
Why didn’t you do your
Everyday English:
I didn’t have time.
That’s (not) a good excuse.
I fell asleep.
1 master
handout – group
work: scripts
giving excuses
Year 5
Lesson 84
Language Analysis
Conjunctions are used to connect phrases, clauses, and sentences. There are words
such as: and, because, but, for, if, or, and when.
There are two main kinds of conjunction.
Coordinating conjunctions that join items that are of equal importance in a sentence:
I like watching football and playinng basketball.
They may have tea or coffee.
The kitten was sweet but very naughty.
Subordinating conjunctions connect subordinate clauses to the main clause of a
He didn’t do his homework because he was too tired.
I waited until they finished.
It is generally accepted that it’s not good English to start a sentence with a conjunction
such as, and or but. However, it isn’t grammatically incorrect to do so, it is rather question
of style.
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Warm-up Off the screens
Question time
Ask students to stand in a circle, start asking students the following questions:
What do you think of this poster?
What do you want to drink?
Where did you go yesterday?
What time must you go to bed?
Can you cook?
Do you need a helmet when you ride a bike?
Next ask students to ask any question they can think to a student on their left.
The student answers the question and asks their own and so on.
The questions cannot be repeated.
Student who cannot come up with any question is out.
The last remaining student is the winner.
Possible questions:
What's your name? How old are you?
Where do you live? How do you get to school? How did you get to school last Monday?
Do you have a hobby? What's your hobby?
Do you like swimming? Can you swim? Did you like swimming when you were a child?
What day is it today? What is he doing?
Where did you go on holiday last year?
What time do you get up? What time did you get up yesterday?
What’s your favourite colour? What do you think of tigers?
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Screen 2
Kim: Hi Mum, hi Dad. Did you enjoy
your dinner at the restaurant?
Mum: Yes, we did… but look at this
house! Did you do your homework,
Kim: No Mum, I didn’t. I didn’t do my
homework because I was tired. I can do
it tomorrow.
Mum: OK. Did you clean your rooms?
Jill: No, we didn’t because we watched
a film on television.
Mum: Clean them tomorrow. Did you
help Grandma with her mobile phone?
Kim: No, I didn’t because she didn’t
bring it here. I can help her…
Mum: Tomorrow. I know. Oh Kim, Jill…
did you eat all the cake?
Kim: Sorry Mum. We ate the cake
because we were hungry. I can make a
new cake tomorrow.
Jill: Mum, did you wash my black skirt?
I need it for school.
Mum: I’m sorry Jill. I didn’t wash your
skirt because I didn’t have time. I can do
it …
Kim and Jill: Tomorrow!
Exploit the scene by asking the Ss to describe
what they can see. Then listen and watch the
animation. Ask some questions to check
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Screen 3
Kim: Hi Mum, hi Dad. Did you enjoy
your dinner at the restaurant?
Mum: Yes, we did … but look at this
house! Did you do your homework,
Kim: No Mum, I didn’t. I didn’t do my
homework because I was tired. I can do
it tomorrow.
Mum: OK. Did you clean your rooms?
Jill: No, we didn’t because we watched
a film on television.
Mum: Clean them tomorrow. Did you
help Grandma with her mobile phone?
Kim: No, I didn’t because she didn’t
bring it here. I can help her …
Mum: Tomorrow. I know. Oh Kim, Jill …
did you eat all the cake?
Kim: Sorry Mum. We ate the cake
because we were hungry. I can make a
new cake tomorrow.
Jill: Mum, did you wash my black skirt?
I need it for school.
Mum: I’m sorry Jill. I didn’t wash your
skirt because I didn’t have time. I can do
it …
Kim and Jill: Tomorrow!
Key: (random order)
Screen 4
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Mr Hill: Class, today I am not happy.
Do you know why?
Kids: No, Mr Hill.
Mr Hill: Only two people in the class did
their homework. Tony and Anna, well
done. Everyone else … why didn’t you
do your homework?
Alex: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my
homework because I went to the bus
station with my mum. My grandma
Mr Hill: Well, that’s OK. Lucy?
Lucy: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my
homework because my brother played
in a basketball game. I went to watch
him. His team won!
Mr Hill: OK. That’s fine, Lucy. Sam,
how about you?
Sam: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my
homework because I helped my dad on
the farm. One of the sheep had a baby
Mr Hill: Oh, that’s sweet. Don’t worry,
Sam. Kim, what’s your story?
Kim: Oh, Mr Hill, I didn’t do my
homework because … well, I was tired
and I fell asleep. .
Mr Hill: Well, that’s not a very good
excuse! Do it next time, please!
1 he went to the bus station with his
mum 2 she watched her brother play
basketball 3 he helped his dad on the
farm 4 she was tired and she fell asleep
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Screen 5
Mr Hill: Class, today I am not happy.
Do you know why?
Kids: No, Mr Hill.
Mr Hill: Only two people in the class did
their homework. Tony and Anna, well
done. Everyone else … why didn’t you
do your homework?
Alex: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my
homework because I went to the bus
station with my mum. My grandma
Mr Hill: Well, that’s OK. Lucy?
Lucy: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my
homework because my brother played
in a basketball game. I went to watch
him. His team won!
Mr Hill: OK. That’s fine, Lucy. Sam,
how about you?
Sam: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my
homework because I helped my dad on
the farm. One of the sheep had a baby
Mr Hill: Oh, that’s sweet. Don’t worry,
Sam. Kim, what’s your story?
Kim: Oh, Mr Hill, I didn’t do my
homework because … well, I was tired
and I fell asleep. .
Mr Hill: Well, that’s not a very good
excuse! Do it next time, please!
1 I didn’t do my homework because I
went to the bus station with my mum.
2 I didn’t do my homework because my
brother played in a basketball game.
3 I didn’t do my homework because I
helped my dad on the farm.
4 I didn’t do my homework because I
was tired and I fell asleep.
Screen 6
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Give Ss these instructions for the Look and say
Look at the picture and read the
Read the dialogues on the right.
Now it’s your turn: work in pairs and ask
and answer the questions in turn and
give different reasons.
Nominate pairs to present their
Additional activity – Handout
Script 1 – Team 1
Mr Hill: Kids, why didn’t you do your homework?
Alex: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my homework because I went to the bus station with my
mum. My grandma came.
Mr Hill: Well, that’s OK. Lucy?
Lucy: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my homework because my brother played in a basketball
game. I went to watch him. His team won!
Mr Hill: OK. That’s fine, Lucy. Sam, how about you?
Sam: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my homework because I helped my dad on the farm. One
of the sheep had a baby lamb.
Mr Hill: Oh, that’s sweet. Don’t worry, Sam. Kim, what’s your story?
Kim: Oh, Mr Hill, I didn’t do my homework because …. well, I was tired and I fell asleep. .
Mr Hill: Well, that’s not a very good excuse!. Do it next time!
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Script 2 – Team 2
Mum: Kim, did you do your homework?
Kim: No Mum, I didn’t. I didn’t do my homework because I was tired. I can do it tomorrow.
Mum: OK. Did you clean your rooms?
Jill: No, we didn’t because we watched a film on television.
Mum: Clean them tomorrow. Did you help Grandma with her mobile phone?
Kim: No, I didn’t because she didn’t bring it here. I can help her …
Jill: Mum, did you wash my black skirt? I need it for school.
Mum: I’m sorry Jill. I didn’t wash your skirt because I didn’t have time. I can do it …
Kim and Jill: Tomorrow!
1. Divide students into two teams: one of five, the other of three, tell them they are
going to choose one character in one of two scenes.
2. Distribute the scripts and ask teams to get together to rehearse.
3. Encourage students to introduce some emotions, play with the text e.g. the
teacher or mum can be upset or really angry, kids apologetic or naughty,
cheeky. Tell students that they can improvise and treat the script as a guideline
4. Now invite the groups to the front of the class to re-enact their scenes,
encourage students not to look at the script.
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide
Script 1
Mr Hill: Kids, why didn’t you do your homework?
Alex: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my homework because I went to the bus station with
my mum. My grandma came.
Mr Hill: Well, that’s OK. Lucy?
Lucy: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my homework because my brother played in a
basketball game. I went to watch him. His team won!
Mr Hill: OK. That’s fine, Lucy. Sam, how about you?
Sam: Sorry, Mr Hill. I didn’t do my homework because I helped my dad on the farm.
One of the sheep had a baby lamb.
Mr Hill: Oh, that’s sweet. Don’t worry, Sam. Kim, what’s your story?
Kim: Oh, Mr Hill, I didn’t do my homework because … well, I was tired and I fell
asleep. .
Mr Hill: Well, that’s not a very good excuse! Do it next time!
Script 2
Mum: Kim, did you do your homework?
Kim: No Mum, I didn’t. I didn’t do my homework because I was tired. I can do it
Mum: OK. Did you clean your rooms?
Jill: No, we didn’t because we watched a film on television.
Mum: Clean them tomorrow. Did you help Grandma with her mobile phone?
Kim: No, I didn’t because she didn’t bring it here. I can help her …
Jill: Mum, did you wash my black skirt? I need it for school.
Mum: I’m sorry Jill. I didn’t wash your skirt because I didn’t have time. I can do it …
Kim and Jill: Tomorrow!
© Young Digital Planet 2014 – Core Curriculum for English – Teacher’s Guide