Trimester 2 Spelling Menu * See anticipated 3-cycle schedule. * These activities will help you deepen your understanding of spelling patterns/rules and will help you prepare for the assessment. Additionally, you should be practicing your words nightly. It is your responsibility to know the meanings of the words on your list. If there are any unfamiliar words, you need to look up the definitions in the dictionary. * You MUST try a variety of activities each week! You cannot repeat activities. Each activity should be completed in your spelling notebook and have a proper heading: Date, Activity Name, “Home” Activities: Speed Sort Continue The Pattern Word Hunt Blind Sort Open Sort Words in Words Spelling Stories Define and Illustrate Speed Sort (this activity focuses on the patterns/rules of your words) This is a closed sort that is timed to “beat your speed”. Use your cut-out words and sort your words following the pattern, note the time it took you to sort your words. Then, record the sort in your notebook along with the amount of time it took you to complete the sort. Continue the Pattern (this activity focuses on patterns/rules) Using the pattern of your closed sort, add 3 NEW words that follow the pattern to each category of your original sort. Record the sort in your notebook. Word Hunt (this activity focuses on the patterns/rules of your words) In your independent reading book, go back to a section or chapter that you have already read. Do not use a new chapter that you will read for homework. It must be a previously read section. Your focus is to hunt for words not comprehension. In this activity, you should split up your notebook page into columns. Label each column with the pattern headings for your sort. Also, record where you are hunting for words (book title, article title, online resource, etc.)Then, hunt for the words on your list OR any other words that would follow your spelling pattern. When you find a word, add it to your notebook in the correct category along with the page number of your book. *** If you can’t find words in your text, look in: the newspaper, online article, magazine, etc. Blind Sort (this activity focuses on exploring your words) In your notebook, sort your words by a rule that you create (leave it a mystery!). Keep the category headings blank. Have someone guess your pattern rule (parent, sibling, friend, or guardian). Example: Rule:____________________________________________ Black Bland Blurry Blast Plush Plant Plunger Plow Start Stop Staple Stamp Brush Branch Brow Brown Open Sort (this activity focuses on exploring your words) View your list of words. Decide how you can categorize or sort them, by looking at common features, patterns, meanings, syllables, etc. Write your headings and then sort your words by following your rule. Make sure to record your rule and category headings. Example: Rule: Types of Transportation________________ Water Tugboat Sailboat Ferry Air Helicopter Parachute Airplane Land Car Bicycle Bus Oddball Flower Cherry Mouse Words within Words (this activity focuses on exploring your words) Choose 5 words from your spelling list (hint: choose words that have many letters!). Record as many words as you can that you can make using the letters in each word. Example: shower = show, row, how, worse… Spelling Stories (this activity focuses on the meanings of your words) Write a short story using a minimum of 8 of your spelling words. The story should make sense and have 1 topic (it cannot be 10 different sentences that don’t go together). It should have a beginning, middle, and end. Underline each spelling word in your story. Define and Illustrate (this activity focuses on the meanings of your words) Use the dictionary to define 8 of your words. Write the first definition only if your word has multiple meanings. Then draw a picture to show the word in action!