Name ______________________________ Per ___ PERSUASIVE ESSAY TEK 7.18: Students write persuasive texts to influence the attitudes or actions of a specific audience on specific issues. Students are expected to write a persuasive essay to the appropriate audience that: Development of Ideas: TEK 7.18(A) establishes a clear thesis or position; (B) considers and responds to the views of others and anticipates and answers reader concerns and counter-arguments. 4 – Excellent 3 – Good Writer establishes a clear thesis or position about an important controversial issue. Details and evidence are specific, well-chosen, and provide the reader with a clear understanding of the writer’s position. Writer effectively considers reader concerns and uses precise evidence to answer counter-arguments. 2 – Needs Work Writer states a thesis or position about an issue, but the topic may not be complex enough for much debate. Details and evidence help to provide the reader with more insight into the writer’s position. Reader concerns are addressed, and counter-arguments are answered with appropriate detail. 1 – Unsatisfactory Thesis or position is not strongly stated, and the chosen topic would invite little disagreement. Vague details and evidence offer only limited insights into the writer’s position. Little attention is given to a reader concerns, and counter-arguments are answered with insufficient detail. Thesis or position is missing or unclear, and the chosen topic is so simple that no one would disagree. Details are inappropriate or insufficient, and they do not help the reader understand the writer’s position. No attention is given to reader concerns or possible counterarguments. SCORE: Organization/Progression: TEK 7.18(C) includes evidence that is logically organized to support the author’s viewpoint and that differentiates between fact and opinion. 4 – Excellent Essay is well organized with clear topic sentences and an introduction and conclusion that effectively support the writer’s position. Evidence clearly differentiates between fact and opinion to strengthen the essay’s argument. 3 – Good 2 – Needs Work Organization helps to support the writer’s position with appropriate topic sentences, introduction, and conclusion. Writer distinguishes between facts and opinions to adequately support the essay’s argument. 1 – Unsatisfactory Organization is loose, topic sentences are vague, and the introduction and conclusion need more substance. Some attempt is made to address facts and opinions, but it does little to strengthen the argument. This is not an effective essay because the organization is disjointed and topic sentences, introduction, and conclusion are confusing or missing. There is no distinction between fact and opinion, which results in a poorly constructed argument. SCORE: Use of Language: TEK 7.17(A) Write a multi-paragraph essay to convey information about a topic that (v) uses a variety of sentence structures, rhetorical devices, and transitions to link paragraphs. 4 – Excellent Clear, appropriate transitions and rhetorical devices show an exemplary command of purpose and audience. Effective sentence variety and vivid word choice create a distinctive style and voice, contributing to a masterful finished product. 3 – Good 2 – Needs Work Transitions and rhetorical devices are present and targeted to the essay’s intended purpose and audience. Attention has been given to sentence variety and word choice to create an effective finished product. 1 – Unsatisfactory Transitions and rhetorical devices are weak, leading to vague links between ideas and an essay that is not clearly targeted to a specific purpose and audience. Sentence variety is present but limited, and word choice is general and/or imprecise. Transitions and rhetorical devices are inappropriate or missing, making it very difficult to determine the intended purpose and audience. Lack of sentence variety and simple, repetitive word choice lead to an ineffective finished product. SCORE: Grammar and Conventions: TEK 7.14(D) Edit drafts for grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Focus TEK(s)_____________________________________ 4 – Excellent Writer shows consistent command of proper sentence structure and verb tenses with an effective variety of simple, compound, and complex sentences. (TEK 7.19) Writer shows consistent command of proper capitalization with no errors. (TEK 7.20A) Writer shows consistent command of proper punctuation with few, if any, minor errors. (TEK 7.20B) Writer shows consistent command of spelling with no errors. (TEK 7.21) 3 – Good Sentence variety is present, but there are some verb tense and structural errors that create minor effects on meaning. Writer shows understanding of proper capitalization, but a few minor errors are present. Writer shows some command of proper punctuation, but several errors are present. Writer shows understanding of proper spelling, but a few minor errors are present. 2 – Needs Work There is little variation in sentence structure, and verb tense and structural errors begin to interfere with meaning. Writer shows limited understanding of proper capitalization with several errors present. Writer shows limited understanding of proper punctuation, and errors detract from the work. Writer shows limited understanding of proper spelling; errors begin to interfere with meaning. 1 – Unsatisfactory Writer tends to create only simple sentences, and there are many fragments, comma splices, run-ons, and verb tense errors that greatly interfere with meaning. Writer shows no mastery of proper capitalization with many errors present. Writer shows no mastery of proper punctuation; errors greatly interfere with meaning. Writer shows no mastery of proper spelling; errors greatly interfere with meaning. SCORE: