Kyle Greaves Final Project 12/10/2011 INTRODUCTION: The majority of farmland preservation programs across the country typically employ quantitative mapping techniques that help identify and prioritize farms that are unprotected, and available for acquisition. It is common, that one of the various selection criteria include a measure of farm vulnerability, which attempts to quantify the farm’s susceptibility to conversion as a result of development pressure. Due to a large and dense population, agricultural land in the Northeastern U.S. tends to be located closer to urban centers than the rest of the county, which increases the chances farms will be converted to non agricultural uses. Currently, the Massachusetts Agricultural Preservation Restriction is the dominant tool to preserve farmland across the Commonwealth. While vulnerability is one component of their selection criteria, the APR program does not employ the use of quantitative mapping techniques to prioritize potential acquisitions. While the APR has had great success, the program has the potential to more strategically target the best, as well as the most vulnerable farmland. This GIS analysis will conduct a vulnerability analysis of active agricultural lands within Middlesex County Massachusetts. As a result of data limitations, this analysis will examine only a handful of vulnerability characteristics. These include proximity to nonagricultural development, proximity to major roads, proximity to existing conservation land, the existence of supportive zoning and lastly, location within a floodplain. By better understanding the multitude of factors that can impact vulnerability, the state and the APR program may be able to more proactively target high value farms that are facing strong development pressures. This project coincides with my thesis, so I had already done a good deal of the leg work in identifying the vulnerability criteria. Ultimately, I chose criteria based on easy access to data. CONTEXT: Middlesex County Middlesex County is situated directly to the North West of Metro Boston. According to the U.S. Census, Middlesex County is home to over 1.5 million people in an area just over 817 square miles. This means that nearly 23 percent of the states population and 22 percent of total housing units are located on only 10.4 percent of the total land area in the Commonwealth. As a result, the population density of Middlesex County is over two times the state’s average population density. Middlesex Counties proximity to the Metropolitan Statistical Areas of Boston, Cambridge and Quincy have made this one of the fastest growing counties in the Northeast. As a result, According to the 2002 U.S. Census of Agriculture, total agricultural land area in Middlesex County increased marginally from 33,160 acres to 33,893 acres. The APR Program Sine the early 20th century Massachusetts has lost hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland to development. The Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) program began in 1977 as a tool to preserve the Commonwealths invaluable agricultural resources. The APR program places permanent easements on farmland to keep it a part of the working landscape in perpetuity. To date, the APR program has permanently protected 803 farms for a total of 66,931 acres. METHODOLOGY For the farmland vulnerability analysis I used a variety of spatial analyst tools to develop distance based raster layers for the five vulnerability criteria. I then reclassified the layers using a 1-5 scoring system (1 – least vulnerable and 5 – most vulnerable). Ultimately, I used the weighted overlay tool to compile farmland vulnerability layers. Since I was not following the methodology of another study exactly, I played with the schemes until a balanced distribution was achieved. For the vulnerability component of my analysis I will be heavily reliant on the Euclidian Distance tool found within the Spatial Analyst Extension. I will break down the steps I will take for each vulnerability criteria. Since MassGIS data is meters, I will keep my measurements in meters as well. For my reference, I have provided an easy conversion chart from miles to meters: 1/8 mile = 200 meters 1.25 miles = 2000 meters ¼ mile = 400 meters 1.5 miles = 2400 meters ½ mile = 800 meters 1.75 meters = 2800 meters ¾ mile = 1200 meters 2 miles = 3200 meters 1 mile = 1600 meters Criteria #1: Proximity to non-agricultural development: (residential, commercial, industrial development etc…). Weight: ?? 1. Set work environment: a. Processing extent: Middlesex County shape file b. Mask: Middlesex County boundary shape file c. Raster cell size: 10 d. Snap raster: N/A 2. Create a new raster using the Euclidian distance tool. a. Input raster: Middlesex County Developed Land 2005 b. Save new Raster: Prox_Develop 3. Spatial Analyst Tools – Reclass – Reclassify Land that is closer to urban determinants would be more vulnerable to development pressures. Scoring system 1-5, (1 – least vulnerable, 5 – most vulnerable) a. Land within 200 meters would receive a score of 5; b. Land between 200 meters and 400 meters would receive a score of 4; c. Land between 400 meters and 800 meters would receive a score of 3, d. Land between 800 meters and 1600 meters a would receive a score of 2, e. Any Land greater than 1600 meters from would receive a score of 1. 4. Assign a new color ramp to the value field 5. Save the mapfile to a new name Criteria #2: Proximity to major roads. Weight: TBD 1. Set work environment: a. Processing extent: Middlesex County shape file b. Mask: Middlesex County boundary shape file c. Raster cell size: 10 d. Snap raster: Prox_NonAg_Develop 2. Select by attribute roads with classes 1-4 3. Select by location roads within Middlesex County 4. Create new map from selection (export selection) 5. Create a new raster using the Euclidian distance tool. a. Input raster/source: Class 1-4 roads in Middlesex County b. Save new Raster: Prox_Road 6. Spatial Analyst Tools – Reclass – Reclassify Land that is closer to major roads would be more vulnerable to development pressures. Scoring system 1-5, (1 – least vulnerable, 5 – most vulnerable) a. Land within 400 meters would receive a score of 5; b. Land between 400 meters and 800 meters would receive a score of 4; c. Land between 800 meters and 1600 meters would receive a score of 3, d. Land between 1600 meters and 2400 meters would receive a score of 2, e. Any Land greater than 2400 meters would receive a score of 1. 7. Assign a new color ramp to the value field 8. Save the mapfile to a new name Criteria #3: Proximity to existing protected open space, (includes forests, conservation lands and protected farms) Weight: TBD 1. Set work environment: a. Processing extent: Middlesex County shape file b. Mask: Middlesex County boundary shape file c. Raster cell size: 10 d. Snap raster: Prox_NonAg_Develop 2. Select by attribute: a. Interest Code i. CR – Conservation restriction ii. APR – Agricultural preservation restriction iii. CAPR – Conservation/Agricultural preservation restriction iv. WRP – Wetlands Restriction v. WR – Watershed Restriction b. Level of Protection: i. P – Perpetuity 3. Select by location open space within Middlesex County 4. Create new data set from selection (export selection) a. Save selection: Middlesex Conservation Land 5. Create a new raster using the Euclidian distance tool. a. Input raster: Middlesex Conservation Land b. Save new Raster: Prox_Conserve 6. Spatial Analyst Tools – Reclass – Reclassify Farmland that is closer to existing preserved open space would be less vulnerable. Scoring system based on 1-5 scale (1 – least vulnerable, 5 – most vulnerable) a. Land within 200 meters would receive a score of 5; b. Land between 200 meters and 400 meters would receive a score of 4; c. Land between 400 meters and 800 meters would receive a score of 3, d. Land between 800 meters and 1200 meters would receive a score of 2, e. Any land greater than 1200 meters from would receive a score of 1. 7. Assign a new color ramp to the value field 8. Save the mapfile to a new name Criteria #4: Municipal: Underlying Zoning / Percentage: TBD 1. Set work environment: a. Processing extent: Middlesex County shape file b. Mask: Middlesex County boundary shape file c. Raster cell size: 10 d. Snap raster: Prox_NonAg_Develop 2. Select by attribute “primary use” code: a. Select RA (Residential Agriculture) and CP (Conservation/Passive Recreation) 3. Select by location RA and CP zones within Middlesex County 4. Swap selection so that all non CP and RA zones are selected 5. Create new map from selection (export selection) 6. Create a new raster using the polygon to raster tool for a base raster a. Polygon to Raster: Set input features, value field, output raster b. Save new Raster: Middle_Zone 7. Spatial Analyst Tools – Reclass – Reclassify Land that is zoned for RA and CP would be less vulnerable to development pressures. Scoring system 1 or 5, (1 – least vulnerable, 5 – most vulnerable) a. CP or RA zone would receive a score of 1 b. All other zones would receive a 5 8. Assign a new color ramp to the value field 9. Save the mapfile to a new name Criteria #5: Location within a Flood Plain/ Percentage: TBD 1. Set work environment: a. Processing extent: Middlesex County shape file b. Mask: Middlesex County boundary shape file c. Raster cell size: 10 d. Snap raster: Prox_NonAg_Develop 2. Select by attribute “county”: a. Select floodplains within Middlesex County 3. Swap selection so that all non CP and RA zones are selected 4. Create new map from selection (export selection) 5. Create a new raster using the polygon to raster tool for a base raster a. Polygon to Raster: Set input features, value field, output raster b. Save new Raster: Flood_Plain 6. Spatial Analyst Tools – Reclass – Reclassify Land that is within a designated floodplain would be less vulnerable to development. Scoring system 1 or 5, (1 – least vulnerable, 5 – most vulnerable) a. All land within a floodplain zone would receive a 5 b. All other land not in a flood plain zone would receive a 1 7. Assign a new color ramp to the value field 8. Save the mapfile to a new name Step #4: Use the Spatial Analyst tool: Map Algebra – Raster Calculator to assign weights to the five categories above. (Out of 100%) 1. Proximity to non-agricultural development (25%) 2. Proximity to major roads or highway exits (25%) 3. Proximity to existing protected open space (25%) 4. Municipal: underlying zoning (15%) 5. Location within a floodplain (10%) Step #5: Zonal Statistics For the final step I used “Zonal Statistics as a Table” to create a table of the 1. Input Raster: Middlesex_County_Agricultural_Lands_2005 2. Zone Field: FID 3. Input Value Raster: Weighted_Overlay_Raster I think joined the new table back to the Middlesex County Agricultural Land data layer. From here I was able to map by a variety of scores, however the Max category proved to be most useful because it provided the actual score. DATA SOURCES: Data Layer Land Use (2005) Land Use (1951-1999) Floodplains Source MassGIS Link to Data Year M-Drive Updated Yes 2005 MassGIS Yes 1999 MassGIS Yes 1997 Open Space MassGIS Yes 2011 Zoning MassGIS Yes 2007 MassDOT Roads Town Boundaries County Boundaries Census Block Groups MassGIS Yes 2009 MassGIS Yes 2009 MassGIS Yes 1991 MassGIS Yes 2012 CONCLUDING THOUGHTS: Overall I thought that my analysis accomplished what I was looking to do. There is a dearth of literature and previous studies that have undertaken the type of vulnerability analysis that I have conducted with respect to farmlang, so my process was a little trial and error. At the end, the final map that conveyed the vulnerability of the agricultural land area made spatial sense. The most vulnerable parcels were all located near dense development, were close to roads and conservation lands and had unsupportive underlying zoning. In hindsight I think there was one huge limitation to this type of study. It is possible to conduct the most thorough analysis of farmland vulnerability, but the one fact that is very difficult or impossible to quantify, is landowner desire to sell. There may be a farm that scores a 5 (most vulnerable) but the farmer has no desire to sell his farm and actually plans to pass the land onto his son. On the flip side, there can easily be farms that are scored as moderate or low vulnerability where the farmer has a strong desire to sell. If a preservation program like the APR program was to rely entirely on vulnerability, they may actually overlook these farms and lose out on opportunities to preserve key agricultural resources. Therefore, I think any type of vulnerability analysis comes with some caveats and needs to be looked at and utilized along side a broader selection and acquisition methodology. Ultimately, I think using GIS to identify priority agricultural land to select may be more efficient. RESOURCES/EXAMPLE STUDIES: As previously mentioned I have had a difficult time identifying existing studies that have analyzed the vulnerability of farms in urbanized counties. The majority of farmland preservation programs today spend less effort and money in acquiring or preserving farms in more urbanized areas. Farmland preservation is expensive, so efforts are more often taken to preserve farms that farther away from pressures and are deemed to have a greater chance of long-term survival as an active farm. The literature is full of studies that look at criteria farmland preservation programs use to prioritize potential acquisitions. For the purposes of this analysis, and my thesis, at a high level I am attempting identify criteria that could help to look at this problem thought a reverse lens, and identify which farms are actually at the greatest risk of development pressure. The outcome of this vulnerability analysis will be very general, and will not identify parcel level priorities, but instead can be used to spur further discussion and research into more detailed local and regional vulnerability analysis. 1) Bernard J. Niemann. Farmland Preservation and GIS: A Model for Deriving Farmland Priority Zones. Land Information Bulletin. Technical Paper No. 3. University of Wisconsin, Madison. 2000 - This is an extremely useful study that walks the reader through the basic steps when thinking about farmland preservation in GIS. The study uses Dan County, WI as a case study in creating farmland priority zone around urban areas that can be used prioritize preservation acquisitions. This paper should be useful in helping me to recreate a similar study. 2) David L. Tulloch. Integrating GIS into farmland preservation policy and decision making. Landscape and Urban Planning. Volume 63, Issue 1, March 2003, Pages 33-48 - This paper uses Hunterdon County, New Jersey as a case study on using how to interate GIS into existing or new preservation programs. The most important part of this analysis for my purposes is that it discusses the point system (based of LESA) that was used to for the preservation criteria. It also discussed the process using raster data and spatial overlays. Similar to my project, this study created scores for each parcel so that they could prioritize which farms should receive preservation funding first. 3) Montgomery County Agricultural Preservation Board. Agricultural Land Preservation: Easement Purchase Program. September, 2008 - This paper was not a study, but was a plan put forth by the Montgomery County Agricultural Preservation Board delineating the details for their farmland preservation program, one of the most respected in the country. The component of this that is most useful for me, is their integration of the Land Evaluation and Site Assessment system (LESA). This is a widely used quantitative tool used to rank and prioritize farmland for preservation efforts. The scoring categories and point system helped me to develop my scoring system for the vulnerability criteria. 4) Richard E. Klosterman, Farmland Preservation Policies Studied with GIS. Department of Geography and Planning, University of Akron Marisol used this study for her project, and I think it will also be applicable for my research. Researchers analyzed two different policies for accommodating growth around Akron, Ohio. This study looks at the impact of various growth controls on farmland preservation. This has applicability to my study are: Middlesex County, one of the regions of the state experiencing significant pressures from urban development.