Welcome to Elk Run Preschool We are committed to helping children learn and grow to their full potential. The teacher, para-professional/assistant teacher and family support worker/family service worker will work closely with you to ensure that your child’s needs are met. Parents are welcome to visit anytime. We encourage you to be involved with your student’s education!! To be successful, Elk Run Preschool would like to share the following requirements: SCHEDULE Classroom times are staggered to help with available parking. Class Hours for 4 year old all day classrooms: o 8:40 a.m. – 2:55 p.m. – M, T, Th, F (Harmon, Becker, Peterson) OR 9:00 – 3:15 p.m. – M, T, Th, F (New Staff, Rettinger, McCullough) NO CLASS on WEDNESDAYS Breakfast, Lunch and Snack offered /Cost associated Free & Reduced applications are available. Class Hours for 3 year olds Back-to-Back HEAD START classroom: o Morning Session 8:30 a.m.–12:00 p.m. M, T, Th, F NO C LASS on WEDNESDAYS o Afternoon Session 12:30 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. M, T, Th, F NO C LASS on WEDNESDAYS Breakfast, Lunch and Snack provided Class Hours for 3 year olds Back-to-Back Special Needs classrooms: o Morning Session 8:45 a.m.–12:00 p.m. M, T, Th, F NO C LASS on WEDNESDAYS o Afternoon Session 12:00 p.m. – 3:15 p.m. M, T, Th, F NO CLASS on WEDNESDAYS Breakfast and/or Lunch provided Before & after school care is available for 4 year students through the YWCA-wrap extended care. For more information, please visit with your family service worker or contact the YWCA by calling 319-234-7589. Y-Care on Wednesdays is provided at the YWCA location. You or another adult must bring your child to the classroom door. We suggest you arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your class start time, as classroom staff begin supervising when breakfast is served in their classroom. Feel free to visit the building family media center, to relax and enjoy quiet time or share a book with your student before class time. Again in the media center you as the adult are responsible for the supervision of your student. Only adults you list on the pick-up permission form and emergency contact/card may pick up your child from class. A picture I.D. is required, as Raptor will be used in this building. If you want to add or change names on the pick-up list, parents must speak with a staff member in person, not by phone. All parents & visitors to the building will need to bring a government issued picture I.D. to be cleared through the Waterloo District Raptor Security System to enter the building. All children must follow the Waterloo Schools Dress Code. Please get this information from your child’s teacher, Waterloo Schools web site or your family service worker. No Parking is allowed in front of the building. That is a bus lane reserved for school buses. Please park in the NORTH parking lot. Hold your child (s) hand when exiting or entering the building. Do not leave other children in the car unattended. HEALTH Your child needs a current physical and dental exam WITHIN 30 DAYS OF THE FIRST DAY OF CLASSES. These items are updated on a yearly basis. Children are allowed to bring snacks from home once a year e.g. birthday or special occasion. All food items must be store-bought and in the original packaging. The children need to be dressed for outside play every day. In winter, if the temperature is above zero, the children may go outside. Please send an extra set of clothes in case of accidents or spills, with the student’s name on them. Please do not send your child to school if he/she is sick e.g. vomiting, diarrhea or temperature within 24 hours. A Health Aide administers prescription medications only. Please complete necessary forms in the office. All staff members are mandatory reporters of child abuse. TRANSPORTATION Parents are responsible for transportation to and from school. Daily attendance is expected and important for your child’s learning. Maintaining 95% attendance for your child is critical. If your child will not be incan school, parents mustroom call your child’s report your You call your child’s directly byteacher dialingto433-1899 andchild’s putting in your absence. classroom extension number. SCHOOL PHONE NUMBER: 319-433-2660 To reach a classroom directly – dial the Waterloo Switchboard 433-1899 and put in the extension number: Room # 4 –Reed-Ext. # 32309 Room # 5 – Mallory -Ext. # 32310 Room # 6 – Zeschke-Ext. # 32311 Room # 7 – Ryan/Schlader-Ext. # 32312 Room # 9 – Severson-Ext. # 32313 Room # 22 – Peterson-Ext. # 32319 Room # 12 – Bentley-Ext. # 32314 Room # 23 – Melton-Ext. # 32320 Room # 17 – McCullough-Ext. # 32316 Room # 24 – Harmon-Ext. # 32321 Room# 18 - YWCA-Ext. # 32394 Room # 25 – Becker-Ext. # 32322 Room # 19 – Rettinger-Ext. # 32318 Elk Run Office Secretary: Laura Hansen, ph. 433- 2660 Elk Run Administrator/Early Childhood Coordinator: Charletta D. Sudduth, ph.433-2661 WCS Family Support Worker: Shontell Matlock, ph. 433-2666 Ext. # 32106 Head Start Family Worker: Beth Remington, ph. 433-1899 Ext. # 32210 Head Start Program Manager: Kathy Dunning, ph. 319-215-5673 FAMILY ACTIVITIES – PLEASE JOIN US! Remember – you are your child’s first teacher, and you are always welcome to visit in the classroom. There will be at minimum 2 home visits and 2 Parent-Teacher conferences held with your child’s teacher throughout the year. There are monthly Family Gatherings / Parent Events. Parents are encouraged to attend as many family gatherings as possible. The class will go on field trips and / or host community visitors. Parents are welcome to help with these special opportunities. You will be asked to sign an in-kind form for volunteering in the classroom, helping on field trips and attending meetings. This in-kind form shows family involvement. Due to the new Iowa Law regarding Volunteers in Schools, you may be asked to complete a WCS volunteer application. Parents are able to participate in their student’s classroom, but may not supervise children alone or give directions or corrections to students other than their own at any time. Head Start Policy Council is held the 2nd Thursday of each month from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Dinner and childcare are provided. We encourage you to serve as a Parent Representative!! Please see the Head Start family worker for more information. CLASSROOM INFORMATION All the information we keep in your student’s file is confidential. It is open for your review. Please let staff know immediately if you have a change of address or phone number for you or any of your emergency contacts. If students are not picked up within 30 minutes of dismissal, authorities will be contacted. Lunch menus and lesson plans are posted in the classroom. Lunch prices are also available. Envelopes for checks are located in front of the office. The black drop box for placing payments is located across from the office on the wall. Please stay current. Elk Run Preschool provides developmental screens and assessments for students: Within the first 45 days of classes: A nutrition assessment Hearing, vision, blood pressure and lead screens A speech screen A Brigance screen for language, math and motor skills An ASQ-SE social-emotional assessment Quarterly: A Creative Curriculum GOLD assessment for social-emotional, physical, cognitive, language, math, literacy, science, social studies, and the arts. Your student’s progress will be shared with you at home visits and conferences. Feel free to speak with your student’s teacher at any time about your student’s progress. EMERGENCIES Fire, tornado and disturbance emergency drills are practiced with your children. The school has a plan for emergency situations. Winter weather for “late starts” and “early dismissals” due to weather will be on TV, radio or connect-ed message. Watch for messages about school closings. For EARLY DISMISSALS: If school is dismissed early, you will need to make arrangements to pick up your child early. If your student attends before or after school YWCA-Wrap extended care, you will need to ask and follow the YWCA policies. In many cases, no care will be available. For more information on procedures and policies, please refer to your parent/family handbook. Waterloo Schools is located at www.waterlooschools.org “Early Childhood” programs a printed copy is available upon request. Head Start parent handbooks can be gotten through your family service worker. Thank You! We are looking forward to an exciting year with you and your child! Elk Run Staff