Macedonia United Methodist Church

August 17, 2014
Standing On the Promises
Affirmation of Faith
(The Apostle’s Creed)
Something Beautiful
Prayer Concerns and Glory Sightings
Time of Personal Prayer
Pastoral Prayer (followed by the Lord’s Prayer)
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen.
All Hail the Power
Tithes and Offering
Matthew 15: 1-2; 10-20
Can Jesus Watch T.V. With You?
Rock Stone
My Hope is Built
*Congregation please stand as able
Our Mission Statement:
Striving to make active, growing disciples for the glory of God through
meaningful worship, biblical teachings, and Christian fellowship.
We find in our text this morning that indeed “the powers that be” during the time of Jesus
had not only begun to hear about His teachings but were in fact sending out a delegation to
investigate not only what Jesus was teaching but also what they had heard about His disciples.
Mainly they had heard that the disciples where not following the Jewish tradition of ceremonial
washing of hands. (This was not a Mosaic but rather a Rabbinic requirement) Then some
Pharisees and teachers of the law came to Jesus from Jerusalem and asked, "Why do your
disciples break the tradition of the elders? They don't wash their hands before they eat!"
(Matthew 15:1-2, NIV 1984) There is little doubt that the Pharisees were hoping that this
encounter would be an opportunity to get the masses to stop following this Rabbi who does not
require even His disciples to follow the rules.
We see that Jesus attacks the Pharisees and other teachers of the law for breaking the
very commandments of God with their teachings and allowing the Law to be used for their own
interpretations. While there is much to say about verses 3-9, this morning I want to concentrate
on what Jesus said would indeed make one unclean or defiled. The disciples came to Jesus and
stated that what He had said offended the Pharisees. That brings us now to the scripture that we
shall use for our text and for the message for this morning. So let’s look at our topic this
morning: Can Jesus watch T.V. with you?
The reality is that this morning I want us to look at much more than just our television
watching. The truth be known there are some good, entertaining and educational shows that we
could watch. The deeper question is the fact that anything that we watch, read or listen to can
and will affect the type of person we become. Look at what Jesus told the disciples when Peter
asked for clarification. "Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach
and then out of the body? But the things that come out of the mouth come from the heart,
and these make a man 'unclean.' Matthew 15:17-18, NIV 1984)
This is not to say that we cannot hurt our physical bodies with what we put into them.
That goes without saying. However, Jesus is not worried about the physical body with this
confrontation with the Pharisees but how they interpreted and taught the Law. Think about the
irony of the moment. Here are men who are supposed to be worried about the spiritual aspect of
people and they are more concerned about hand washing. Please! This is the very reason that
Jesus spoke these words about what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart. While it is
important to eat healthy to sustain a long life, you and I had better be much more concerned
about our spiritual body and how we are taking care of it. While at some point our physical body
is going to die, we know that the spiritual life will live for eternity. What you and I feed our
spiritual body today will determine how and where we will spend eternity. So let me ask the
question again; can Jesus watch T.V. with you? What do you read, what do you listen to, and
what do you watch? Will you feel comfortable with Jesus sitting down and spending time with
you? How do you spend your free time?
We live in a time when we are very concerned about germs and because of that we
spend a lot of time washing our hands. The Pharisees might be happy with us about that but the
more important question might be; how happy is Jesus with how we take care of our spiritual
body. Shalom
Worship on the Water (WoW)
8:30 a.m.
Sunday School
10:00 a.m.
Sunday Morning Worship Service
11:00 a.m.
Sunday Evening Worship Service Tonight
6:00 p.m.
Wednesday Night Bible Study This Week
6:00 p.m.
Friday Seekers Prayer Group
10:00 a.m.
Tue Aug 19 ABIDE Meeting
5:00 p.m.
Sun Aug 24 Abby Rushing Baby Shower 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Sun Sep 7
Men’s Prayer Breakfast
7:00 a.m.
Sun Oct 5
Charge Conference at Jennings Chapel
Start saving your quarters and we will tell you why later!
Plans are being made for our next project – to renovate the nursery! We will be replacing
the paneling with sheetrock and adding some windows to the doors to make it more Safe
Sanctuary compliant. If you would like to donate to this project just put “Nursery” in the
memo line of your check. But remember this shouldn’t replace your regular tithes!
If you would like to assist in worship by reading the morning scripture or offering a
prayer during the service please turn your name in to the office.
Prayer Concerns
The Lost and Unchurched, Our Nation, Our Church
Our Homebound: Elsie Guy, Bobbie Morrow, Corendene Rushing, Betty Tierce
Our Church Family: Abby Rushing, Gladys LaGrone, Deborah Sellers, Jeff Turner,
Susan Shirley, Evonne Brown, Duffy Hagler, Joe Ed Brown, Patty Jean Armstrong,
Debbie Medders, Sirley Robertson, Sharon Evans, Hilary Shirley, Jean Hallmark, Abide
Friends & Family: Chris & Abby Horton, Tom Belk, Danny Turner, Dixie McCraw,
Jason Davis, Bobby Smitherman, Patricia Lyons, Jerry Hollingsworth, Colleen Beckwith,
Jason Heath, Theresa Sellers, Glenn Thornell, David Sutphen, Betty Crumbley, Mallory
Burkhalter, Mike Renfroe, Ann Renfroe, Robin Beasley, Jeanette Sellers, Charles McCraw,
Jewel Walters, Diane Ballard, Shirley Griffin, Jason McNeill, Naomia Brown, Shelby
Brown, Faye Kirkley, Rhonda Poe, Frances Etheridge, Willie Lemley, Bob Hardeman
August 17, 2014
Can Jesus Watch
T.V. With You?
United Methodist Church
“The Church on the Lake”
14837 Hwy 69 N, Northport, AL 35475
205.339.6360 (Office)  205.339.6610 (Fax)
PASTOR: Rock Stone
Bro. Rock: 205-792-3301 (Cell)  E-mail:
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