hormone analysis

Answer the following questions as honestly as possible. Think about how you have been feeling over the
previous month and how often you have been bothered by any of the following problems. Score the
occurrence of each symptom on the following scale: none, mild, moderate, severe.
Section 1: Symptom Frequency Score
0 None
1 Mild 2 Moderate
_____ 1. Unexplained fevers, sweats, chills, or
3 Severe
_____ 20. Muscle pain or cramps
_____ 21. Twitching of the face or other muscles
_____ 2. Unexplained weight change: loss or gain
_____ 22. Headaches
_____ 3. Fatigue, tiredness
_____ 23. Neck cracks or neck stiffness
_____ 4. Unexplained hair loss
_____ 24. Tingling, numbness, burning, or stabbing
_____ 5. Swollen glands
_____ 6. Sore throat
_____ 25. Facial paralysis (Bell’s palsy)
_____ 7. Testicular or pelvic pain
_____ 26. Eyes/vision: double, blurry
_____ 8. Unexplained menstrual irregularity
_____ 27. Ears/ hearing: buzzing, ringing, ear pain
_____ 9. Unexplained breast milk production;
_____ 28. Increased motion sickness, vertigo
breast pain
_____ 10. Irritable bladder or bladder dysfunction
_____ 29. Light-headedness, poor balance,
difficulty walking
_____ 11. Sexual dysfunction or loss of libido
_____ 30. Tremors
_____ 12. Upset stomach
_____ 31. Confusion, difficulty thinking
_____ 13. Altered bowel function (constipation or
_____ 32. Difficulty with concentration or reading
_____ 14. Chest pain or rib soreness
_____ 15. Shortness of breath or cough
_____ 16. Heart palpitations, pulse skips, heart
_____ 17. History of a heart murmur or valve
_____ 18. Joint pain or swelling
_____ 19. Stiffness of the neck or back
_____ 33. Forgetfulness, poor short term memory
_____ 34. Disorientation: getting lost; going to
wrong places
_____ 35. Difficulty with speech or writing
_____ 36. Mood swings, irritably, depression
_____ 37. Disturbed sleep: too much, too little,
early awakening
_____ 38. Exaggerated symptoms or worse
hangover from alcohol
Add up your totals from each of the four columns. This is your first score.
Score: ______
Section 2: Common Symptom Emphasis
If you rated a 3 for all of the above in section 1, give yourself 5 additional points:
_____Fatigue (#3)
_____Forgetfulness, poor short term memory (#33)
_____Joint pain or swelling (#18)
_____Tingling, numbness, burning, or stabbing sensations (#24)
_____Disturbed sleep: too much, too little, early awakening (#37)
Score: ______
Section 3: Lyme Incidence Score
Now please circle the points for each of the following statements you can agree with:
1. You have had a tick bite with no rash or flu-like symptoms. 3 points
2. You have had a tick bite, an erythema migrans (a bullseye rash), or an unidentified rash, followed by
flu-like symptoms. 5 points
3. You live in what is considered a Lyme-endemic area. 2 points
4. You have a family member or roommate (same household) who has been diagnosed with Lyme and/or
other tick borne infections. 1 point
5. You experience migratory muscle pain (moves around). 4 points
6. You experience migratory joint pain (moves around). 4 points
7. You experience tingling/ burning/ numbness that migrates and/or comes and goes. 4 points
8. You have received a prior diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia. 3 points
9. You have received a prior diagnosis of a specific autoimmune disorder (lupus, MS, or rheumatoid
arthritis), or of a nonspecific autoimmune disorder. 3 points
10. You have had a positive Lyme test (IFA, ELISA, Western blot, PCR, and/or borrelia culture). 5 points
Score: ______
Section 4: Overall Health Score
1. Thinking about your overall physical health, for how many of the past thirty days was your physical
health not good? ______days
Award yourself the following points based on the total number of days:
0-5 days = 1 point
6-12 days = 2 points
13-20 days = 3 points
21-30 days = 4 points
2. Thinking about your overall mental health, for how many days during the past thirty days was your
mental health not good? ______days
0-5 days = 1 point
6-12 days = 2 points
13-20 days = 3 points
21-30 days = 4 points
Score: ______
Calculating Your Score for Part A:
Record your total scores for each section above and add them together to achieve your final score:
Section 1 total: ______
Section 2 total: ______
Section 3 total: ______
Section 4 total: ______
Final Score: ______
 If you scored 46 or more, you have a high probability of a tick-borne disorder and should see a healthcare provider for further evaluation and/or seek the support of a holistic wellness professional.
 If you scored between 21-45, you possibly have a tick-borne disorder and should see a health-care
provider for further evaluation and/or seek the support of a holistic wellness professional.
 If you scored under 21, you are not likely to have a tick-borne disorder.
Section 5: Estrogen Deficiency
Signs, Symptoms and Associations of Estrogen Deficiency
(Check any symptoms you have)
______Hot flashes
______Night sweats
______Vaginal dryness
______Mental fuzziness
______Vaginal and /or bladder infections
______Vaginal wall thinning
______ Decreased sexual response
______ Vision changes
______Trouble expressing thought
______Memory loss
______Low HDL
______ Mood swings (mostly irritability and
______Incontinence; or recurrent urinary tract
______Decreased menstrual bleeding
______Decreased fullness in breast
______Wrinkling of skin
______Losing track of thoughts
_____ Total checkmarks in Section 5
Section 6: Low Adrenals
Signs, Symptoms and Associations of Low Adrenals
(Check any symptoms you have)
______Joint pain
______Frequent infections
______Shakiness relieved by eating
______Low blood pressure
______Dizziness upon first standing
______Food craving or sensitivities
______Postpartum depression
______Poor perspiration
______Poor concentration
______Chronic fatigue
______Cravings for sweets
______Hypoglycemia (low blood sugar
______Allergies or asthma that started as an
______Recurrent infections that take a long
time to resolve
______A lot of stress in your life before your
symptoms began
_____ Total checkmarks in Section 6
Section 7: Growth Hormone Deficiency
Signs, Symptoms and Associations of Growth Hormone Deficiency
(Check any symptoms you have)
_____Permanent fatigue
_____Easy exhaustion
_____Poor resistance to stress
_____Low self esteem
_____Sense of powerlessness
_____Poor sociability
_____Emotional instability
_____Sagging cheeks
_____Wrinkled face
_____Pouches under the eyes
_____Loose skin folds under the chin
_____Drooping triceps
_____ Total checkmarks in Section 7
_____Floppy belly
_____Poor muscle tone
_____Wrinkled hands
_____Fatty cushions above the knees
_____Thinned skin or sagging skin
_____Thin hair
_____Thin lips
_____Receding gum line
_____Trouble losing weight
_____Age over 40
_____Can‘t gain muscle with exercise
_____Feel old
_____Low resistance when staying up after
Section 8: Progesterone Deficiency
Signs, Symptoms and Associations of Progesterone Deficiency
(Check any symptoms you have)
_____Abdominal bloating or swelling
_____Angry outbursts
_____Appetite changes, decreased/ increased
_____Asthmatic attacks
_____Avoidance of social activities
_____Bladder irritation
_____Bleeding gums
_____Breast swelling/ tenderness
_____Craving salty foods
_____Craving sweet foods
_____Crying spells
_____Decreased hearing
_____Decreased productivity at school or work
_____Decreased sex drive
_____Dull abdominal pain
_____Eye pain
_____Facial swelling
_____Fear of going out alone (agoraphobia)
_____Fear of losing control
_____Finger swelling
_____Food sensitivity
_____Generalized aches and pains
_____ Total checkmarks in Section 8
_____Herpes (cold sores)
_____Hives or rashes
_____Hot flashes
_____Increased alcohol consumption
_____Increased sensitivity to light
_____Increased sensitivity to noise
_____Joint pains
_____Leg cramps
_____Leg swelling
_____Mood swings
_____Mouth sores
_____Muscle aches or tenderness
_____Panic attacks
_____Poor coordination
_____Poor judgment
_____Poor memory
_____Postpartum depression
_____Ringing in ears
_____Runny nose
_____Sore throat
_____Spots in front of eyes
_____Tingling in hands and feet
_____Visual changes
Section 9: Yeast Overgrowth
Signs, Symptoms and Associations of Yeast Overgrowth
History: Check all items that apply to you
______Have you ever taken tetracyclines or other antibiotics for acne for 1 month or longer?
______ Have you at any time in your life taken broad-spectrum antibiotics or other antibacterial
medication for respiratory, urinary or other infections for 2 months or longer, or in shorter
courses, 4 or more times in a 1-year period?
______ Have you ever taken a broad spectrum antibiotic drug- even in a single dose?
______ Have you at any time in your life been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis or other
problems affecting your reproductive organs?
______ Are you bothered by memory or concentration problems- do you sometimes feel spaced out?
______ Do you feel “sick all over” yet, despite visits to many different physicians, the causes haven’t
been found?
______ Have you ever been pregnant?
______ Have you ever taken birth control pills?
______ Have you ever taken steroids orally, by injection or inhalation?
______ Does overexposure to perfumes, insecticides, fabric shop odors and other chemicals provoke
______ Does tobacco smoke really bother you?
______ Are your symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in moldy places?
______ Have you ever had athlete’s foot, ring worm, “jock itch” or other chronic fungus infections of the
skin or nails?
______ Do you crave sugar?
Check the following symptoms you have:
______Fatigue or lethargy
______ Feeling of being “drained”
______ Depression or manic depression
______ Numbness, burning or tingling
______ Muscle aches
______ Muscle weakness or paralysis
______ Pain and/or swelling in joints
______ Headache
______Abdominal pain
______ Constipation and/or diarrhea
______ Bloating, belching or intestinal gas
______ Prostatitis
______ Impotence
______ Loss of sexual desire or feeling
______ Endometriosis or infertility
______ premenstrual tension
______ Attacks of anxiety or crying
______ Hypothyroidism
______ Shaking or irritable when hungry
______ Cystitis or interstitial cystitis
______ Irritability
______ Frequent mood swings
______ Dizziness/ loss of balance
______ Eczema
______ Psoriasis
______Indigestion or heartburn
______ Mucus in stools
______ Dry mouth or throat
______ Tendency to bruise easily
______ Itching eyes
______ Chronic hives (urticaria)
______ Sore throat
______Cough or recurrent bronchitis
______ Wheezing or shortness of breath
______ Burning on urination
______ Burning or tearing eyes
______ Bad breath
______ Nasal congestion or postnasal drip
______ Laryngitis, loss of voice
______ Pain or tightness in chest
______ Urinary frequency or urgency
______ Spots in front of eyes or erratic vision
______ Recurrent infections or fluid in ears
______ Ear pain or deafness
______ Incoordination
______ Insomnia
______ Rectal itching
______ Cold hands or feet, low body
______ Mouth rashes, including “white” tongue
______ Troublesome vaginal burning, itching or
______ Sinus problems…tenderness of
cheekbones or forehead
______ Cramps and/or other menstrual
______ Drowsiness, including inappropriate
______ Pressure above ears…. Feeling of head
______ Sensitivity to milk, wheat, corn or other
common foods
______ Foot, hair or body odor not relieved by
Section 10: Testosterone Deficiency
Signs, Symptoms and Associations of Testosterone Deficiency
(Check any symptoms you have)
_____Overall decreased sexual desire
_____Diminished vital energy and sense of well being
_____Decreased sensitivity to sexual stimulation in the
_____Decreased sensitivity to sexual stimulation in the
_____Overall decreased arousability and capacity for
_____Thinning and loss of pubic hair
_____Decreased morning erections
_____Decrease in stiffness of erections
_____Difficulty maintaining erections
_____Mental fatigue
_____Loss of initiative
_____Decreased interest in hobbies
_____Crying spells
_____Poor muscle tone
_____Inability to grow muscle
_____Poor stamina
_____High cholesterol
_____Increased breast tissue in males
_____Night sweats
_____Poor memory
_____Decreased sexual thoughts
Section 11: Signs, Symptoms and Associations of Stomach Acid Issues
_____Burping after meals
_____Feeling unwell/ fatigued right after meals
_____Food or water “sits in stomach”
_____Undigested food in stool
_____Reflux &/or heartburn
_____Poor appetite or feel overly full easily
_____Multiple food sensitivities/food allergies
_____Trouble digesting red meat
_____Low iron levels
_____Frequent nausea
_____Prescribed antacids or acid-blockers
_____High fat foods cause nausea/ stomach
_____Stomach aching/pain/ discomfort or
bloating after meals
_____Nausea/ reflux after supplements (e.g.
fish oil
Section 12: Hypothyroidism
Signs and Symptoms Related to Hypothyroidism
______ Dry hair or hair loss
______ Constipation
______ Heavy menstrual periods
______ Milky discharge from breasts
______ Joint aches and pains
______ Sweating less
______ Brittle nails
______ Hoarse voice
______ Muscle cramps
______ Tingling or numbness in fingers or feet
______ Dry skin
______ Hearing becomes worse
______ Puffy eyes and face
______ Slow heartbeat
______ Cold intolerance
______ Experiencing stiffness
______ Weight gain of more than 5 lbs.
______ Feeling more fatigued
______ Skin becoming more coarse
______ Dry eyes/ mouth
______ Baggy eyelids
______ Slow speech and movement
______ Sleep apnea
______ Low blood pressure
______ Decrease in memory
______ Problems swallowing
______ Carpal tunnel syndrome
______ Headaches and migraines
______ Uterine fibroids
______ Yellow skin in palms
______ Scalloped tongue
______ Increased cholesterol/ triglycerides/ LDL
______ Cold hands/ feet
______ Yeast infections
______ Loss of outside 1/3 of eyebrows
______ Depression/ anxiety
______ Swelling of hands and feet
______ Infertility
______ Slow thinking
______ Miscarriages
______ Reliance on coffee or other stimulants
______ Lumps in breasts
______ Gum problems
______ Low sex drive
______ Anemia
______ Redness in face with exercise
______ Tongue biting
______ Tendonitis/ tennis elbow
______ Low endurance
______ Thick tongue
______ No energy for evening activities
______ Throat clearing
______ Cracking in skin of heels
______ Diabetes
______ Alopecia (patches of hair loss)
______ Premature graying of hair
______ Stroke
______ Blocked arteries
______ Polymyalgia
______ Vitiligo (loss of skin pigmentation)
______ High blood pressure
______ Low HDL
______ Manic depression
______ Dyslexia
______ Attention deficit disorder
______ Melasma (discoloration in face)
______ Excess ear wax
______ Neck injury i.e. whiplash
______ Ligament tears
______ Family history of hypothyroidism or
______ hyperthyroidism
______ Chronic infections
______ Skin problems (hives, psoriasis, eczema)
______ Postpartum depression
______ Raynaud’s syndrome (Pain and bluing of
fingers with exposure to cold)
______ Inability to lose weight with diet and
______ Oral temperature consistently below
______ Exaggerated PMS/ menopause
______ Autoimmune disease (Rheumatoid
Arthritis, Lupus, Chrohn’s ect.)
______ Shortness of breath during mild
Section 13: Estrogen Dominance
Signs, Symptoms and Associations of Estrogen Dominance
(Check any symptoms you have)
_____Insulin resistance or Type II diabetes
_____Attention Deficit Disorder
_____Anxiety, often with depression
_____Breast cancer
_____Breast tenderness
_____Calcium deposits
_____Cervical dysplasia (class 3 pap smear)
_____Cold hands and feet
_____Craving of sweets
_____Decreased sex drive
_____Depression with anxiety or agitation
_____Dry eyes
_____Early onset of menstruation
_____Endometrial (uterine) cancer
_____Fibrocystic breasts
_____Fluid retention
_____Gall bladder disease
_____Good skin
_____Heavy menses
_____Inability to lose weight
_____Increased HDL
_____Large breast
_____Loss of scalp hair
_____Mood swings
_____Panic attacks
_____Excessive vaginal bleeding
_____Water retention, bloating
_____Prostate cancer/ enlarged prostate
_____Sluggish metabolism
_____Weight gain
_____Yeast infections
_____Increased sensitivity to sight, sound, or
_____Increased blood clotting (increasing risk
of stroke)
_____Fat gain, especially around the hips,
thighs, and back of arms
_____Allergies, including asthma, hives, rashes,
sinus congestion
_____Symptoms of hypothyroidism with normal
thyroid blood test
_____Autoimmune disorders such as lupus,
erythematosus and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and
possibly Sjorgren’s syndrome (dry mouth/eyes)
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