Mr. Cox – Instructor Welcome to an exciting school year, and to Anatomy and Physiology! Anatomy and Physiology is a course that involves an exciting and in-depth examination of God’s most precious and complex creation: The human being. To the Lord, we are the most lovely and beautiful of His creations. We are, of all His creations, the ones that are “fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14) It is us the Lord has put in charge of all of His creation (Psalm 8:6-8). It is us that the Bible says are made in HIS image. (Genesis 1:27) God’s Word teaches us that human beings are comprised of 5 distinct yet intertwined components. These are: Spiritual, Mental, Emotional, Social, and Physical. (Mark 12:29-33) Our Anatomy and Physiology course will focus on the physical part of God’s wonderful creation. It MUST be stressed from the beginning of this course that the study of the physical human body will be intense and require A LOT of time and effort to learn properly. It is also stressed that students of this course will be expected to listen closely during presentations and class notes, and that their interaction in the learning process is important, but that such interaction is organized and purposeful. Violations of this expectations will result in the student being asked to leave the class and report to study hall or the office for that class period. Students removed from class will receive a zero for the day. Parents and students alike must also be realized that the study of the physical human body will involve diagrams, plastic models, and other appropriate replications of the human body. Our study will also involve dissections and other studies in the lab that will help us visualize God’s intricate design. Students will be expected to behave appropriately and safely at all times. Our course will be comprehensive! In other words – each chapter will build upon the previous chapters. Just because a particular subject matter has been covered on a test does not prevent that same subject matter from showing up on subsequent tests. Rather, it will be expected to be on subsequent tests. Our course will also involve projects. Students will be assigned one project per quarter. Information about these projects will be sent home AND will be available on my blog page within the first 2 weeks of each quarter. Grading: Homework assignments will constitute 25% of the overall grade. Quizzes and Tests will constitute 25% of the overall grade. Labs will constitute 25% of the overall grade. Projects will constitute 25% of the overall grade. 1st Quarter QUIZZES Sept. 5, 19 Oct. 3, 31 TESTS Sept. 12, 26 Oct. 10, 24 PROJECT Oct. 28 LABS: DATES WILL BE SUBJECTIVE TO HOW QUICKLY CLASS CONTENT IS COVERED, BUT WILL BE LISTED ON INSTRUCTOR’S BLOG PAGE A WEEK IN ADVANCE. 2nd Quarter QUIZZES Nov. 7 Dec. 5, 19 TESTS Nov. 21 Dec. 12 Jan. 9 PROJECT Jan. 14 LABS: DATES WILL BE SUBJECTIVE TO HOW QUICKLY CLASS CONTENT IS COVERED, BUT WILL BE LISTED ON INSTRUCTOR’S BLOG PAGE A WEEK IN ADVANCE. 3rd Quarter QUIZZES Jan. 23 Feb. 6, 20 Mar. 5, 20 TESTS Jan. 30 Feb. 13, 27 Mar. 13 PROJECT Mar. 18 LABS: DATES WILL BE SUBJECTIVE TO HOW QUICKLY CLASS CONTENT IS COVERED, BUT WILL BE LISTED ON INSTRUCTOR’S BLOG PAGE A WEEK IN ADVANCE. 4th Quarter QUIZZES Apr. 17 May 1, 8, 22 TESTS Mar. 26 Apr. 24 PROJECT May 29 LABS: DATES WILL BE SUBJECTIVE TO HOW QUICKLY CLASS CONTENT IS COVERED, BUT WILL BE LISTED ON INSTRUCTOR’S BLOG PAGE A WEEK IN ADVANCE. FINAL EXAM: TBD May 15 ANATOMY AND PHYISIOLOGY CONSENT FORM I understand that my Anatomy and Physiology course will require me to pay close attention in class, to at all times act respectful, courteous, and safely. I further understand that if I am removed from class that I will receive a zero for the day. I realize that this course will require me to complete a project once a quarter that will comprise 25% of my final quarter grade, and that the project CAN NOT be turned in late. I realize that lab work requires extra caution and care; that we will be using very expensive lab equipment, and that lab work may involve blood, tissues, and other biological items. I realize that I may be held responsible for the damages if I was acting irresponsible or unsafe. I realize that my Anatomy and Physiology course will be using diagrams, plastic models, and other appropriate replications of the human body. I will act appropriately both in class and out of class with these materials. _________________________________________________ STUDENTS NAME _________________ DATE STUDENTS SIGNATURE I understand that my child’s Anatomy and Physiology course will require me to pay close attention in class, to at all times act respectful, courteous, and safely. I further understand that if my child is removed from class due to inappropriate or unsafe actions that they will receive a zero for that day. I realize that this course will require my child to complete a project once a quarter that will comprise 25% of their final quarter grade, and that the project CAN NOT be turned in late. I realize that lab work requires extra caution and care; that my child will be using very expensive lab equipment, and that lab work may involve blood, tissues, and other biological items. I realize that my child may be held responsible for damages if they were acting irresponsible or unsafe. I realize that my child’s Anatomy and Physiology course will be using diagrams, plastic models, and other appropriate replications of the human body, and that they will need to act appropriately both in class and out of class with these materials. _________________________________________________ NAME PARENT SIGNATURE _________________ DATE