The Effects of Ethics on Society The Merriam

The Effects of Ethics on Society
The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines ethics as, “the principles of conduct
governing an individual or a group” (Merriam-Webster). So, how does one demonstrate ethical
behavior? Ethical behavior can be shown by one being honest, open-minded, and respectful.
Honesty is a huge aspect of ethical behavior because to be ethical means to act with integrity and
follow one’s moral codes. One pressured by others still chooses appropriate actions. Always
doing what one believes is right is a true demonstration of honesty. Being open-minded
contributes to ethical behavior because listening to others ideas and opinions and acknowledging
what others have to say is seen to be ethical. Listening as others discuss their experiences and
beliefs helps people improve their own beliefs and expand on universal ideas. One universal idea
is, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Golden Rule). This means treat others
how you want to be treated. The final characteristic of ethical behavior is to be respectful to
others and their beliefs. Respecting the beliefs of others is an aspect of being open-minded that is
vital for active communication. These three traits are necessary for a productive school, social,
and business life.
It is important to demonstrate ethical behavior at school to maximize an education, in
social life to make life-long friends, and in business to become successful. To be an ethical
student means to do one’s own work in order to further his or her education. This means not
cheating off others work or providing others with one’s work to cheat off of. Instead an
individual can help explain concepts to those in need rather than just giving them answers to an
assignment. A social life may depend on ethical behavior as well as one’s school life because an
ethical friend is someone who is trustworthy and honest. Most people want friends who they
believe they can count on in any situation during a time of need; therefore, ethical people tend to
have more friends and lead an enhanced social life. Ethics in business may also lead to greater
opportunities. Having ethics in business means to conducts one’s self in an honest and
hardworking manner while on the job. People who behave themselves as honest hard workers
often have more career opportunities that may lead to a greater chance for success. As in most
arguments for every positive point of view there is a negative as well and that is so in ethics.
The opposite of those who are ethical are those who are unethical or those who do not
conduct themselves in both an honest and open-minded matter. An unethical student can be
classified as someone who constantly looks to others for answers and who achieves less than
they are capable of achieving. Students may develop life long habits of cheating and lying after
all the practice they have in the classroom environment. These unhealthy habits may transfer to
an unhealthy social life. Someone who leads an unethical social life can be described as an
individual who constantly lies to those around them to achieve personal benefits or satisfactions.
An unethical business life may be described by someone who cheats the system in order to seek
personal benefits, either economically or socially. For example a salesman who sells a product to
a customer for more than retail price in order to pocket the extra money may be seen as unethical
businesslike. Although it may take less effort initially to be unethical, more benefits may be
found later in life if one demonstrates ethics.
Many benefits may lead an individual to choose an ethical lifestyle over and unethical
one such as a greater chance of success and a more productive social life. More often than not
when one puts in a lot of effort initially to be ethical they receive a greater payoff in the end. If
an individual is determined and hard working in school they may learn more and further their
education which in end may open more doors for career choices. A larger variety of career
choices can lead to a better chance for a successful life where one may make more money or
have an opportunity to contribute to an important discovery for society. So the choice on
whether or not to be ethical should be a relatively easy one.
Ethics is applied in every aspect of life including one’s; educational, social, and o
business life. Behaving ethically in each of these aspects of life involves being honest, openminded, and respectful to everyone and their ideas no matter their race, religion, or their
background. It is important to conduct oneself ethically in everyday situations in order to create
an everlasting impression that one is moral to all that are in contact with him.