Eltham High School: Inquiry Based Teaching and Learning Cycle Introduction and Context A futures focused vision for learners Eltham High School is located on the rural-urban fringe of northeast Melbourne and serves a largely middle to higher income socioeconomic community. It is an open, well-presented and welcoming school that has been a presence in the community for almost 90 years. The school’s strategic plan articulates a higher order vision for learners, focusing on the characteristics and 21st century capabilities they aspire to develop in all students: Our vision is to develop creative students who are active seekers, users and creators of their own knowledge, who have a strong sense of responsibility towards society and the environment and who act with integrity and show that ‘Deeds Count’. Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Vincent Sicari, the principal at Eltham HS, stressed that serious conversations occurred some years ago to ensure that this aspiration, (along with their school values of the pursuit of excellence, individuality, creativity, social and environmental responsibility, respect for diversity and integrity), were not simply words on walls. The development of their ‘Inquiry Based Teaching and Learning Cycle’ (IBTL) grew out of their desire to enact their vision and purpose for education. ’We’re developing characteristics which are crucial in terms of what we believe our young people need to function as contributors, have an effective future, and be effective citizens.” Vincent reflected that: We had conversations about 21st century skills and reflected on the world that our students would be moving into, possibly fields that haven’t yet been thought about…This meant we had to prepare students to cope with and adapt to change and see change as an opportunity and challenge, not an obstacle. Staff also identified the importance of students developing as critical thinkers and discerning users of information. They would need to be able to filter out what they needed in a highly technological and information rich world. with an approach that enabled them to construct their own knowledge. Vincent was also mindful of ‘not wanting to toss out the baby with the bathwater’, so their deliberations led them to consider how they might blend inquiry based learning with a more directed instructional approach. This has resulted in what is now a meticulously documented and explicitly scaffolded approach to inquiry based learning that includes clear guidelines for teachers, their instructional strategy or IBTL cycle, and two research models for students. The instructional model is guided by a pedagogical approach of a gradual release of responsibility which ensures that teachers use a broad repertoire of instructional strategies. They begin with high levels of explicit teaching and gradually transition to increasingly student led research. Teachers scaffold student inquiry and research to ensure engagement in higher order thinking and the production of quality outcomes related to the school vision and purpose statements. Vincent was particularly conscious of ‘unworkable dichotomies’ in education and is precise in his use of the term ‘instruction’, clarifying, “it is often incorrectly defined as a chalk and talk approach, but that’s not what we’re talking about.” These conversations led to the realisation that teachers couldn’t keep teaching the way they had in the past if they wanted to achieve these different outcomes for students. At Eltham HS, it is very clearly about ensuring students have access to directed teaching as appropriate. This applies to all areas of learning, and includes the development of necessary foundational knowledge and skills that equip students to more effectively engage in research and inquiry. Leaders’ research led them to identify the need to provide students How did teachers learn about and engage with the model? Side by side learning and leadership Although leaders had determined a need for an inquiry learning teaching approach coupled with explicit instructional practice: We weren’t really clear about how this was going to develop, what it really meant. We recognised value in a number of approaches, with each bringing about different outcomes. Vincent encouraged his teachers to try new practices without fear of failure. He had a firm belief that: …the experiences you have are all valuable, if you can reflect on them, understand your learnings, and then understand the changes you have to make. This opportunity was confirmed by teachers: Vincent has always given us encouragement to be innovative, and to seek PD when we require it. This school allows the space to try. The creation of these conditions, where teachers were supported and encouraged to try and experiment with new approaches that weren’t yet fully defined, aligns well with innovation researchi. These conditions were also identified by teachers and other leaders as a strong causal factor that has led to and strengthened the current IBTL cycle. Year 7 was identified as the first cohort of students and teachers to 2 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development trial the new Inquiry Based Learning approach. A new faculty and Key Learning Area (KLA) was created called the ‘Critical Inquiry KLA’. Katie, who currently leads and coordinates this faculty, stressed: …you can’t underestimate its importance (Critical Inquiry KLA). It allows us to have a space for reflection amongst a common team. It’s a statement that we value these interdisciplinary skills and traits and we value them enough to give them their own time and space. That’s incredibly important. Initially the Eltham HS approach to inquiry based teaching and learning was very linear and in retrospect the team reflected that it was more of a student research model. Researching, experimenting, observing, reflecting and discussing were core to the ways that teachers learned about the model. process…but it was very linear, with not a lot of scaffolding. There were a lot of downfalls in terms of the way the curriculum had been built or not built. It was still built around content – we were still trying to do Ancient Egypt, still trying to do Forces!” Both strengths and disappointments were identified during the team’s systematic review processes, which then informed improvements and developments in the next year. A teacher of the first year program shared that despite the difficulties: One teacher reflected: Kids hated it! We were still teaching ‘stuff’. We were just teaching stuff within an inquiry Two new teacher leaders arrived at the start of the second year of introducing inquiry based teaching and learning at Eltham HS. Loren and Katie were both equipped with significant knowledge and experience in relation to the active pedagogies and practices that support student-led inquiry learning. They have been key to the leadership and ongoing development of IBTL at Eltham HS. Katie reflected: It was wonderful from a team point of view. To work with people in that way, watching how they do things, learning different approaches, was so useful. It was also terrific for kids to have more than 1 teacher to connect with, and the opportunity to connect with 100 other kids rather than 25. During the first two years of introducing inquiry based learning at the Year 7 level, a team teaching approach was employed so that up to four teachers and 100 students worked together in the school’s Inquiry Learning Centre. Teachers noticed that students rushed through the inquiry process, particularly when more complex thinking was required of them e.g. generating effective questions, or reaching an informed position. Students tended to skip to the end stage of the inquiry process which required them to produce a product, ‘let’s make a diorama, or paint something’ without producing a quality response. you add to your knowledge and research another question. I found a school with a fledgling inquiry program that was willing to let me explore and refine my practices in a supportive team teaching environment. Reviews during the second year uncovered that the terms ‘inquiry’ and ‘integrated’ were being used inter-changeably. Vincent explained that it suddenly dawned on them that: Integrated curriculum wasn’t necessarily an inquiry-based approach and inquiry didn’t necessarily have to do with integrated curriculum. Yet…we had the opportunity to see the value of both of those things. Students confirmed this strength: It was interesting having three teachers available, all with their own branch of knowledge…You could go from one teacher to another with the same sort of question and get different sorts of perspectives, and that would help The need to develop a common understanding and language to progress their ideas further was recognised by Eltham HS leaders and teachers. In particular, they defined the difference between ‘instructional strategies’ and ‘student research methods’. With this new awareness and bolstered by professional learning and targeted research, the development of the Eltham HS Inquiry Based Teaching and 3 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Learning (IBTL) cycle significantly progressed. While initially anchored by the work of Kath Murdoch and Leslie Wing Jan, other models were also considered and evaluated. The current model includes elements that are unique to Eltham HS. Teacher learning at Eltham HS was described as a ‘multipronged approach’, focused on a very strong in-house professional learning strategy. This was predominantly conducted during school time, with structured peer observation a primary focus. Extended discussions with other teachers, engagement in their own local research to discover what works best and why, and accessing external research and experts all contributed to professional learning about IBTL. through seeing how other teachers ran their classes. Watching the kids’ reactions really shaped the way I teach inquiry. You don’t treat the kids as empty vessels. This was an opportunity, and I’m still watching and learning. In observing how the kids respond, you get a good sense of where you lose them. The Year 8 Morph program – which is a 10 day incursion intensive – offers a similar professional learning opportunity. Katie works with a group of teachers who have not had experience with, or are nervous about inquiry based teaching and learning. She supports them to use the cycle to develop an incursion unit. Teachers emphasised the importance of creating the right environment to empower everyone’s learning through these practices. Teachers rotate in and out of the program each day, enabling a ‘snapshot’ or ‘taster’ for what is involved. The team has found that teachers subsequently become more receptive and willing to put up their hand for future involvement with IBTL. Collaborative decision-making instilled confidence, with “protocols in place for when one should intervene”. Throughout the inquiry learning sessions, teachers check in with each other, agree on teaching strategies and clarify the conceptual focus with students. As a result of this range of professional learning opportunities, teachers are increasingly well equipped with strategies for many of the challenges they may encounter when incorporating the IBTL approach into their own KLA. Vincent explained that through all these methods, professional learning funds usually stay within the school, and are often used to cover teachers’ classes. This frees their time to observe other teachers and work with a coach. Individual teachers volunteer to work in this way and do so across disciplines. For example, a Science teacher can watch an English teacher’s Socratic method or literature circles, with a focus on how to explore and apply the approach in their practice. The process is supported and significantly enriched by the conversations prior to, and after the lesson. Anam, a Year 7 teacher, explains that when she first joined the IBTL team: It was daunting, but there’s a lot of structure there. I picked it up through practice, on the job, Regular afternoon professional learning sessions are also offered, mostly facilitated by staff, with experts invited in only when specific needs are identified. This opportunity for collaborative teaching, discussion and reflection on students’ reactions and progress was identified as the main way that teachers learned to incorporate the IBTL approach and instructional strategies into their everyday practice. The Year 7 IBTL Integrated Studies course also acts as a “PD tank” for teachers outside the Critical Inquiry KLA. Leaders explained how one or two teachers will join the wellestablished IBTL team for a period of time, then move back to their own KLA, carrying with them ideas, thinking, and practices to further share and develop. The cultural conditions created at Eltham HS have been highly instrumental to the successful development of and engagement with this model. Vincent stressed: …you have to have the culture of ‘it’s OK to fail!’ It’s OK to have a disastrous lesson. It’s not about getting it all right from the word go, and just because we fail the first time, doesn’t mean we throw it out. We actually learn from that, that’s where the deepest learning comes from.” Success in creating such a culture was evidenced in the talk across the school: 4 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development What we’re doing is hard work and we all make mistakes, and that’s OK because we reflect on it. (Teacher leader) Teachers always came back to this idea that ‘without failure you can’t really succeed and you can’t really know when you’ve actually succeeded’. I guess I failed pretty bad, and I never thought I’d say this, but I actually feel good about that failure because I now know exactly what I can do better. (Student) Since its initial conception, the model has continued to change, evolve and strengthen as a result of regular research, review and reflection processes in the Critical Inquiry KLA team, followed by goal setting and strategic planning. How does the model inform the way teachers at the school work? Designing for learning An overview of Inquiry Based Learning approach at Eltham HS is provided in Appendix 1. The IBTL cycle guides designs for learning, pedagogical approaches and the selection of instructional strategies throughout a term’s Unit Critical to the success of progressing the IBTL approach were leaders roles and communications, particularly Vincent’s role as principal. He was firm in demonstrating: The resolve and involvement of the principal, together with his active support and encouragement of teachers and other leaders, was clearly a factor contributing to both the creation of the instructional model and engagement with IBTL at Eltham HS. The Critical Inquiry KLA currently employs the IBTL cycle with all Year 7s through their Integrated Studies course. This involves 5 periods a week of inter-disciplinary study, complemented by additional 50 minute workshops that focus specifically and explicitly on Science, SOSE and English learning goals and needs. Every workshop session over a 10 week unit is mapped out for each of these disciplines. Workshop design addresses key disciplinary topics or concepts, learning outcomes, success criteria, actions taken by students and teachers, and required resources. During the Year 7 Integrated Studies sessions, eleven teachers from the Critical Inquiry KLA form 3 smaller groups, each team-teaching 75 to 100 students in an open learning space known as the ‘Inquiry Learning Centre’. The five stages of the IBTL cycle inform the sequence and pedagogical approaches utilised through the unit: Everything is centred around teachers talking to teachers. … that we were very serious about this, it is not going away. Yes, we can talk about different strategies, different ways of making this happen, but bottom line, we are not going to move away from this. Junior School Teaching of Work. Teachers guide students toward undertaking increasingly independent inquiry or research connected to the Unit of Work they are studying. This is embedded within a broader range of instructional strategies and designed as a gradual release of responsibility approach: … it starts off with very heavy scaffolding that can be very teacher centred. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Generating Curiosity Exploring Key Idea Translating Shared Idea Forging Lines of Inquiry Emerging Generating Curiosity At the start of a unit, teachers offer students a range of different visual stimuli, stories and questions to ‘generate curiosity’, aiming to engage students and create a desire to find out more. Exploring Key Ideas During the next stage of ‘exploring key ideas’ teachers offer different disciplinary lenses to students, 5 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development enabling them to consider similarities and differences between, for example, a scientific, historical or cultural perspective as they learn the skills and methodologies of various disciplines. Concepts are introduced along with new vocabulary during this stage. The personal perspective is also drawn in, enabling students to make connections with their own beliefs and experiences. Translating Shared Ideas During the stage of ‘translating shared ideas’, teachers provide students with opportunities to process their initial experiences and the key ideas they have been exploring. Concepts are further discussed to enable connections and deeper meaning making. This is the beginning of transitioning from teacher-led learning to students beginning to take the reins to pursue a particular area of inquiry. Students are expected to generate a focused and substantial research question and to bring something unique to their investigation. Forging Lines of Inquiry During the stage of ‘forging lines of inquiry’ students begin to work more autonomously as they investigate, examine, critically evaluate and work out how to communicate their ideas and understandings. ‘The Doors’ research model (see Appendix 2) provides them with additional scaffolding and support to selfmanage their personal research and inquiry process. Emerging and progress. Finally, the stage of ‘emerging’ prompts students to reflect on and demonstrate their new learning and progress, as well as identifying what they need to learn next. During this stage students ask themselves: The Year 8 MORPH program, a tenday intensive incursion program centred around community, is designed to build on students’ interdisciplinary skills developed in Year 7. “What have I learnt? What have I become? How will my new knowledge influence the way I behave and the way I learn, in school and in the broader community? Where to from here?” Middle and Senior Years This stage is designed by teachers to prompt metacognitive reflection and development, with reference to the personal and interpersonal learning standards as well as interdisciplinary learning. At the end, teachers and students celebrate everyone’s learning. Teachers carefully design how much time to spend on each stage of the IBTL cycle: …we might spend a couple of periods on ‘generating curiosity’, a week or two on ‘exploring key ideas’, a couple of periods on ‘translating shared ideas’, then several weeks on ‘forging lines of inquiry’. When we get to ‘emerging’, we are focused on metacognition as well students reflecting on their learning journey In the Middle School (Yrs 9 and 10), the IBTL cycle in currently employed in a semester long elective subject ‘Extended Investigation’. Teachers drew upon what they had learned from their Junior school experiences to offer middle school students an opportunity for learning through inquiry and student-led research. Extended Investigation is also offered as a year long, stand alone VCE subject for senior students. This course is informed by the VCAA guidelines as well as the IBTL cycle. For the Extended Investigation courses, the IBTL cycle has been translated in a way that increasingly steps up the demands and requirements of students. Learning goals are more complex and align with expectations of high achieving students at these year levels. The course is also designed to build research capabilities beyond the This model also provides students with explicit statements that clarify the learning intentions and expected outcomes of each stage of their research. 6 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development skills and understandings developed in Years 7 and 8 and students are expected to be increasingly selfmanaging. As part of the Extended Investigation courses, specific research methodologies, logistics and critical thinking are explicitly taught, as are skills in writing, referencing and communicating. Guided by a purpose designed inquiry model for senior students, called the ‘Iterative Student-Led Research Model’ (see Appendix 3), middle and senior school students are supported to develop and refine a question, collect, analyse and present data, and produce a written thesis. The final research thesis, defence of work, coursework and critical thinking test formed the basis of assessment for this course. Teachers at this school have moved well beyond simply ‘implementing’ particular instructional strategies. Instead, they are very focused on observing and noticing students, documenting what is or isn’t occurring in their learning and working out what to do about this. With this as their point of reference, they then are able to draw upon the extensive documentation of the Critical Inquiry KLA to both reflect on practice and design next steps. Therefore, reflection on self, on practice, on students and their progress and on both short and longer term goals and vision for learners have both guided and been guided by the IBTL cycle at Eltham. Continuously evolving and improving The continuing evolution of the Eltham HS model, informed by both external and internal research, means that teachers and leaders are all actively involved in its ongoing co-construction, translation and strengthening. Year 7 teachers reported that students were better able to ‘see the connections’ between disciplines as a result of the Integrated Studies course. Their evidence shows that students have developed more complex understandings while also building a bank of skills, knowledge and shared language related to the Unit focus. Both disciplinary and interdisciplinary learning outcomes have been stronger and more connected. Students have also discovered authentic applications of ICT in context e.g. as they access the National Archives and other databases, record their information through various means such as images and videos, and upload their plans and findings. As they have expanded the use of the model from Junior to Middle and Senior years, the Critical Inquiry teachers found that they needed to clarify their own ideas of what progress and increasing levels of complexity meant for teaching and learning. This continuum has helped them to plan, observe and reflect on the success of their teaching. It provides a sound basis for determining the extent to which students are developing the desired qualities, characteristics, skills and understandings related to their vision for learners. One of the major things I learnt was how I looked at everything. I’ve always asked questions and it’s kind of turned into a terrible habit, but now I sit down in a classroom and I know how teachers have planned it all out because that’s sort of what I learnt in EI - it’s this whole process of thinking and how to think if you had to achieve a certain goal. I know where to look to get certain information now, I know where not to look. What has been the impact of engaging with the model? Student Learning Outcomes Ruby, a student who participated in the Middle School IBTL elective shared: I will never be the same since doing my Extended Investigation. Reflecting on his own experiences of Inquiry Based Learning, Ivan appreciated the approach of his teachers as well the kinds of skills he was learning: It was a good bunch of teachers who were really engaged with their students. They all seemed to care about how much their kids knew and if you had any questions. They also ran workshops about how to research effectively and how to stay on task, and these were really helpful for us. 7 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development A lot of life skills in terms of how to research effectively are not taught in any specific classroom, but more just assumed that you’ll learn them over the course of high school. But a lot of people don’t, so it was very good to have some of the strategies you can apply, rather than just what you should be learning. That knowledge is useful for the rest of your life. Students have learned that complex research is not a linear process. They have learned to cycle back and forth through each aspect of their research process as many times as is needed to strengthen their focus, process and understanding. This has better supported students to gather information, feed data back into their research, and recognise when their questions require refinement. Teachers reported that students who have experienced the IBTL approach show advanced thinking skills and their questions are more open and complex. Teachers also noticed that students are developing greater skills in collaboration, problem solving, and critical thinking. This was also illustrated in students’ recollections: …and it’s not just that you go into class, you learn it, and you step out, and that’s pretty much it. It’s more that I have now moved what I learnt into all of my classes… it teaches you what you can do better and how you can improve and it’s a really good way to see where your strategies fall down and where your thinking falls down. Students are demonstrating greater independence and capacity to work through complex challenges, breaking down larger tasks with ease. They are more resilient and persistent, happier to ‘roll with the workload’ and have a better understanding of the research process. They are also more resourceful and can pull in facts and ideas from other areas to support their own learning. Ruby described her experience as “a big reflection process, a big realisation of how far I’d come”. One student recollected the effort required of him during Integrated Studies in Year 7: You really have to apply yourself to do it, it’s about wanting to know things and working through the problems that come up. It was very self driven, it was you who was finding these things out and it was you who was benefiting from it. Impact on Teachers and Teaching The way teachers start a Unit, and their initial teaching and learning focus, has changed since engagement with the IBTL cycle. They now start by finding out about students’ learning strategies and ideas and how they perceive themselves as learners. This helps them to identify a set of skills they need to teach and attitudinal factors that might need attention. To help make these kinds of assessments, teachers prepare an extensive interpersonal, disciplinespecific, self-assessment to work out where students are at in terms of working in groups, building friendships, and managing learning. Teachers now have different kinds of discussions with their students. For example, they explain that the previously mentioned assessments are designed to find out what is understood in order to know what to teach. Teachers’ use of space has also changed as their inquiry based teaching pedagogy has developed. Walls and glass are used as learning spaces, not just displays. ICT is available and strategically employed in each space, with a focus on student independence and team building strategies. As well as working with large groups in a common, central space, teachers also invite students to analyse the level of assistance they require on a particular day and seek appropriate support. Signs in different rooms guide students to make these self-assessments: Room166: “I know what I am going to do and how to do it. I will work mostly silently getting my work completed and don’t need any/much teacher assistance”. Room 156 (& Central space): “I mostly know what to do but I am going to need to talk through ideas with peers and get some help from a teacher” Room 154: “Agghhhh, please help me get on track” 8 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Another significant change is that teachers are now focused on continually trying gauge student understanding then building their own knowledge through actionbased research. A recent development is that the Critical Inquiry KLA team are now investigating viable and rigorous methods to measure the 21st century skills they value, such as students’ critical thinking skills. Hearing students articulate their learning through inquiry and through being given voice/choice in the learning process spurred me on to further invest in this approach and in ensuring that students understand the learning that they are undertaking. This includes exploring the possibilities offered by collaborative assessment. Teachers continue the cycle of their own learning alongside that of their students. Constantly observing, discussing and reflecting during their time with students and in their teamteaching environment, teachers ask such questions as: A significant impact of the IBL Instructional Strategy was identification of the need for the two student research models, which were subsequently developed to better scaffold independent learning and research. The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing. (Albert Einstein) …how does that play out when we assess students, what is our evidence and what does it tell us? Teachers’ reflections on their findings lead to adjustments in the teaching strategies utilised, timeframes, resources used and learning goals. Teachers also pose deeper, more layered questions and provocations such as: What is History about? Why do we learn History and is it important? What kind of evidence do we use in History and why is it important? What problems do Historians face when finding out about the past? When looking at Historical evidence what are you looking for? Why are there occasionally different versions of historical events? The ‘Doors Research Model’ is a highly detailed inquiry scaffold for junior students while the ‘Iterative Student Led Research Model’ provides a set of broader guidelines for the extended investigations conducted by senior students (See Appendix 2 and 3). The senior model is based on a more “sophisticated University-style model, where they enter into the idea of ethics, literature reviews, data analysis.” These models demonstrate how teachers have reacted to student learning needs to provide more explicit teaching support that is an alternative to the more traditional direct instruction. The Eltham HS instructional strategies are clearly designed with the broader goal of self-managing students in mind. They have moved away of simply giving students steps to follow to ‘do’ inquiry. Offering a more iterative approach requiring students to make choices as to the type and level of support they need as well as the focus of their inquiry contributes to this broader goal. Teachers here are now very clear that “inquiry does not necessarily equal critical thinking” and their own internal research has revealed that: …There can be an assumption that just because you allow students to lead their own learning, they will think critically about an issue. In fact, it takes a massive amount of effort by both students and teachers. Assessment practices are also changing as a result of IBTL e.g. an assessment completed for English can also be valid as a Science assessment. While creating increased design complexity, teachers reported that these types of assessments are also far richer because students can make meaningful connections: The big thing about inquiry is that it’s not a box of knowledge, it’s … these skills, traits, content, all flow through. It’s important to grasp this if you are to understand your knowledge from different positions and viewpoints, and to think about it critically, you must not see it as a box of ideas. There have also been changes at the VCE level, particularly where teachers are members of the Critical 9 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development Inquiry KLA. More meta-cognitive elements have been included in everyday teaching and students have been given time to conduct inquiry in study groups. In VCE English there has been a gradual rebalancing to include both direct instruction and inquiry based learning. Futures focused vision The Critical Inquiry team anchors their teaching with a vision of “fostering dynamic global and critical future thinkers”. Every year they put in place a reflective plan, identifying how they are going to improve (in inquiry based teaching and learning), while ensuring that they also scaffold literacy and numeracy development. how best to assess and monitor the higher order learning goals of the school vision as well as the personal and interdisciplinary standards that the Critical Inquiry team aims to foster with students. As KLA leader, Katie sees research and evaluation as equipping teachers with evidence-based information to reasonably respond to questions raised by students, parents, other teaching staff and the broader community. The Critical Inquiry KLA team recognises the “need to be beyond reproach – it’s all justified, considered and substantiated.” Loren, a teacher leader in this team, reflected: …given all the evidence we have in front of us, I continue to believe that we must adapt as educators or risk a generation of students that have been taught skills which do not match the reality of their lives. My interest now lies in how we continue to reframe ‘traditional’ competencies and engage with them alongside 21st century skills. In particular, the embedding of literacy within inquiry is something that I am pursuing through my PhD to better understand the most effective means of ensuring skill transferability, learning in context and road blocks to teachers accessing literacy skills and inquiry learning in their teaching approach. Loren’s teacher learning focus clearly reflects Vincent’s vision for the strategic direction of the school. Through her participation in the DEECD Teacher Led Research program, Loren is also investigating What might other schools learn from the Eltham HS experience? Valuing the voices of students Without a commitment to a clear, focused and well communicated vision for student learners, a curriculum and subsequent teaching can easily become fragmented. At Eltham HS, such a deeply thought through vision for learners that anchors leadership, professional learning and teaching ensures that the higher order goals of education are always in mind. Vincent believes: …our moral purpose, and asking ourselves, ‘why are we here’ is the one solid thing we always go back to. While ensuring that Eltham HS students develop foundational capabilities of literacy and numeracy is also at the fore of teachers’ and leaders’ deliberations, this was very much in the context of helping their students become: The creation of their instructional strategy and associated student research models has meant that leaders, teachers and students all have a much more sophisticated language for discussing teaching and learning, which in turn has enabled their own understandings to deepen and continue to develop. Now my practice focuses on embedding 21st century competencies within the curriculum and allowing students to develop independence and criticality in their work. … global and critical future thinkers, who understand and value the importance of lifelong learning, through learning sequences that are predominantly student driven, holistic, thematic, and build critical, technical and interpersonal skills. Vincent describes the best teachers as: …valuing the idiosyncratic voices of their students and providing opportunities and spaces to discover things for themselves. 10 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development He stressed that the school-wide pedagogies at Eltham HS began with building good relationships, and taking their parents along with their students. This was a whole of community endeavour. resistance while setting up structures to move one step at a time, with the support of the early adopters, proved critical to achieving change while respecting history and the sense of community. He has found that communication and useful feedback were essential for sustainable change to occur and that data analysis and appropriate interpretation had empowered significant learning for himself and his staff. Eltham HS has defined different kinds of teacher leadership roles, including ‘instructional practice leader’ and ‘whole school professional growth leader’ as part of the change process. This redefining of leadership roles can be linked to both cultural and structural change as it also communicates a clear message about what is valued and been prioritised at the school. Application of this learning had led to positive changes in the structure of courses and associated documents, thereby building increasingly robust connections between students, parents, and staff. While Vincent’s focus and determination to achieve the school’s goals continues to maintain momentum, the school community is also being asked, “Are we in agreement that this is what we are going to do?” Vincent describes how any new proposals are ‘checked’ against the School’s Values and Purpose Statement. Leaders and teachers consider: As Ruby, a senior student also appreciated: What I’ve learnt to do could actually help society, it has a purpose to it, and I guess that’s massive. I’m actually shocked that the teachers got all that in, in two terms. I remember hearing it in a speech one time, that they’re kind of like karate teachers, wax on, wax off…I had learnt something completely different (to my inquiry focus) but that was their objective, that was what they wanted…It’s not just the process, it’s the teachers – they want us to succeed! You are setting these kids up for life – they might be running the world one day so you owe it to them to get as much as possible. Reflecting on the success of Inquiry Based Teaching and Learning at Eltham HS, Vincent emphasised: It’s not just one thing, it’s the whole place! It’s the conversations we have with students, the way we speak with them and the way they speak with us. It’s our school values, and I consistently reflect back on those. So when we speak about respecting diversity, of course we would work with an inquiry based approach – it’s a perfect way of respecting the diversity of ways that kids learn. O’Rourke, M. & Burrows, P. (2014). Review of contemporary research on middle and teacher leadership. Melbourne: Bastow Institute i …how does this fit in with what we’re on about? How does this respect diversity? How does this value individuality in our students? How does this build positive relationships and give students a voice? We USE those things continuously, and in our conversations with students. As principal, Vincent also saw that a key to his success at Eltham HS was learning about the qualities of each staff member, and identifying the ‘early adopters’ among them. Understanding the complexity of relationships and potential 11 Department of Education and Early Childhood Development