Curriculum Map - Boone County Schools

Camp Ernst Middle School Unified Arts Curriculum Map: Spanish I
Unit 1: ¡Empecemos! Let’s Begin!
Key Essential Questions:
How do I introduce myself and others?
How do I say where I am from?
How do I provide basic information about myself and others?
Duration: 4 weeks
Transfer Goals:
Students will be able to use their learning to
Greet others and say goodbye
Use subject pronouns and verbs in sentences
Compare and contrast cultural concepts: Spain
Learn vocabulary for counting, telling time, and talking about the calendar
Talk about who people are and where they are from
Performance Expectation
Students at this level should be performing at a Novice High in speaking, listening, writing, and reading.
Interpretive Listening
1.NH.L I can understand some
ideas about familiar topics
expressed in phrases, simple
sentences, and frequently used
expressions. I can understand
the main idea in short
conversations, messages and
1.NH.R I can understand some
ideas from simple texts that
contain familiar vocabulary.
Interpersonal Communication
2.NH.IC I can exchange
information about familiar tasks,
topics, and activities. I can
handle short social interactions
using phrases and simple
sentences, but I may need help
or visuals to keep the
conversation going.
Presentational Speaking
3.NH.PS I can provide basic
information on familiar topics
using phrases and simple
Presentational Writing
3.NH.PW I can write
descriptions and short
messages to request or provide
information on familiar topics
using phrases and simple
Unit 2: A conocernos (Getting to know each other)
Key Essential Questions:
How do I describe myself and my friends?
How do I describe things?
How do I share my likes and dislikes?
How do I talk about mine and others’ personality traits?
Transfer Goals:
Students will be able to use their learning to
Describe themselves and friends
Duration: 4 weeks
Count to 100
Form questions about people
Describe things and people
Compare and contrast cultural concepts: Puerto Rico
Share likes and dislikes
Share my favorites
Ask questions
Use prepositions and definite articles
Performance Expectation
Students are still expected to be at Novice High, although many will begin performing in some areas at Intermediate Low.
Unit 3: ¿Qué te gusta hacer? (What do you like to do?)
Key Essential Questions:
How do I talk about leisure activities I like?
How do I talk about things other people like to do?
How do I talk about what I like and do not like to do?
How do I talk about everyday activities?
How do I say how often I do things?
Transfer Goals:
Students will be able to use their learning to
Talk about sports and leisure activities
Use the verb gustar with infinitives
Use pronouns after prepositions
Use querer with infinitives
Compare and contrast cultural concepts: Texas
Talk about weekend activities
Use verbs in sentences
Duration: 5 weeks
Talk about the weather
Say how often I do things
Performance Expectation
Students will begin to perform at Intermediate Low levels.
Interpretive Listening
IL.L I can understand the main
idea and some details on
familiar topics expressed in
sentences, short conversations,
presentations, and messages.
IL.R I can understand the main
idea and some details in texts
that contain familiar vocabulary.
Interpersonal Communication
IL. IC I can begin and carry on
a conversation on a limited
number of familiar topics. I can
ask and answer simple
questions and exchange
information in familiar situations
using phrases and a series of
Presentational Speaking
IL.PS I can provide information
on familiar topics using a series
of sentences with some details.
Presentational Writing
IL. PW I can write on familiar
topics and experiences using a
series of sentences with some
Unit 4: La vida escolar (School Life)
Key Essential Questions:
How do I say what schools supplies I need?
How do I talk about my classes?
How do I make plans before/during/after school?
How do I invite someone to do something?
Transfer Goals:
Students will be able to use their learning to
Talk about what is needed for school
Talk about classes, favorite classes and teachers
Use indefinite articles, how much, little and a lot
Use idioms with tener
Compare and contrast cultural concepts: Costa Rica
Talk about school events
Talk about places at school
Use simple future tense to make plans
Duration: 5 weeks
Performance Expectation
More students will be moving into the Intermediate Low level in more areas by the end of this chapter.
Unit 5: En casa con la familia (At home with family)
Key Essential Questions:
How do I describe my family and family relationships?
How do I talk about my house?
How do I describe where things are located in my house?
How do I talk about mine and others’ responsibilities for taking care of the house?
Transfer Goals:
Duration: 5 weeks
Students will be able to use their learning to
Talk about family relationships
Describe people (appearance and personality traits)
Use possessive adjectives to say who owns something
Use more types of verbs in sentences
Compare and contrast cultural concepts: Chile
Talk about rooms in the house
Talk about furniture and accessories
Talk about household chores
Talk about places where people live
Use estar to describe locations
Use negatives in sentences
Performance Expectation
Some students will begin performing at Intermediate-Mid level.
Interpretive Listening
IM.L I can understand the main
idea and many details on
familiar topics expressed in a
series of connected sentences,
conversations, presentations, and messages.
IM.R I can understand the main
idea and many details in texts
that contain familiar vocabulary
and some details in texts that
contain unfamiliar vocabulary.
Interpersonal Communication
IM.IC I can state my views and
carry on conversations on a
variety of familiar topics and in
uncomplicated situations.
Presentational Speaking
IM.PS I can describe
experiences, events, and plans,
and give opinions, narrate a
story, and make a simple
factual presentation using
connected sentences with
many details.
Presentational Writing
IM.PW I can write
communications, descriptions,
and explanations on familiar
topics using connected
sentences with many details.
Unit 6: ¡A comer! (Let’s Eat!)
Key Essential Questions:
How do I talk about foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
How do I comment about how the food tastes?
How do I talk about meals?
How do I offer help or give instructions?
Transfer Goals:
Students will be able to use their learning to
Categorize different foods on a menu
Talk about foods to order in a restaurant
Describe food
Talk about table settings
Use ser and estar correctly in sentences
Order food, serve food, and comment on food
Compare and contrast cultural concepts: Mexico
Begin understanding the use of direct object pronouns
Duration: 5 weeks
Use commands to give instructions
Performance Expectation
Students should still be performing at Intermediate-mid.
Unit 7: Cuerpo sano, mente sana (Healthy body, healthy mind)
Duration: 4 weeks
Key Essential Questions:
How do I talk about my daily routine?
How do I talk about staying fit and healthy?
How do I talk about how I feel?
How do I give advice?
Transfer Goals:
Students will be able to use their learning to
Talk about what I do everyday
Talk about my personal items
Talk about parts of the body
Use reflexive verbs
Use infinitives
Review stem-changing verbs
Compare and contrast cultural concepts: Argentina
Tell how I feel
Talk about more parts of the body
Give healthful advice
Use estar, sentirse and tener to talk about emotions
Give negative informal commands
Use direct object and reflexive pronouns: begin to differentiate them
Performance Expectation
Students should still be performing at Intermediate-mid.