Name ADVICE AND REFERRAL CENTRE (ARC) REFERRAL FORM Email Address: ● Phone Number: 0845 045 0123 ● Fax Number: 0845 045 0121 NOTE: It is important that you fully complete this referral form so that we can triage effectively and quickly. Incomplete forms delay assessment and may be returned. PATIENT DETAILS Name Gender: Male Female NHS Number: Address: Nationality: Ethnicity: Preferred Contact Tel. Number: Date of Birth: Interpreter required? Yes No If yes, what language? REFERRAL PRIORITY 24 HOUR HOME TREATMENT 5 WORKING DAY URGENT ASSESSMENT ROUTINE SOVA NOTE: For all 24 hour (including SOVA) and 5 working day urgent referrals please telephone the ARC first. ONLY tick the 24 hour Home Treatment box if you consider that the patient needs inpatient admission or daily CRHT involvement. You must have seen the person in the past 24 hours. We aim to assess all routine referrals within 8 weeks, but will prioritise as appropriate. Please indicate in your referral letter if you feel a routine referral needs to be prioritised and we will do our best to accommodate this. RISK ASSESSMENT NOTE: This section MUST be completed with full supporting information supplied in the referral letter. Please include details of any personal safety plan. Overall risk, as perceived by referrer at the time of referral: High History of harm to self Current Yes Moderate Low Past History Yes History of harm to others Yes Yes History of self neglect Yes Yes History of being serious exploited / vulnerability Yes Yes Forensic history Alcohol / substance misuse Yes Yes Yes Yes REFERRAL CATEGORY Adult (age 17-65) Older People (over 65) Veteran Perinatal CPFT staff IAPT 1 Name REFERRAL DATE: DATE PERSON LAST SEEN: BY WHOM: GP DETAILS REFERRER DETAILS (IF NOT GP) GP Name: Referrer Name: Referring Profession / Organisation: Practice Address: Address: Telephone Number: Telephone Number: GP Practice Fax Number: NOTE: I confirm I have notified GP of referral: Yes No, reason why: NOTE: Please indicate if the patient consents to CPFT accessing primary care records. This will allow us to follow up any specific information we need for triage. Has the patient consented to share their primary Yes care record as part of their treatment and care? No, patient refused consent I don’t know/ couldn’t ask Does the patient consent to staff at CPFT involved in their treatment and care to view their primary care record? Yes No, patient refused consent I don’t know/ couldn’t ask Is the person aware of the referral? Dependent children? Other dependants? CPFT clinician aware of the referral? Yes No, reason why: Yes No If yes, please provide details in the referral letter Yes No If yes, please provide details in the referral letter If you have discussed the referral with one of our clinicians please let us know in the referral letter DETAILS OF PRIMARY CARER (if appropriate) Name: Address: Contact Number: Relationship to person: Consent given to involve primary carer? Yes No 2 Name PLEASE TYPE YOUR REFERRAL LETTER ON PAGE 4, COVERING THE POINTS BELOW. 1. Reason for referral (please specify if this a referral for social care Community Care Act assessment, or if you have a specific team in mind e.g. CAMEO/Early Intervention) 2. Situation (what is the concern, who has been concerned and who has been made aware) 3. Medical and psychiatric history (when did this start, diagnosis, details of alcohol and/or substance misuse, please include full medical history) 4. Family history (any members of the patient’s family suffered from and/or undergone treatment for mental health problems) 5. Clinical presentation (please describe current mental state) 6. Any concerns regarding risk (to self or others), or current social situation (e.g. accommodation, relationships, financial circumstances) 7. Treatment and response so far (Details of first line treatment that has been tried before referral. If the person has a relapse or crisis plan, or an advance statement, have the recommended steps been followed? Please see referral guidance at Please include details of any other professional service/NHS department providing treatment. 8. Current medication (please list all medication currently being prescribed) 9. Other relevant information SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION REQUIRED ALL REFERRALS Relevant correspondence from previous services/specialist Attached Results of any relevant investigations Attached GP summary printout Attached OLDER PEOPLE’S MENTAL HEALTH: MEMORY ASSESSMENT FBC, ESR, U&E, LFT, GCT, Corrected Ca, TFT, Glucose, Vitamin B12, Folate Attached ADULT EATING DISORDERS Adult eating disorders supplementary form Completed form attached 3 Name ***Please type the referral letter here *** 4