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Engineers Week 2014 to run from 9th to 15th February
Visit to register for an event
<INCLUDE TODAY'S DATE>: Engineers Week, an annual campaign to present the
possibilities a career in engineering can offer and highlight the vital role played by
engineers in sustaining the community, is taking place nationwide from 9th to 15th
Companies, local authorities, third-level institutes and outreach organisations around
the country have been invited to get involved by hosting an engineering-related
event or taking part in visits to local schools during the week. Last year, over 33,000
participants took part in 497 events during Engineers Week, supported by the efforts
of 1,800 volunteers from the engineering profession, with almost 160 organisations
involved around the country.
Most Engineers Week events are free but require pre booking; to find and book events in
your area visit
John Power, Chartered Engineer and Director General, Engineers Ireland, said:
“Engineers are central to Ireland’s economic development and we need to ensure
that well-qualified engineers are available in the future. Engineers Week is a great
opportunity for those of us in the profession to introduce our young people to the
world of engineering. It is a week when hundreds of educational and fun engineering,
technology and science events take place across the country for people of all ages
to enjoy.”
Mr Power continued, “During the week we wish to inspire many students to become
engineers, in the hope that one day they may be the people sustaining our
communities by creating medical devices, inventing new technologies, maintaining
our water and energy supplies, to name just a few of the possible accomplishments.
There are fantastic activities happening in your area and I encourage everyone to
get involved and join in.”
Commenting on Engineers Week Prof Mark Ferguson, Director General, Science
Foundation Ireland and Chief Scientific Adviser to the Government said: “SFI is
pleased to partner with Engineers Ireland to support Engineers Week 2014. It is vital
that we work in partnership with industry to encourage our young people to increase
their knowledge of science and engineering and consider further study in these
disciplines. It is these skills that are required to both drive sustainable economic
recovery in Ireland and to ensure future employment.”
Engineers Week will run from the 9th – 15th February with activities taking place
nationwide. The week is coordinated on a national basis by Engineers Ireland as part
of the STEPS programme, which is a strategic partner of Science Foundation
Ireland’s (SFI) Discover Programme. For further information about Engineers Week
2014 or to register attendance at an event, visit
For further information please contact:
Notes to editor:
Engineers Ireland is one of the largest representative bodies on the island of Ireland,
with almost 23,000 engineers. The membership incorporates all disciplines of the
engineering profession in Ireland across industry, the public service, semi-state
organisations and academic institutions.
Engineers Ireland’s STEPS programme is a strategic partner of Science Foundation
Ireland’s (SFI) Discover Programme, which seeks to promote the awareness and
engagement of the Irish public with science, technology, engineering and maths