TEACHER NAME: Ellen Davis Spanish 1 5th 20 minute reading Obj: TLWBAT tell what M they did over the weekend O in Spanish N Activities tell what they did D over the weekend, A worksheet, battleship, Y partner parctice Assignment Complete worksheet Standard 1.2 Obj: TLWBAT Assessment Tellretell 5 people simple story Spanish T what they didinover the Activities: U weekend retell simple story to partners, ,TPR, E Listen to song, PQA, S Standard Personalized mini story D Assignment: Be able to A retell story of the week. Y Partner practice Standard 1.3 Assessment_ Retell W E D N E S D A Y T H U R S D A Y F R I D A Y Students gone for FFA and WWW Obj: TLWBAT describe the importance the importance of Mexican independence day. Activities grito de Dolores, write story about Mexican independence, powerpoint, mini video, listen to Luis Miguel, Hispanic Trivia 8th 20 minute reading Assignment: story aboutthe Obj: TLWBAT describe Mexican independence importance the importance of Mexican independence day. Activities grito de Dolores, write story about Mexican independence, powerpoint, mini video, listen to Luis Miguel Obj: TLWBAT take quiz Assignment: story about on TPR TLWBAT explain Mexican independence the importance of culture Standard 1.2 Activities: quiz, PAT time, juego de basquetbol termina el video. Assignment: flashcards of TPR vocabulary Standard 2.1 Assessment- TPR quiz Spanish 2 Obj: TLWBAT tell what they did over the weekend in Spanish Activities tell what they did over the weekend, worksheet, battleship Assignment Complete worksheet Standard 1.2 Assessment Tell 5 people 20 minute reading Obj: TLWBAT retell simple story in Spanish Activities: retell simple story to partners, ,TPR, Listen to song, PQA, Personalized mini story View portions of video Assignment: Be able to retell story of the week. Partner practice Standard 1.3 Obj: TLWBAT describe the importance the importance of Mexican independence day. Activities grito de Dolores, write story about Mexican independence, powerpoint, mini video, listen to Luis Miguel Hispanic trivia describe Obj: TLWBAT Assignment: the importancestory the about Mexican importance of Mexican independence day. Activities grito de Dolores, write story about Mexican independence, powerpoint, mini video, listen to Luis Miguel Obj: TLWBAT take Assignment: story quiz on TPR TLWBAT about Mexican explain the importance independence of culture Activities: quiz, PAT time. Juego de Basquetbol, termina el video Assignment: flashcards of TPR vocabulary Standard 2.1 Assessment- TPR quiz ROOM: Spanish 3 Obj: TLWBAT tell what they did over the weekend in Spanish Activities tell what they did over the weekend, worksheet, battleship Assignment Complete worksheet Standard 1.2 Assessment Tell 5 people Obj: TLWBAT retell simple story in Spanish Activities: retell simple story to partners, ,TPR, , Listen to song, PQA, Personalized mini story Assignment: Be able to retell story of the week. View portions of Video.Partner practice Standard 1.3 WEEK BEGINNING: September 13, 2010 Modified English Junior High Spanish Obj: TLWBAT discuss Obj: TLWBAT tell chapter 5 what they did over the Activities: read, weekend in Spanish wordfind with Activities tell what they vocabulary, Finish did over the weekend, reading chapter, chapter worksheet, battleship questions Work on Assignment Complete teacher paper worksheet Standard Standard 1.2 Assessment: questions Assessment Tell 5 people what they did Obj: take chapter 1 quiz No overclass the weekend Activities: read chapter 2, Journal, chapter 2 Standard vocab Assignment: Do study questions, Standard: Assessment: quiz Obj: TLWBAT describe the importance the importance of Mexican independence day. Activities grito de Dolores, write story about Mexican independence, powerpoint, mini video, listen to Luis Miguel Hispanic trivia describe Obj: TLWBAT Assignment: the importancestory the about Mexican importance of Mexican independence day. Activities grito de Dolores, write story about Mexican independence, powerpoint, mini video, listen to Luis Miguel Obj: TLWBAT take Assignment: story quiz on TPR TLWBAT about Mexican explain the importance independence of culture Activities: quiz, PAT time Assignment: flashcards of TPR vocabulary Standard 2.1 Assessment- TPR quiz Obj TLWBAT take quiz Activities: read chapter 5, do chapter 5 voacb Assignment: do chapter questions Standard Assessment: quiz and questions Obj: TLWBAT describe the importance the importance of Mexican independence day. Activities grito de Dolores, write story about Mexican independence, powerpoint, mini video, Obj: TLWBAT identify vocabulary in context Activities: take vocabulary quiz chapter 5 Assignment: Read chapter 5 review for chapter 5 quiz Standard: Assessment: quz Obj: TLWBAT summarize a passage Activities read chapter 6, summarize chapter Assignment, summary of chapter Standard Assessment- summary No class Obj: TLWBAT take quiz on TPR TLWBAT explain the importance of culture Activities: quiz, PAT time Assignment: flashcards of TPR vocabulary Standard 2.1 Assessment- TPR quiz WEEKLY LESSON PLANS Elementary Spanish Kindergarten and First grade Obj: TLWBAT greet someone else in Spanish Activities: Say hello to someone else in Spanish, coloring page, view Rosi episode Assignment: coloring page th 5Standard and 6th 5th and 6th Grade Obj: TLWBAT tell what happerned in the in class story in Spanish Activities: tell what happened in the story, partner retell, go over the rest of the vocab for the quarter. Assignment: Draw and 3rd label what happened in Obj: Retell story given in the story class. Standard: 1.2 Activities: AssessmentTake quiz on second story, act out story Assignment: story board Standard: 1.2 Assessment: story board 2nd grade Obj: TLWBAT identify colors in Spanish Activities: stand up sit down, use optima for an activity , coloring activity Assignment: coloring page Standard: 1.2 Assessment: coloring page 4th Obj: Retell story in class. Activities: Take quiz on second story, act out story Assignment: story board Standard: 1.2 Assessment: story board