Appendix 2. Scientific overview of environmental issues in aviation Cluster #L1: “Emission impact on the atmosphere” 99 nodes, 3.34 years old (average published year based on 2009) Frequently appearing terms: hydrogen, tourists, emissions Titles of some core papers “Ecological footprint analysis as a tool to assess tourism sustainability” “Reduced environmental impact by lowered cruise altitude for liquid hydrogen-fuelled aircraft” “The eco-efficiency of tourism” Cluster #L2: “Chronic noise exposure effect” 91 nodes, 5.14 years old Frequently appearing terms annoyance, children, acoustical Titles of some core papers “Chronic aircraft noise exposure, stress responses, mental health and cognitive performance in school children” “Updating a dosage effect relationship for the prevalence of annoyance due to general transportation noise” “Chronic noise and psychological stress” Cluster #L3: “Cabin air quality impact” 71 nodes, 7.68 years old Frequently appearing terms respirable, tobacco, cabin Titles of some core papers “Estimation of effect of environmental tobacco-smoke on air-quality within passenger cabins of commercial aircraft” “Environmental tobacco-smoke in commercial aircraft” “The microbiological composition of airliner cabin AIP” Cluster #L4: “Social cost of air transport” 64 nodes, 5.48 years old Frequently appearing terms monetary, charges, emissions Titles of some core papers “Aviation and externalities: the accomplishments and problems” “Pricing aircraft emissions at Lyon-Satolas airport” “Aircraft noise social cost and charge mechanisms - a case study of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol” Cluster #L5: “Galactic cosmic rays effect” 63 nodes, 6.48 years old Frequently appearing terms neutrons, rays, galactic Titles of some core papers “Radiation environment in the stratosphere” “Calculation of the radiation environment caused by galactic cosmic rays for determining air crew exposure” “Neutron-induced single event upsets in static rams observed at 10-km flight altitude” Cluster #L6: “Chemical-composition and photochemical reactivity of engine emission and Contrail Formation” 61 nodes, 7.00 years old Frequently appearing terms contrail, idle, nozzle Titles of some core papers “Plume and wake dynamics, mixing, and chemistry behind a high-speed civil transport aircraft” “On the effect of emissions from aircraft engines on the state of the atmosphere” “Chemical-composition and photochemical reactivity of exhaust from aircraft turbine-engines” Cluster #L7: “Detection and forecast of hazardous weather" 37 nodes, 7.11 years old Frequently appearing terms droplet, icing, clouds Titles of some core papers “Aircraft icing measurements in east-coast winter storms” “An objective clear-air turbulence forecasting technique – verification and operational use” “Advances in the detection and analysis of fog at night using goes multispectral infrared imagery” Cluster #L8: “Aircrew fatigue and crash” 34 nodes, 7.15 years old Frequently appearing terms crewmembers, crashes, sleep Titles of some core papers “Fatigue in operational settings - examples from the aviation environment” “Fatigue in the aviation environment: An overview of the causes and effects as well as recommended countermeasures” Cluster #L9: “Disease of aircrews” 21 nodes, 6.29 years old Frequently appearing terms hypobaric, obstructive, decompression Titles of some core papers “Effect of simulated commercial flight on oxygenation in patients with interstitial lung disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease” “Repetitive high G exposure is associated with increased occurrence of cardiac valvular regurgitation” Cluster #L10: “Competition in a deregulated aviation” 20 nodes, 7.55 years old Frequently appearing terms envelopment, deregulation, profit Titles of some core papers “Airline competition in a hub-dominated environment - an application of noncooperative game-theory” “Developing measures of airport productivity and performance: An application of data envelopment analysis”