MI, 1-3. Online at: 2013 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus miner management. Hand-out, MSU Summer Vegetable Research Tour, 1-4. 2013 Morrison, III W.R. The asparagus miner. Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation. Accessible at: 2012 Szendrei, Z., A. Byrne and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus miner integrated management. Proceedings of the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Expo, Grand Rapids, MI, 1-2. Online at: 2012 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. The asparagus miner and its natural enemies in Michigan. Michigan State University, Extension News, published 3/19/2012. Accessible at: n Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 11 2011 Morrison III, W.R. Macrocentrus cingulum (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) natural enemy factsheet. Biological control: A guide to natural enemies in North America. Department of Entomology, Cornell University. Accessible at: 2011 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Factsheet: Asparagus Miner. Department of Entomology, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Accessible at: 2010 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus miner research. Proceedings of the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Expo. 2010 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus miner integrated pest management research update. Vegetable Crop Advisory Team Alert 25(18): 1-2. Accessible at: Meetings, Workshops, and Symposia Dec ’14 Morrison III, W.R. and T.C. Leskey. Development of an attract-and-kill strategy for brown marmorated stink bug. 90th Cumberland-Shenandoah Fruit Workers Conference, Winchester, VA, USA. Dec ’13 Morrison III, W.R. & Z. Szendrei. A grower’s best friend: Natural enemies of the asparagus miner. Poster presentation, Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Expo, Grand Rapids, MI, USA. Dec ’13 Morrison III, W.R., J.A. Andresen & Z. Szendrei. Accessing and using the new asparagus miner degree-day model. Poster presentation, Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Expo, Grand Rapids, MI, USA. Sep ’13 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus miner management. Oral presentation, MSU Summer Vegetable Research Tour. Mar ’13 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus miner management update. Oral presentation, Oceana Asparagus Day. Dec ’12 Szendrei, Z., W.R. Morrison III, & M. Gardiner. Workshop co-organizer, session entitled, “Biological Control,” at Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Expo, Grand Rapids, MI, USA. Attendance: 109 people. Dec ’12 Morrison III, W.R. and Z. Szendrei. To attract or repel? Asparagus miner management with baits. Poster session, Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Expo, Grand Rapids, MI, USA. Mar ’12 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus insect update. Oral presentation, Oceana Asparagus Day. Dec ’11 Morrison III, W.R. and Z. Szendrei. Timing management actions for the asparagus miner: a degree day model. Poster session, Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farmer’s Market Expo, Grand Rapids, MI. Mar ’11 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus miner study from summer 2010 & biological control. Oral presentation, Oceana Asparagus Day, March 11th. Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 12 Dec ’10 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus miner research. Asparagus session. Oral presentation, Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable & Farm Expo, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Sep ’10 Szendrei, Z. and W.R. Morrison III. Asparagus miner integrated pest management. Oceana Field Day, Organizer: N. Myers. AWARDS Mar ’15 International IPM Award of Recognition (issued to BMSB SCRI CAP Team), 8th International IPM Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT Recognizes “efforts that have carried through to the implementation of IPM practices aimed at reducing risks and costs while minimizing negative impacts on people and the environment.” Nov ’14 Finalist for Stinger Award from ESA’s YouTube Contest for the best video in the Open Category, entitled, “Catch, with me, BMSB,” Portland, OR Nov ’14 1st Place Stinger Award from ESA’s YouTube Contest for best video in the Discovery Category, entitled, “Carrot and stick: luring the brown marmorated stink bug to an early demise,” Portland, OR Apr ’14 Certificate of Appreciation for Aiding with the 32nd Michigan Science Olympiad Tournament, East Lansing, MI Apr ’14 MSU Bug House Volunteer of the Year Award for a demonstrated commitment to outreach Apr ’14 Robert Dreisbach Award for outstanding accomplishment in the total Ph.D. program in the MSU Dept. of Entomology, East Lansing, MI Apr ’14 Certificate of Honorable Mention for MSU’s 2013-2014 Graduate Student Leader of the Year Award, East Lansing, MI Mar ’14 MSU Department of Entomology’s Featured Graduate Student, East Lansing, MI Mar ’14 3rd Place in the Applied Oral Competition of the 12th Annual Plant Science and Graduate Student Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI Jan ’14 Invited Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior Distinguished Student Speaker ($500), East Lansing, MI Nov ’13 Finalist for Stinger Award from ESA’s YouTube Contest for best video in the Outreach Category, entitled, “Get your paws off my asparagus: The asparagus miner,” Austin, TX Nov ’13 Winner of the Stinger Award from ESA’s YouTube Contest for best video in the Instruction Category, entitled, “Tritrophic Interactions,” Austin, TX Mar ’13 2nd Place in the Applied Oral Competition of the 11th Annual Plant Science and Graduate Student Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI Apr ’12 2nd Place in the Applied Oral Competition of the 10th Annual Plant Science and Graduate Student Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI Feb ’12-Present Golden Key International Honour Society, East Lansing, MI Mar ’11 1st place in Applied Poster Competition of the 9th Annual Plant Science and Graduate Student Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI Sep ‘05-Jun ‘06 Academic Honors , Kalamazoo College, MI Feb ‘06 2006 Senior Leadership Recognition Award, Kalamazoo College, MI Acknowledges “…seniors who exemplify ‘enlightened leadership’ and have consistently set positive examples for others to follow.” From the description about those who receive the award: “They exhibit positive attitude, serve as role models to other students, and show dedication even in times of adversity.” Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 13 Sep ‘05 Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges, Kalamazoo College, MI Was 1 of 32 students nominated by Kalamazoo College for this honor. o Students selected on the basis of “academic achievement, service to community, leadership in extracurricular activities, and potential for continued success.” Sep ‘04-Jun ‘05 Academic Honors , Kalamazoo College, MI Nov ‘03-Jun ‘06 Alpha Lambda Delta, Kalamazoo College, MI Is an honor society for students who earn a GPA of 3.6 or above in their first year at the college. Sep ‘02-Jun ‘03 Academic Honors , Kalamazoo College, MI Sep ‘02-Jun ‘05 Dean’s List for five different quarters, Kalamazoo College, MI MEDIA COVERAGE 2015 2014 2014 2014 2013 2013 2011 2011 2009 2006 2006 Michigan State University Extension. 11 March. “New asparagus IPM bulletin provides information on asparagus insect pests and diseases” by Benjamin Werling. National Geographic. 17 October. “Stink bugs have spread to 41 states; Can we stop them?” by Jeff Hertrick. Vegetable Growers News. 1 October. “Degree-day model manages asparagus miner” by Rob Morrison, Beth Bishop, and Zsofia Szendrei. Fresh Plaza. 13 February. “Michigan State University researchers aim to equip growers with new asparagus management tools” by Benjamin Werling. Entomology Today. 30 August. “Video profile of the asparagus miner fly” by Richard Levine. Oceana’s Herald-Journal. 6 March. “2013 Oceana Asparagus Day: same week, different day” by OHJ Staff Writer. Michigan Ag Connection. 31 May. “Asparagus miner: One miner growers don’t want” by Staff Writer. Plant Health Progress. 22 May. “Fact sheet on dealing with asparagus miner available from MSU Extension bookstore” by Sara Long. Bayern2 Wissenschaft und Forschung (Bavarian Public Radio Science and Research). 20 February. “Monarchien im Tierreich” (Monarchies in the Animal Kingdom) by Susi Weichselbaumer. The Index: Kalamazoo College Student Newspaper. 27 April. “Earth Week focuses on saving energy” by Chelsea Phelps. The Index: Kalamazoo College Student Newspaper. 2 February. “Mother Earth Recycle Rally” by Aaron Aupperlee. PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Referee Service 14 articles refereed since 2010 Annals of the Entomological Society of America, Journal of Economic Entomology, Journal of Integrated Pest Management, Environmental Entomology (ESA journals from Dec ’10 onwards), Crop Science (Jan ’11 onwards), Industrial Crops and Products (Jun ’13 onwards), PLoS ONE (Jan ’14 onwards), Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata (Mar ’15 onwards), Crop Protection (Apr ’15 onwards). Non-referee Service Mar ’15 Organized and hosted a visit by Nicole Quinn (Michigan State University) to give a seminar to the Appalachian Fruit Research Station, Kearneysville, WV Mar ’15-Nov ’18 Eastern Branch Representative, ESA P-IE Nominations Committee Mar ’15 – Mar ’16 Co-Chair, Local Arrangements Committee, EB-ESA. Mar ’15 Judge, Graduate Student P-IE Student Competition, Eastern Branch 86th Annual Meeting, Rehoboth, DE. Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 14 Nov ’14 Head Judge, Graduate Student P-IE Poster Competition, ESA 62nd Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. Apr ’14 Co-host, co-organizer for Dr. Cesar Rodriguez-Saona’s visit to speak as the Annual Simmons Memorial Lecturer at the Department of Entomology Seminar Series, East Lansing, MI. Apr ’14 Graduate Student Evaluator, Agriculture and Animal Science Poster Session, University Undergraduate Research and Arts Forum (UURAF), MSU, East Lansing, MI. Mar ’14 Agriculture Oral Session Judge, 6th Annual Graduate Academic Conference, MSU, East Lansing, MI. Mar ’14 Organized and hosted a visit by Dr. Ann Fraser (Kalamazoo College) to give a seminar as part of the Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior seminar series, East Lansing, MI. Feb ’14 – Mar ’14 Chairperson, Programming Committee for organizing the 12th Annual Plant Science Graduate Student Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI. Feb ’14 Host for potential graduate students to the Department of Entomology, part of the Annual MSU Plant Science Fellowship Recruiting Weekend, East Lansing, MI Nov ’13 Volunteer Exhibitor for Department of Entomology at Annual AutumnFest, MSU Jul ’13 Poster Evaluator, Agriculture and Animal Science Section, Mid-Michigan Symposium for Undergraduate Research Experiences, East Lansing, MI Jun ’13 – Mar ‘14 Student Rep, ESA-NCB Professional Awards Committee, East Lansing, MI Mar ’13 – Mar ‘14 Student Rep, External Chairperson Search Committee, Dept. Entomology, East Lansing, MI Jan ’13 – Mar ‘14 Student Rep, Entomological Society of America’s North-Central Branch Honorary Awards Committee, East Lansing, MI Jan ’13 – Apr ‘13 Member & Co-organizer, Programming Committee, Plant Science Graduate Student Research Symposium, East Lansing, MI Dec ’12 – Jan ‘14 Student Rep. on Graduate Committee, Dept. Entomology, East Lansing, MI Nov ’12 – Mar ‘14 MSU Student Rep, Entomological Society of America’s North-Central Branch Student Affairs Committee, East Lansing, MI Apr ’12 – Mar ‘14 Member on the Ecology, Evolutionary Biology and Behavior Seminar Selection Committee, East Lansing, MI Oct ’11 Organized & hosted a visit by Dr. Ann Fraser (Kalamazoo College) to speak at the Dept. Entomology Seminar Series, East Lansing, MI Jan ’11-Mar ’13 Linnaean Team Member for MSU, NCB-ESA, East Lansing, MI Dec ’10 – Jan ’14 Student Rep. on Curriculum Committee, Dept. Entomology, East Lansing, MI Dec ’10 – May ‘14 Member, Graduate & Undergraduate Entomology Student Society, Dept. Entomology, East Lansing, MI Fulfilled roles as Secretary (Aug ’11 – Dec ’12), Webmaster (Dec ’11 – Dec. ’12), and Vice-President (Dec ’12 – Dec ‘13) Jan ’09 – Jul ’09 Co-organizer, Evolution, Ecology & Systematics Seminar Series, Munich, Germany Organized the EES seminar series, inviting speakers from around Europe, managing logistics of travel for speaker to and from university, booking Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 15 lodging, organizing meetings between speakers and laboratory groups, advertising for it and introducing speakers at their talk. Dec ’08 – Oct ’09 Treasurer, Volvox Graduate Student Network, Munich, Germany COMMUNITY SERVICE Oct ’14 Organizer and presenter, “Avoiding stinky situations with stink bugs,” Mountain State Apple Harvest Festival, Kearneysville, WV Prepared a workshop about stink bug monitoring and research for 9 tours at the Appalachian Fruit Research Station for first graders and at-risk youth from local schools, and also led the public through stink bug exhibits in an open house. Sep ’14 Organizer and presenter, “Invasive species in your backyard,” Breckenridge County 4H Bug Club, Hardinsburg, KY Jun ’14 Organizer and presenter, Invasive Species Workshop, 6th Annual Student Climate and Conservation Congress (Sc3), National Conservation Training Center, Shepherdstown, WV Gave a talk about the brown marmorated stink bug and other invasive species, explaining efforts to control invasives through biological control, manipulation of behavior, and chemical ecology. Gave live demonstrations using harmonic radar to track BMSB in the field, and flight mills to generate data on dispersal capacity. Apr ’14 Volunteer and examination evaluator, 32nd Annual Michigan Science Olympiad Tournament, East Lansing, MI Apr ’14 Judge, MacDonald Middle School’s SciencePalooza Science Fair, East Lansing, MI Mar ’14-Apr ‘14 Facilitator for Entomology Preparation Workshops for Science Olympiad Tournament, East Lansing, MI Helped 30+ school teams from around the state learn insect identification, morphology and ecology in three workshops. Oct ’13 Volunteer, MSU Bug House Halloween Open House for kids, East Lansing, MI Oct ’13 Organizer, “A Bug’s Life,” 4H Summer Science Day Workshop, Hardinsburg, KY Taught 4th & 5th Grade elementary students (8-9 yr olds) how to identify and collect insects, and the benefits that accrue to humans through ecosystem services. Engaged students through interactive activities such as eating insects (lollipops and flavored insects), as well as holding live insects. Was part of the 4H Breckenridge and Webster County Environmental Camp. Sep ’13 Bug Leader, Cub Scout Bug Zoo, Jackson, MI Mar ’13 Co-organizer, Middle School Girls Entomology Workshop, East Lansing, MI Taught a 4hr workshop entitled, “Sharing is Caring: How Social Insects Rule the Planet” as part of the Graduate Women in Science’s 6th Grade Math & Science Day for Girls with hands-on demonstration with live insects. Mar ’13 Volunteer, MSU Bug House Spring Open House for kids, East Lansing, MI May ’12 Co-organizer, 4H Summer Bug Out Workshop, Dixon, KY Taught elementary students (7-10 yr olds) how to identify, collect, and preserve insects. Also, introduced students to forensic entomology through activities, explained the importance of arthropods to humans, and why social insects are so successful. Mar ’12 Co-organizer, Middle School Girls Entomology Workshop, East Lansing, MI Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 16 Taught a 4 hr workshop entitled “Hide-and-Go-Seek: How Insects Escape Their Enemies” as part of the Graduate Women in Science’s 6 th Grade Math and Science Day for girls with hands-on demonstrations and live insects. Oct ’11 Volunteer, MSU Bug House Halloween Open House for kids, East Lansing, MI Jul ’11 Co-organizer, 4H Summer Bug Out Workshop, Dixon, KY Was invited to teach 7-10 year old children how to identify, collect and preserve insects as part of a 4H summer program for half a day. Came up with age-appropriate curriculum, performed demonstrations and walked children through the process. Oct ’09 – Jun ’10 Board Member and Secretary, Kalamazoo Collective Housing (nonprofit), Kalamazoo, MI May ’07 – Aug ’07 Unpaid Intern, Fair Food Matters’ Growing Matters Garden, Kalamazoo, MI Volunteered to aid with maintenance, harvesting, market preparation and watering for this organic garden. PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP Entomological Society of America (since 2010), Ecological Society of America (since 2010), American Association for the Advancement of Science (2011-2014), Michigan Entomological Society (2010-2014), Maryland Entomological Society (2014-present). LANGUAGE COMPETENCY Native English-speaker Passed the Goethe-Institut’s Mittelstufenprüfung; fluent in writing (excellent), speaking (fair) and reading (excellent) German. Studied abroad for six months at Friedrich-Alexander Universität, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany Lived in Munich, Germany for two years. REFERENCES Dr. Tracy C. Leskey Research Entomologist USDA-ARS Appalachian Fruit Research Station 2217 Wiltshire Rd. Kearneysville, WV 25430 USA Tel: 01 (304) 725-3451 ext. 329 Email: Dr. Zsofia Szendrei Assistant Professor Department of Entomology Michigan State University 288 Farm Lane Room 243, Natural Science Bldg. East Lansing, MI USA Tel: 01 (517) 974-8610 Email: Dr. Ann Fraser Associate Professor Department of Biology Kalamazoo College 1200 Academy Street Kalamazoo, MI 49006 USA Tel: 01 (269) 337-7063 Email: Ms. Alexandria N. Bryant 4H Youth Development Agent Breckinridge County Extension Service 1377 S. Hwy 261 Hardinsburg, KY 40143 USA Tel: 01 (270) 756-2182 Fax: 01 (270) 756-9016 Email: Updated Winter 2014 Morrison CV - 17 Updated Winter 2014