the unofficial Word version of the nomination form

Unofficial Nomination Form
Nominations Solicited For Six Drafting Teams
Please complete the electronic nomination form as soon as possible, but no later than January 10, 2013.
This unofficial version is provided to assist nominees in compiling the information necessary to submit the
electronic form. If you have any questions, please contact Laura Hussey or Steven Noess.
By submitting a nomination form, you are indicating your willingness and agreement to actively
participate in the drafting team meetings if appointed by the Standards Committee. If appointed, you are
expected to attend most of the face-to-face drafting team meetings as well as participate in all the team
meetings held via conference calls. Failure to do so may result in your removal from the drafting team.
Nominations are being sought for the following projects. Previous drafting team experience is beneficial
but not required. A brief description of the desired qualifications and other pertinent information for each
project is included below.
Project 2010-02: Interconnecting New Facilities to the Grid
Project 2010-05.2: Protection Systems – Special Protection Systems
Project 2010-13.3: Relay Loadability – Stable Power Swings
Project 2014-01: Standards Applicability for Dispersed Power Producing Resources
TOP/IRO revisions, as required to supplement existing teams
CIP Version 5 revisions
Project 2010-02 Connecting New Facilities to the Grid
The proposed purpose of Project 2010-02 is to revise FAC-001-1 – Facility Connection Requirements and
FAC-002-1 – Coordination of Plans for New Generation, Transmission, and End-User Facilities to add
clarity, remove redundancy, retire requirements with no impact on the reliable operation of the Bulk
Electric System (based on application of the Paragraph 81 criteria), and bring compliance elements in
accordance with NERC guidelines, in line with the recommendations of the FAC Five-Year Review Team.
NERC is seeking renominations from members of the FAC Five-Year Review Team to serve on the
standard drafting team, as well as additional nominations from stakeholders with expertise in
developing Facility connection requirements and conducting studies and assessments for the
connection of new Facilities; for the formation of a new standard drafting team. The ideal candidate
will have prior drafting team experience. NERC is particularly interested in additional members with
experience in WECC and/or the Canadian provinces.
Project 2010-05.2 Protection Systems – Special Protection Systems
This project is phase 2 of Protection Systems and will address the Special Protection System (SPS)
definition and six related NERC Reliability Standards: PRC‐012‐0, PRC‐013‐0, PRC‐014‐0, PRC‐015‐0, PRC‐
016‐0.1, and PRC‐017‐0. The existing NERC Glossary of Terms definition for a SPS (or Remedial Action
Scheme (RAS), as used in the Western Interconnection) lacks clarity and specificity regarding the
identification and classification of protection schemes as SPS or RAS, which contributes to
inconsistentency across the eight NERC Regions. Additionally, three of the NERC Reliability Standards
(PRC‐012‐0, PRC‐013‐0, and PRC‐014‐0) were identified by FERC in Order No. 693 as fill‐in‐the‐blank
standards and are not mandatory and enforceable. After the revised definition of a SPS is established and
stakeholder‐approved, the project will focus on addressing the review, assessment, and documentation of
SPSs; the analysis and reporting of SPS misoperations; and the maintenance, testing, and operational
aspects of SPSs.
NERC is seeking individuals from the United States and Canada with experience and expertise with SPS
planning, design, installation, operation, and maintenance, for the formation of a new standard drafting
Project 2010-13.3 Relay Loadability – Stable Power Swings
The March 18, 2010, FERC Order No. 733, approved Reliability Standard PRC-023-1 – Transmission Relay
Loadability. In this Order, FERC directed NERC to address three areas of relay loadability that include
modifications to the approved PRC-023-1, developing a new Reliability Standard to address generator
protective relay loadability (PRC-025-1), and another Reliability Standard to address the operation of
protective relays due to stable power swings. This project’s SAR addresses these directives and establishes
a three-phased approach to standard development.
Phase 3 of the project is focused on developing a new Reliability Standard, which will establish
requirements to set protective relays at a level such that protective relays do not trip during stable power
swings thereby unnecessarily removing generation or transmission from service.
NERC is seeking nominations for a new drafting team from the United States and Canada with experience in
one or more of the following areas: 1) Applying and setting out-of-step and power swing blocking protection;
2) Analyzing power swings in transmission planning or operating assessments; and/or 3)Analyzing power
system disturbances involving power swings.
Project 2014-01: Standards Applicability for Dispersed Power Producing Resources
The proposed purpose of Project 2014-01 is to develop a technically justified approach for evaluating the
applicability of selected Reliability Standards or Requirement(s) applicable to Generator Owners and
Generator Operators, and revise the applicability of those standards, where technically justified, to take into
account the unique technical and reliability aspects of dispersed generation. The standards identified in the
Standards Authorization Request are: (a) PRC-005-2 (-3); (b) FAC-008-3; (c) PRC-023-3/PRC-025-1; (d) PRC-
004-2a (-3); (e) VAR-002-2; and (f) various IRO,MOD, PRC, or TOP Standards that require outage and
protection and control coordination, planning, next day study or Real-time data or reporting of changes in
real and reactive capability should be examined and revised, as needed, to ensure it is clear that these
activities and reporting are conducted at the point of aggregation to 75 MVA, and not at an individual
turbine, inverter or unit level for dispersed generation.
Unofficial Nomination Form
Six Standard Drafting Teams | December 2013
NERC is seeking nominations from stakeholders with expertise in operations and maintenance of various
dispersed generation facilities, including wind, solar, and other forms of non-fossil generation. This
includes individuals with experience operating a system with these forms of generation in their footprint,
as well as individuals with experience in Protection Systems, voltage, reactive, and frequency control
associated with these forms of generation.
TOP/IRO revisions
On November 21, 2013, FERC issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NOPR), proposing to remand TOP001-2 – Transmission Operations, TOP-002-3 – Operations Planning, TOP-003-2 – Operational Reliability
Data, and PRC-001-2 – System Protection Coordination as well as IRO-001-3 – Responsibilities and
Authorities, IRO-002-3 – Analysis Tools, IRO-005-4 – Current Day Operations, and IRO-014-2 –
Coordination Among Reliability Coordinators. NERC is considering how to respond to this NOPR, and one
possibility is to request that FERC defer action to allow NERC and the industry time to consider the issues
raised in the NOPR, as well as feedback from the Independent Expert Review Panel on these standards.
While drafting teams for the TOP and IRO standards are in place, each has been in service for a number of
years and has suffered attrition. Depending on the outcome of any procedural motion in response to the
NOPR, and the availability of the existing drafting team members to support the schedule required as a
result, NERC is seeking additional subject matter experts as may be needed to implement revisions to
these standards. It is anticipated that one team will be formed to move forward with this work in order to
assure coordination between the standards. Nominees should have significant experience in all aspects of
bulk power system operations as the referenced standards refer to Reliability Coordinators, Transmission
Operators, and Balancing Authorities, and be available to meet an aggressive schedule that may include
participation in technical conferences as well as face-to-face drafting team meetings beginning in early
CIP Version 5 Revisions
On November 22, 2013, FERC issued Order No. 791, Version 5 Critical Infrastructure Protection Reliability
Standards. In this order, FERC approved the Version 5 CIP standards and directed NERC to make several
modifications within one year of the effective date of the Final Rule. The modifications include: addressing
ambiguity related to the “Identify, Assess, and Correct” components of 17 CIP version 5 requirements;
creating a new definition for Communication Networks; and developing new or modified reliability
standards that require the appropriate and reasonable controls to protect the nonprogrammable aspects
of communication networks. FERC also directed NERC to add more detail or criteria to evaluate sufficiency
of protections for Low Impact facilities, and to address transient devices in new or modified standards.
Potential SDT members should have experience in the areas of cybersecurity related to the Order 791
directives. In addition, team members with experience in cybersecurity policy, compliance, legal,
regulatory, and technical writing is desired. Previous drafting team experience and/or experience with
development of CIP Version 5 is beneficial, but not required. The expected time commitment for this
Unofficial Nomination Form
Six Standard Drafting Teams | December 2013
team is aggressive because of directives with a deadline associated with them. The SDT is expected to
meet monthly for a full three-day meeting for the duration of 2014, with additional conference calls
between face-to-face meetings as necessary to adhere to the aggressive project schedule.
Unofficial Nomination Form
Six Standard Drafting Teams | December 2013
Please provide the following information for the nominee:
Select the Project(s) for which the nominee is volunteering. Nominees may check multiple projects
but NERC will endeavor to place an individual on only one project if at all possible. If checking
multiple projects, indicate in the space below first choice, second choice, and so on.
Project 2010-02: Interconnecting New Facilities to the Grid
Project 2010-05.2: Protection Systems – Special Protection Systems
Project 2013-03.3: Relay Loadability – Stable Power Swings
Project 2014-01: Standards Applicability for Dispersed Power Producing Resources
TOP/IRO revisions
CIP Version 5 revisions
Please briefly describe the nominee’s experience and qualifications to serve on the selected
If you are currently a member of any NERC SAR or standard drafting team, please list each team here:
Not currently on any active SAR or standard drafting team.
Currently a member of the following SAR or standard drafting team(s):
If you previously worked on any NERC SAR or standard drafting team, please identify the team(s):
No prior NERC SAR or standard drafting team.
Unofficial Nomination Form
Six Standard Drafting Teams | December 2013
Prior experience on the following SAR or standard drafting team(s):
Select each NERC Region in which you have experience relevant to Project 2010-02:
NA – Not Applicable
Select each Industry Segment that you represent:
1 — Transmission Owners
2 — RTOs, ISOs
3 — Load-serving Entities
4 — Transmission-dependent Utilities
5 — Electric Generators
6 — Electricity Brokers, Aggregators, and Marketers
7 — Large Electricity End Users
8 — Small Electricity End Users
9 — Federal, State, and Provincial Regulatory or other Government Entities
10 — Regional Reliability Organizations and Regional Entities
NA – Not Applicable
Select each Function1 in which you have current or prior expertise:
These functions are defined in the NERC Functional Model, which is available on the NERC web site.
Unofficial Nomination Form
Six Standard Drafting Teams | December 2013
Balancing Authority
Compliance Enforcement Authority
Distribution Provider
Generator Operator
Generator Owner
Interchange Authority
Load-serving Entity
Market Operator
Planning Coordinator
Transmission Operator
Transmission Owner
Transmission Planner
Transmission Service Provider
Purchasing-selling Entity
Reliability Coordinator
Reliability Assurer
Resource Planner
Provide the names and contact information for two references who could attest to your technical
qualifications and your ability to work well in a group:
Provide the names and contact information of your immediate supervisor or a member of your
management who can confirm your organization’s willingness to support your active participation.
Unofficial Nomination Form
Six Standard Drafting Teams | December 2013