11-20-11 mac

Seaside’s Coming Events
Seaside Thanksgiving Celebration
Sermon Series: One Life Changed the World
Message #29
Luke 12:1-12
Join us for a potluck style meal to spend time in fellowship.
5-7:30 pm here at Sowers.
Serving Opportunity
Oct 23-Nov 20
One of the Seaside Growth Groups will be serving at the Someone
Cares Soup Kitchen the day after Thanksgiving. If you would like
to help by donating food contact Tom VanSky at 714.925.9739 also
check out their website at
Young Adults Group
Sundays at 7pm
If you are a young adult come join us as we meet, discuss, worship
and fellowship on Sunday Nights at 7pm at the Seaside Warehouse.
Looking to Serve?
Every Sunday at 6:00 A.M, a crew of volunteers helps the Seaside
Staff unload the trailers, and set-up Stage, chairs, nursery etc. for
church to happen. We are in need of some more help. Not an early
riser?? Help is also needed after second service to put Seaside back
into the trailers for storage during the week.
Women’s Christmas Supper
Dec 7th
Wednesday Dec 7th 6-9 pm at Chateau Blanc Activity Room on
Brookhurst and Ellis. $5 to help cover the cost. Talk to Karen
Hafeli with any questions. kmhafeli@gmail.com
Operation Christmas Child Needs our Help
Dec 7th
1. Spiritual infection: Hypocrisy
Dec 17th
We need Seasiders to be Santa to the kids at the orphanage. We need 46
presents with a $50 spending limit. Don’t know what to get? Come with
us and ask the Kids this Saturday. (We will bring back the kids “Letters to
Santa”) We could also use help organizing the lists and collecting the
gifts. Contact Vicki Dishon dishon4@verizon.net
Seaside Family Panama Mission Trip 2012
Luke 12:1-3
 Knowing that what is concealed gets revealed
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14; Romans 12:16
 Be open and consistent
People who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess
and turn from them, they will receive mercy. Proverbs 28:13
2. Spiritual infection: Fear
Luke 12:4-7
 The fear of God
Hebrews 12:18-28; Psalms 36:1; 111:10; 112:1-10
 The love of God
1 John 4:7-18
The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
Psalms 27:1
Come help pack boxes on Wednesday Dec 7th from 9am – 1 pm at
the Santa Ana Warehouse. Contact Donna Evans for more info.
Mexico Orphanage Christmas
Seaside Community Church
November 20, 2011
3. Spiritual infection: Indecisive
Luke 12:8-12
 The assistance and power of the Holy spirit
Acts 1:8
For I am not ashamed of this Good News about Christ. It is the
power of God at work, saving everyone who believes—the Jew first and
also the Gentile. Romans 1:16
Notes and audio available as a podcast at www.seasidehb.org
Personal Growth Homework
3. How do you think Luke 12:5 relates to Luke 12:7 with respect to
fear? (See also Luke 1:50 and Acts 10:34-35.)
Use this as a tool in your personal study throughout the week
For the week of November 20, 2011
Luke 12:1-12
Exploring the Scriptures
1. In Luke 12:1, Jesus calls hypocrisy “the yeast of the Pharisees.”
From the smallest beginning, it spreads until it influences
everything it touches, making it especially dangerous for a
Christian. Read Matthew 7:3, Luke 6:46 and James 2:15-16 &
3:10. Do any of these verses speak particularly to you? Ask God to
help you in this area of your life.
2. Sometimes we define our value by the judgments of others, such
as salary or number of friends on Facebook. But our true value is
based on God’s perception of us (Luke 12:4-5). Meditate on Luke
12:6-7, John 3:16 and Romans 14:8. What is the Holy Spirit saying
to you?
4. In Luke 12:8-9, Jesus makes a sobering statement that relates
to salvation, but can also apply to our daily lives. Think of some
ways you acknowledge Jesus before others (such as sacrificial
love or standing up for the truth) and some where you might have
denied him (such as quietly accepting non-Christian values). Pray
about how you will handle these denial situations in the future.
5. In Luke 12:10, Jesus refers to the “unforgivable sin.” Read
Matthew 12:24-32 and Mark 3:22-30 to see the context of this sin.
Given the work of the Holy Spirit described in John 16:7-14, why do
you think that blaspheming him would cut someone off from eternal