The Annual General Meeting of the Ulster Society for the Protection of the
Countryside was held on Saturday 29th March 2014 at 10.30 a.m. in the Robinson
Room at the Belfast International Youth Hostel, 22 Donegall Road, Belfast.
1. WELCOME: The Chairman, Mr Paddy McAteer expressed his appreciation at the
attendance of 8 members in addition to the President, Chairman and Honorary
Secretary. Copies of the Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting were
distributed to those present.
2. APOLOGIES: The Duke of Abercorn (Patron), Miss S Hammond (Honorary
Treasurer), Ms A Bataille, Mrs H Boyd, Prof. R Buchanan, Mrs M Gunn-King, Mrs
M Lamont, Miss M Lark, Mr J Leacock, Mr N Mitchel, Mrs S Robb, Miss D Scovell
and Mrs H Semple.
3. MINUTES of the Annual General Meeting held on 9th February 2013: There were
no matters arising from the minutes. Their acceptance was proposed by Mr W
Corry and seconded by Miss D Bunting.
4. ANNUAL REPORT 2013: The Chairman presented the Annual Report and
Financial Statement and commended them to those present. The acceptance of
the Annual Report was proposed by Mr M Walker, seconded by Mr W Corry and
approved without dissent. The acceptance of the Financial Statement was
proposed by Miss D Bunting, seconded by Mr P Cross and approved without
5. CHAIRMAN’S REMARKS: Mr McAteer reviewed the activities of the Council during
the past year, as recorded in the 2013 Annual Report.
(a) Participation in meetings in respect of the transfer of planning powers to the
new local authorities in 2015.
(b) Dissatisfaction with the Department of the Environment in respect of the
handling of enforcement action in relation to the felling of protected trees at
Bryansford Road, Newcastle, in March 2008. An appeal by the developer was
upheld by the Planning Appeals Commission on the grounds that the
Department had given inaccurate advice and had not adhered to the Trees
Regulations. A report by the Assembly Ombudsman is awaited.
(c) Progress of the Connswater Greenway Project in east Belfast. The 9 km linear
park is scheduled for completion in December 2015.
Progress of the contract to restore the famous Gobbins Cliff Path, at
Islandmagee in County Antrim. Completion is scheduled for August 2014.
The assertion of a permissive right-of-way from Ballycastle to Fair Head, by
the Moyle District Council.
(d) The introduction of a Used Tyre Action Plan by the Department of the Environment.
(e) The continuing opposition to the proposed inappropriate large-scale riverside
development in Edenderry village in the Lagan Valley Regional Park.
(f) Concern that the dispute between the Department of the Environment and
UNESCO in respect of the Giant’s Causeway World Heritage Site could
endanger the World Heritage status of the site.
(g) Disappointment at the Minister of the Environment’s decision not to proceed
with the legislation to establish National Parks. The USPC will press for the
better management of the existing Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
6. FINANCIAL REPORT: In the Honorary Treasurer’s absence, the Honorary
Secretary reported that a fall in subscription income and in interest on savings
combined with an increase in expenditure had resulted in a deficit of £530.00.
President: Lady Romayne Carswell was proposed by Mr P Cross, seconded by Miss D
Bunting and re-elected. Mr McAteer thanked Lady Carswell for her continuing support
and interest in the Society’s work. In response, Lady Carswell paid tribute to the officers
and members of the Council for their endeavours, on behalf of USPC members and the
general public, in protecting our countryside.
Honorary Secretary: Mr Ian Lamont was proposed by Miss K Howard, seconded by Mr
P McAteer and re-elected.
Honorary Treasurer: Miss Sheila Hammond was proposed by Mr I Lamont, seconded
by Miss D Bunting and re-elected.
Members of Council: The Chairman recorded the deaths of Council members Mr
Cleeland Bean and Mr Ken McGregor and former Chairman Mr Brian Gunn-King and
said that the Council Membership was below that required by the USPC constitution. Mr
Patrick Cross offered to stand for election. He was proposed by Mr P McAteer,
seconded by Mr I Lamont and duly elected. All other serving members of Council were
willing to stand for re-appointment and were re-elected on the proposal of Mrs C Ashby,
seconded by Mr W Corry.
8. APPOINTMENT OF AUDITOR: The re-appointment of Mr E McMurran was proposed
by the Honorary Secretary, seconded by Mr P McAteer, and agreed.
The Chairman led a discussion on the future of the Society, citing, in particular, the
declining membership and the increasing age profile of the membership. It was decided
to continue for a further year and then review the position. It was agreed that the USPC
website should include more coverage of topical issues, and in particular report on news
of actions initiated by the USPC Council.
The meeting closed at 12.30 pm.