MoPSD achievments in figures up to September

Ministry of Public Sector Development
Achievements in figures*
1. Legislations
 Preparing/reviewing/developing (5) legislative frameworks addressing various areas of public
sector development as follows:
 Restructuring of Institutions and Government Departments law, no. 17/2014.
 Civil Service bylaw, no. 82/2013, and its amendments and instructions issued thereunder.
(amended twice)
 Leadership Positions Appointments bylaw, no.3/2013 and its amendments.
 Government Services Development bylaw, no. 64/2012.
 Establishing New Government Departments and Organizational Structure Development bylaw,
no. 80/2012, and its amendments. (amended once)
2. Instructional guides / manuals
 Designing/publishing (35) instructional guides (manuals) for various areas of public sector
development, explained as follows:
(10) instructional manuals for a results-oriented government.
Organizational manual for HR units.
Evaluation manual for HR units
(18) government services development manuals comprising referential tools and
methodologies to build the capacity of service providers.
Restructuring (streamlining) instructional manual.
Organizational and operational manual for institutional development units.
Participatory approach in strategic planning.
Governance practices in the public sector.
Risk Management Guidebook.
Last updated August, 2015
3. Service guides
 Preparing (62) public sector service guides comprising basic details and information for customers
including more than (2009) services.
4. Government streamlining
 Dissolving the below (13) ministries / institutions / government departments, merging them or
delegating their duties to existent entities:
 (Jordan Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Jordan Investment Board, Department of Press and
Publications, Ministry of Parliamentary Affairs, Jordan Institute of Diplomacy, Department of
Governmental Buildings, Awqaf Fund Development Foundation, Executive Privatization
Commission, Agricultural Risk Management Fund, Natural Resources Authority, Insurance
Commission, Jordan Commission for the Development of the Investment Environment and
Economic Activities and the Coordination Commission for Social Solidarity)
 Changing the affiliation of (3) government institutions from the prime minister to the concerned
 Reviewing and developing the organizational structures and/or the administrative bylaws for more
than (78) government institutions.
5. Specialized technical reports
 Preparing/publishing (198) specialized technical reports in the areas of public sector development,
as follows:
 (111) assessment reports based on undeclared site visits to service-providing government
institutions for continuous improvement in service delivery.
 (13) reports to support service delivery procedures in government institutions within key
 (16) reports on re-engineering and simplifying service delivery procedures in government
institutions for e-government transition.
Last updated August, 2015
 (11) reports identifying priorities of electronic connectivity between governmental institutions
 (2) annual survey reports on the departments’ level of commitment to the requirements of
Government Services Development By-Law No. (64) year 2012.
 (6) customer complaints reports about governmental services as follows:
I. (5) quarterly reports (Q2 2015, Q1 2015, Q4 2014, Q3 2014, Q2 2014).
II. (1) pending complaints report.
 (11) alignment reports of human resources with institutional roles and functions.
 (17) institutional and organizational capacity-building reports of HR departments in the
ministries and government institutions.
 Recommendations report to rationalize the expenditure related to HR management and
development in the public sector.
 Policies and procedures report to rationalize expenditure in the public sector.
 Study of women’s current situation in the civil service sector.
 Analysis of “The King Abdullah II Award for Excellence in Government Performance and
Transparency” results, translating them to development initiatives.
 “Key International Indicators – Jordan’s standing” report, detailing (21) international indices
pertaining to various administrative, political, economic, investment, legal and social aspects of
public sector. Also including brief description about these indices, their related international
bodies, the mechanism used in identifying them, and Jordan’s standing in each indicator.
 (10) follow-up reports to oversee progress in the implementation of the executive plan for
enhancing the national integrity system as follows:
I. (4) quarterly follow-up reports on the programs and projects assigned to government
institutions (Q2 2015, Q1 2015, Q4 2014, Q3 2014).
II. (6) follow-up reports for the programs and projects assigned to MoPSD (Q3 2015, Q2
2015, Q1 2015, Q4 2014, Q3 2014, Q2 2014)
6. Awareness and capacity-building programs
 Implementing (34) awareness programs and workshops in public sector development as follows:
(10) institutional capacity-building programs in service development.
(3) Institutional capacity-building workshops on excellence & innovation.
(4) Workshops on women empowerment in the civil service sector.
(3) awareness workshops on the manual of governance practices in the public sector.
(4) awareness workshops on the guide of participatory strategic planning.
(2) Awareness workshops on the restructuring instructional manual.
Last updated August, 2015
(3) awareness workshops on the organizational and operational manual for institutional
development units.
 (5) awareness workshop on the organizational and evaluation manuals of HR units.
7. Forums and meetings
 Conducting meetings and forums for raising the competencies in public sector development, and
exchanging knowledge and experiences as follows:
 (9) meetings for the Government Leaders Forum in participation with executive government
officials of ministries’ secretary generals, general and executive managers of public institutions,
for exchanging knowledge and experience, and keeping up-to-date with the current affairs.
 Conducting the first government forum for top university graduates
 Conducting the Jordan Expatriates Conference.
8. Events and activities
 Conducting (8) consultative meetings with various entities to strengthen communication with the
institutions interested in public sector development programs, briefing them about the details of
the implementation plan and main accomplishments of the ministry, and taking suggestions and
recommendations into consideration as follows:
Meeting with the administrative committee of the Jordanian Senate.
Meeting with the administrative committee of the Jordanian House of Representatives.
Meeting with the parties, associations and civil society organizations.
Meeting with the pharmaceutical private sector to identify the challenges in receiving
government services and addressing them.
 Press briefing about the progress of the MoPSD’s programs, projects, and initiatives and about
the launch of “Together We Protect and Build Jordan” document.
 A meeting between representatives of the Transparency International and concerned
government institutions and departments. The meeting aimed to discuss Jordan’s rank on the
Corruption Perception Index and ways of enhancing it. A report was prepared about the
meeting’s content and submitted to the prime minister.
 Press briefing with the Al Rai Newspaper’s editorial board, through which the most prominent
aspects of the proposed plan to develop government performance in the field of investment
was reviewed. Furthermore, the most prominent achievements and future activities were
Last updated August, 2015
highlighted and procedural obstacles facing the investment sector were discussed in terms of
reasons and how to tackle them.
 The Arab Administrative Development Organization’s third meeting, which is part of several
successful meetings. It was held in Amman and discussed the ministry’s experience in
empowering women in the Civil Service Sector.
Launching the “innovative incubator” to receive and evaluate creative ideas submitted by
employees of the government, submitting the feasible ones to the prime minister to be forwarded
to concerned government institutions for implementation.
Launching the Governmental Forum of the first-ranked university graduates.
Launching the Forum of Jordanian Competencies Working Abroad.
Launching the “Together We Protect and Build Jordan” document as part of the Kingdoms national
celebrations. The document calls on Jordanians to defend the country’s fundamentals and higher
national values, rally behind the Hashemite leadership and come together to safeguard the
country’s security and stability and pursue its building and progress as a responsibility shared by all.
Preparing a proposed plan for government performance development in the field of investment
and submitting it to the Prime Minister during August/2015. The plan comprised (14) projects
within three major principles: (human resources, service development and procedures
simplification, and legislative and organizational structure).
Signing (5) memorandums of understanding/ cooperation in the field of public sector development
and public administration with the following:
1. The Ministry of Public Expenditure and Reform of Ireland (Ireland)
2. The Ministry of Public Function and Modernization of Administration (Morocco)
3. The Civil Service College of the Republic of Singapore (Singapore)
4. Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government (United Arab Emirates)
5. The Ministry of State for Administration Reform (Lebanon)
Last updated August, 2015