BEFORE Five More TEACHERS: SUBJECT: Andrea Baker 2nd Grade Math STANDARD: 2.NBT.2 OBJECTIVE (EXPLICIT): TSW skip-count by 5’s and 10’s using a broken hundreds chart. EVIDENCE OF MASTERY (MEASURABLE): Rubric SUB-OBJECTIVES, SWBAT (SEQUENCED FROM BASIC TO COMPLEX): KEY VOCABULARY: MATERIALS: skip count hundreds chart (multiple copies to cut into hundreds chart pieces.) Blank hundreds chart (no numbers) counters worksheet (attached) ENGAGE (MAKE CONTENT AND LEARNING RELEVANT TO REAL LIFE AND CONNECT TO STUDENT INTEREST) TEACHER WILL: Ask the question, “How do you count on a hundreds chart?” STUDENT WILL: Answer teacher question. TEACHER WILL: Pass out a blank 100’s chart. Model skip counting by using one piece of the hundreds chart to skip count by 10’s. EX: if you have a piece that starts at 61 then skip-count backwards. 61, 51, 41,31, 21, 11, 1. Have students tell you the numbers. STUDENT WILL: Fill in blank hundreds chart starting with 61. Students will instruct teacher the numbers she should be filling in on the chart. TEACHER WILL: Model how to skip count by fives, starting with the number 76. Have two students model for the rest of the class. Student writes the number 76 on the sheet. Then using counters (five of them), the student says the numbers counting forward as they place five counters in a line. Then the student places the ending number in the blank on the sheet. Then have students cover the starting and ending numbers with counters on the hundreds chart. Have students tell you the numbers to fill into the STUDENT WILL: Fill in blank hundreds chart starting with 76. Students will instruct teacher the numbers she should be filling in on the chart. chart. EX: 76, 81, 86, 91, 96. Ask students, “What number comes after 96?” (This will illustrate to students that numbers do not end at 100) STUDENTS WILL: Answer teacher question. CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE TEACHER WILL: Give students another copy of a blank 100’s chart and a piece that is cut from a hundreds chart. Instruct students to glue their piece onto their blank 100’s chart in the appropriate place. Then they must skip count by 5’s and 10’s using their number as a starting point. DURING TEACHER WILL: Ask the following questions: STUDENT WILL: Students will complete 100’s chart by skip counting by 5’s and 10’s. (Note: Have students save their hundreds chart to use for a future lesson where they skip count by different multiples.) STUDENT WILL: Answer teacher questions. Does it matter where you start on a hundreds chart to skip count? Could you skip count to 1000 using this method? What pattern do you see when you skip count? Which numbers are odd? Which numbers are even? AFTER CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE TEACHER WILL: Ask for student volunteers to their 100’s chart. CO-TEACHING STRATEGY IF APPLICABLE STUDENT WILL: Share their 100’s chart.