the Call for Paper, Presentations and Posters

Call for Papers, Presentations and Posters / displays on the theme of:
Scenographic Encounters: the moment at which....
The Scenography and History & Theory Commissions of OISTAT and the Theater School of Amsterdam
invite papers, presentations or displays that consider the 'particularities' of a recent scenographic
encounter. These may be in the design, making and / or performance of the work. They may focus on the
specifics of locus, context, content or vocabulary. Above all, we are inviting the detail of the moments,
spaces, artefacts, costumes, or images that offer an insight into the scenographic concept and its
This theme takes inspiration from the presentation by Sergio Villegas of Mexico at the PQ Curators
workshop in Amsterdam in September 2009. Sergio's proposal, Zoom in, Zoom out, for the Mexican PQ
2011 exhibit recalled one of their 2007 Gold Medal winning displays:
“Tolita and María Figueroa’s costumes for “Unos Cuantos Piquetitos”, which were carefully highlighted
and framed by the scenography and lighting by Philippe Amand. The spectacle, which was inspired by
the life and work of artist Frida Khalo, constantly emphasized the concept of pain. Perhaps such
microscopic care in the elaboration of these designs, which were punctured and covered by thousands of
pins, was lost to some spectators who were too far away to appreciate it. But it is clear that when shown
at a more immediate distance as part of the Mexican exhibit two years ago, these pieces were revitalized
again with meaning, and although displaced from their original context, they were pertinent and insightful
as they attempted to document the original production.'
The influences of different cultures upon each other are constantly shifting ideas of theatre and
performance design so that both form and content continually evolve, maybe even revolve around the
globe. We invite you to join us in 'zooming in' on the detail of ideas and craftsmanship and to consider
whether (in Sergio's words), they can ' hold memory and meaning which may be re-evaluated in an
exhibition context? “
Please send an abstract or proposal of up to 200 words by Monday 12 July to Kate Burnett, Reija
Hirvikoski and Peter de Kimpe
Please give details of any equipment (other than PC and Projector) or space needed.
Response will be made by Monday 26 July
With many thanks, we look forward to your responses and participation.