The board of directors has determined camper fees for a week of camp in 2011 is $150.00 if the application is received by May 15, 2011. Those applications that are mailed postmarked after May 15th will be subject to a $20.00 late registration cost. The total to include after May 15th is $170.00. Please complete one form per person and include a minimum of $50 non refundable deposit for each week that you will attend. Make copies of this form as needed for more than one week or one child. The late fee does not apply for a second week of camp, but no guarantee for room availability is promised. SESSION 1 “PERSPECTIVE” May 29th-June 3rd 4th-12th Grades Directors: Arpoika Daniels (405) 382-1152 Dale Hartman, Clay Bryant (405) 732-0393 2 “FOCUS WEEK” June 5th-10th 4th-12th Grades Director: Jeremie Beller (405)641-1728 and Tony Rose (405) 843-9124 North Macarthur & Wilshire Church of Christ Oklahoma City Theme: Do Hard Things: Focusing on High Expectation SESSION 3 “NETSYS” WEEK June 12th-18th 7th - 12th Grades Nathan Thomas (903) 424-4789 Closed Session Contact Congregation and Ministers for Application (To Be Given To Congregations) SESSION 4 “PRETEENSCAMP” June 19th-24th 4th-6th Grades Directors: Greg Stanford (940) 723-2731 Steven Yeakley (940) 692-0032 greg@tenthand Find out more at SESSION 5 “Masters Week” June 26th - July 1st 7th-12th Grades Directors: Joe Waugh (Tipton) Cell (580) 335-6442 Office (580) 667-5221 Matt Wilson (940) 692-0032 Faith Village, Wichita Falls, TX SESSION 6 “The Inner Circle Christian Camp” July 3rd-8th 4th-12th Grades Closed Session, Interested Groups May Contact Director: Buddy Fry (817) 866-2160 Theme: “In Christ Alone” Finding, securing, and growing in the hope, love, power, and forgiveness of Christ SESSION 7 National Deaf Camp July 10th - 15th 4th Grade through Families Director: Carl Moore Applications available 866-825-7521 or 918-627-3201 SESSION SESSION 8 SouthWest July 17th—22rd 4th-12th Grade Directors: Randy Harris & Logan Cates (405) 378-3939 Southwest Church of Christ, Oklahoma City SESSION 9 July 24th-29th 4th-12th Grades Camp Directors: Paul Landis (940) 538-0354 & Jonathan Page (940) 872-3546 Paul Landis is from Henrietta, TX and Jonathan Page is from Bowie, TX. Theme: B.C. Because of Christ I Corinthians 6:11 Check out “QUARTZ MOUNTAIN CHRISTIAN CAMP” ON FACEBOOK for Pictures and Info. REGISTRATION WILL BEGIN SUNDAY AT 2:30 P.M. Camp Sessions Will End on Friday @ 1:00 P.M. T-SHIRT DESIGN CONTEST!!!!! Help Design the camp shirt for 2011 and get a free week of camp ($150 value) and a free T-shirt!!!!! Send your Designs by APRIL 15, 2011 to QMCC, T-shirt contest 14696 N 2080 Rd. Lone Wolf, OK 73655 Adults are welcome to send in their ideas and use the free week of camp as a scholarship for someone. T-Shirts will be available for $10 per shirt on each Sunday during camp and throughout the week. Make sure you circle your shirt size on the application to help us order the correct number of shirts. MAIL APPLICATION TO QMCC, 14696 N 2080 Rd., Lone Wolf, OK 73655 by May 15th to avoid late fee. REGISTRATION WILL BEGIN AT 2:00 P.M ON SUNDAY AFTERNOON SESSIONS WILL END BY 1:00 P.M. EACH FRIDAY. Which session(s) will you be attending? Please check all that apply or circle session. (_____) Session 1 May 29-June 3rd Daniels, Hartman, Bryant 4th-12th Grades (_____) Session 2 “Focus Week” June 5th-10th Jeremie Beller, Tony Rose 4th-12th Grades Closed Session 3 “NETSYS” Week June 12th Contact Congregation for Application (Do Not Mail) (_____) Session 4 “Preteen Week” June 19th-24th Greg Stanford, Stephen Yeakley 4th-6th Grades (_____) Session 5 “Masters Week” June 26th-July 1st Joe Waugh, Matt Wilson 7th-12th Grades (_____) Session 6 “Inner Circle Christian Camp” July 3th-8th Buddy Fry 4th-12th Grades (_____) Session 7 National Deaf Camp July 10th-15th Carl Moore Family Camp (_____) Session 8 Southwest OKC July 17th-22nd Randy Harris and Logan Cates 4th-12th Grades (_____) Session 9 Paul Landis, Jonathan Page July 24th-29th 4th-12th Grades ________________________________________________ _________ ___________ Name Grade Sex _________________________________ _______________________ _____________ ________________ Address City State Zip Code (______)__________________ (______) ___________________ ______________________________________________ Home Phone Day Contact/Cell E-mail Address _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Church Attending ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ Allergies, Medication, & Medical Concerns _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______ ______________________________ __________________________________ Insurance Company Policy # Parent Camper Agreement: I have read the 2011 QMCC camper application and agree to follow the policies outlined in this publication and abide by the decisions made by camp directors and/or manager. I understand that cell phones and car keys are to be secured and not used during the camp session without camp director/manager knowledge and approval. Although QMCC takes measures to assure a safe environment, it assumes no responsibility for personal property brought to camp or liability of such items that may be brought to camp. It is understood that campers should leave valuables at home and cell phones will be secured and given back at the end of the week. QMCC will take all reasonable and appropriate safety measures but assumes no responsibility for each persons health. QMCC has my permission to seek appropriate medical action as needed. My child and I agree to the policies of QMCC. Parent/Guardian_________________________________________ Date ________________ Camper Signature__________________________________ Date_________________ I will be purchasing a QMCC Camp Shirt ____________ Shirt Size YS YM YL S M L XL XXL XXXL DO NOT BRING: Stereo, Electronics, Cell Phones, fireworks, weapons, inappropriate clothing or other unnecessary items. A Phone will be made available by the camp director or camp manager only. Cars are to remain parked if the camper drives themselves to camp. No driving or calling without director approval and parent notification. Clothing must be appropriate with shorts being at least to finger length and no tank tops or revealing tops. All policies while at camp are under the direction of the camp director and camp manager under the direction of the QMCC Board.