Program document Program Sustainable intensification of maizelegume cropping systems for food security in eastern and southern Africa (SIMLESA) program number CSE/2009/024 proposal phase Full prepared by CIMMYT and partners research program manager John Dixon, Cropping Systems and Economics Program Privacy statement ACIAR, as a Commonwealth government agency, is required to comply with the eleven Information Privacy Principles as set out in Section 14 of the Privacy Act 1988 ( These are based on the 1980 OECD guidelines governing the protection of privacy and trans-border flows of personal data. The personal information provided in this project proposal, including CVs, is stored in hard copy and electronic format in ACIAR. The information is reproduced internally for the purpose of meetings to consider project proposals. It is reproduced for restricted external purposes as part of the contractual documentation exchanged with the commissioned organization, collaborating institution(s) and partner-country government(s). Personal information (individuals’ contact details) is also stored in ACIAR’s project information system. ACIAR endeavors to keep this information as up to date as possible, with the assistance of the individuals whose details are recorded. The names and contact details of Project Leaders may be listed with project details on the ACIAR web site, provided to other databases and media in the context of briefings and publicity on the ACIAR project portfolio, and used for mail outs of ACIAR corporate publications. ACIAR does not divulge any other personal information to third parties for any other purpose. Page ii Contents 1 Program outline ........................................................................................ 1 1.1 (a) Funding request from CIMMYT ......................................................................................1 1.2 Key contacts.........................................................................................................................2 1.3 Program summary................................................................................................................6 2 Justification............................................................................................... 7 2.1 Partner country and Australian research and development issues and priorities .............14 2.2 Research and/or development strategy and relationship to other ACIAR investments and other donor activities ...................................................................................................20 3 Objectives ............................................................................................... 25 4 Planned impacts and adoption pathways............................................. 34 4.1 Scientific impacts ...............................................................................................................36 4.2 Capacity impacts ................................................................................................................36 4.3 Community impacts ...........................................................................................................38 4.4 Communication and dissemination activities .....................................................................42 5 Operations ............................................................................................... 44 5.1 Methodology.......................................................................................................................44 5.2 Outputs, activities and milestones .....................................................................................58 5.3 Program personnel ............................................................................................................92 5.4 Intellectual property and other regulatory compliance .......................................................99 5.5 Travel table ......................................................................................................................101 6 Appendix A: Intellectual property register ......................................... 111 6.1 Administrative details .......................................................................................................111 6.2 Categories of intellectual property and brief description ..................................................111 6.3 Foreground, background and third party Intellectual Property ........................................112 7 Appendix B: Supporting documentation ............................................ 116 7.1 Current experiences with implementing conservation agriculture practices in Africa ......116 7.2 Economic impact of technologies ....................................................................................118 7.3 References .......................................................................................................................122 7.4 Acronyms .........................................................................................................................125 Page iii 1 Program outline Program number Program title ACIAR program area Proposal stage Commissioned organization Program type Geographic region(s) Country(s) Program duration Proposed start date Proposed finish date Time to impact CSE/2009/024 Sustainable intensification of maize-legume cropping systems for food security in eastern and southern Africa (SIMLESA) Cropping Systems and Economics Full CIMMYT Multilateral; large Eastern and Southern Africa Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, Republic of South Africa, Uganda, Australia 4 years 1 January 2010 31 December 2013 Category I (5 years to impact) 1.1 (a) Funding request from CIMMYT Amounts (A$) Totals (A$) Pay 1 2,421,419 2,411,419 Pay 2 2,221,102 Pay 3 2,621, 737 Pay 4 2,464, 959 Pay 5 4,177,879 Pay 6 2,302,401 Pay 7 3,240,437 5,542,838 19,449,935 19,449,935 Year 1 (F/Y) Year 2 (F/Y) Year 3 (F/Y) Year 4 (F/Y) Total (b) Support to External Coordination managed by ACIAR Total program 4,842,839 6,642,280 550,065 20,000,000 Page 1 1.2 Key contacts Project leader: Commissioned IARC Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Dr. Mulugetta Mekuria Program Coordinator (and Senior Scientist, Agricultural Economist) International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) +263 4 301945,263 4369122 +263 11 604006(Mobile) +263-4 301327 P.O. Box MP 163 Mt. Pleasant, Harare, Zimbabwe (relocation anticipated for main implementation of program) 12.5Km Peg Mazowe Road Administrative Contact: Commissioned IARC Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Dr. Maria Luz George Head, Project Management Unit International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) +52(595) 9521900 +52(595) 9521983 Apdo. Postal 6-641, 06600 México, D.F., México Km. 45, Carretera México-Veracruz, El Batan, Texcoco, Edo. de México, CP 56130 México Principal contact in QDEEDI: Australian collaborating organization Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Dr. Daniel Rodriguez Focus Team Leader Agricultural Systems Modeling Queensland Dept of Employment, Econ Dev and Innovation (QDEEDI) 07 4688 1437 07 4688 1193 P.O. Box 102, Toowoomba, Qld. 4350, Australia Principal contact in Murdoch University: Australian collaborating organization Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Prof. John Howieson Director Institute for Crop and Plant Sciences (Faculty of Sustainability, Environmental & life Sciences), Murdoch University 61 893602231 61 883107084 School of Biology, Murdoch University, South St, Murdoch, WA 6150 Page 2 Street address (if different to postal) Western Australia Prof. John Howieson Principal contact in Ethiopia: Collaborating NARS Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Dr. Solomon Assefa Director General Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research (EIAR) +251 11 6462270 +251 11 6454435, + 251 911 255669 (cell) +251 11 6461251 PO Box 2003, Addis Abeba, ETHIOPIA Principal contact in Kenya: Collaborating NARS Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Dr. Ephraim A. Mukisira Director Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI) +254-020-4183720 +254-020-4183344 P.O. Box 57811, City Square, Nairobi, 00200, Kenya Kaptagat Rd, Loresho Nairobi, Kenya Page 3 Principal contact in Malawi: Collaborating NARS Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Dr. Alfred Mutukuso Director, Agricultural Research Services (DARS) Agricultural Research and Technical Services (DARTS), Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security, Malawi (265) 788697 (265) 788801 P.O. Box 30779, Lilongwe, Malawi Principal contact in Mozambique: Collaborating NARS Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Dr. Calisto Bias Director General Instituto de Investigacao Agraria de Mozambique (IIAM), Mozambique +258 21 462240 +258 21 461581 Av. das FPLM No 269, Maputo, Mozambique, C. P. 3658 Principal contact in Tanzania: Collaborating NARS Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Mr. Timothy Kirway Acting Director, Department of Research and Development (DRD) Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security (ARS), Tanzania +255-222865320(office) +255-754-865475(mobile) Kilimo House II, P.O. Box 2066, Dar Es Salam, Tanzania Principal contact in South Africa: Collaborating NARS Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Dr. Muhammed Jeenah Executive Director, Research and Development Agricultural Research Council (ARC), Republic of South Africa +27 (0) 12 427 9881+27 827666592(Mobile) + 27 (0) 12 430 5814 PO Box 8783, Pretoria 0001, South Africa 1134 Park Street, Hatfield, Pretoria 0083, South Africa Page 4 Principal contact in ASARECA: Collaborating Regional Organization Title and name Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Dr. Seyfu Ketema Executive Director Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) +256-41-4320438 +256-41-4322593 P.O. Box 765, Entebbe, Uganda Plot 5 Mpigi Road, Entebbe, Uganda Principal contact in ICRISAT: Collaborating IARC Title and name of contact Position Organization Phone Fax Email Postal address Street address (if different to postal) Dr. Said N Silim Crop Physiologist/Breeder and Director ESA International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics +254-20-7224554/555 +254-721839143 (mobile) +254-20-7224001 World Agroforestry Complex, Gigiri, Nairobi Box 39063-00623, Kenya United nations Avenue Page 5 1.3 Program summary Food security is a major concern in the east and southern Africa region. While the food crisis has receded somewhat at the international level, within the region urban food prices remain relatively high. Among the food crops, maize is the main staple and legumes an important dietary protein source for the rural poor. Legumes are widely used as an intercrop in maize systems, and are also significant source of income for women. The demand for maize is projected to increase by at least 40% over the next ten years; and the demand for legumes by 50%. Seasonal variability causes wide swings in food crop yields, including maize and legumes. Rainfed maize-legume cropping systems show considerable promise in boosting productivity and helping reverse the decline in soil fertility that is a fundamental cause of low smallholder productivity in the region. This program, developed by African and Australian stakeholders, fits regional and national agricultural development priorities. It aims at increasing farm-level food security and productivity, in the context of climate risk and change. It will result in resilient, profitable and sustainable farming systems that overcome food insecurity for significant numbers of farm families. The program objectives are: to characterize maize-legume production and input and output value chain systems and impact pathways, and identify broad systemic constraints and options for field testing; to test and develop productive, resilient and sustainable smallholder maize-legume cropping systems and innovation systems for local scaling out; to increase the range of maize and legume varieties available for smallholders through accelerated breeding, regional testing and release, and availability of performance data; to support the development of regional and local innovations systems; and capacity building to increase the efficiency of agricultural research today and in the future The focal countries of program research are Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania and Australia. To sustainably intensify maize-legume cropping systems while reducing yield variability requires an integrated approach to the complex production and marketing system for these crops. Through participatory research and development with farmers, extension agencies, non-governmental organizations, Universities and agribusiness along the value chains, the program aims to improve maize and legume productivity by 30% and to reduce the expected downside yield risk by 30% on approximately 500,000 farms within ten years. Through sub-regional research organizations and existing networks, the program will foster spillovers of improved crop systems management practices, knowledge and germplasm to other countries in the region. Benefits to Queensland will arise from improved maize germplasm and better rainfed maize-legume systems options for summer cropping. ACIAR will support the program which will be managed by the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (as Commissioned Organization) in collaboration with the NARS of Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania, the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in East and Central Africa, the International Center for Research for the Semi-Arid Tropics, the Agricultural Research Council of South Africa, the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation Queensland, and Murdoch University in Western Australia. The program will be guided by a Steering Committee of high level representatives from partner organizations. Strong collaboration with a wide range of private, NGO, University and public sector organizations will support rapid dissemination of program outputs. Strategic capacity building involves short-term training and postgraduate fellowships at Universities in Australia, South Africa, and target countries. Page 6 2 Justification Close to 400 million people live in the eastern and southern Africa (ESA) region, with more than half living in extreme poverty and 75% residing in rural areas characterized by poor infrastructure, poor market access, environmental degradation, and vulnerability to climatic variability and change. The achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and growth and poverty reduction targets in this region are especially challenging. As agriculture constitutes the basis of livelihoods and income for more than 70% of the people, targeting this sector will have substantial positive impacts on food security, poverty and environmental degradation. Threatened food security: While it may appear that the food crisis has receded somewhat at international level, within the eastern and southern Africa (ESA) region urban food crop prices have remained stubbornly high. High urban prices have not, however, translated into higher producer prices due to underdeveloped value chains and high marketing costs, resulting in weak incentives for farmers to increase production of food crops. More efficient production systems which allow for increased producer incomes at lower commodity prices are an essential component of a food security strategy in this region. The east and southern African region is barely self-sufficient in food grains, with a net import 10% if South Africa is excluded (FAOSTAT, 2009). Approximately 20-25% of the import is emergency food aid. Maize is the main staple and legumes an important dietary protein source for the rural poor. With growth of population and incomes, the demand for maize is projected to increase approximately 3–4% annually over the next ten years, leading to a requirement of at least 40% more maize grain; similar increases in demand for legumes are projected, ranging from 2.3% for groundnut to 3.7% for pigeon pea and 4.2% for chickpea and other pulses, indicating the need to increase total supply by more than 50% (relative to 2000) by 2020. Much of past growth in agricultural production has been through expansion of area cultivated, which has led to severe ecological consequences. In these circumstances, increasing the efficiency of agricultural growth and food crop productivity is an essential component of improving food security. Challenges to agriculture: Despite the possibilities of technological solutions, biotic and abiotic constraints continue to limit the productivity of agriculture in general and maize and legumes in particular. Institutional and socioeconomic constraints make it difficult for smallholder farmers to access seeds, inputs and output markets in order to respond to market price signals. Together with the continuous insidious soil and land degradation and significant climatic risk (most agricultural production is rainfed), these constraints undermine incentives for farmers to invest scarce resources and adopt new technologies. Addressing these overlapping constraints requires integrated innovations and capacity building to provide promising and resilient options for improving productivity and reducing the impact of inherent risks. Maize and legumes for food and income: Maize and grain legumes are important food crops in the region and are mostly grown by resource-poor farmers in risky farming systems alongside other cash crops and livestock. With increasing poverty, farming systems lose their complexity and trend towards a focus on cereals, in order to provide the energy requirements of the household. This has the effect of depressing sustainability (through compromising soil health) in the interests of short term food availability. Page 7 Maize is the main and preferred food staple with per capita food consumption, averaging 42 kg capita-1 year-1 and exceeding 100 kg capita-1 year-1 in several countries. In years of surplus, maize is also an important source of income to many farmers. Legumes are an important source of protein and often attract good prices on the market. Many legumes are a valuable women’s crop, both for household consumption and for the market. Legume species vary across the region, although the most common species are beans (Phaseolus vulgaris), cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), groundnuts (Arachis hypogea), chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and soybeans (Glycine max). Intercrops with beans, cowpeas and pigeonpeas are more common where land-holdings are small, whereas sole legume crops such as groundnuts and soybeans in rotation with maize are more common where there is less pressure on the land. Constraints to increasing maize-legume systems productivity: Drought and low soil fertility are among the major constraints limiting the productivity of current cropping systems and the relative importance of these two stresses often alternates at the same site within the same season1: lack of improved crop varieties and weak value chains generally limit the adoption of management solutions to these major problems. Even where total rainfall is sufficient, rainfall distribution in the season is erratic and over many smallholder cropping areas, the crop absorbs less than 25 per cent of total rainfall2. Approximately 65% of the agricultural land in Sub-Saharan Africa suffers from degradation3,4 which results in generally low yields of the staple grains of approximately 1 t ha-1 5. Not only do these factors reduce crop yields and discourage adoption of improved practices by farmers, but they also increase the risks associated with farming and underline the importance of improved soil and nutrient and water management for smallholder farming systems. Fertilizer use is especially risky in terms of economic losses due to the low and erratic rainfall and land degradation. Thus average fertilizer use in Sub-Saharan Africa remains less than 10 kg ha-1 6 despite the generally infertile soils. Typically, the trend in smallholder farming systems is for maize increasingly to dominate (leading to eventual continuous cropping of maize) to ensure household food security. Linkages between legumes and maize, the main staple food, are very important: while maize provides the backbone to food security, income and fodder for animals, legumes variously provide a second valuable high-protein food or cash crop, as well as additional soil nitrogen through rhizobial fixation of atmospheric nitrogen, and useful crop residues for livestock fodder or a source of ‘green manure’. The role of legumes as a crop that is grown by women is also of importance in empowering women, who are often the major source of farm labour. Alternative production practices that may improve system profitability, productivity and resilience are intrinsically linked to input and marketing opportunities, and to farmer incentives and preferences. This program will link farmer, market and researcher experience and data in way which allows exploration and evaluation of new opportunities. Even though improved maize-legume combinations, more efficient fertilizer applications, and improved rhizobia strains may contribute to improving the soil nutrient balance, a broader approach is needed to restore and increase the productivity of the land in smallholder systems in eastern and southern Africa. In many farming systems, due to continuous cropping soil organic matter levels have diminished to 1Rockstrom et al., 2009 Rockstrom et al., 2001 3UNEP/ISRIC, 1991 4GEF, 2003 5Rockstrom and Falkenmark, 2000 6Sachs et al., 2004 2 Page 8 unsustainably low levels and are an important cause of low water and nutrient use efficiency and systems productivity. Therefore, improved maize-legume varieties and better market access need to be underpinned by conservation agriculture oriented (CA-oriented) technologies in order to boost yields and input use efficiency. CA systems are characterized by three key principles: minimum disturbance of soil (ideally zero-till); year-round soil surface cover, often through the retention of crop residues; and sustainable crop rotations. CA is practiced widely by medium-to-large-scale farmers in North America, Latin America and Australia, and to some extent in Africa. The experience of CA in Australia under moisture-limited conditions provides a useful example for Africa: the area dedicated to CA grew slowly from initial adoption in the early 1970’s until the turn of the century but then accelerated once technological issues had been resolved and by 2008 there were 12 million hectares of CA-based agriculture in Australia7. Experience in many regions shows that smallholders rarely adopt complete packages of improved technologies; more commonly they adopt, test and adapt improved practices in a step-wise fashion. However, the interactions between doing away with soil tillage, keeping crop residues on the soil surface, applying sufficient nutrients and managing weeds are often more important than the effects of all of these technologies alone, underlying the large investments in famer understanding and knowledge development that need to be undertaken to facilitate the spread of sustainable production systems. CIMMYT has worked since 2004 with the NARS, NGOs, farmers and other partners in southern Africa (including Malawi and Mozambique) to develop and adapt CA-oriented systems to the conditions faced by smallholder farmers managing maize-legume systems in over 20 target communities. These communities represent a wide range of biophysical and socioeconomic conditions, including market access – and have actively experimented with the technologies which have been tested. Wider efforts on implementing CA-oriented practices in Africa are summarized in Annex 7.2. Although this work has shown the feasibility of CA-oriented systems under smallholder farm conditions 8 , it has also shown the benefit of establishing local innovation systems through which groups of farmers exchange experience and share knowledge among themselves and with extension, traders and agro-input suppliers and consciously test adaptations around CA and sustainable systems – a recent external program review of CA in CIMMYT strongly endorsed the innovation systems orientation of the CIMMYT approach to CA development in southern Africa. In this context, an agricultural innovation system is simply a network of farmers, extension, research, input suppliers, traders and local government who support agricultural experimentation and the exchange of agricultural knowledge. Nevertheless, there is a need to understand better which types of local innovation systems are effective for CA development in different African farming systems, including the incentives for farmer experimentation with maizelegume CA and the associated knowledge sharing processes. In addition, it is necessary to go beyond subjective farmer assessments of CA and to elucidate the scientific processes underpinning the CA systems, including more instances of direct comparisons. Documenting the unbiased results of valid system comparisons will hence be crucial to provide a sound basis for developing more sustainable, CA-oriented, farming systems. Field research can be supplemented and complemented by simulation modeling which has proved beneficial in commercial farming in Australia when applied within a 7 Derpsch and Friedrich, 2009. et al., 2008 8Wall Page 9 participatory action research approach. In Africa, modeling-assisted discussions with scientists have provided a useful framework for designing field research for highly variable production environments; and with farmers have provided an opportunity for learning about new technologies, practices or management options 9 , or exploring options for the intensification of production in smallholder farms10;11. The APSIM model has been extensively calibrated and validated across a number of African environments, in particular Zimbabwe, Malawi and Kenya; and will be used in this program with focus on one particular component, APSFarm. Outputs from APSFarm include, but are not limited to, production measures e.g. yields and crop areas; economic measures i.e. production costs, crop gross margins, economic risk, and farm annual profit / food production; efficiency measures i.e. crop and whole farm water use efficiency; and environmental measures i.e. deep drainage, runoff, and erosion, etc. Options that seem to improve food and income security and system sustainability will form the basis for farmer experimenting with those improved options and be used to improve model calibrations and outputs in an iterative manner. Thus the model will be an integral support tool of a focused experimental and participatory process. Non-functional input and output value chains: Scaling out technological innovations requires a functioning supply of necessary inputs (including seed, fertilizers, and pesticides), effective knowledge dissemination, and produce marketing – that is, a full input to output value chain approach. Although the business environment for small and medium size enterprises is improving in eastern and southern Africa, there are still significant constraints to effective value chain operation. These include private sector access to public technologies and know-how, including germplasm; limited availability of experienced and qualified staff; lack of awareness/demand among farmers; and lack of access to credit. Weak rural institutions for delivery of services and inadequate farmer organization contribute to poor capacity for remedying market imperfections in the supply of key inputs and marketing surplus produce. This affects seed companies, input suppliers and equipment distributors alike. Input and output markets depend on a relatively stable demand for inputs and supplies, and the reliable supply of marketable produce. Transaction costs rise sharply when demand for inputs is erratic and marketed output highly variable. Through participatory mapping and diagnoses of value chains and farm household livelihoods, this program will invest in understanding the performance of input-output markets and factors that undermine farmer participation in markets. The program will also devise solutions for feasible and risk averse value chain modifications that encourage farmers to implement improved maize-legume systems. Strategies will be designed to improve access to appropriate maize and legume seed, improved technologies and knowledge, and to determine when and how new or more legumes can be incorporated into the system, given marketing opportunities and farmer incentives. The microeconomic and risk-related parameters of more productive and sustainable management approaches will be assessed and incorporated into bioeconomic models (e.g. APSIM). The program will also address imperfections in input supply and output marketing systems. The lack of market infrastructure and weak local institutions lead to high marketing costs for smallholder farmers which reduce the profitability of new technologies and undermine incentives to invest in sustainable intensification of production. The program will hence work with agro-dealers, producer marketing groups, and farmer cooperatives to enhance economies of scale, reduce transaction costs and 9Carberry et al., 2004 et al., 2005 11Tittonell et al., 2009 10Tittonell Page 10 develop quality-based and value-adding trading systems that benefit smallholders. The program will also assess the business development service12 needs of different value chain actors (including farmers) and the private and public providers best placed to provide these services. Policy options to diversify and expand demand will be explored. Like the other research components, this research will be designed and conducted in the context of farm household livelihood systems. Close cooperation with both female and male farmers, local input suppliers and marketing agents, and business development service providers will be sought in order to produce technologies that are relevant and will be adopted. Poor availability to farmers of improved maize and legume varieties: In collaboration with national programs, CIMMYT has developed and released stresstolerant maize varieties, some with enhanced nutritional characteristics, which have the potential to increase farmers’ yields by 20% to 50% under stress conditions or in drought years. These include hybrids and open-pollinated varieties (seed of the latter may be saved by farmers from one year to the next for future crops) that are tolerant to drought and pre- and post-harvest pests. All five program countries are party to this effort and have established active maize working groups that develop, test and support the release and promotion of new stress tolerant maize varieties. As part of the current program, those varieties that meet the requirement of the agroecologies of the targeted farming systems and farmer preferences should be fast-tracked for release and scale up of seed production, and subsequently integrated and promoted as part of more productive, sustainable and risk-averting livelihood systems. Adapted tropical legume varieties which have potential for improving grain yield and maintaining soil fertility, especially with improved rhizobia, will be sourced from the Tropical Legumes II (TLII) project managed by ICRISAT and implemented jointly with IITA, CIAT and African NARS. It focuses on breeding and participatory variety development and seed delivery systems to accelerate the adoption and impact of six legume crops (chickpea, pigeonpea, groundnut, common bean, cowpea, and soybean) in nine countries of Africa and South Asia. The national research programs in all five program countries in ESA are actively involved in implementation of the program and have active working groups. Various countries have identified priority legumes and are currently evaluating them in farmer participatory and formal variety release trials. As a result, a wider range of farmer-preferred, higher yielding legumes varieties are expected to become available by Year 2 of the proposed program while released varieties found to be preferred by farmers and widely adaptable to the target farming systems are being promoted through various seed multiplication and diffusion models. The proposed program will collaborate with TLII, with a view to evaluate and promote legume technologies within the larger CA oriented maize farming systems in the region, and in combination with improved rhizobia strains sourced from Murdoch University in Australia. The proposed program will also complement the TLII project through better understanding of legume value chains and crop management practices that improve productivity and reduce the risk of crop failures. Although some emerging (private) seed companies have appeared over the past ten years which offer the potential to get seed markets established in outlying communities, the pathways for commercial provision of improved seeds need massive improvement, especially for legumes. However, AGRA and other agencies are actively supporting the development of rural businesses to 12 Miehlbradt, and McVay, 2005 Page 11 provide agricultural inputs to smallholders. The program will collaborate actively with these initiatives so as to ensure that the needed new varieties are available commercially to target smallholders, Limited agricultural research capacity: More than a decade of underinvestment in tertiary education and agricultural research has left wide-spread gaps in Africa. A significant proportion of the national researchers in the region are close to retirement and there is need for renewed investment in training, and for young scientists to be involved in interdisciplinary impact oriented research that results in productivity and sustainability increases and poverty reduction. Very few scientists in eastern and southern Africa have been exposed to crop or farm-level simulation approaches, and effective use of data sets or web based resources is limited. At all levels of extension, research, and private sector input supply, years of under-investment have left a gap in farming systems approaches that include up-to-date knowledge of new technologies and interdisciplinary and value chain based analysis approaches. The program will hence include both non-degree practical training and post-graduate degree training for national and regional partners. Practical training will include enhancing skills in technology targeting, risk analysis, value chain diagnosis, cropping systems management and conservation agriculture, integrated maize-legume modeling, and methods for participatory breeding and local quality seed production. This will be organized at national and regional levels to allow participation of as many program personnel as possible and will be supported by CIMMYT, ICRISAT and Australian partners. There is potential for collaboration with the Agricultural Research Council (ARC) of the Republic of South Africa, in particular in relation to commercialization of R&D, agricultural mechanization etc. Need for integration and participation in the innovations systems approach: Overcoming the problems of food insecurity, low productivity, climatic risks and infertile soils requires an integrated approach combining changes in multiple components of the production, livelihood and input-output market system. New technologies that increase productivity in risky environments - such as more drought tolerant and productive crop varieties and more sustainable production practices - need to be matched with reliable market opportunities to ensure improved food security, increased incomes and greater system sustainability. Although some programs have made significant progress in increasing household and national food security and incomes, such as through the distribution of seed-fertilizer mini-kits (e.g. Malawi) and fertilizer subsidies, the underlying problem of declining soil fertility often remains – rendering the long term impacts of these interventions alone as questionable. Additional approaches are needed to make smallholder farmer production improvements ecologically and financially sustainable, attractive to sensibly risk averse farmers, and then to create mechanisms for continuous innovation and experimentation by farmers in the process of widespread scaling out of the improvements. The role of resilience and vulnerability needs to be better understood in both agro-ecological and institutional senses, and solutions need to be devised for farmers who produce maize and legumes under risky drought-affected conditions with weak markets and volatile prices. In all cases, the systems need to be complemented by sustainable management approaches that conserve soil fertility and moisture - such as conservation agriculture. Another necessary aspect is to consider interactions along input chains, the farmhousehold integrated production-consumption system, and the produce market chains, Page 12 i.e., the whole “U-pathway”13. Hence research should be oriented to and evaluated in whole systems context, and needs to be undertaken in a participatory and consultative fashion, i.e., with the full collaboration and ownership of the women and men farmers and local input supply and marketing organizations. In fact, there is a strong argument for agribusiness to lead in the identification of research areas and themes subject to adequate alignment with community priorities and agroecological conditions. In this manner, technologies can be produced that are relevant to the social context of households and communities, including women farmers, and for which inputs and markets will be available for rapid scaling out. Despite the growing awareness of the need to change research approaches in order to generate substantive impacts, many national research and extension efforts in the region still support a linear model of knowledge flow where research-developed technologies are transferred to farmers through extension agents14, with limited farmer participation in technology development. Typically this approach is biased towards simple technologies that emphasize crop yield and discount important farmer variables such as risk and profitability (including consumer preferences) and the development, adoption and adaptation of more complex options, such as conservation agriculture15. Moreover, the approach fails to address the linkages between farmer resource allocation, the use of improved technologies and value chain opportunities. Given the failure of non-participatory research that does not address key constraints along the value chain to generate substantive impact, there is an increasing number of champions of multi-agent innovation systems16 (as described above) focused on developing profitable, productive and sustainable systems under the real life circumstances of farmers, rural communities and agribusiness. Knowledge flow in these innovation systems involves all stakeholders and takes advantage of the particular knowledge and comparative advantage of all the players, most importantly the farmers themselves. The proposal is unique in building explicitly on significant research progress that has been achieved through more upstream, disciplinary or commodity focused investments by other donors (in particular the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) and national governments and universities. These investments have led to the development of new maize and legume varieties that perform better under the types of stresses faced by smallholder farmers in Africa, as well as identifying research methods that are successful in adapting conservation agricultural17 technologies to smallholder systems. As a result, this program fills a critical gap between research and delivery (uptake) and will demonstrate models for the scale out of state-of-the-art technologies by prioritizing and adapting them in the context of whole farms and value chains. Need to link national and regional approaches: The current program will endeavour to catalyze functional innovations systems in representative and distinct target environments and communities of five countries in eastern and southern Africa (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Tanzania), incorporating all of the necessary players to 13 Dixon et al., 2007. 2002 15 Wall et al., 2002 16 Wall, 2007 14Ekboir, 17 In this proposal, conservation agriculture technologies includes a broad range of potential cereal/legume rotations and crop combinations that provide steps oriented towards the conservation agriculture ideal of minimal soil movement, year-round coverage of the soil surface with residues and crop and sustainable rotations – with the outcomes of soil and moisture conservation, economic returns and provision of ecosystem services. Page 13 facilitate the development of more productive, sustainable maize-legume systems and thereby increase food and income security among a significant sized population group. Essential program components will build up on and include new stress tolerant, more productive varieties, the adaptation of improved and more sustainable management practices and input-output market linkages, and tested advice to optimizing farmer resource allocations, enhanced technology delivery systems and supporting policies. These will be applied and examined within the same environments and the same communities. Accelerated and targeted dissemination of germplasm, technologies and knowledge will be then achieved by scaling out insights across similar agroecologies and farming systems of partner countries and the sub-region. During the program formulation workshop, senior scientists from the National Agricultural Research System summed up the need as follows: to increase farm level productivity in full consideration of climate risk and change, make farm level production profitable and sustainable, and take significant numbers of farm families out of poverty. 2.1 Partner country and Australian research and development issues and priorities Regional priorities within agriculture. The majority of the poor in sub-Saharan Africa and in the east and southern Africa region are small holders and, notwithstanding a significant off-farm employment, agriculture underpins their food security and livelihood strategies. Agricultural development is identified by all the target countries as the key investment priority for poverty reduction and food security. Region-wide priorities have been formulated through the NEPAD Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program (CAADP) strategy. Four pillars have been identified to achieve higher economic growth in African countries through agriculture-led development: 1. Extending the area under sustainable land management; 2. Improving rural infrastructure and trade-related capacities for market access; 3. Increasing food supply and reducing hunger; 4. Agricultural research, technology dissemination and adoption. The present proposal aligns with the four CAADP pillars and the objectives in each pillar: CAADP Pillar 1 highlights the need to engage in conservation agriculture as an important component to achieving sustainable land management, Pillar 2 highlights the need to strengthen capacities among the agribusiness community, Pillar 3 highlights the need to improve domestic production and marketing and build household productivity and assets, Pillar 4 highlights the need to improve agricultural research and research systems. Further to the priorities set by CAADP, the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA) plays a key role in prioritizing agricultural research in eastern and central Africa. ASARECA places a high priority on food crops in general and maize-related and legume-related R&D interventions in particular due to their high pay-off and potential widespread impact on poverty reduction. ASARECA spearheaded an independent analysis by IFPRI18 which identified staple crop research and development-related investments as high-payoff agricultural research investments. Contributions to Millennium Development Goals. Improved maize-legume system productivity will contribute to several of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in the target countries. Improvement and diversification of income sources for the poor will 18IFPRI, 2008 Page 14 reduce poverty and hunger and therefore directly contribute to MDG1. The program will contribute to MDG 7 and 8 through improvements in soil fertility hence sustainable agriculture and development of regional and global partnerships for promoting sustainable development, respectively. In addition, the program will indirectly contribute to MDGs 2 to 5 as increased income often allows the poor to spend on education and health care with indirect impacts on reducing child and maternal mortality. Decreased labor requirements through the implementation of conservation agriculture practices will provide benefits to labor-challenged households, including those affected by HIV/AIDS and grandparent and child-headed households. Because maize and legumes are mostly grown by poor rural women, increased incomes and betterment of living conditions for women will contribute to reduction of gender inequality (MDG3). National priorities in east and southern Africa. In relation to individual countries, Ethiopia is proposed because of its large population (85 million) and extensive poverty and recurrent famines aggravated by small farm sizes, frequent droughts and extensive land degradation. The potential for improving productivity and incomes for farmers who depend on maize and legume systems, however, remains high. It has 1.7 million hectares of maize yielding approximately 2.0 t/ha19, but with very high variability which increases the risk of seasonal food insecurity. The legume area is expanding in response to growing export demand for legumes, e.g., haricot beans to East Africa and Sudan. Less than 25% of maize or legume area is under improved varieties and underdeveloped seed systems are a major constraint. Other major constraints limiting agricultural production and productivity in Ethiopia, include low level of technology adoption, poor market access for small-scale farmers, and limited technological options for the very diverse agro-ecologies and farmers’ circumstance. Resource constraints including scarcity of land in the high potential areas, seasonal labor shortage, inadequate draught power, insufficient supply of input and credit are identified as major problems. Population pressure is also another constraint contributing to land fragmentation and declining land holding per household. Farmers in drought-affected areas have an average farm size of 5 ha and average family size of eight people per household. On the other hand, average farm size in sub-humid maize-legume based farming system is 2.5 ha with average family size of seven per household. In the sub-humid high potential maize and legume growing farming systems, low soil fertility, especially low nitrogen, is the most important production constraint. The fertility of the soils has also been reduced over the years because of the continuous cropping without sufficient nutrient replenishment and by soil erosion. Use of traditional soil fertility management practices such as the use of crop residues, manure, fallow, cereals/legume intercropping, crop rotation etc. has declined with declining farm size, coupled with alternative uses for manure as fuel and crop residues as feed, fuel and construction materials. Fallowing and crop rotation practices appear to be practiced by few farmers because of scarcity of land. Low genetic potential of local farmers’ cultivars has also been found to contribute to low productivity of the systems. Even though Ethiopia is known as a centre of diversity for some of the widely grown crops, the potential yield of the landraces is low. In addition, some crops have a narrow genetic base for economically important traits. 19 FAOSTAT, 2007 Page 15 In Kenya, it is estimated that 46% of the Kenyan population live below the poverty line and there are regional disparities. About 59% of the population in the western highlands falls below the poverty line as compared to 31% in the central highlands. Kenya has 1.6 million hectares of maize with an average yield of 1.8 t/ha (2007 figures), and a great need for recently developed stress tolerant varieties because of the heterogeneity of maize and legume production environments, including large areas of low rainfall semiarid crop land. Soil degradation and erosion are also widespread. Agricultural research in Kenya started during the early years of the last century. The first hybrid maize variety was released in Kenya in 1964. Since then, several maize and legume varieties and their accompanying agronomic practices have been generated by the agricultural research system in the country. In the western Kenya highlands, a large proportion of the land (66%) is allocated to food crops. Maize is the main food crop and beans are the most important legume crop grown by most farmers. Approximately 50% of the households own cattle, although most of the cattle are the local breeds. Use of fertilizers is not widespread in the region and even where fertilizer is used, amounts applied are below recommendations. In the central Kenya highlands, farmers have multiple crops, with maize and beans being the most important food crops. In the lower areas of the region, drought tolerant legumes, mainly pigeonpeas are grown. Most households own some cattle, generally 1-2 head of improved dairy cows. As compared to western Kenya, more farmers in the central highlands apply fertilizers/manures and at slightly higher rates. The main constraint to agricultural productivity in the two areas is the low adoption of improved agricultural technologies as demonstrated by the wide yield gap of both maize and legumes between farm yields and those obtained on research stations. Farmer access to markets for key inputs (seed and fertilizer) and high transaction costs in marketing surplus produce also undermine incentives for technology adoption and sustainable intensification. Adoption studies conducted through the Kenya maize database project20 showed that the adoption of hybrid maize varieties ranged from 16% in the lowland tropics to 86% in the highland tropics, with an average adoption rate of 68% however often including varieties released a relatively long time ago. The adoption rates in the mid-altitude zones (dry mid altitude-moist mid altitude) where this program will be implemented ranged from 38-41%. There is therefore a great opportunity of improving the productivity of maize and beans in the two regions, and hence food security and incomes through better market linkages and adoption of available agricultural knowledge, information and technologies, while generating better ones. Tanzania has the largest area (3.0 million hectares) of maize in the sub-region. Maize is an important food and cash crop in the country. Over 80% of the population depends on maize with per capita consumption of around 100 kg per year. The crop occupies more than 40% of the total cultivated area and accounts for up to 61% of the total calories in the diets as well as 50% of utilizable protein for the majority of the Tanzanian rural population. The national average yield is about 1.2 tons/ha compared to an average potential yield of 4.5 tons/ha. Research capacity and seed systems in Tanzania are weaker than in Ethiopia and Kenya. The potential for spill-over of program results to neighboring countries from maize, legume or crop management results is relatively high. The main constraint of the Tanzanian maize sub-sector are low productivity caused by diseases, insects, low soil fertility, moisture stress and weeds especially Striga. 20Hassan, 1998 Page 16 Socioeconomic constraints including unreliable input and output markets, lack of credit facilities and poor infrastructure. Maize cropping systems in Tanzania are characterized by maize mono-cropping (about 30%) and intercropping of maize and legumes (about 70%). The maize/pigeon pea system is common in the Northern and Eastern zones while maize/cowpea/bean system is dominant in Lake and Western zones. Maize/mucuna cover crop system is also practiced in the Northern zone. During the past 20 years, several maize varieties (both OPV and hybrids) have been released and recommended to be grown by farmers country-wide. These varieties are characterized by higher yields compared to local landraces, early to late maturing depending on the agro-ecology. The gaps in maize-legume cropping system include lack of agronomic package available to improve systems productivity; underdeveloped seed supply systems for improved seeds; high marketing costs; inadequate knowledge on legume processing; and the fact that the national seed system has been unable to produce hybrid seeds. Inadequate trained manpower is also another critical problem. Maize yields in these areas are very low - 1.2 and 0.5 t/ha - mainly because many farmers do not use improved technologies (inputs such as improved maize and legume varieties, fertilizers etc.) and have poor access (high transport costs) to output markets. Other challenges include management of field and storage pests and post-harvest processing and utilization. In some of the production areas there is no organized market for buyers and often processors do not get enough volumes of the crops they require. Communication between buyers, transporters and farmers is poor especially in the new areas of production. Malawi is heavily dependent on some 1.2 m ha of maize with average yields (2.6 t/ha) that have been boosted recently by strong Government-led support programs. Seasonal variability is high depending on rainfall and fertilizer availability. Maize is the main staple food in Malawi. Over 90% of the total cultivated area is planted to maize, mostly by resource poor smallholder farmers. Malawi consumes about 170 kg maize per capita/year which constitutes more than two thirds of the caloric consumption, the highest proportion in the world. The continuous cropping of maize has led to mining of soil nutrients and declining soil fertility. Together with small farm size, soil degradation and erosion continue to be important threats to future productivity. The Government of Malawi has been adopting a series of policy instruments to support smallholder agricultural development. Recently, the country has had a maize surplus, some of which has been exported. Malawi is the only sub-Saharan African country providing direct support to farmers to access seed and fertilizers at low cost, and this has started showing significant impacts in production and productivity. The first initiative of Starter Packs in late 1990s was followed by the Targeted Input Program. It is reported that the recent fertilizer and seed subsidy programs have had impressive effects on national yields. In the 2005/06 season, the national average maize yield jumped to 1.6 t/ha and in the 2006/07 season to over 2.5 t/ha21. Although statistics are not available for the most recent seasons, productivity has been high and the program financed by the government has contributed to Malawi’s increased production, making it self-sufficient in maize22. Capitalizing on the strong policy support, the integrated technology and value chain interventions of the program are expected to enhance productivity and food 21 Denning et al., 2009 22 And the long term budgetary implications compromise the sustainability of this initiative unless significant improvements in fertiliser use efficiency can be achieved Page 17 security which may also provide useful lessons for other countries in the region. However, being landlocked with high population density and facing intense depletion of soil nutrients, the cost of fertilizer inputs are particularly high and therefore the role of legumes in maintaining soil fertility and increasing maize and legume yields is important. Also, fertilizer alone will not overcome the widespread problems of soil erosion and degradation which demand more integrated soil fertility management practices. Earlier, ACIAR supported research developed and successfully tested soil management technologies that reduce production risk in some districts, however, these technologies need wider testing and adaptation to CA systems. CIMMYT currently manages several foci of CA research and extension in the country. Grain legumes form an important component of Malawi's maize-based farming systems. Beans and pigeonpea, for example, are mostly intercropped with maize and other cereal crops. Maize and pigeon pea intercropping is a common practice especially in southern Malawi where average land-holdings are small. Both maize and pigeon pea are grown on ridges which are generally spaced 90 cm apart, with 75-90 cm between plants on the ridge. However, the current recommendation of planting maize and pigeon pea in association is for long duration pigeon pea types which flower and produce pods after maize harvest providing little competition to the companion maize crop. New shorter season pigeon pea varieties may need different planting patters. A pure stand is currently recommended for groundnut production in a maize-groundnut rotation. However, alternatives for groundnut-maize systems need to be identified because of increasing population pressure and reductions in farm size. The same applies to soybeans which are currently produced in maize-soybean rotations. Mozambique also has a substantial area of maize (1.4 million hectares), producing only 1.2 million tons because of low average yields (0.85 t/ha in 2007) with high variability. Despite ample land, soil fertility is low, research and extension capacity and infrastructure are weak, and household food security and poverty are rampant. Mozambique is one of the world’s poorest countries despite its great potential. Agriculture is characterized by low soil fertility, frequent droughts and floods, use of unimproved varieties, poor access to inputs (including quality seed of improved varieties and fertilizers), dysfunctional agricultural markets and weak research and extension services. The southern part of the country has extremely poor sandy soils and severely moisture limited conditions away from the coastal belt. Most maize production and maize-legume systems occur in the central and northern provinces of Manica, Sofala, Tete, Zambezia and Nampula. To a far greater degree than the other four countries, capacity building will be of crucial importance. Training of breeders; technicians, extension and focal farms; seed companies for hybrids seed production; agronomist (soil, water conservation, soil management) and economists to undertake maize- legume value chain analysis and higher level training at M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels are urgently needed in Mozambique. Why Australia? ACIAR support for this innovative program will provide significant opportunities to test and identify options and mechanisms for improving market linkages and scaling-up and scaling-out innovations and technology delivery systems that significantly contribute to national, regional and global priorities for poverty reduction and rural development. The initiative is designed to create synergies with other on-going programs in the region and between Africa and Australia. Given the emerging problem of climate change (for example, an IIED model suggests that Tanzania GDP will decline by 1% annually by 2030), existing capacity in Australia Page 18 will be invaluable to helping this region with the needed adaptations. The Queensland Government and the Grains R&D Corporation in Australia have launched a major program ( to increase the production of maize in southern Queensland for use in livestock feed. In doing so, Australian agricultural researchers are seeking to develop maize lines that are also drought and disease resistant, as well as farming systems that reduce the risk of maize production under dry conditions and in dry years. Australia could benefit from the drought tolerant and disease resistant maize germplasm developed by CIMMYT for Africa. Africa could, in turn, benefit from advanced GxE analysis techniques applied by Australian breeders and which could also show the way to more systematic germplasm exchange between CIMMYT and Australia. Further benefits could come from the exchange of legumes and Rhizobium strains. Queensland researchers from the Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit (APSRU) and APSIM UJV between DEEDI, CSIRO and UQ, are the world leaders in “agricultural systems modeling” and have extensive experience in applying these technologies in both commercial Australian farms and smallholder African situations. In the capacity-building part of the program, leading Australian researchers will offer training and act as co-supervisors for promising African agriculturalists who will undertake postgraduate programs in the core areas of the program. The strategic niche of the program. The strength of the current proposal is that it applies agricultural research (CAADP Pillar 4) in actual farming systems in a multidisciplinary manner, while tackling issues within the CAADP Pillars 1-3. The proposal actively supports the development of effective innovation systems at the national and regional level focused on the major staple food - maize - which is highly critical for food security. The improvement in productivity of smallholder maize-based systems is not only a priority for agricultural development in most eastern and southern African countries but is also one where high return to investments has been documented. The integration of legumes is central to the proposal and the data show this element will not only increase maize productivity, but also enhance farm-level cash income, increase the diversity and resilience of farm systems, and add to better household nutrition amongst the poor. It provides a real world example of implementation of the bold intentions of the four CAADP Pillars. This program will serve as an actual example linked to necessary capacity building opportunities for future scaleout investments at the country level. Although individual countries and programs invest in scaling up new technologies and strengthening research-extension linkages (e.g. in Ethiopia as part of the multi-donor funded Agricultural Growth Program (AGP); and practical new agricultural options promoted through FARA-led programs under the CAADP strategy), there are few to no research programs that prioritize state-of-the-art interventions based on farm- and value chain-based opportunities while keeping food security concerns of farmers in mind. Typical deployment projects (such as those spearheaded by extension or NGOs) often no longer include adaptive research and where research-extension projects have focused on improving income opportunities for farmers in distinct farming systems, they often have disregarded food security incentives and vulnerability of farmers. The present program addresses location/farming system specific challenges to test diversified smallholder cropping systems integrated with input/produce value chains to suit particular farming and rural economy conditions. The outputs and capacity building efforts of this program are hence highly relevant as National Roundtables identify long-term commitments that finance agricultural investment programs aligned with CAADP principles and targets. The key interventions Page 19 and research needs for this program are hence defined around the priorities of the region, and are consistent with the countries’ poverty reduction goals, the priorities of sub-regional organizations and the four pillars identified in NEPAD’s Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program. Furthermore, the program’s overall orientation represents a unique approach: use of state-of-the-art disciplinary research outputs and approaches; prioritization of outputs and approaches in the context of farm-level livelihood approaches and value chains within representative and distinct maize-based farming systems; adaptive research and implementation on actual farms with a commitment to increase their food security and income, sustainability and resilience; and adaptive research and implementation in collaboration with actual market participants with a commitment to increased productivity and value, lower transaction costs, and opportunities that benefit smallholder farmers and women in the selected farming communities. 2.2 Research and/or development strategy and relationship to other ACIAR investments and other donor activities Overall strategy. The strategy for the research-for-development process will emphasize leveraging science and technology using evidence from existing state-of-the-art projects. This is intended to enhance the process of evaluation, adaptation and delivery of valueadding profitable production options to smallholders that are linked to market opportunities. This will provide reliable solutions to problems of food security, rural development, system sustainability and resilience in the five partner countries and beyond through partnerships that involve Australian institutions, IARCs, NARS, ASARECA, farmer organizations, and the private sector. The primary focus of the program will be on developing technological and institutional innovations that make measurable differences in the lives of smallholder farmers, by improving food security, making farm level production profitable and sustainable, and take significant numbers of farm families out of poverty. The program will utilize farmer participatory technology evaluation (FPTEs) as a key strategy for identifying suitable options (maize and legume varieties, management practices, farmer resource allocation) that match improved value chain approaches. The program will capitalize on existing institutional and organizational structures to strengthen the regional and national research systems in Africa, in particular existing in-country inter-institutional workgroups for maize and legumes, and monitoring and evaluation approaches implemented by ASARECA. By working with similar germplasm, technologies and approaches applied to different farming systems in different partner countries, the program will facilitate sharing of knowledge and technologies across countries to ensure wider utilization of promising options for maizelegume systems. Collaboration with other programs. The program will build on existing linkages and experience from ASARECA, SADC, individual partner countries, NGOs, the CGIAR and other collaborating organizations. In particular the program will collaborate with: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation supported initiatives on Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa (led by CIMMYT), tropical legumes breeding and seed systems development (led by ICRISAT) and on legume systems improvement, in particular enhanced rhizobia production and distribution (CIAT and Murdoch University); CIMMYT’s IFAD-supported CA project in southern Africa and the Sub-Saharan Africa Challenge Program project on CA in the Zimbabwe-Malawi-Mozambique Pilot Learning Site. Both the Drought Tolerant Page 20 Maize for Africa and the Tropical Legumes II project are long-term commodity-specific initiatives aiming to develop suitable maize and legume germplasm respectively, but this program will create opportunities for testing, integration and wider diffusion in combination with improved production technologies, farmer resource allocation and value chains. At the regional level, the proposed program will also link COMESA/ATNESA activities in relation to harmonizing seed trade, the Participatory Research and Gender Analysis in relation to gender mainstreaming in ASARECA; and various initiatives of the Alliance for the Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), namely Program for Africa’s Seed Systems (PASS), and emerging efforts under the Program for improving market access, agrodealer development and policies to improve soil health. This will include exchange of knowledge and information, available technologies, exploiting established partnerships and networks and joint capacity building. At the national level, collaborators will aim to harness complementarities and synergies with other government, NGO and private sector-led programs to maximize efficiency and effectiveness of disseminating program outputs. The Ministry of Agriculture is the most important focus for programs that scaleup new technologies and insights, and linkages to those programs is a main task of the existing in-country workgroups for maize and legumes. Projects may include those of SG2000, Plan International, CARE, World Vision, and Oxfam. Even though regionally operating, these programs typically implement nationally focused agendas which may vary substantially between countries. Strategies for the program countries. The rationale for the selection of the five primary partner countries includes: the countries either have seasonal food insecurity or have the potential to contribute to regional food security more substantially; maize is a major staple food crop in these countries; use of recent improved maize and legume varieties is below 25% of potential; there is lack of farmer-tested maize-legume systems cropping practices that provide reliable (low risk) positive economic returns and household food security; low public and private sector investment in input and output value chains, including seed systems; low purchasing power of farmers; marked soil degradation, poor soil fertility, low efficiency of water use for food production and uneconomic returns to fertilizer application. The proposed partner countries each have more than 75% of population dependent on agriculture, with extensive poverty and food insecurity, and GNI per capita in agriculture of US $ 65-144. Maize is the main staple in the five proposed primary partner countries, with per capita consumption of 42-130 kg per year. The eastern and southern African sub-regions have a stronger dependence on rainfed maize as a staple crop and there is greater variability in yield than in other parts of Africa. Maize yields of 1-2 t/ha are less than half of small farm yield potential of 3-4 t/ha. The current level of use of recently developed improved (e.g. drought-resistant or otherwise higher yielding) varieties is low. A variety of legumes are already grown in some of these maize-based farming systems, including groundnut, pigeon pea and various beans, but they are by no means optimally used by farmers nor do they fully alleviate protein deficiency in the region. In all countries, farmers’ legume yields are less than half of yield potential, yet they offer an important avenue for improved soil fertility and human nutrition for poor farmers. All countries are below (Tanzania, Mozambique; less than 50 g per capita per day) or at the brink (Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi; 50-60 g per capita per day) of adequate protein intake which implies that significant disadvantaged population groups, including weaning and Page 21 young children, women and HIV-affected people, are weakened by protein malnutrition23. Maize and grain legumes co-exist in all maize agro-ecologies of Ethiopia. Most maizegrowing areas in the country can be regarded as maize-legume based farming systems; the difference lies in the maize varieties and legume-species grown. Grain legumes are planted in intercrops, alleys and rotations with maize in mid-altitude sub-humid (common beans and soybean), highlands (faba bean and chickpea), dry land (common bean, pigeonpea, cowpea and groundnut) and low-altitude sub-humid (cowpea) ecologies. The program activities will be undertaken in two maize-legume based farming systems classified as mid-altitude dryland zone in the Rift Valley and the mid-attitude sub-humid zone in western Ethiopia. In the dryland zone, moisture stress (drought) is the main limiting factor for crops and livestock production because rainfall is erratic and insufficient, a situation aggravated by high evapotranspiration rates. Irrigation and water harvesting techniques and technologies for the efficient use of the limited rainfall are poorly developed. A large proportion of the activities (about 80%) will be conducted in the drought affected areas of the Rift Valley region of Ethiopia by scientists from Melkassa and Awassa Agricultural Research Centers while the remaining share of activities will be conducted in the sub-humid, high potential maize growing areas of the country by staff from the Bako Agricultural Research Centre. In the drought stressed maize-legume areas, seven administrative zones (provinces) (East Shewa, Arsi, West Arsi, Guraghe, Silte, Hadya and Sidama) are targeted, whilst only two administrative zones (West Shewa and East Wellega) will be targeted in the sub-humid maize-legume based farming system. The farming systems in both target areas consist of mixed crop-livestock systems where the major crops are maize, tef, wheat, sorghum, haricot bean, barley, oil crops, other pulses, fruit and vegetables. A total of ten communities within the two zones will be targeted in the program. In Kenya, the program will target four communities in each of two major farming systems: the western Kenya highlands, which will be coordinated from KARI-Kakamega, and the central Kenya highlands, which will be coordinated from KARI-Embu. The target sites are considered to have good potential for agriculture, with elevation of 1,100-1,600 m above sea level, deep, well-drained soils and relatively high rainfall (1,200-1,800 mm per year). Both areas have a bimodal rainfall pattern and two crop seasons. Both sites have high population densities (approximately 886 persons km-2). The mean family size is about seven persons per household. The majority of farmers in these areas are smallholders with mean farm sizes of approximately 1 ha, although this is declining in the densely populated areas of Western Kenya. The land holdings are fully registered. Tanzania has been classified into three major agro-ecological zones: the Highland zone (over 1500 m with a growing period of 6-8 months), Intermediate zone (900- 1500m with growing period of 3-5 months) and lowland zone (0-900m with 3-4 months) growing period. Maize is grown in seven agro-ecological zones. The program will target two maize-legume based farming systems in the eastern and northern zones of the country. In both zones the program will deal with maize-pigeon pea intercropping systems. In the eastern zone it will target two communities in each of two districts, namely Kilosa and Mvomero. While in the northern zone the program will initially focus in Mbulu and 23 FAOSTAT, 2010 Page 22 Hanang districts, and two communities will be targeted in each of these districts. All four districts represent the major potential maize-legume farming system in Tanzania. In Malawi, the program will focus on two systems – the lowland and lakeshore regions including the Ntcheu, Balaka and Salima Districts, and the “highland” systems from Dedza to Kasungu. Three communities will be targeted in each of these two agroecological zones. In Mozambique, as in the other countries, legumes play important roles. Cowpea is an important source of protein for those living in the southern part of Mozambique. Soybean is emerging as an important food as well as raw material for producing high-quality protein products. There is a growing demand for feed particularly for the poultry industry; Pigeon pea is mainly grown in the central provinces of Manica, Tete and Zambézia. The priority maize-legume system zone for the proposed program would be Central Mozambique (Manica, Tete, Zambézia and Sofala) and a total of six communities will be targeted in this region. On-farm research has demonstrated the potential for improved maize, legumes and conservation agriculture in selected parts which needs to be adapted to fit into farmers’ systems and also adapted for expansion to other zones. Spillovers between countries. The potential for spillover to non-program countries in the region, e.g., Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Rwanda, Sudan, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe from the five program countries is substantial as they share some of the same agro-ecosystems and encounter similar agroecological and institutional constraints. Through spillovers to other countries in the region, the ultimate impact of the program will be greater and more widely spread in the region. ACIAR facilitated a number of earlier (1995-2005) partnerships on which the program will build –with both International Agricultural Research Centers and individual countries in eastern and southern African, e.g., ‘Risk management in southern African maize systems’ project (LWR2/1997/038), and an associated project in Malawi on maize legume systems (SMCN/2001/028). The focus of these projects related to balancing risk reduction in maize/legume systems and better soil/water management practices for dry areas. The projects used practical simulation modeling to examine where new rotations and systems would be sufficiently low risk to recommend them to farmers. The Risk Management project also undertook work in Zimbabwe and addressed the need for flexibility in the choice of legumes. A second cluster of ACIAR projects (LWR2/1996/049) focused more directly on soil constraints and modeling of soil fertility effects on risk management in maize systems. This was augmented by a project on integrated nutrient management (SMCN/1999/003) which examined the use of green manures and fertilizers in maize-based systems. The African partnership was with Kenya, Zimbabwe and Niger, and included training in crop modeling techniques. One of the main scientific achievements of these projects was the adaptation of the APSIM crop/soil simulation model to local systems and rotations, and the proposed project can build on this work in a wider range of countries and at a more specific level to resolve where different legumes can best be utilized and under what seasonal conditions. Other donor activities will also provide useful inputs to the program. The BMGFsupported Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa (DTMA) managed by CIMMYT developed and released stress-tolerant maize varieties, some with enhanced nutritional characteristics, which have the potential to increase farmers’ yields by 20% to 50% under stress conditions or in drought years. This program will have access to these new materials, which include hybrids and open-pollinated varieties that are tolerant to drought and pre- and post-harvest pests. All five program countries are party to this effort and Page 23 have established active research groups that develop, test and support the release and promotion of new stress tolerant maize varieties. As part of the current program, those varieties that meet the requirement of the agroecologies of the targeted farming systems and farmer preferences should be fast-tracked for release and scale up of seed production, and subsequently integrated as part of more productive, sustainable and risk-averting livelihood systems. The Tropical Legumes II (TLII) project, managed by ICRISAT and implemented jointly with IITA, CIAT and African NARS, focuses on breeding and participatory variety development and seed delivery systems to accelerate the adoption and impact of six legume crops (chickpea, pigeon pea, groundnut, common bean, cowpea, and soybean) in nine countries of Africa and South Asia. The proposed program will collaborate with TLII, with a view to evaluate and promote legume technologies within the larger CA oriented maize farming systems in the region, and in combination with improved rhizobia strains sourced from Murdoch University in Australia. The proposed program will also complement the TLII project through better understanding of legume value chains and crop management practices that improve productivity and reduce the risk of crop failures. Although some emerging (private) seed companies have appeared over the past ten years which offer the potential to get seed markets established in outlying communities, the pathways for commercial provision of improved seeds need massive improvement, especially for legumes. Working links are planned with the BMGF-supported N2Africa program, led by Wageningen University with the engagement of CIAT and other Centers, which has just been approved to supports legume development and integration in selected countries in Africa. The Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) and other agencies are actively supporting the development of rural businesses to provide agricultural inputs to smallholders. The program will collaborate actively with these initiatives so as to ensure that the needed new varieties are available commercially to target smallholders, Page 24 3 Objectives Aim Increase food security and incomes at household and regional levels and economic development in eastern and southern Africa through improved productivity from more resilient and sustainable maize-based farming systems. Overall objective Sustainably increase the productivity of selected maize-legume systems in eastern and southern Africa by 30% from the 2009 average for each target country by the year 2020.and at the same time reduce seasonal down-side risks by 30%. Specific objectives and outputs As outlined before, achieving the overall objective will require a coordinated and integrated interdisciplinary approach. In the following sections, specific objectives and activities to help achieve the overall objective have been divided largely along disciplinary and organizational lines. Details are provided in Section 5. In all cases, a comprehensive analysis of existing data sets and past research will be undertaken, and collaboration with ongoing relevant programs will be established so as to lay the basis for broad-based and comprehensive innovation systems at farming systems and region levels. Objective 1: To characterize maize-legume production and input and output value chain systems and impact pathways, and identify broad systemic constraints and options for field testing. There is little reliable information as to the reasons for the poor maize-legume integration, the decline of legumes as an integral component of smallholder farming systems, or on which legumes are best suited to particular maize-legume farming systems. Infertile soils, moisture stress, poor crop management, lack of improved varieties, poor market access and weak value chains in input and output markets have all been identified as contributing to limiting the productivity of current cropping systems. In order to guide efficient interventions to improve the productivity and reduce the risk of smallholder maize-legume systems, a systematic evaluation of the major constraints to adoption and system improvement will be undertaken and production and marketing options identified for field testing in 38 target communities in 10 target agro-ecologies in the maize-legume farming systems in 5 participating countries. Page 25 Outputs Initial characterization of ten maize-legume farming systems and selection of thirty research sites/communities. The first approximation of the socioeconomic and agro-ecological profile of the farming system (two per country, and including consideration of livestock and off-farm activities in order to focus the maize-legume cropping systems research) will be developed through secondary data and participatory methods. Rapid appraisals and consultations with private enterprises and public sector agencies will be undertaken to identify market areas, potential agribusiness opportunities for maize and legumes, and research sites/communities. GIS maps and socioeconomic and biophysical area profiles will be developed for selected farming systems and agroecological analogues between Australia and ESA will be identified. Farm budget data from various sources will be reviewed and collated to utilize existing information for refining the impact target areas and diagnosis of the system. Broad program sites will be selected for execution of program activities of all objectives in conjunction with biophysical scientists. The characterization will be undertaken jointly and shared with other program scientists and local partners to inform activities under all other objectives, especially Objectives 2 and 3. Understanding farmers’ maize and legume production constraints and opportunities, crop and livestock interactions, resource use, technology preferences and market access in the ten farming systems. Survey data will be collected using innovative counterfactuals within the larger target areas of the program focusing on specific questions related to the maize-legume interfaces and technology and institutional issues that limit farmer incentives for adoption and increasing the productivity, profitability and sustainability of the farming systems. Instruments, tools and protocols for survey data collection will be standardized for all participating countries. Villages and household types identified through household surveys and participating farmers and collaborators will be engaged. Research reports for five countries will be prepared, completed and shared with partners and scientists involved in Objectives 2 to 5. These reports will document constraints and opportunities, and provide reference material on existing farmers’ resource use patterns, production practices, technology choices and preferences, constraints to market participation and maize-legume systems improvements, socioeconomic profiles, input output levels, access to services and markets for maize and legumes in the target farming systems of each of the selected countries. Understanding maize and legume input and output markets and value chains including chain constraints and opportunities, costs and pricing patterns associated with the ten farming systems. Standardized seed and fertilizer market survey tools will be developed, and input market chain data and maps for seeds, fertilizer and information will be gathered for selected markets/countries. Standardized output market survey tools will be developed, and output market chain data and maps (maize, legumes, crop residues - including market shares, costs, price variability, and role of grain quality) will be developed for selected markets/countries. The results, notably the constraints and underutilized market opportunities, will be identified and shared with the research team and partners to inform targeted interventions. Page 26 Major farm-household typologies and system options that reduce risks and enhance profitability identified for each of the ten farming systems for testing in the research sites/communities. Farm household typologies will be developed and case studies identified based on the above household survey data and available data from other research sources. Existing farmer resource allocation decisions and their consequences on risk-productivity-environment will be quantified. Opportunities for improvement will be identified and discussed with program scientists (especially Objectives 2 and 3), collaborating farmers, stakeholders (including other national and regional development teams – researchers, extensionists, NGOs, and others), and partners to facilitate program focus on key research questions, best-bet practices and innovations. Effective adoption and impact pathways assessed for ten maize-legume systems. Evaluation criteria, indicators and monitoring processes with particular reference to productivity and stability will be selected by the program team including the M&E group. The evaluation criteria and feedback processes on changes in productivity, risk, income, at multiple scales (field, household, community/district, zone, and country) will be implemented. Adoption and impact assessments will be conducted through farm household surveys in selected farming systems to identify impact pathways and facilitate learning, change and priority setting processes. New opportunities will be identified from linkages with other programs and local, regional activities (e.g. new products, new systems, generation of inter- regional and intercountry spillovers). Objective 2: To test and develop productive, resilient and sustainable smallholder maize-legume cropping systems and innovation systems for local scaling out Alternative maize-legume cropping systems that can improve system profitability, productivity and resilience will be explored and evaluated with particular reference both to input and marketing opportunities, and to farmer incentives and preferences. Farmer, business and research experience need to be combined, using an innovation system framework to test production technologies and market interventions. The innovation system will initially focus discussions around 190 or more single replication exploratory trials in the initial 38 communities, supported in succeeding years by other OFR and demonstration activities: by year 4 there will be approximately 550 OFR/component technologies trials, 740 monitored farmer trials/demonstrations of CA-oriented technologies and approximately 2550 monitored plots with farmer experimentation/adaptation of the test technologies. In addition, approximately 30 value chain interventions in at least 10 chains will have been tested by the end of the program. The production and value chain research will be associated with farmer learning groups which are an integral part of the innovation systems. Innovation system processes will be evaluated in ten innovation systems (one per target agroecology) engaging a total of 50,000 farmers in the 5 countries, with a view to effective scaling out of technologies and varieties, and to initiate substantial adoption and impact on more than 16,000 farmers at the end of the program. Page 27 Outputs Identified options for systems intensification and diversification that reduce risk in the ten farming systems using systems modeling. Potential technologies for the target farming systems/agroecologies, as well as potential systems, practices and risk management strategies to increase maize productivity, legume options for system diversification and sustainability will be identified in each of the program countries, including their opportunities for balanced gender impact. This ex-ante analysis will include both conventional and CA systems, and a restricted range of potential legume species, both in common system arrangements in the area (e.g. intercropped, relay cropped, rotated) and in alternate arrangements. Legume green manure cover crops may be considered where farmers are not land-constrained. Functioning local innovation systems which engage 5,000 farmers each in at least ten maize-legume systems for local scaling out. The on-farm research and demonstration plots provide the basic skeleton for intensive farmer-agribusinessextension-scientist interaction focused on the effective incorporation of new technologies and practices in the local maize-legume cropping systems. Organized discussions between local stakeholders and experimenting farmers promote wider informal community discussions and feedback, which together provide the foundation for effective technology adaptation and local adoption. Therefore, from year 1 key local groups and stakeholders will be encouraged to participate in innovation system field days, discussion groups and farmer visits. After observing technologies in the on-farm trials, demonstrations and field days, farmers will be systematically encouraged to adopt, experiment with, and adapt the CA-oriented technologies, varieties and ways to improve market access. The effectiveness of local processes for adapting and spreading the program technologies will be systematically assessed using participatory and M&E systems; naturally there will be a gradient of adoption, adaptation and learning as one moves away from the original locus of exploratory trials/OFR of year 1. The most effective processes will be replicated in order to foster growth of the local innovation system from approximately 500 farmers per innovation system in year 1 to a target of 5,000 participating farmers per system in at least ten active local innovation systems by year 4 – these will expand in line with the growth in numbers of trials and demonstrations. The local innovation system provides a focus for the practical integration of the crop management system tests and the value chain intervention tests corresponding to two other Outputs under Objective2. Gender mainstreaming (Output 4.2) also supports the local innovation systems, as does Output 4.3 Functioning M&E. Page 28 Evaluated exploratory trials of current best options for maize/legume smallholder systems for different farm types in with 5-6 cooperating farmers in each of thirty research sites/communities. Conservation agriculture-oriented management systems and other production technologies will be adapted to the biophysical and socio-economic conditions of innovative farmers in each of the targeted communities. The first step in this adaptation will be the establishment of a series of exploratory trials, one in each target community. “Best bet” CA related options based on local and regional past results will be tested on 5-6 farms in each community and compared with the farmers current management practices, but with the same variety and fertilizer level as the CA option(s) to reduce the confounding effects of using different varieties and crop nutrient levels. Trials may include more than one option of both CA and conventional systems based on the results of the ex-ante analysis. On each farm, one replication of the trial will be installed with plots large enough for effective farmer evaluation. These trials will be combined, as needed, with other outreach and experimental methods (such as mother-baby trials) to gain the fullest participation of target groups, especially women)24. Thus, in each community there will be one trial with 5-6 replications on different fields to sample the variability in biophysical conditions. Basic soil, topography and cropping history data will be obtained for each of the demonstration/validation plots which will be established by farmers with program orientation and support. Trials and treatments will be established on the same site for the duration of the program, allowing for the short-term cumulative benefits of the treatments to be evaluated. Observations of problems on these trials will provide inputs into the on-farm research program and into the management of the same trials in succeeding years. Data will be made available on qualitative and quantitative evaluations of demonstration plots by farmers and other members of the innovation platforms. Adjustments to the smallholder systems tested in the exploratory trials and farmer experiments developed with farm communities in the thirty research sites/communities and soil quality, system productivity and disease, pest and weed dynamics quantified. This will be achieved through on-farm research and a limited number of researcher-managed trials in each country that will generate data to enable the adequate parameterization of the APSIM model available from onfarm research sites. Trials will be established on representative sites and data on crop productivity and water dynamics for crop/soil simulation model validation, on the effects and potential effects of the principal technological interventions addressed by the program on soil quality, biological nitrogen fixation (BNF), and disease, pest and weed dynamics, and on the effects of technological options on system productivity and sustainability. Results will be evaluated and analyzed at Annual Evaluation and Planning (E&P) Meetings in each country. These meetings will, ideally be in integral part of ongoing internal review by the NARS, but, under this initiative, additional opportunities will be created for participation by a wider group of stakeholders carefully selected to ensure broad feedback, including from women. Opportunities for further research or scaling out incorporated into plans for the following season to ensure that the research program remains dynamic and efficient. See, for example, Ward A., Minja E., Blackie M., and Edwards-Jones G., (2007), “Beyond participation – building farmer confidence: experience from Sub-Saharan Africa?”, Outlook on Agriculture, 36:4. 259-266, and Snapp S., and Pound B., eds., Agricultural Systems: agroecology and rural innovation for development, Amsterdam: Elsevier 24 Page 29 Appropriate interventions for improving seed and fertilizer delivery and farmer access to technologies and markets field tested in at least thirty research sites/communities. A synthesis of national reports identifying best practices and models for improving farmer access to seeds and technology adoption and the business development services supporting this adoption; a second report identifying best practices, marketing instruments and models for improving farmer access to output markets, and a third report identifying best practices for provision of insurance services to smallholders to manage risks, will be prepared. A synthesis of national reports identifying best practices for improving food quality, safety and household processing will be developed. Policy options to enhance markets for maize and legumes will be identified and summarized in policy briefs and communicated to policy makers. Lessons from active farmer experimentation with CA-oriented systems incorporated into on-farm research and/or demonstration plots in each of the thirty research sites/communities. This will be achieved by identifying farmers who plan to install maize/legume CA-oriented experiments on their own fields, monitoring these plots to record farmer activities and innovations, as well as crop productivity. The results of these farmer experiments will also be discussed at the Annual E&P meetings and problems observed as well as farmer innovations discussed to assess the need to incorporate them into the on-farm research process; and fed back into the systems modeling. Farmer learning through annual facilitated visits of farmers and their local extension agents between the targeted communities in each of the five countries. Communities with similar conditions to the target communities will be identified and farmer-to-farmer networking will be fostered for scaling out of knowledge and technological innovations. Data on new farmer experiments will be made available, permitting an evaluation of the effectiveness of the farmer-to-farmer visits. Objective 3: To increase the range of maize and legume varieties available for smallholders through accelerated breeding, regional testing and release, and availability of performance data Improved maize and legume varieties are needed for the intensification of maize-legume cropping systems. Those varieties that meet the requirement of the agroecologies of the targeted farming systems and farmer preferences will be fast-tracked for release and scale up of seed production from 10-15 maize varieties and 10 legume varieties and demonstrated in 730 mother-baby trials for maize and 500 for legumes (co-located with the CA trials mentioned above). Although adapted tropical legume varieties, with potential for improving grain yield and maintaining soil fertility have been developed, their availability is poor. The program will collaborate with ICRISAT and partner NARS in participatory variety development and seed delivery systems, as well as establishing a backbone of regional nurseries and GxE analysis. Page 30 Outputs Ten to 15 stress tolerant maize varieties and 10 higher yielding legume varieties available to farmers in the selected farming systems through farmerand seed company-participatory variety evaluation and release. Pre-release and newly released maize hybrids and OPVs and legume species/varieties with potential suitability for the targeted farming system will be selected based on past regional and national trial data. Best-bet varieties with adequate amounts of seed will be utilized for experimentation in Objective 2 whereas a wider range of varieties will be assessed for performance, farmer preference and marketability in collaboration with farmers in the selected communities. Ease of production will assessed with seed companies supplying those communities. Per country, a minimum of three producible maize hybrids and OPVs and at least two legume species/varieties suitable for the targeted farming system will be identified and variety release supported. Based on GxE analyses and socio-economic characterizations, recommendation domains for varieties and hybrids will be developed both within each country and across the region to support rapid scaleout. Released varieties will be licensed to seed companies and one ton of breeder seed per variety produced in support of rapid scale-up. Associated training to be executed in Objective 5 will include a regional course targeted at new breeders and seed company personnel and five in-country courses targeted at farmerparticipatory variety evaluation. Regional nursery for further improved (2nd generation) maize and legume varieties and hybrids. Characteristics of new maize and legume varieties and hybrids will be identified in response to household surveys and value chain studies conducted in Objective 1. Using regional nurseries, elite inbreds, testcrosses, hybrids and maize and legume varieties will be characterized for performance, marketability and farmer acceptance in target countries, and in various systems including legume-intercrop and conservation agriculture conditions, and the data entered into an appropriate database. Web-based access to regional germplasm characterization databases and information will be developed and seed companies assisted for identifying varieties that meet their marketing needs. Opportunities for incorporating national germplasm into regional nursery will be assessed. Environmental characterization: Four tropical maize hybrids and OPVs and 16 strategic maize testing sites in Africa and Australia will be parameterized for use in APSIM models across the program, to assist germplasm exchange and scale-out of best varieties. The analytical approach will be extended to legumes after analytical capacity has been established using maize. Objective 4: systems To support the development of regional and local innovations Organized scaling out of program outputs between the primary five participating countries and to five other countries in the region will lead to wider program impacts. Studies will be undertaken to understand factors that enhance regional spillover of technologies to other countries in the region. Gender sensitivity and effective monitoring and evaluation overlay the entire program, and will be strengthened in the local innovation systems. The respective methodologies used in the program and capacity building of program partners to undertake successful gender sensitive research for Page 31 development and to efficiently monitor and evaluate program progress will be covered in Objective 4 and led by ASRECA and with broad engagement of relevant stakeholders. Outputs Mainstreaming of gender sensitivity in research activities in the five primary program countries. The conduct of program activities will be assessed by the Gender Specialist to evaluate how program activities may be better managed for gender balance. The program will encourage the participation of experienced female agriculturalists from the region and will involve women’s groups and other outreach opportunities to facilitate the active contribution of women to program development in the local innovation systems in each country. The Gender Specialist will train eastern and southern African NARS scientists in gender issues based on ASARECA, PRGA and best practice experiences using examples taken specifically from program activities. Issues of gender bias and positive and negative gender outcomes will be reported, analyzed and discussed with program partners in the Annual Evaluation and Planning Meetings for iteratively enhancing positive gender impacts across the entire program. Functioning program M&E system incorporated into the program providing information system assessments to national and regional program managers. This will be accomplished by fine-tuning existing participatory lowcost M&E systems which are already implemented by ASARECA as part of World Bank supported bilateral projects in eastern Africa. The M&E specialist will participate in national inception workshops to brief national teams and M&E staff. The specialist (or the respective SADC counter-part) will train eastern and southern African NARS scientists in implementing the common M&E system which will also include gender disaggregated data. Project advances at the agroecosystem and national levels will be analyzed, presented to national coordinators and program management and discussed and analyzed with program partners at the annual regional and/or national Evaluation and Planning Meetings and at the meetings of the program Steering Committee. The M&E system and the required data collection and monitoring processes would be linked to analysis of the adoption and impact pathways in Objective 1. Knowledge of relevant program innovations and germplasm available in five additional countries in the region. Effective knowledge transfer or “spillover” will be underpinned by analyzing past experiences and bottlenecks for maize-legume system knowledge and product spillovers among ASARECA member countries and SADC countries. Low cost approaches to stimulating knowledge and technology spillovers will be tested, that link with other projects and programs of governments, NGOs (including AGRA), or the private sector for scale-out. Cross-participation in annual research workshops between program members and other projects in the region and West Africa will be fostered and the interchange of maize and legume germplasm within the sub-Saharan Africa region will be facilitated with enhanced knowledge on germplasm adaptation. Objective 5: Capacity building to increase the efficiency of agricultural research today and in the future At all levels of research, extension, and private sector input supply, years of underinvestment in training have resulted in significant skills gaps. The program will hence include both non-degree practical training and post-graduate degree training (ten MSc Page 32 and four PhD) for national and regional partners. Practical training will include enhancing skills in technology targeting, risk analysis, value chain diagnosis, impact pathway analysis, cropping systems management and conservation agriculture, integrated maizelegume modeling, and methods for participatory breeding and local quality seed production (approximately 350 professional scientists, extension leaders and agents and SME staff). A further 50 field extension agents will receive practical training and orientation during structured field visits. Outputs Training on technology targeting and value chain analysis will be provided to build and enhance capacity of national and regional programs. Practical nondegree training on methods for risk analysis and technology targeting in maizelegume systems; market opportunity identification; and value chain analysis. In addition, the project will provide regional M.Sc. training for three candidates (technology adoption and commercialization in maize-legume systems), and PhD training (two candidates) on bio-economic modeling of household decision behavior under risk. In case of both PhD and M.Sc. students, research will take place in collaboration between program partners, Australian, South African and target country universities. Training course on simulation model utilization and participatory evaluation includes training on the participatory evaluation (costs, benefits and risks) of opportunities for the application of crop/soil simulation models for the ex ante analysis of technology options for maize-legume systems. Technology options include conservation agriculture technologies, nitrogen management strategies, crop sequencing, grain-legume mixed systems, rainfall harvesting, and residue management strategies. Training on cropping systems management research including the principles and practice of conservation agriculture. Short training courses held in each of the program countries for national program partners on: i) the principles and practice of CA-based maize/legume systems; ii) principles and tools for improving risk management strategies; and iii) options for increasing household livelihoods and food security. Through the training the capacity of researchers and extension agents to manage efficient participatory on-farm research and demonstration programs will be enhanced. Training will be short national or regional courses, each divided into 3-4 periods or “calls” of approximately 2 weeks each during the crop cycle: i.e. a “call-system” course. Training on crop improvement for new breeders. Technician training in farmerparticipatory maize variety evaluation; short training course on GxExM analysis, its use in breeding programs and how to fast-track variety identification and release. Training and APSIM model parameters Practical training in environmental characterization; PhD training in crop simulation model based analysis of GxExM; Post Graduate training in breeding Page 33 4 Planned impacts and adoption pathways The program will implement a coordinated series of research activities that address different challenges along the early stages of the adoption and impact pathways. From a bottom up perspective, the current understanding, admittedly imperfect, of farmers’ goals and problems is reflected in the choice of breeding, agronomy and value chain foci and options. Given this state of knowledge, the challenge is to coordinate the four steps in adoption pathways, viz breeding, seed systems and marketing, agronomy and community (local) learning platforms to accelerate the development, testing and local scaling out of technology and knowledge; and, later, the dissemination between countries with similar farming systems to reap the benefits of spillovers. Figure 1: Program conceptual framework and impact pathway. Page 34 The program will have local impact within the initial lifespan of the program itself (4 years) and is expected to have significant community impact in a 10-year time frame. The integrated approach of the program is crucial for developing viable solutions that address key constraints that continue to undermine the adoption process in maizelegume systems in Africa. The program conceptual framework and impact pathway (Figure 1) shows the relationships and feedback mechanisms between the different objectives and how activities from the different objectives contribute to generating various outputs that form an integral part of the technology adoption process by smallholder farmers. The discovery, development and adaptation of a given innovation through value chain, crop management and participatory breeding and variety selection leads to the generation of key ingredients that enable the adoption and uptake pathway at the farm level. These essential components for adoption include better tools and methods for targeting and market opportunities (Objective 1), improved practices and inputs for crop, soil fertility and water management, and farmer resource allocation (Objective 2), and improved and locally adapted maize and legume germplasm (Objective 3). These outputs will play a key role in kick-starting the farmer innovation process to enable the technology selection and uptake process, which will be complemented by greater capacity building to strengthen local institutions in seed production, enhancing knowledge and delivery of information, and market opportunities to farmers (Objective 5). The program will also facilitate essential synergies with other value chain actors by working together with governments (e.g. input subsidy programs in Malawi), NGOs, farmer organizations and the private sector in each country to improve access to finance, seeds, fertilizer and tools for improved CA practices. Knowledge management and spillover systems developed under Object 4 will generate region-wide benefits through the more rapid implementation of innovations beyond the initial target sites. Increased adoption of maize-legume technologies will enhance productivity and increase food production – which would progressively generate benefits both for producers (improved food and nutritional security and higher incomes), consumers (through low and stable prices), and the country at large (food security, reduced poverty, agroecosystem health). It would be difficult to quantify all the direct and indirect benefits at different levels (e.g. social empowerment for women and equity). In addition, some of the benefits are likely to spill out across borders and farming systems to further strengthen the process of local innovation, adoption and adaptation of technologies. The impact pathway however shows how the different elements of the program work and come together in generating the desired outcomes and impacts. The social benefits would increase two- to three-fold if one considers other less tangible benefits (not estimated yet due to lack of data) - the increased farm-household welfare from reduced risks (or increased yield stability) and vulnerability to drought and other shocks; labor savings and increased labor productivity, especially important in households headed by the elderly or by children and in HIV/AIDS affected households; enhanced food and nutritional security for children, nursing mothers and the elderly; social empowerment of women and reduced drudgery; and increased resilience of the resource base and sustainable intensification resulting from integration of legumes and capacity development for farmers and local partners. These benefits are descried briefly and qualitatively in the following sections. In Australia the program is expected to generate important economic and science benefits from the targeted introduction of drought tolerant, disease resistant and more Page 35 productive maize inbred lines, and identifying feasible pathways for the intensification of cropping systems for the increasingly summer rainfall dominated environments of Queensland and northern New South Wales. 4.1 Scientific impacts The program will generate the following scientific impacts. In relation to social sciences, three impacts will be noteworthy: participatory value chain analyses which integrate input (especially seed, fertilizer, equipment and pesticides) and output systems which has not been done in the region (and scarcely elsewhere); estimation of the trade-offs between farm house goals of food security, profit, risk and sustainability in particular; and identification of the determinants of local learning and scaling out processes. In relation to Australian and African farming systems, this program will provide, (i) an improved eco-physiological understanding for the opportunities to increase the adaptation of maize germplasm to the targeted environments; (ii) an improved understanding of how to maximize the use of limiting resources i.e. water, solar radiation and nutrients through the temporal and spatial intensification of cropping in maizelegume systems i.e. double cropping, relay cropping, intercropping and the use of CA practices; (iii) the development of CA based crop and soil management systems for intensification and stabilization of rainfed maize-legume systems in medium- and lowpotential areas and its impact on soil quality, soil biological activity, BNF and weed dynamics; and (iv) an improved understanding of best fit practices for maize-legume systems across highly contrasting farming systems, i.e. presently low productivity systems from Africa; and medium to high production systems in Australia where a reduction in productivity increases requires the development of more innovative and multidisciplinary science solutions involving improved genetics, new farming systems practices and tactic, and innovative farming systems designs. The application of APSIM models to farming systems and farm types will also assess the resilience and adaptability of farming systems in relation to climate change, and inform decision makers about adaptive strategies. With respect to germplasm, the program will develop for the first time APSIM parameters relevant for tropical maize germplasm adapted to Sub-Saharan Africa and use the results for modeling GxE in regional and national maize variety trials, including between Australia and Africa, and for developing recommendation domains for new varieties in current and future climates. These results will contribute to accelerated identification and use of best germplasm in African and Australian breeding programs, and faster deployment to farmers. They will also contribute to the assessment of the “adaptation dividend” of maize traits in a climate change context – the changes in southern Africa are projected to be amongst the most severe in the developing world (along with central America). 4.2 Capacity impacts Increased capacity to national research systems to discover, develop and deliver information on strategies for sustainable intensification of maize-legume cropping systems Page 36 The overall program approach will build the ability of NARSs to use interdisciplinary approaches to increase productivity and sustainability and decrease poverty for a significant numbers of farm families, through the unique combination of household and value chain analysis, simulation approaches, and farmer-participatory experimentation with new varieties and conservation agriculture practices all targeted at the same maize–legume systems. Enhanced capacity of NARES to foster agricultural innovations systems and of farmers and agro-enterprises to utilize maize-legume innovations through enhanced arrangements for networking, exchange of knowledge, training and partnerships. Enhanced capacity (with an emphasis on female participation) of agro-enterprises (farmer organizations, agro-dealers, seed companies) and private/public sector business development service providers in input and output marketing In order to improve agribusiness and marketing skills for rural agro-enterprises, the program will develop training modules for farmer organizations, agro-businesses and business development service providers implementing improved approaches within the targeted farming systems. The focus will be on improving competitiveness through enhanced skills in market opportunity identification, efficient business practices, risk-sensitive contracting models, seed production and marketing. Increased capacity for policy makers and government agencies to enable informed policy decisions related to technology targeting and promotion. The program will strengthen the capacity of decision makers and researchers to use improved decision-support tools to assess and gain insights about the profitability and risk trade-offs of selected technologies and complementary management practices under their local socio-economic and biophysical conditions. Increased capabilities to deliver solutions to important problems in highly complex commercial and smallholder farming systems in Africa and Australia. This program provides a unique opportunity to develop the required critical mass, i.e. across countries and agencies (CIMMYT, NARS, QDEEDI, ICRISAT, and CSIRO), of multidisciplinary skills to provide solutions to the complex problem (i.e. biophysical – economic – social) of increasing food security and reducing poverty in Africa. Under Objective 5 there will be targeted capacity building at all levels from district level learning platforms to national and regional level capacity building, making use principally of practical, “hands-on” short course training, M.Sc. and Ph.D. studies. A recent assessment of research capacity of NARS in the ASARECA region (Howard Elliot, ASARECA) identified biometrics and social sciences as the weakest disciplines among the ten ASARECA NARS; and a similar situation prevails in southern Africa. However, other evaluations of capacity suggest that the biggest limitation is in the capacity for applied research, and the management of efficient breeding and agronomic programs. These aspects are not covered in university curricula, neither at the graduate nor at the post-graduate levels. Capacity building for social science will hence be focused on participatory value chain analysis (Objective 1); participatory farm-household system technology evaluation and local innovation systems (learning platforms) for scaling out research results obtained in Objective 1-3, and incorporation of gender aspects (Objective 4). Exposure and capacity building in the use of crop/soil simulation models will build NARS capacity to Page 37 interpret the outputs from crop/soil simulation models and be able to discuss these results with farmers, especially with respect to risk, while a series of courses of increasing intensity will address the principles of conservation agriculture and sound crop and soil management research. Related to biometrics, NARS researchers in the five countries will be taught the ICIS data base management to store and manage breeding line and variety genotypic and performance data, and their GxE analysis and extension to assess trait performance under future climates (Objective 3). Special attention will also be given to building the capacity for regional M&E and cross-country spillover management through SROs notably ASARECA – both in terms of staff and functional mechanisms to markedly increase (three or more times) the capacity to mobilize and manage cross-country technology and knowledge spillovers (indicator: number of technologies generated by the program which are tested within 5 years of end-of-program in non-program countries in the region). 4.3 Community impacts The primary beneficiaries will be smallholder farmers, especially women who do much of the farm work and poor households in the target areas. Benefits will include improved food security, higher productivity, more stable production, greater incomes from marketed surplus and better prices, as well as diversification of income sources that contribute to more resilient livelihoods. Smallholder farmers will also benefit from better nutrition, higher labor productivity, improved land quality, and better water management practices that reduce vulnerability and enhance sustainability. The local private sector will benefit from increased trade volumes and more opportunities. On a higher level, greater aggregate production will improve national food security, reduce import needs, and foster the evolution of the agribusiness sector, which will be in support of economic growth and poverty alleviation. The program has a strong development impact as it brings together actors along the supply chain (from research, production, and marketing to consumption) and helps to establish sustainable alliances and innovation systems that maintain interventions, and as smallholder farmers and rural communities benefit from opportunities that simultaneously facilitate technological change, productivity increases and market access and help them to move from subsistence production into the market economy. In the long term, institutional innovations along the input-output value chain will facilitate provision of essential services, including extension and rural finance. In Australia the primary beneficiaries of the program will be farming communities i.e. farmers and agribusinesses, from the increasingly summer rainfall dominated environments of Queensland and northern New South Wales. In these regions levels of productivity are not increasing as existing farming systems are unable to cope with environmental stresses (( and the increasing concentration of resources (i.e. rainfall) during the summer months. Solutions to this complex problem will require the development of more innovative and multidisciplinary science solutions. 4.3.1 Economic impacts Direct economic benefits will be registered principally within the targeted agroecologies and farming systems where average land and/or labor productivity in maize-based systems is targeted to increase by 30% and the downside risk reduced by 30% (i.e. the number of years when crop or economic losses occur will be reduced by 30%). Similar Page 38 yield increases and stabilization are expected with pulses. It is estimated that close to 500,000 farm families over the five participating NARS will be impacted directly, as outlined in Annex 7.3. A simple ex-ante analysis of the expected benefits of the program indicates that proposed investment will generate sizeable economic gains for the smallholder farmers and the target countries. In ten years, the program is expected to reach over 7500 communities and benefit more than 500,000 farm households who will benefit from adoption of new innovations (new varieties and best-bet crop and resource management practices) on about 680,000 ha of maize-legume cropland. With support from the governments of the target countries and other agencies (NGOs, etc), this is expected to be scaled up widely to reach about 5 million farmers and about 630 million ha of maize and legume farmland in 20 years in the target countries. Under plausible assumptions, the program is expected to generate significant social, economic, and sustainability benefits for target countries. The economic net gain from crop productivity growth alone is expected to reach from US$ 1 billion to US $2.5 billion in discounted present values assuming that governments, NGOs and other agencies will have complementary investments, estimated at 30-50% of the projected investment up to year 10, and make modest investments thereafter to scale up successful innovations and spread the technologies to more farmers. Even though a very conservative estimate, this represents a sizeable gain for the target communities and countries and shows that for every dollar invested, the net benefit for the poor would be more than two dollars. The estimated aggregate internal rate of return (IRR) for the program is about 45% - a high rate of return given the low level of interest for savings or cost of capital in today’s capital markets. The benefit-cost ratios for the specific technologies in the different countries range vary depending on the available farm sizes for maize and legumes, expected productivity gains, incremental cost of seed and other production inputs and input and output prices. There will be additional indirect benefits from (a) local multipliers and spill-over between and beyond program countries which is estimated to double the local farm household effects and (b) the stabilization in yield will likely give a greater payoff in the drier years, therefore resulting in improved household food security and reduced sale of assets. Benefits will be shared by urban poor through lowered food prices, and will also result in a saving of foreign exchange though reduced imports of food grains. In detail, economic impacts will include Higher yields, more marketed surplus and income for smallholder farmers Reduced drudgery and demand for labor, increased labor productivity and increased opportunities for alternative enterprises (including schooling) that take advantage of the reduced labor demand for crop production Reduced vulnerability to shocks (pests, diseases, and drought) and associated sale of assets, resulting from income diversification and stress-tolerant technologies (varieties and crop management practices) Good quality, market preferred and value-added maize-legume products for domestic and regional markets that facilitate commercialization of production and economic integration. Greater production and hence more reliable and diversified markets for maize and legumes that reduce price fluctuations that undermine farmer investment in new technologies Page 39 Higher economic growth resulting from better forward and backward linkages that generate employment and multiplier effects along the value chain. Higher livestock productivity and cash income through increased use of maizelegume by-products as animal feed and intensification of the farm livestock enterprise In Australia, maize is mostly grown in Queensland (198,000 tons in 2007/08) and New South Wales (176,000 tons in 2007/08), with a national average yield of 5.47 t/ha. Even though maize production has decreased during recent years, Queensland still produces 51% of the total national production, at an average yield of 4.1 t/ha and on 39,000 ha (average 2001-2007). New South Wales produces 45% of the total national production at an average yield of 7.9 t/ha and on 23,000ha (average 2001-2007). For the Darling Downs and the Burdekin in Queensland, irrigated and rainfed maize yields of 15t/ha and 11t/ha, respectively, are also common. More than 80% of the maize is grown for human and animal feed consumption in the domestic market, although a small amount - usually specialized varieties such as waxy or white types - is grown for export. In the domestic market 70% is used for animal feed and mostly used in cattle feedlots. The total feed grain demand for Queensland and New South Wales, during 2006/07 was 2.8 million tons and 0.8 million tons, respectively (based on national feed grain usage weighted by number of animals on feed in each State). This combined demand for feed grain in north eastern Australia of 3.6 million tons/year is only reached in approximately 50% of years. The prospect of an increasing frequency of El Nino events, as expected from climate change (, will have important economic impacts on both Queensland’s and New South Wales’s grain feed industry, and more transformational adaptations in the sector will be required, including the expansion and intensification of summer cropping. Increasing the production of sorghum in north eastern Australia by 10% (i.e. assuming an expansion of sorghum cropping into more marginal areas in Queensland and New South Wales) has been estimated to add a total value of AU$ 48 million (Report on “Growing the Sorghum Industry: The feed grain and biofuel imperative – DPI&F New Horizons Project). The need and potential for the expansion and intensification of summer cropping, particularly in the increasingly summer dominated environments of Queensland and New South Wales, is real. Supporting evidence includes already observed shifts in rainfall seasonality (Rodriguez et al., 2007), and projected changes in rainfall (2050-2080) derived from likely emission scenarios and global circulation models (Taminiau and Haarsma, 2007; Aust. Met. Mag. 56 167-175). This program will explore the potential for the expansion and intensification of summer cropping in Queensland and New South Wales through: An increased diversification of the farming systems for reduced vulnerability to climate and market fluctuations through an improved understanding of the viability of intensified rainfed maize-legume systems for Queensland and northern New South Wales; Accelerated breeding programs from an improved understanding of environment types, frequency of stress for maize, and their distribution in Australia; Increased productivity from an improved understanding of the eco-physiology of double cropping, relay cropping and intercropping practices and their role in Australian farming systems. Page 40 4.3.2 Social impacts The program will have five significant and measurable social impacts. First, increased household food security (and reduced poverty) will lower the poverty rate and improve health and education outcomes (indicators: community assessments and district administrative records of changes in number of poor; school attendance). Second, improved farm income and job creation in associated rural activities is expected to reduce unemployment and slow the departure of youth from the local areas (indicator: community assessments). Third, the technologies developed under the program are expected to benefit women and youth for a proportion of the technologies relatively more than for men. Fourth, through more resilient farming systems the risk of declining livelihoods will be reduced, and finally, decreased labor demand will facilitate the attainment of food security in labor-constrained households, including those affected by HIV/AIDS. 4.3.3 Environmental impacts The principal direct impacts will be on soil quality and reduced erosion, through biological nitrogen fixation, adapted fertilization practices, stubble retention and zero tillage. The principal components of soil quality that will be affected (and monitored) will be soil nitrogen and organic carbon (soil organic matter), aggregate stability, soil biological activity and increased diversity of soil organisms, soil porosity and pore continuity. An indirect benefit of the expected increases in soil organic carbon will be increased reduction in the emissions of carbon dioxide, one of the greenhouse gases (GHGs). Positive environmental impacts will be achieved as follows Improved soil fertility through atmospheric nitrogen fixation, adapted fertilization practices, improved quality of composts, and increased nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiencies through improved agronomic practice and weed control in maizelegume cropping systems. Enhanced sustainability of maize-based production systems in the region through diversification using grain legumes Reduced soil degradation through conservation agriculture and integration of pigeon pea and other vegetative legumes that reduce soil erosion Enhanced availability of biomass for fodder and fuel-wood that would reduce pressure on forests and grazing lands and contribute to agro-ecosystem health. However, there are also possibilities of negative environmental impacts that will need to be monitored. Increased plant nutrient applications (whether as organic or inorganic amendments) will increase the possibility of nutrients contaminating streams and ground water. Crop nutrient balances will need to be monitored to reduce leachable excesses. However, at the same time the reduced soil erosion expected with the application of CA-oriented technologies will reduce stream contamination with sediment and associated nutrients. The use of herbicides will be a researchable component of the adaptation of functional CA systems. The main herbicide that will be used will be glyphosate which has a very low mammalian and faunal toxicity, is tightly bound to clay particles (and therefore does not leach in any but the very sandiest soils) and is broken down by naturally occurring soil microbes within the space of Page 41 approximately three months. As soil erosion will also be markedly reduced by the CA technologies there is a very low risk of environmental contamination by glyphosate. However, in some instances other more problematic residual herbicides may be tested and used in CA systems. Data from Zimbabwe and Malawi (CIMMYT, unpublished) suggests that weed populations under CA systems decline markedly within about three years and even if residual herbicides are used, their use can soon be discontinued. 4.4 Communication and dissemination activities Communication is critical at three levels and will be fostered using multiple and innovative techniques. In the local learning platforms, farmer-to-farmer sharing and learning will be supported and facilitated by NGOs, public extension, seed companies, agrodealers and business development service providers, based on the promotion of core messages on conservation agriculture and farming system improvement through varieties, crop and soil management, and local institutions for input supply and marketing. At the national level, a dialogue with policy makers on the outcomes of the value chain and farm-level technology assessments will foster policy adjustments which favor seed enterprises and farmer adoption. At the regional level, the knowledge and technology as well as research methods need to be shared across countries through SROs and the equivalent, and through the program’s webpage. It is expected that pan-African organizations such as NEPAD and FARA might also facilitate the spread of results outside the region after the conclusion of the program, as it addresses the four pillars of CAADP. The bold goals of this program will require continued efforts by the NARS well after the end of the proposed program. Plans will be put in place during the program to ensure the sustainability of the activities and approaches through integrating program activities into national agricultural strategies and development plans. Communication will also be achieved through regular meetings of the members of the innovation platform in the target communities. The participation of innovation platform members will be formalized through planned participation in discussion sessions in the community at least three times in each season. During these sessions, limitations will be discussed and analyzed and solutions to overcome them defined, as well as those responsible for doing this and the timelines delineated. Annual national multidisciplinary study tours including program partners and other important players in the innovation platforms such as equipment developers and livestock researchers will be conducted in the middle of the crop season to observe, evaluate and discuss advances, problems and opportunities. The results of these discussions, as well as the innovation platform discussions outlined immediately above, will feed into the evaluations and discussions at the national Annual Evaluation and Planning Meetings. At the national Annual Planning and Evaluation Meetings, national partners will share and analyze their results, as well as the results of the innovation platform discussion groups and study tour evaluations, with those from other disciplines and from other target communities in the country. Problems affecting the efficiency of the technological options, as well as logistical and management problems affecting the efficiency of the Page 42 program will be analyzed and solutions or potential solutions defined. These will feed into the planning for the subsequent season to ensure that the program remains dynamic and efficient. Synthesis of results at both the national level and across the region will be used to prepare program bulletins and reports. These results will also orient efforts to foster spillovers into neighboring countries. Program results will also lead to peer-reviewed publications in respected scientific journals. Syntheses of results will also nurture discussion at the Annual Project Steering Committee Meetings and this will allow mutual learning, understanding and spillover of results within the five program countries. Page 43 5 Operations 5.1 Methodology General approach The research program will be implemented during 2010-2014 in five countries of eastern and southern Africa (i.e., Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania) in which maize and legumes are major sources of food security. The farming systems of these countries show potential for rapid and sustainable intensification and diversification through appropriate germplasm and improved cropping system management technologies. The program will build on socio-economic and biophysical diagnoses of production systems and value chains (both input and output) under Objective 1. Field testing of agronomy and value chain interventions within the framework of local innovation systems is concentrated under Objective 2. Activities related to maize and legume germplasm improvement and varietal release supported by GxE analyses are grouped under Objective 3. Support for the development of innovation systems, both local and transnational, including M&E, gender mainstreaming and spillovers to non-program countries are clustered under Objective 4. Capacity building activities at all levels are grouped under Objective 5. The general approach will be as follows: In each country NARS have chosen two relevant agro-ecologies where program insights can be scaled up to a minimum of 100,000 farm families each (on average). Farming systems in several of these agroecologies reach across countries and allow scale-out of results beyond the country of actual research. By different countries working on different farming systems and agroecologies and interchange of results among partner countries, the program aims at achieving much more wide-spread impact than if the research were repeated in the same agro-ecology or farming system in each country. In each agro-ecology, three communities will be chosen for data collection, characterization and experimentation, for a total of 10 agro-ecology/farming system combinations and 38 communities across the program. In interaction with farmers of the communities (making use of existing farmer groups, faith associations, school agricultural clubs, and other community-based groups with an active interest in agriculture), program partners will identify options, experiment with those options and select those that contribute to significant food security and income increases and improve the sustainability and resilience of farming systems. Options will include improved farmer resource allocation, maize-legume systems which are based on the principles of conservation agriculture, more productive, stress tolerant and farmer-preferred maize and legume varieties or Rhizobium strains, and opportunities for improved input and out marketing, rural financing and processing. Systems modeling will play a support role with contributions to several Objectives, to simulate and assess a wider range of options than would be possible through field experimentation for germplasm, agronomic options, farmer resource allocation and systems mix. In the first place, systems modeling will facilitate co-learning (i.e. researchers, extension officers, farmers and policy) about “best fit” technologies and the way they could be best combined at farm level to maximize productivity and reduce risks, in farming systems having high seasonal and spatial variability. This includes the Page 44 identification of potential impact of new technology packages (e.g. conservation agriculture), improved allocations of limited resources (e.g. nutrients, water, labor, finances, land, and best-fit genotypes for particular management options and environments). It will also help quantify complex interactions and provide ex-ante and ex-post analyses that identify best bet options for likely future scenarios (e.g. expected impacts and adaptation options in the face of increased climate variability and climate change. The program will foster the implementation of state-of-the-art methods through joint planning, training and operational manuals. Several principles govern these methods: increased household food security and income with reduced risk; consultation with regional and national stakeholders, farmers’ organizations and communities; participatory research methods to complement quantitative formal methods; consideration and inclusion of gender aspects; systems approach to the design and evaluation of technology; development of more sustainable and resilient systems. By the end of the program, farmer-selected options will have been tested and adapted in more than 190 exploratory trials, in more than 2,000 OFR and mother baby trials, farmer adaptations monitored on more than 2,500 farms, and scale-out and farmer adaptation initiated through more than 10 local innovations systems supported by licensing of released varieties to seed companies, NGO/extension and farmer promotion of improved maize-legume systems approaches, and recommendations to policy makers, agribusiness, public development programs, and farming communities. ASARECA and a potential SADC sub-regional organization (or the program coordination unit) will foster the availability of program knowledge and germplasm outputs in at least five “spill-over” countries i.e. countries other than the country where the research is concentrated. Table 1 summarizes the most important program outputs and relates them to an impact pathway of 1. System and community selection and characterization; 2. Experimentation with alternative options; 3. Improved options identified; 4. Scale-out of best options; 5. Capacity-building and training. The program implements the ASARECA monitoring and evaluation framework, uses ASRECA expertise to incorporate a strong gender component, and strengthens the capacity of NARS through training, strong involvement in the execution of the program agenda, and capital. Program management Formal program partners include the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT), the Ethiopia Institute for Agricultural Research (EIAR) the Kenya Agricultural Research Institute (KARI), the Department of Agricultural Research and Technical Services (DARS) in Malawi, the Instituto de Investigação Agrária de Moçambique (IIAM), the Agricultural Research Services (ARS) of the Ministry of Agriculture in Tanzania, the Queensland Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (QDEEDI), Murdoch University, the Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa (ASARECA), and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT). The program will subcontract other institutions for execution of the program agenda, with coordination from an appropriate collaborating organization, based on annual workplans agreed at planning meeting. Page 45 Table 1. Summary of most important outputs by objective and year 1. Socio-economics Year Obj Output 2010 1.1 Target areas selected 1.1 Socio-economic profile of regions developed 1.1 Market opportunities identified 1.2 Standardized socio-economic survey tools developed 1.2 Villages identified 1.5 Monitoring HH parameters & opportunities 2011 1.1 GIS Maps 1.3 Input and output market surveys completed 1.5 Input market opportunities identified 2. Maize-legume systems Obj Output 2.1 Options for technology changes identified & selected 2.2 Innovation systems established 2.3 Farmer groups established 2.2 Recommendation domains established 3.1 Selection of sites for farmerparticipatory trials 3.3 NARS capital improvement 2.2 Analysis of ML systems in Australia 3.3 MoU for germplams exchange 2.3 Environmental data & APSIM input variables collected 2.2 Innovation system continues 3.1 Farmer participatory variety trials 2.3 Exploratory trials continue 1.4 Household typology 2.4 OFR trial program established 1.4 Farmer resource allocation assessed 2.3 Farmer experimenters identified 1.5 Monitoring HH parameters & opportunities 2012 1.3 Synthesis of output market opportunities identified 1.4 Improved resource allocation and risk managment strategies identified 1.5 Monitoring HH parameters & opportunities 2013 1.4 Options to intensify and diversify explored 1.5 Monitoring HH parameters & opportunities Germplasm Obj Output 3.1 Identification of best-bet maize & legume varieties 3.1 Seed increase of best-bets 2.2 Maize traits for systems improvement identified 2.2 OFR trials defined 3.1 Seed production characteristics determined 3.3 Seed increase for regional nursery Output M&E system established and gender aspects integrated NARS staff trained in M&E system including gender aspects Agro-ecological analogs mapped for Africa - Australia Project Management and Training Obj Output 5.2 Training in systems analysis & modeling 5.3 Training in principles of conservation agriculture 5.4 Training in breeding approaches 5.5 Training in environmental characterization Annual national and regional review and planning 4.2 M&E system implemented (semi5.1 Training in risk analysis and technology annual) targeting 4.1/ M&E data analyzed including for gender 5.4 Training in participatory variety 4.2 outcomes selection 4.3 Low cost approaches for spillovers 5.4 Training in GxE analysis between countries determined 4.3 Germplasm exchange Annual national and regional review and planning 4.3 Info exchange 2.2 Quantiative analysis of demos 4.1 M&E system implemented (semi5.1 Training in market and value chain annual) analysis 4.1/ M&E data analyzed including for gender 5.4 Training in FP research, demonstration 4.2 outcomes and scale-out 4.3 Grants for implementing spill-overs Annual national and regional review and planning 4.3 Germplasm exchange 2.2 Farmer-to-farmer visits for scale-out 4.3 Info exchange 2.2 First farmer experiment data 3.1 Variety use opportunities in other countries 3.3 Characterization of regional nursery M&E, gender and spill-overs Obj 4.1/ 4.2 4.1/ 4.2 4.3 3.3 Web-based access to germplasm data 2.2 Practices relevant for systems improvement identified 2.3 Improved CA systems adpted to local systems 2.5 Synthesis of best practices for access to seed and technologies 2.2 Documentation of effective innovation system processes 3.1 Maize variety release 3.1 Legume variety release 3.1 Fast-track variety release in other countries 3.1 Varieties licensed and breeder seed produced 3.4 Characterization of germplasm and trial sites completed 4.1 M&E system implemented (semi5.1 MSc training in technology adoption and annual) commercialization 4.1/ M&E data analyzed including for gender 5.4 MSc in Agronomy 4.2 outcomes 4.3 Grants for implementing spill-overs 5.4 Training in seed production 4.3 Germplasm exchange Annual national and regional review and planning 4.3 Info exchange Such sub-contractors will likely be In-country: local universities (e.g. University of Alemaya, University of Nairobi, Moi University, Egerton University, Bunda College, Sokoine University, University .of Eduardo Mondlane, RUFORUM 25 , and South Africa based universities), extension, seed companies, NGOs Africa-regional: Other International Agricultural Research Centers involved in legume research and the “Tropical Legume 2” program, in particular CIAT and IITA, and potentially livestock research (ILRI; in Kenya and Ethiopia) CIMMYT will coordinate and manage the implementation, drawing upon the scientific and coordination capabilities of existing sub-regional and national agricultural and international research organizations and universities in east and southern African countries. Resources will be transferred to collaborating organizations on the basis of annual workplans and the delivery of outputs specified in the previous workplan (except for the first payment). Within each budget allocated to NARI’s, ICRISAT or DEEDI, research output will be delivered by the stakeholder with comparative advantage in the R&D activity (with appropriate resources and an efficient administrative arrangement), to be determined at annual planning meetings. In this regard, in-country research outputs in the Africa partner countries may be delivered by Universities, NGOs, extension or SMEs under the coordination of the NARI and as agreed at annual in-country planning 25 The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Development in Agriculture – based at Makerere University Page 46 meetings; TL-2 related outputs will be delivered by TL-2 members under the coordination of the TL-2 Leader at ICRISAT; and Queensland outputs may be delivered by University or CSIRO under the coordination of DEEDI The program will utilize a responsive (adaptive) management approach that takes consideration of diverse systems and needs, strength of NARS, changing opportunities, and feed-back from the M&E system on program performance with the full involvement of ACIAR. As a result and after making an umbrella agreement with each program partner, the program will be implemented based on annual workplans (“who does what by when”) by all program partners framed within the partner four year plan. Countryspecific annual workplans are developed by in-country workgroups at annual national planning/review meetings under the leadership of the in-country partner institution and with participation and input from other in-country stakeholders, the regional (ASARECA and RUFORUM) and international partners (IARCs, QDEEDI, Murdoch University) -- and the success in implementation of each annual workplans will be taken into account when framing future annual workplans. The overall (i.e. not country-specific) program planning/progress review will be done at annual program meetings. Within the overall framework of budgets for partners and countries, actual support will be deployed based on annual workplans and transfers make directly to the implementing party who are responsible to report on a semi-annual basis to the Commissioned Organization (CIMMYT). Continued financial support will be pending successful implementation of workplans and submission of semi-annual technical and annual financial reports. It is recognized that the program faces a diverse range of implementation risks at several levels, including exchange rate changes, seasonal conditions notably drought, political instability and research leadership. These risks will be actively monitored and managed with a view to delivering the agreed program outputs and, ultimately, achieving the intended impact. A program risk assessment report will be appended to the annual program report, indicating the impact of changes in the implementation environment on program delivery. For example, in the case of exchange rate risks, given that all budgets are based in Australian Dollars, the Commissioned organization will monitor exchange rate fluctuations (both positive and negative) for each partner receiving ACIAR funding and implications thereof and reported as part of the above risk assessment. Changes in the implementation environment and their financial and program delivery implications will be a matter for joint consideration by the Commissioned Organization and ACIAR, in the spirit of adaptive management, and may form the basis of a formal business case for a program variation at the mid-term review, at the end of a program, or at any point if severe changes occur on a case-by-case basis. Any variation would be subject to approval by ACIAR. Figure 2 shows the membership of the Program Steering Committee. The Committee composed of one representative each for ACIAR, CIMMYT, EIAR, KARI, DARTS in Malawi, IIAM, ARS in Tanzania, ASARECA, ICRISAT, QDEEDI (for Australian partners) and two independent co-chairs (recognized agricultural scientists or policy makers, one each from Africa and Australia) will provide oversight and strategic guidance to the program, monitor general progress, milestones and partnerships, and report and recommend through CIMMYT to ACIAR any adjustments in program implementation modalities or budget that are in the interest of achieving program objectives and impact. The Steering Committee will meet at least annually at the regional planning/review meeting, receive semi-annual reports and program impact indicators which will serve to focus, adjust or reschedule and refocus activities (and budget disbursements) as deemed necessary by the Steering Committee. Page 47 Within CIMMYT, a Program Management Committee, consisting of the three Program Directors involved in the program (Conservation Agriculture, Socio-economics, Maize), will provide programmatic leadership to scientists and support to the Coordinator. The Program Management Office will consist of the Program Coordinator and a Program Administrator. The main role of the Program Coordinator is to provide active leadership to the implementation of the Program as a whole, ensure coherence across objectives, maintain effective relationships with partners, make program agreements; and, with the assistance of the Program Administrator, receive, summarize and monitor annual workplans, semi-annual reports and summary M&E information, transfers funds based on annual workplans and reports received, verifies financial reports, interacts with the donor agency, heads of institutions, Steering Committee members, program members and subcontractors, organizes annual meetings, analyses program progress and provides recommendations to the Steering Committee on necessary actions and decisions to be taken. Monitoring will provide key inputs to program management in relation to key stages of the adoption and impact pathway, including milestones, outputs and outcomes; as well as effective partnerships. The M&E system is a core tool which will focus on the core elements of the program including the performance of the local innovation systems. This may be supplemented by additional thematic participatory monitoring as required. ACIAR will call for external mid-term and final reviews which will be indicative for continuation and future direction of SIMLESA beyond the current time frame. National annual review/planning program meetings which will be coordinated with the national research planning process are the basis for in-country planning and the development of annual workplans. They will start with the inception meeting and continue on an annual basis thereafter. They will include all relevant stakeholders to execute the program agenda (NARS, extension, NGO, company) and be organized between the NARS principal investigator and the program management office. Stakeholders involved in related research and potential scale-out will be invited to these meetings. The national Steering Committee member will play a key role as leader, ambassador and champion during and between annual national meetings, and will foster appropriate institutional linkages and additional government, private sector and donor support for the Program. Regional annual review/planning meetings will be held on an annual basis and include leading program partners represented by the National/Collaborating Organization Coordinators. They will serve to implement consistent methods and approaches through training and peer-review, critically analyze program progress (based on reports and the M&E framework) and make adjustments to the program agenda and budget as deemed necessary and endorsed by the Steering Committee. They will be important for identifying opportunities for scaling-out insights and outputs from one country and partner organization to the other Continued exchange with other major programs working on related topics, including DTMA, TL-II and N2Africa will be fostered through individual partner institutions (e.g. CIMMYT is involved in DTMA and SIMLESA; ICRISAT is involved in TLII and SIMLESA etc) and through invitation of major partner organizations (AGRA, AUSAID, NGOs such as WVI or CRS, Ministry of Agriculture) to annual national or regional meetings/conferences. Opportunities for shared training with DTMA, TL-II and other programs are planned. ACIAR will support working links with selected elements of the Australian Food Security Initiative for Africa. Page 48 Figure 2. Program Steering Committee membership, including two independent cochairs from Africa and Australia. Specific Objectives The following section highlights a number of the core methods associated with each objective: Objective 1: To characterize maize-legume production and input and output value chain systems and impact pathways, and identify broad systemic constraints and options for field testing. The research methods will combine qualitative and quantitative analysis of existing and new data as well as information gathered from wider consultations with stakeholders. The market analysis will employ standard and established methods for value chain analysis and estimation of transaction costs. Global and regional market information will be collected from trade statistics, market institutions, and from internet sources. The scientific literature, involving a comprehensive screening of literature from regional scientists, will be comprehensively reviewed and analyzed. Existing farm budget data from various sources will be collated and analyzed for broad characterization of the farming systems and to identify major constraints, identify household types and major limiting factors agricultural productivity growth in the selected countries. Complementary baseline surveys will be carried out in selected communities to fill the gaps in knowledge and to understand existing conditions on varieties, yield levels, farmer preferences, incentives for diversification, seed supply systems (especially for legumes), Page 49 sources of market and agronomic information, etc. Traders and local stockists will be identified, trained and supported on how to run a rural seed business and how to support innovative farmers in their requirements for inputs, equipment and knowledge 26 . Financial institutions will be encouraged to provide credit to entrepreneurs and adopting farmers. Impact assessment methods that integrate economic as well as environmental benefits will be employed to estimate the social impacts and returns from this investment. Collaboration will be sought from innovation platforms developing in the region, such as the Tanzania Agricultural Partnership ( selected representative locations baselines data will be collected using primary community, household and market surveys. This will be complemented by collection and synthesis of secondary data. Market studies will include standard market survey methods to identify marketing channels, major actors along the supply chain and the associated volumes, grain quality, prices, seasonality and marketing costs. At the community level, data on population, social diversity (including gender roles), economic profile of household groups, key assets, key livelihood strategies, role of maize and legumes, current levels of productivity, and market participation will be collected. Standard household specific resource use, livelihood assets, production, utilization, marketed surplus, market participation and expenditure data will be collected at household level from representative districts in each country through stratified random sampling methods. The household surveys will be conducted in program intervention villages (treatment group) and relatively similar control villages (comparator groups). Data will be analyzed using standard scientific methods to test the research-fordevelopment hypothesized outcomes. Qualitative methods (including in-depth case study methods) will be used to compare the various strategies used to link smallholder farmers to markets in selected countries and examine their effects on access to produce and seed markets. The program will carry out a participatory bio-economic modeling of resource options for representative African household types. The objective of the work is to identify low-risk and productivity enhancing maize-legume farming systems designs (i.e. tactics and strategies) that improve food security and systems resilience. The work will include three main tasks: (1) the identification and description of typologies of households across the target environments, following the work by Dorward27, and more recently Tittonell28; (2) the development and validation of a set of farm-household models describing the responses of these different farm/households to key drivers of change; and (3) applying the models for evaluating the tradeoffs and effects of technological and institutional innovations on farm household resource use, agro-ecosystem sustainability and welfare in ways that capture interactions between household decision behavior and local drivers of change (labor availability, market prices, etc). Objective 2: To test and develop productive, resilient and sustainable smallholder maize-legume cropping systems and innovation systems for local scaling out Given the focus of Objective 2 on an adaptive process of identification and testing of improved CA-based systems agronomy and value chain practices/technologies, an innovation systems approach will be used. Some 3-5 target communities per 26 This component will be carefully coordinated with AGRA and other initiatives that are implementing complementary programs. 27Dorward, 28Tittonell 2002 et al., 2009 Page 50 agroecology form a nucleus test platform with exploratory trials and component trials (alongside the mother-baby trials for maize and legume evaluation) conforming a coordinated an efficient on-farm research program. Farmer groups will be established around the OFR trials, many of which will also serve for demonstration purposes. In some ten value chains (one per agroecology), interventions will also be evaluated. The expansion to another 184 communities will involve 44,000 farmers over 4 years, in which monitored demonstrations and-or maize and legume variety trials will be established. Through the innovation system discussions and knowledge exchange, farmers will be encouraged to experiment with the CA-oriented technologies and approximately 2,550 farms will be monitored using PM&E methods. Active exchange of experience between farmers, input suppliers, traders, extension and researchers will be systematically arranged. Smallholder African farmers manage risks, including climate-related risks, intuitively in their day-to-day activities. Doing so these farmers minimize risks and identify opportunities; though in face of uncertainty they are highly risk averse, primarily allocating resources to be food secure. Innovation systems facilitate the context within which technological changes could be enhanced. This requires involvement of relevant actors as deemed necessary rather than requiring involvement of all actors at once. The project will initiate and facilitate innovation systems based on proven methodologies29: The first stage of farmer adoption of CA systems through an innovation systems approach is understanding the micro and macro environments of intended area of operation around the 38 target communities, building on Objective 1 diagnoses, followed by a participatory stakeholders analysis and organizing awareness creation workshops to engage with potential partners, including existing farmer and community groups, businesses, extension, research and local government through focus group methods. At the start, an alliance or platform of core organizations initiate the network but would later be encouraged to recruit other relevant organizations who could also contribute. The second step is the identification of starter problems or the entry point, building on the Objective 1 diagnoses, and previous research in the agroecosystem and/or country in continuing consultation with the network. The starter problems will lead to the design of the single exploratory trials (farmer practice and two dynamic best bet treatments), some 5-6 per community. In year 2 the OFR/component trials are begun. As the innovation system expands to incorporate additional communities (e.g., 68 in year 2, as shown in Appendix 7.3), some farmers begin to test or experiment with CA systems on their own fields outside the initial target area. These farmer experiments provide insights to agronomic researchers on possible system modifications that can feed back into the demonstration or research programs and to social scientists to explore further farmer perceptions of CA and the impacts of the system on household resource use and food security. The in depth diagnosis of the identified innovation system includes: actors (organizations) and their domain of operations; habits and practices of organizations; patterns of interaction among organizations and institutional and policy environments that influences functions of the actors. The most effective knowledge exchange and learning systems within each innovation system will be identified in consultation with stakeholders. Periodic reflection on learning outcomes based on monitoring and learning system will be conducted. Main actors and actions will be adjusted as required, including interactions with policy-makers through various means. The lessons from each 29 Hall et al., 2007 Page 51 system will be consolidated to apply in other domains or scale out within the same domain. The methodology for the participatory development and validation of maize-legume systems based on the principles of CA is focused on the establishment of a single replication of farmer-managed dynamic CA exploratory trials on each of several (5-6) fields in each of the target communities, as well as the use of a range of other relevant participatory methodologies. Typically, these trials will incorporate at least two CA options compared to the farmers’ current production practices (but with the same varieties and fertilizer levels as the CA plots) and will provide an opportunity for both farmers and professional agronomists to observe problems and opportunities for system improvement and intensification. These observations feed into both the on-farm and onstation research programs where solutions and possible improved system components are identified. The exploratory trials will remain on the same site for the duration of the program to observe the cumulative effects of CA, but the CA technologies will be refined and modified over time to incorporate farmer observations and the results of the applied research program. These trials will lead to the identification of best bet CA technologies which reflect the circumstances of the farmers in the target communities. For example, manual seeding methods will be used where farmers generally rely on manual labor for land preparation and seeding (such as in most of Malawi and parts of central Mozambique). Animal traction options will be explored in those areas and communities where animal draft power is available to most smallholders (including women). Other innovations, such as 2-wheel tractors, may be explored where there is potential and interest. This will involve linking with other programs that are testing this equipment, and also access CA equipment for 2-wheel tractors being developed, often in collaboration with CIMMYT programs, in other parts of the world. Climate risk management can be greatly improved across most African regions. In many cases climate relevant information, already available to decision makers, fails to reach farmers in a usable form30. Across eastern SSA, year to year variability across eastern is highly influenced by ENSO (El Nino Southern Oscillation), and sea surface temperatures in the Indian Ocean. Predictability in eastern Africa is stronger for the October-December short rains than for the long rains during March-May. Predictions at longer time intervals, those of climate change (30-50 years), show a worrying alignment between recent observations and expected increases in temperatures. However there is no consensus on how climate change will affect regional rainfall. At intermediate time scales associated with decadal changes in climate (10-30 years), of relevance to the strategic planning of households, there are increasingly optimistic results of tremendous application potential for many developing regions in the world31. In addition to climate variability, climate change is expected to further impact on the livelihoods of these farmers. Though by helping farmers now how to better manage climate variability i.e. from season to season and from year to year, will increase they resilience and capacity to adapt to future climatic changes. In this program we will develop climate resilient farming systems by: Improving our understanding of the system and its management; Improving our understanding the impact of climate variability; 30Hellmuth 31Meehl, et al., 2007 et al., 2009 Page 52 Determining opportunities for tactical and strategic responses to existing and new climate information; Use system modeling to evaluate the worth of change options and any potential trade-offs; Participatory implementation and evaluation. In a first step we will analyze historical climate data to identify trends and quantitatively describe present climate systems; and explore the role of probabilistic seasonal climate forecasts, and longer term predictions for planning practices, tactics and strategies. Systems modeling tools will be used to translate climate odds into expected yields, and cash returns. The participatory use of systems modeling will allow the program to generate relevant and actionable information that will be discussed in the local innovation systems in each of the target communities, to generate new “virtual” experiential knowledge and easy to apply rules of thumb. Examples of modeled results will include the benefits and trade-offs from changing practices e.g. selecting crops, fine tuning the use of fertilizers, selection of cultivars and their planting dates; benefits from the adoption of new technologies e.g. conservation agriculture; and ex-ante identifying more productive and resilient smallholder farm designs by quantifying alternative allocations of limited resources on the household livelihoods. Crop simulation models will be calibrated using data from targeted areas to assess the production, profitability and riskiness of certain identified production strategies (GxExM). This will be complemented by cost-benefit and risk analyses methods to determine the profitability and risk trade-offs associated with alternative maize-legume production strategies. Data for calibration of the simulation model (APSIM) will be obtained from existing national climatic databases. This will be supported by soil information and varietal performance and agronomic trial data from the program target areas. The simulation results will be discussed with farmers to verify the likely effects of changing crop mixes, varieties and agronomic practices. The analytical results will be mapped to provide insights on the potential trade-offs, strategies for reducing risks and impact target areas for maize- legume technologies. This will facilitate future decision making, technology targeting and up-scaling to exploit technology spill-ins and spillovers within and across countries. While local adaptation of the principles of conservation agriculture is the key to successful CA systems, some components of the system may have large and overlapping recommendation domains, just as the adapted varieties – one component of the CA systems – may have very wide adaptability. However, the combination of components technologies is likely to be quite different across the agroecologies and program countries. Even though it is impossible to define at this stage what the problems to successful CA implementation will be in the different agroecologies addressed by the program, it is likely that certain problems, limitations and issues will be of primary importance. The following are likely to be some of the principal issues that will need to be addressed to adapt the principles of CA to local conditions: Weed control strategy – combining manual and judicious weed control will give opportunities for saving labor, but with increased cost. The balance of these two weed control strategies is likely to change depending on the agroecology, but also will depend on the resource availability (including cash, land and labor) of the particular farm family. One of the principal reasons for tillage is to control weeds, and so when tillage is stopped or markedly reduced, weed control becomes a major issue. It is likely that the Page 53 program will need to invest considerable effort in deciphering optimum weed control strategies for different situations and farmer circumstances. Equipment – effective CA depends on being able to seed the crop into untilled soil, preferably into soil covered with crop residues. While some equipment is available worldwide, locally manufactured equipment is often of poor quality. Availability of CA equipment on the local market in the five countries is negligible, and this, together with local manufacture of high quality, adapted equipment will need to be addressed to overcome this barrier to CA adoption. Residue amounts – most small farmers in the countries (except Malawi) manage mixed crop-livestock systems where the livestock component is often just as important as the crop enterprise. Maize crop residues are often used as animal fodder, especially over the dry winter period. These residues provide very low quality feed which results in animals being weak and emaciated at the start of the rains, and thus inefficient for land preparation. Although the draft requirements in CA are considerably (+80%) lower in CA, the animals could still be far more productive and crop production and system sustainability enhanced by leaving crop residues on the soil surface. Achieving this will require alternative sources of fodder, and legume fodder, or mixed cereal/legume fodder can provide a considerably more nutritious animal diet. Although numerous research results show that 30% of ground cover with crop residues reduces soil erosion by approximately 80%, residue levels for other conditions, for instance where evaporation or temporary waterlogging are limiting factors, are not understood. Residue maintenance – even if farmers leave residues on the field, other factors conspire to remove the residues prior to the following crop season. Communal grazing rights apply in most smallholder areas of the five program countries – after harvest animals are free to roam and graze, thus making it extremely difficult for a farmer to retain crop residues. This is a social issue that will require considerable knowledge development and discussion to overcome, but there are examples in southern and eastern Africa where farmers have surmounted the problem. Another hazard for residue retention is termite populations. Termites can consume even fairly heavy residue loads within a few months, leaving the soil almost bare. Although termites may still leave some land protection with a thin layer of residues over their tunnels and galleries, and also benefit infiltration though macropores, maintaining residues in areas with heavy termite loads will require innovative approaches. Fertilization strategy – in conventionally tilled systems, farmers – and especially smallholder farmers – generally fertilize for the current season. However, in CA systems, because of the marked benefits that result from surface residue cover, fertilization strategies may be very different to enable sufficient residue production and therefore to capitalize on the benefits from the residues in subsequent seasons. In all five countries, fertilization strategies have been researched for conventionally tilled systems and it may well be necessary and efficient to research new fertilization strategies for CA systems, especially where legumes are incorporated into the system. CA is not a “low-input” system and functions best when residue cover is adequate. Common farmer production methods with little nutrient applications have, as reported earlier, very low grain production levels which are allied with low stover production levels. Increasing the productivity and sustainability of these systems does, and will, require the incorporation of adequate nutrient levels into the system, whether by biological nitrogen fixation, organic nutrient amendments, including manure where available, and inorganic fertilizers. In general the program will aim to use moderate and relatively accessible nutrient application levels, guided by ex ante analysis of economic benefits. Page 54 Legume species and variety – in untilled situations the benefits to the following crop after different species may be completely different to the benefits observed in conventionally tilled systems. Pigeonpeas for instance may be important not only for their grain and for the nitrogen balance of the soil, but also because of the macropores through compacted layers that their strong taproots are able to produce. In conventionally tilled situations these pores are likely blocked by tillage, and certainly do not remain continuous, whereas in CA systems, these pores remain open and continuous, aiding water infiltration and root growth. Maize varieties – to date there is no conclusive evidence of GxE (or M – management) interactions between maize varieties and CA systems. It is likely, however, that resistance to necrotrophic diseases will enable a variety to be better adapted to CA conditions. Researchers must remain alert to the possibility of interactions, and crop breeders must remain alert to the potential benefits of selecting germplasm under CA situations. The first stage of farmer adoption of CA systems is when some farmers begin to test or experiment with CA systems on their own fields outside the area of the demonstration plots. These farmer experiments provide insights to agronomic researchers on possible system modifications that can feed back into the demonstration or research programs and to and to social scientists to explore further farmer perceptions of CA and the impacts of the system on household resource use and food security. Conservation agriculture provides an opportunity for improving the natural resource base dedicated to agriculture. The impacts of the CA interventions on soil quality will be monitored in multiple-season researcher managed trials as well as in the on-farm demonstration plots. Combining this data with the outputs of the crop/soil simulation models and GIS-based site-similarity analysis will allow the targeting of scaling-out activities and feed into the policy debate on solutions to problems of agricultural productivity and sustainability. Objective 3: To increase the range of maize and legume varieties available for smallholders through accelerated breeding, regional testing and release, and availability of performance data A shortlist of new experimental maize and legume varieties with potential adaptation to the conditions and farmer’s needs will be identified by NARS for each country and targeted maize-legume system. The varieties will mostly originate from ongoing breeding programs such as the Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa Project or the Tropical Legume 2 project. Simultaneously for them passing through variety release, the varieties will be evaluated in farmer-participatory trials in the target communities, using for example the Mother-Baby Trial methodology, and seed production characteristics will be determined for joint identification of desirable varieties with farmers and seed companies. Involvement of seed companies will ensure rapid uptake of varieties as they become aware about farmer demand and production characteristics of new varieties. In addition, regional nurseries will be composed of best-bet maize lines and legume varieties. For maize, inbred lines will be characterized per se and in testcrosses for priority traits (drought, N stress, pests, diseases) using trial sites established with CIMMYT and NARS partners. A subset of the testing sites and a minimum of four tropical maize hybrids will be parameterized for use with the APSIM model using standard characterization protocols by QDEEDI. GxE analysis and application of the APSIM model will then assist in scaling out best varieties faster into similar growing Page 55 environments within and across countries, identifying best varieties more appropriately (by removing predictable GxE effects), give indication for meaningful germplasm flow from CIMMYT to Africa and Australia-based national program partners and among national program partners, and explore recommendations for new varieties in current and future climates. For the different legume species, germplasm exchange will be much more targeted based on farmer preferences for particular species and income opportunities defined in Objective 1. Best legume varieties identified in one country will hence be directly exchanged with countries, agro-ecologies and farming communities that have interest in that particular specie and included in farmer-participatory trials in that particular target community. NARS licensing approaches will be used to deploy best program germplasm through seed companies. Breeder and foundation seed will be produced by IARCs and NARS for further multiplication by commercial farmers or seed companies. Objective 4: To support the development of regional and local innovations systems The national research activities will contribute to the knowledge pool (a virtual centre of excellence) on sustainable maize-legume based system intensification. Spillovers are an important source of benefits. Beyond the immediate exchange among partner countries, spillovers within the east-central region will be coordinated by ASARECA while established collaborative networks in southern Africa (such as NSIMA, SOFECSA) will assume a similar role in the southern sub-region. In addition, spillovers with Australia and with West Africa could be significant. Spillovers will include the adoption of program insights across countries. Given site and farming systems similarities, executing the program in different farming systems in different countries will facilitate use of spillovers across program countries and in non-target countries. This is fostered by that partner institutions execute research only in selected systems but are confronted with needs from a wider range of systems. Data on biophysical site similarities and socio-economic studies will be the foundation for scaling up insights beyond the country of origin and the APSIM model will be applied to assess recommendation domains of improved options across countries. In addition, maize and legume germplasm tested and released in one country can be scaled up more rapidly because site similarities and GxE analysis will allow identifying potential recommendation domains in other countries. NARS and seed companies can accelerate the inclusion in variety release in other countries by skipping the length pre-evaluation process that usually leads up to National Maize Variety Trials. Seed companies that license these varieties, produce and disseminate the seed can be made aware of recommendation domains and use the information for marketing purposes. Finally, the use, adaptation and validation of Australian crop and system models to a wider array of conditions, thereby increasing their utility. Research activities will be monitored using an adapted ASARECA M&E framework including indicators of adoptability, gender equity and transferability across farming systems and countries. Gender and M&E specialists within the NARS will participate in program activities in a sample of program target communities, and collect data on socioeconomic indicators and technological and socioeconomic advances from all communities and from the germplasm development activities conducted under the program. These data will be analyzed and incorporated into a georeferenced knowledge database. Project advances against stated milestones will be analyzed at the agroecology and national level and reported, analyzed and discussed at national annual meetings to ensure that all program Page 56 partners are aware of the bottlenecks and opportunities to achieve the program goals. At the same time evidence of gender bias in the program activities will be assessed and opportunities to overcome these and increase the gender balance in all aspects of the program analyzed and discussed. Examples of successful spillover between African countries will be analyzed to evaluate the factors that increase effective spillover, and factors that limit interchange of information, knowledge, technologies and methodologies. An action plan to increase effective international transfer of program outputs will be developed and installed in the program. This will include a competitive grant program for grantees outside of the program countries to enable them to more rapidly extend program outputs through other programs and programs. This transfer will be oriented by site-similarity analysis and by the outputs from crop/soil and bioeconomic models to enhance the probabilities of effective spillover. Objective 5: Capacity building to increase the efficiency of agricultural research today and in the future. The program will use short courses, workshop, field days and exchange visits in support of the program agenda and support selected M.Sc. and Ph.D. research programs executed in collaboration with local, South African and Australian universities. Capacity building will be targeted at program scientists and technical staff in partner organizations, and include researchers, extension agents, the private sector and farmers. Linkages to regional capacity building efforts, such as ASARECA and RUFORUM, will be used to expose a wide group of young scientists to the methods and focus of this program and to scale out the methodologies. In addition policy papers will seek to build the capacity of policy makers. The use of relatively simple modeling techniques, such as spreadsheet analysis, will be explored to provide accessible and accurate policy analyses, based on the best scientific data available, to decision makers. Page 57 5.2 Outputs, activities and milestones Objective 1: To characterize maize-legume production and input and output value chain systems and impact pathways, and identify broad systemic constraints and options for field testing. No. Outputs / Activities Output 1.1 Initial characterization of ten maize-legume farming systems and selection of thirty research sites/communities Activity Exploratory visits to the target areas, selection of sites and community surveys within target countries 1.1.1 Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Program communities and sites selected and adjoining control or counterfactual villages identified Target sites and villages selected by June 2010 NARS economists and scientists from 5 countries (leaders), CIMMYT, ICRISAT and Australian partners Logistical conditions on the ground will permit reconnaissance visits to the target areas Improved knowledge about the existing situations and variability of target areas to help the program teams in selection of sit and control villages Lead: NARS economists and scientists from 5 countries: Traders, farmer organizations and processors will provide essential data First approximation of socioeconomic profile of the communities within each target zone developed to identify and target hot spots Activity 1.1.2 Consultation and rapid appraisals for identifying agribusiness and market opportunities in maize-legume systems Indicative opportunities for agribusiness and market development in maize-legume systems identified Agribusiness opportunities identified in selected markets by August 2010 Partners: CIMMYT, ICRISAT and Australian partners, market orientated NGOs and relevant private sector Page 58 Country teams will operate interactively for systematic selection of sites and villages Better understanding of limiting factors an entry points in the value chain and participation of the private sector in defini program interventions No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Relevant data on production conditions, constraints and socioeconomic factors (population, roads, markets, poverty profiles, etc) is accessible from secondary sources Contextual framework to be used for interpretations of site specific data and information - inform policy analysis. Proactive participation of program partners in developing a tool for collecting relevant information Efficient and effective data collection protocols, data collection tools and data analysis methods, at a number of scales field, household, village and region associations Activity 1.1.3 Collection and analysis of secondary data (including any existing farm budget data) and mapping and characterization of the target farming systems in each country GIS maps and socioeconomic and biophysical area profiles developed for selected farming systems About Dec 2010 for data collection May 2011 for mapping of the results NARS economists and scientists from 5 countries (leaders) for data collection CIMMYT (leader) for data analysis with support from Australian partners, NARS and ICRISAT QDEEDI (leader) for spatial characterization and GIS mapping Output 1.2 Understanding farmers’ maize and legume production constraints and opportunities, crop and livestock interactions, resource use, technology preferences and market access in the ten farming systems Activity Developing standardized instruments and survey tools through consultation with program teams 1.2.1 Instruments, tools and protocols for survey data collection standardized for all participating countries Aug 2010 Page 59 CIMMYT(leader), NARS and Australia, and ICRISAT No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity Identification and training of enumerators, and implementation of farm household surveys Villages and household types identified through household surveys and participating farmers & collaborators engaged Surveys completed in 3 countries by Feb 2011 NARS (leaders) for supervision and implementing surveys, CIMMYT, Australia, and ICRISAT Political and security conditions will allow collection of household surveys in all countries. Descriptors for household and farm types within communities and case studies to inform technology and household targetin by the program teams Lead: QDEEDI; Political and security conditions will allow collection of household surveys in all countries 1.2.2 Household data coded and entered into SPSS software for analysis Activity 1.2.3 Activity 1.2.4 Villages and household types identified through household surveys and participating farmers engaged (in collaboration with 1.2.2) Participatory diagnosis of rainfed maize and maizelegume systems options in Queensland, Australia Farm case studies identified and current farmer’s decision on resource allocation and their consequences quantified in terms of productivity – risk – environmental consequences Improved understanding of the viability of rainfed maize-legume systems in Queensland Surveys completed in 2 countries by August 2011 June 2010 Participate: ICRISAT; National Program staff32; CIMMYT; farmer and women’s groups in the target communities December 2010 Lead: QDEEDI; Participate: participating farmers; NARES Link: CIMMYT 32 In all cases, national programme staff include members of universities and graduate students Page 60 Participating farmers will cooperate in providing the necessary information through inperson surveys. In-depth knowledge of household and far types, resource condition, access to inpu and markets, feasible technological option and feasible pathways for intensifying ma legume production systems identified and reported Participating farmers will cooperate in providing the necessary information through inperson surveys and participatory discussions Risk: Farmers interested to develop a participatory action research activity on intercropped maizelegume systems identified and engaged Participatory identification of feasible pathways for systems intensification No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity Analysis of data on existing farmers’ resource use patterns, production practices, technology choices and preferences, constraints to market participation and maize-legume systems improvements, socioeconomic profiles, input output levels, access to services and markets for maize, legumes and other farm outputs in the target farming systems of each of the selected countries to appraise technology options Research report for 3 countries completed and shared with partners Dec 2011 CIMMYT (leader, data analysis) with support from ICRISAT, Australia, NARS partners Availability of good data will allow quick analysis of major socioeconomic conditions, constraints and opportunities in the target farming systems In-depth knowledge of household and far types, poverty profiles, access to inputs a markets, technology choices to inform targeting by the program teams CIMMYT (leader, survey tools) with support from Australia ICRISAT and NARS Value chain actors will be willing to provide information for seed, fertilizer, and other inputs Input suppliers, farmers and public sector agencies and researchers will use the information to identify weak links and impediments in the input supply chain 1.2.5 Output 1.3 Understanding maize and legume input and output markets and value chains including chain constraints and opportunities, costs and pricing patterns associated with the ten farming systems Activity Understanding the structure and performance of seed value chains for legumes and seed and fertilizer value chains for maize 1.3.1 Research report for 2 countries completed and shared with partners Standardized seed and fertilizer market survey tools developed Input market chain data and maps for seeds, fertilizer, equipment, pesticides and information gathered for selected markets/counties March 2012 June 2011 Dec 2011 NARS partners (leaders, implementing surveys), input supply associations and NGOs Page 61 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity Participatory market chain survey and mapping for maize and legume output value chains Standardized output market survey tools developed Oct 2011 CIMMYT and Australia (leaders, survey tools), NARS partners and ICRISAT (leaders, implementing surveys) Value chain actors will be willing to provide information for maize and legumes Farmers, private and public sector agenc and researchers will use the information t identify weak links and impediments in th output market chain CIMMYT, Australia and ICRISAT (leaders, analysis), NARS partners (leaders, report writing) Good quality data will allow analysis and better understanding of market imperfections and opportunities for improvement Integrated legume and maize input and output market study reports that will be handy for indentifying intervention options the program team and policy makers CIMMYT and Australia, ICRISAT (leaders, analysis) Data will allow synthesis and comparisons across countries in the region Synthesis report that will inform national a regional bodies to take action for improvin greater participation in regional markets 1.3.2 Output market chain data and maps (maize, legumes, crop residues including market shares, costs, price variability, role of grain quality) developed for selected markets/countries Activity 1.3.3 Analysis of the structure and performance of input and output markets and their integration in the selected countries Country Reports developed on market imperfections (quality, volume, price variability, timing/season) and value chain opportunities (links, information and value addition) in seed and fertilizer supply systems Country Reports developed on market imperfections (quality, volume, price variability, timing/season) and value chain opportunities (links, information and value addition) in grain markets and value chains (maize and legumes) Activity 1.3.4 Synthesis and analysis of opportunities and constraints for value chain and market development Integration of data into household models, spatial analysis completed March 2012 May 2012 Sept 2012 Dec 2012 Report developed on information, volume, quality, policy and other constraints for value chain development in maize and legumes NARS partners (leaders, report writing) Page 62 No. Outputs / Activities Output 1.4 Several farm-household system options identified which are risk reducing and productivity enhancing for each of the ten farming systems for testing in the research sites/communities Activity Developing farm household typologies for selected farming systems to establish representative case studies 1.4.1 Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Farm household typology developed and case studies identified based on household survey data (link to 1,2) May 2012 Lead: QDEEDI (analysis and typology of farming systems) Representative households and case studies can be established in the target countries using household data In-depth knowledge of household and far types, resource condition, access to input and markets, feasible technological option and feasible pathways for intensifying ma legume production systems identified and reported Participating farmers will cooperate in providing the necessary information to design and test promising options and strategies Better understanding (by the researchers possible pathways for diversifying liveliho strategies,, improving food security and increasing productivity through improved allocation of limited resources, application more sustainable agronomic practices, an better alignment of farm activities within lo and regional value chains. Existing farmer resource allocation decisions and their consequences on risk-productivity-environment quantified CIMMYT (analysis and typology of households); Opportunities for improvement and research questions, identified and discussed with the participating farmers and value chain research team Activity 1.4.2 Participatory design and bioeconomic modeling and evaluation to identify improved farm enterprise options for increasing productivity and reducing risks Improved farm-household resource allocation and risk management strategies for each household type identified, and consequences of their implementation i.e. productivity – risk – environmental impacts quantified and discussed with the participating farmers and value chain research team. Partners: ICRISAT; National Program staff; Farmer groups in the target communities May 2013 Lead: QDEEDI (APSIM model) and CIMMYT (bioeconomic farm household model) ; Partners: CIMMYT, ICRISAT; National Page 63 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Program staff;; Farmers in the target communities Activity 1.4.3 Participatory implementation and socioeconomic evaluation of alternative farm enterprise options for increasing productivity and reducing food in-security concerns Output 1.5 Effective adoption and impact pathways assessed for ten maize-legume systems Activity Adoption and impact assessments will be conducted through farm household surveys in selected farming systems to identify impact pathways and facilitate learning, change and priority setting processes. 1.5.1 Options to intensify and diversify production systems that are attractive to farmers and value chain businesses and that increase productivity and reduce seasonal variations identified, discussed and implemented through action research. December 2013 Evaluation criteria, indicators and monitoring processes selected by the team Year 1-4 (2010-2013) Evaluation criteria and feedback processes implemented on changes in productivity, risk, income, at multiple scales (field, household, community/district, region, and country New opportunities identified from linkages with other programs and local, regional activities (e.g. new products, generation of interregional and inter- country spillovers) Page 64 Lead: QDEEDI; Partners: CIMMYT, ICRISAT; National Program staff; Farmers in the target communities CIMMYT (leader, development of indicators/survey tools) with support from ASARECA and all partners, NARS in each country (monitoring and documenting change) Participating farmers will cooperate and participate in discussions and action research to implement improved options Political and security conditions will remain stable in all target countries to allow continuous monitoring of changes attributable to the interventions. Improved knowledge (by farmers and NA on the socioeconomic feasibility of alterna pathways for diversification of livelihoods sustainable intensification of maize-legum systems aligned within local and regional value chains. Reliable data that will build from the base household data to better understand adoption patterns and outcomes and refin interventions through incremental learning and change by the program team Objective 2: To test and develop productive, resilient and sustainable smallholder maize-legume cropping systems and innovation systems for local scaling out No. Output 2.1 Activity 2.1.1 Activity 2.1.2 Activity Outputs/ Milestones Due date of output/ milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs A list of potential, sustainable, reduced risk yet more productive technology options that are compatible with present and/or future value chain arrangements in each of the target environments of the five program countries prepared based on ex ante analysis. In alignment with Objectives 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.5.1 (value chains) Lists of potential technologies prepared for the target farming systems / agro-ecosystems in each of the program countries. February 2010 – Kenya and Tanzania; April 2010 – Ethiopia; September 2010 – Malawi and Mozambique Lead: National program coordinators The program is approved and financed early enough to permit intense activities in Jan/Feb 2010. If not milestones for Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia may be delayed by one year. Lists of possible technological options for the target communities developed based on the evaluation of available data for the target ecologies and agreed upon by researchers, and extension officers. Discussions held with participating farming communities, national technical staff (research and extension), and other members of the incipient innovation platforms, to evaluate technology and livelihood options (including those developed in 2.1.2) and determine the technologies to be tested on farm in each of the targeted communities. Potential systems, practices and risk management strategies identified for the sustainable increase of maize system productivity and legume options for system diversification. Identified options for systems intensification and diversification, that reduce risk in the ten farming systems using systems modeling NARS biophysical and social scientists Participate CIMMYT Link: QDEEDI Feb/Mar 2010 – Kenya and Tanzania; April 2010 – Ethiopia; Sep/Oct 2010 – Malawi and Mozambique Page 65 Lead: National program coordinators Participate: CIMMYT Link: QDEEDI The APSIM model is capable of calculating the system productivity in the target environments. Information available from Activities 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.5.1 (value chains) The program is approved and financed early enough to permit intense activities in Jan/Feb 2010. If not milestones for Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia may be delayed by one year. Technological interventions to be addressed in the program agreed upon by technical staff and participating farming communities. Farmers and staff obtain experience in evaluating potential technologies based on likely productivity, risk and sustainability scenarios; in alignment initial findings from the value chain analysis as per 1.1.1, 1.1.2 and 1.2.1. No. Activity Output 2.2 Functioning local innovation systems developed in each of ten maize-legume farming systems to help overcome system limitations and enhance scaling out of technologies. Activity 2.2.1 Based on observations of problems in field plots and in maize, legume and CA value chains, multiple agents whose expertise and networks may be useful to overcome these problems invited to participate in local innovation systems (linked to Activity 2.3.5) and membership expanded as necessary Diverse set of potential innovation system members invited to participate in field visits and efforts to increase the productivity of maize-legume systems in each of the 10 agro-ecologies. Regular discussions and field visits conducted with program partners and members of the innovation system in each agro-ecological zone to observe and discuss problems and bottle-necks with farmers Activity 2.2.2. Outputs/ Milestones Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs April 2010 – Kenya and Tanzania; June 2010 – Ethiopia; January 2011 – Malawi and Mozambique Lead: National program biophysical and social scientists and extension agents; Agents with expertise and interest to overcome biophysical problems and value chain bottle-necks in the target maize-legume systems can be identified Innovation system will be instrumental in overcoming limitations to system productivity Initial innovation systems formed in each agroecology Idem. Participate: Agents from multiple institutions. At least one field visit with the innovation system members conducted during the crop season in each target maize-legume system and visiting at least half of the target communities. Mid crop season in each country starting in Kenya approximately May 2010. Lead: National program biophysical and social scientists and extension agents; Members of the innovation system are willing to spend time visiting target communities and field sites Potential solutions postulated and discussed are included into the program planning in each country. Approximately one month after harvest in each country Participate: Agents from multiple institutions. Post-harvest visit of the innovation system members to each target maize-legume system to discuss results, problems and limitations and measures to overcome them. Due date of output/ milestone Page 66 No. Activity Outputs/ Milestones Activity 2.2.3 Information flow between all members of the innovation system (including farmers) encouraged and facilitated Telephone and/or e-mail network established between members of each local innovation system. Due date of output/ milestone Dec 2010 Electronic newsletter initiated and circulated to all members of both of the local innovation systems in each country at least twice per year Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs Lead: National program biophysical and social scientists and extension agents; All members of the innovation systems are connected electronically Interest and input of all members of the innovation systems is maintained. Members have the interest and capacity to develop innovations to overcome system problems and limitations. Bottle-necks in system productivity removed. Program staff along with members of innovation system are able to identify why some approaches work well and others less so. Lessons will be learnt from what worked and what did not work Participate: Agents from multiple institutions. Activity 2.2.4 Efforts of members of the innovation system to overcome one or more of the system limitations encouraged, facilitated, and, where possible, supported Innovation system members working on solutions to observed problems and limitations in the local maize-legume systems. Dec 2011 Innovation system members. National coordinators; Program coordinator Activity 2.2.5 Effectiveness of local processes for adapting and spreading the program technologies systematically assessed using participatory and M&E systems; Documentation of most effective innovation processes and reasons for their success 2011, 2012 & 2013 Innovation system members. National coordinators; Program coordinator Page 67 No. Activity Output 2.3 Evaluated exploratory trials of current best options for maize/legume smallholder systems for different farm types in with 5-6 cooperating farmers in each of thirty research sites/communities Activity Community awareness meetings conducted in the target communities in each of the target ecologies in each country to discuss farmer defined production system problems, and options to overcome these. Linked to 1.1.1 and 1.1.2. 2.3.1 Activity 2.3.2 Farmer groups and 5-6 host households and fields for multi-year exploratory trials defined by farmers within each target community. Outputs/ Milestones Due date of output/ milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs Community awareness meeting held in each target community informed by the results from Activity 1.2. Staggered due to differences in planting dates. All awareness meetings held by October 2010, and recurrent during the life of the program. Lead: National program biophysical and social scientists and extension agents; Staff and communities can be identified in time to be able to complete the awareness meetings before planting rains. In each community. (If this cannot be achieved, the CAM will be conducted anyway but during the crop season. Farmers gain insight into technology options to address the principal problems in their production systems and households. November 2010 Lead: National program biophysical and social scientists and extension agents; There is sufficient time between program start-up and the planting rains in each target ecology, to complete these activities. Where this is not possible the activity and subsequent activities will be delayed by one year. Field sites defined by community members, helping ensure community access to exploratory trials and trust between farmer hosts of the trials and other farmers. Farmer groups, and 5-6 field sites established in each community Participate: CIMMYT; Link: QDEEDI Participate: CIMMYT; and QDEEDI Page 68 Researchers, extension agents and other members of the local innovation platforms gain insights into farmerperceived problems in the production systems. No. Activity Outputs/ Milestones Due date of output/ milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs Activity Minimum data set for field characterization defined and sites characterized Basic soil, climate, land use, topography and cropping history data available for each of the exploratory trial sites. December 2011 after soil analyses conducted Lead: National program scientists; National or regional soil laboratories; Adequate soil analysis capacity exists in each of the program countries. (Reserve samples will be maintained so that more uniform analyses can be conducted if necessary) All of the exploratory trials characterized aiding the interpretation of the results; and data sets available for simulation models in the APSIM format as in Soil Matters Lead: National program scientists/exte nsion personnel; local farmers and farmer groups. Farmers are willing to loan part of their land for on-farm research for at least 4 seasons. The exploratory trials form the core of the technology development and dissemination strategy. Lead: National program scientists; Farmers and innovation platform members are willing to dedicate time to routine participatory evaluations. 2.3.3 Participate: CIMMYT, and DEEDI Activity 2.3.4 Activity 2.3.5 Exploratory trials with at least two CA options compared to one conventionally tilled check established on each of 5-6 farms in each target community Participatory evaluation of exploratory trials by farmer groups and members of the innovation platforms conducted and documented at the beginning, middle, end and after harvest each season (linked to Activity 2.2.1) Exploratory trials established by farmers with program orientation and support. January 2011 Conservation agriculture-based management systems adapted to the biophysical and socio-economic conditions of innovative farmers available in each of the targeted communities, contributing to the household livelihoods, increasing maize productivity and reducing climate risks. June 2013 Data available on qualitative and quantitative evaluations of exploratory trials by farmers and other members of the local innovation platforms Seasonal. First complete results by August 2011, and annually after that. Page 69 Participate: CIMMYT Farmers and farm communities observe the effects of alternative system management options on productivity, labor use and resilience. Documented data of farmer and partner evaluations of all trials forms an input into the analysis of the technologies and the planning of future program activities. No. Activity Output 2.4 Adjustments to the maizelegume systems tested in the exploratory trials and farmer experiments developed with farm and soil quality, system productivity and disease, pest and weed dynamics quantified Activity 2.4.1 Activity 2.4.2 Outputs/ Milestones Due date of output/ milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs Identify solutions to problems observed on farmer plots (see 2.2.7) and options for system diversification and intensification or productivity increases (previously subjected to ex ante analysis) through an efficient on-farm research program in each country. On-farm research program defined in each country after the first season of trial plots, ex ante technology analysis and analysis of household data. October 2011 Lead: National Program scientists; Technical or socioeconomic solutions exist for the observed problems which are attractive with a high probability of adoption by farmers. Efficient and dynamic on-farm research programs defined Sites representative of the conditions of farmers in the target communities selected and characterized to enable the establishment of an efficient on-farm research program in each country. Data to enable the adequate parameterization of the APSIM and APSFarm models available from onfarm research and case study sites. October 2011 Farmers with the required socioeconomic circumstances and whose farms have the required biophysical characteristics are willing to participate in the on-farm research program and commit themselves to hosting trials for at least 3-4 years. Application of the APSIM and APSFarm models to sites and farm households representative of the target communities in the five countries. Participate: CIMMYT; QDEEDI; ICRISAT Lead: National Program scientists; Participate: CIMMYT; QDEEDI Page 70 No. Activity Outputs/ Milestones Activity Component technology trials established on sites representative of the target communities and agroecologies to explore possible solutions to observed problems and explore options to sustainably increase the productivity of maize-legume farming systems At least four trials established on representative sites in each agroecology. Although in some countries this may be worthwhile in the first program season, they will only be definitely established in the second season 2.4.3 Activity 2.4.4 Activity 2.4.5 Researcher-managed trials established under conditions representative of the agroecologies addressed in the program to monitor the medium to long-term effects of the principal program interventions on soil quality and disease, pest and weed dynamics. The effects of technological options on soil quality, BNF and system productivity monitored in the on-farm research and researchermanaged trails. Due date of output/ milestone January 2012 Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs Lead: National Program scientists; Farmers (and possibly research stations) agree to allow the use of land for medium-term applied research trials. Solutions to observed problems and options for increasing system productivity available for evaluation by innovation system partners. Participate: CIMMYT; Link: QDEEDI One researcher managed trial established in each agroecology. December 2010 Precise data on crop productivity and water dynamics available for crop/soil simulation model validation. July 2011 and annually after that. Data available on the effects and potential effects of the principal technological interventions addressed by the program on soil quality, BNF, and disease, pest and weed dynamics. July 2012 and annually after that Data available on the effects of technological options on soil quality, BNF and system productivity and sustainability. December 2013 Page 71 CIMMYT; Farmers are willing to experiment with new techniques and technologies on their farm, and to discuss their farm activities and livelihoods with the researchers. Secure and uniform conditions representative of each of the target agroecologies can be identified and accessed. Effects of the technologies on soil quality, BNF, disease, pest and weed dynamics, and system productivity used to demonstrate potential effects; validate crop/soil simulation models and provide information for publications and policy briefs. Lead: CIMMYT Facilities are available in each country for soil quality evaluation. Participate:;; Murdoch Univ; National Program scientists Sufficient national staff are involved to be able to monitor soil quality effects Opportunities for improving soil quality, and BNF described. NARS Scientists; QDEEDI; Murdoch Uni. Practical options for improving BNF in legumes described and included in exploratory and validation trials. No. Activity Activity Eco-physiological analysis of intercropped maize-legume production systems 2.4.6 Outputs/ Milestones Due date of output/ milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs Improved understanding of ecophysiological traits to improve maize adaptation to different environments and management practices December 2011 Lead: QDEEDI, Risk: Seasonal climate conditions allow experiments to be completed satisfactorily and the data is of good quality Improved understanding of how to minimize the competition for resources i.e. water and solar radiation by crops growing in intercropped / relay systems. Participate: NARES, participating farmers Link: CIMMYT Improved understanding of options for increasing water productivity in maize / legume systems with applications to both Queensland and Africa environments. Activity 2.4.7 Best management practices for maize-legume systems identified Improved understanding of best management practices for maizelegume systems December 2012 Lead: QDEEDI, Participate: NARES and participating farmers Risk: feasible practices and machinery are available to implement alternative maizelegume systems Improved understandings of the agronomy of maizelegume systems, e.g. combination of species, planting windows, genetic materials. With applications to both Queensland and Africa environments. Results from research trials and household case studies are sufficiently clear and consistent to allow researchers the security of incorporating these results into the OFR program. Results from each community and the ongoing on-farm research (OFR) programs are discussed each year, documented and used to plan future activities, thereby maintaining the program focused and dynamic. Link: CIMMYT Activity 2.4.8 Problems and opportunities observed in research trials and household case studies analyzed at Annual Evaluation and Planning Meetings (AE&P) in each country and incorporated plans for the following season. Annual E&P Meetings held in each country each year during the period between crop cycles to evaluate results and incorporate them into plans for the following season. All completed by Sep 2011, and annually thereafter Lead: National program scientists and innovation platform partners; CIMMYT, ICRISAT, QDEEDI Data on the functioning of system options under farmer (household) conditions in the target communities. Page 72 No. Activity Output 2.5 Appropriate interventions for improving seed and fertilizer delivery and farmer access to technologies and markets field tested in at least thirty research sites/communities Activity 2.5.1 Activity 2.5.2 Activity 2.5.3 Outputs/ Milestones Due date of output/ milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs Testing and evaluation of options for improving farmer access to inputs (seeds, fertilizer, knowledge, finance) for technology adoption (these interventions will be refined after analysis of household and market survey data) Synthesis of country reports identifying best practices and models for improving farmer access to seeds and technology adoption March 2013 CIMMYT (leader), NARS, Australia, ICRISAT, ASARECA Alternative options that help overcome or remedy imperfections in seed production, marketing and diffusion are possible Tools, methods and market instruments to stimulate participation of private (including farmer groups) and public sector to revitalize input value chains Testing and evaluation of options for improving farmer access and participation in output markets (e.g. collective marketing, grades and standards, market information systems, warehouse receipt systems, metal silos, value adding enterprises, etc) for maize and legumes Synthesis of country reports identifying best practices, marketing instruments and models for improving farmer access to output markets developed June 2013 CIMMYT (leader), NARS, Australia, ICRISAT, ASARECA Institutional innovations and upscalable strategies that help overcome or remedy imperfections in grain markets can be identified Institutional innovations to reduce subsistence orientation and enhance farmer access and participation in grain markets that inform decisions by farmer organizations, government and value chain actors Identifying effective strategies to improve rural finance and insurance e.g. index climate insurance, farmer loans Regional Report identifying best practices for provision of insurance services to smallholders to manage risks to maize and legume production Oct 2013 CIMMYT (leader), NARS, Australia, ICRISAT, ASARECA Alternative options for improving farmer access to rural finance and insurance in target countries of Africa can be identified Market instruments and models to increase ex-ante risk management using insurance mechanisms by insurance providers and farmer organizations Page 73 No. Activity Outputs/ Milestones Due date of output/ milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs Activity Identifying best practices to improve household processing, utilization, food safety (mycotoxins in groundnut and maize) and reduce burden on women and children Synthesis of country reports identifying best practices for improving food quality, safety and household processing developed Nov 2013 CIMMYT (leader), NARS, Australia, ICRISAT, ASARECA Best practices and low cost processing equipment for enhancing legume and maize utilization can be identified and promoted Processing equipment and knowledge to improve utilization and reduce drudgery on women in household food processing and cooking Identifying microeconomic policy options and strategies for improving local, regional and national policies and institutions, and information systems for market integration and sustainable production in maize-legume systems Microeconomic policy options based on review of experiences in the SADC region to enhance trade and value chains in maize and legumes synthesized Dec 2013 CIMMYT (leader), NARS, Australia, ICRISAT, ASARECA The ongoing process of policy harmonization and market liberalization in ASARECA/COMESA will continue in future to implement additional recommendation in target countries Policy instruments to promote sustainable intensification in maize-legume systems and markets to be implemented by national governments and sub-regional bodies Farmers installing or who plan to install maize/legume CA-based experiments on their own fields identified. Dec 2011 and annually thereafter Lead: National program biophysical and social scientists Results of the research trials are positive and evoke farmer interest. Farmer adoption and adaptation of the CA-based maize/legume system technologies Participate: CIMMYT; Farmers in the target communities Farmers are interested to try new sustainable systems on part of their farms 2.5.4 Activity 2.5.5 Out Activity 2.6.1 Lessons from active farmer p experimentation with CAu oriented systems t incorporated into on-farm research trials in each of the 2 thirty research . sites/communities. 6 Farmer discussion groups facilitated to encourage and provide support to plans for farmer experiments (application of new CA-based maize/legume systems on farmers’ own fields by the farmers themselves). Page 74 Climate conditions do not confound results of on-farm research trials. No. Activity Outputs/ Milestones Due date of output/ milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs Activity Farmer experiments on CAbased technologies georeferenced, described, monitored and evaluated Data available on the position and results from at least 1000 farmer experiments in the region. Aug 2012 Lead: National Program staff; Participate: CIMMYT; Farmers in the target communities National staff have the capacity (time and mobility) to monitor farmer experiments adequately Data on farmer experiments and adaptations evaluated for possible incorporation into the ongoing research and demonstration programs. 2.6.2 Output 2.7 Farmer learning through annual facilitated visits of farmers and their local extension agents between the targeted communities in each of the five countries. Activity Communities with similar biophysical and socioeconomic conditions to the target communities identified through site-similarity analysis based on the outputs from 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.7 Communities with similar conditions to the target communities identified. At least one community in each agroecology. December 2010 and annually thereafter Lead: CIMMYT; Participate: QDEEDI; ICRISAT; National Program scientists Sufficient data is available in GIS to enable meaningful site-similarity analysis Informed decisions on communities that will benefit from farmer-to-farmer exchange visits Study visits of farmers and extension agents from communities with similar conditions to meet and discuss experiences with CAbased technologies with farmers and farmer groups in the target communities organized and facilitated Farmer-to-farmer networking for scaling out of knowledge and technological innovations. At least one farmer study visit will take place in each country in or before the 2011/2012 season and one community in each agroecology in the subsequent season. Mar 2012 and Mar 2013 Lead: National program biophysical and social scientists Exploratory trial and farmer experiment results are sufficiently positive to make farmer-to-farmer visits worthwhile Information and knowledge flow from farmer to farmer to initiate new foci of farmer experimentation with CAbased technologies. 2.7.1 Activity 2.7.2 Participate: Farmers in the target communities; members of the innovation platforms, Page 75 Climate conditions do not confound results of on-farm research. Farmers in the host communities are willing to invest their time to inform visiting farmers No. Activity Outputs/ Milestones Due date of output/ milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Applications of outputs Activity Farmers in the “new communities” monitored in seasons subsequent to the farmer-to-farmer visits to quantify farmer experiments with new technologies Data on new farmer experiments permitting an evaluation of the effectiveness of the farmer-to-farmer visits May 2013 Lead: National Program scientists; Participate: CIMMYT National staff have the capacity (time and mobility) to monitor farmer experiments adequately Evidence of farmer experimentation and potential adoption of CA-based technologies 2.7.3 Page 76 Objective 3: To increase the range of maize and legume varieties available for smallholders through accelerated breeding, regional testing and release, and availability of performance data. No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Output 3.1 Ten to 15 stress tolerant maize varieties and 10 higher yielding legume varieties available to farmers in the selected farming systems through farmer- and seed company-participatory variety evaluation and release 15 maize hybrids and 10 legume varieties adapted to farming systems released Activity Data analysis workshop linked to first in-country planning meeting 3.1.1 Activity 3.1.2 Activity 3.1.3 Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Per farming system, identification of 4 pre-release (within NVMTs) or newly released hybrids and OPVs with potential suitability for the targeted farming system for use by Obj 2 and use in farmerparticipatory evaluation (Obj 3) Dec 2010 CIMMYT, NARS and seed company breeders Drawing on OPVs and hybrids from germplasm development in various programs and programs - AMS, DTMA, Highland Initiative, IRMA, NARS, NSIMA, AGRA/PASS and QPM-D -supported activities Use in farmer-participatory variety evaluation in targeted farming system Potential legume species and varieties for the target environment in the program countries analyzed with TL II partners. Per farming system, 1-2 potential legume species and 2 varieties each for the target communities identified. Dec 2010 ICRISAT in consultation with TL II partners, NARS TL II itself does not deal with all the legumes that are likely to be important in the target communities, but the TL II partners have expertise and manage germplasm outside the TL II program Use in farmer-participatory variety evaluation in targeted farming system Seed increase of pre-release and newly released maize hybrids and OPVs and legume species and varieties with potential suitability for the targeted farming system Seed for farmer-participatory maize and legume variety evaluation Dec 2010 NARS breeders, backstopped by CIMMYT Drawing largely on parental germplasm from germplasm development in various programs and programs - AMS, DTMA, Highland Initiative, IRMA, NARS, NSIMA, AGRA/PASS and QPM-D supported activities, and from TL II partners stocks Use in farmer-participatory variety evaluation in targeted farming system Page 77 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity Farmer-participatory evaluation of pre-release and newly released maize hybrids and OPVs and legume species and varieties under farmer-representative and legume-intercrop/CA conditions Maize hybrids and OPVs and legume varieties of different species suitable for the targeted farming system identified Dec 2011 National breeders Adequate weather conditions and absence of social unrest Farmers influence which maize hybrids and OPVs and legume species and varieties should be moved towards variety release and into seed production In parallel to farmerparticipatory trials. seed production characteristics of elite maize hybrids and OPVs and legume varieties established Per country, 3 producible maize hybrids and OPVs and 2 legume varieties suitable for the targeted farming system identified Dec 2011 NARS breeders, backstopped by CIMMYT and TL II partners Adequate weather conditions and interest by seed companies Seed companies influence which hybrids , OPVs and legume varieties should be moved towards variety release and into seed production 3.1.6 Improved GxExM analysis approaches applied to Regional Maize and Legume Variety Trials Recommendation domains for OPVs and hybrids and legume species and varieties evaluated based on regional trials (which are executed by other program such as DTMA or TL-II) Dec 2012 CIMMYT and ICRISAT breeder and agronomists Adequate historical data base to allow for GxExM analysis NARS breeders are more effective in identifying OPVs ‘ , hybrids and legume varieties suitable for various farming systems Activity Improved GxExM analysis approaches applied to Farmer participatory maize variety trials and NMVTs Fast-tracked variety release in at least two member countries Dec 2013 National breeders NARS use GxExM analysis to enter best varieties from other countries directly into NMVT Variety release committees are more effective in identifying OPVs and hybrids for release DUS and NMVT/VCU testing of selected maize OPVs and hybrids Per country, 3 producible hybrids and OPVs released Dec 2013 Variety release authorities Adequate weather conditions, absence of social unrest and timely business operation of seed services and the variety release authorities OPVs and hybrids are permitted to be commercialized in partner countries Requirements for legume variety release completed for adapted varieties in each At least one adapted legume variety released in each of the program countries. Dec 2013 Variety release authorities Adequate weather conditions, absence of social unrest and timely business operation of seed services Adapted legume varieties released 3.1.4 Activity 3.1.5 3.1.7 Activity 3.1.8 Activity 3.1.9 Page 78 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible program country Activity 3.1.10 Activity 3.1.11 Application of activities and the variety release authorities Licensing of released hybrids and OPVs and if possible, legume varieties, to seed companies Per country, 3 producible hybrids and OPVs and at least one legume variety licensed to seed companies Dec 2013 NARS legal advisors Varieties are released and companies have shown interest to produce them Seed companies are able to rapidly scale up seed production Breeder seed production for seed companies and demonstrations Per country, 1 ton of breeder seed for each of 3 producible hybrids and OPVs produced, and at least 500kg of legume variety breeder seed. Dec 2013 National breeders Varieties are released and companies have shown interest to produce them Seed companies are able to rapidly scale up seed production Regional nursery (maize) or bidirectional exchange (legume) Apr 2010 (Eastern Africa) CIMMYT and TL II breeders Adequate weather conditions and timely germplasm exchange between countries Seed available for joint characterization CIMMYT and QDEEDI breeder Adequate weather conditions Seed available for joint characterization NARS, CIMMYT, TL II partners and QDEEDII breeders (QDEEDII for Adequate weather conditions and timely germplasm exchange between countries National breeders use selected inbreds in variety and/or germplasm development for diverse farming systems Output 3.2 Regional nursery for further improved (2nd generation) maize and legume varieties and hybrids Activity Seed increase of elite inbred lines and legume varieties generated in various programs 3.2.1 Risks / assumptions Dec 2010 (Southern Africa) Activity Testcrossing of maize inbreds Testcross progeny 3.2.2 Feb 2011 (Eastern Africa) Dec 2010 (Southern Africa) Activity 3.2.3 Joint characterization of elite inbreds and legume varieties Elite inbred and legume variety characterization for priority stresses in target countries Oct 2012 (Eastern Africa) May 2011 (Southern Africa) Page 79 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities maize) Activity Joint characterization of elite testcrosses in relevant farming systems, including with legume intercropping Testcross characterization in various legume systems Oct 2011 (Eastern Africa) May 2011 (Southern Africa) NARS & CIMMYT breeders, QDEEDII Adequate weather conditions and timely germplasm exchange between countries National breeders use selected inbreds in variety development for diverse farming systems 3.2.5 Development of web platform including database for combination and effective exchange of germplasm information Web-based access to regional germplasm characterization data and information Dec 2012 CIMMYT Timely feed-back of trial information National breeders use selected inbreds in variety development for diverse farming systems Activity Development and selection of new 2nd generation hybrids, OPVs and legume varieties based on joint germplasm characterization and predicted performance of hybrids/OPVs Maize and legume varieties and hybrids with further improved adaptation to target farming systems, consideration of insights from household and value chain studies Dec 2013 NARS, CIMMYT and TL II breeders Adequate information returned by participating breeder QDEEDI may use lines for further germplasm development instead of producing finished hybrids Target farming system-related improvement of infrastructure for program execution Irrigation for nurseries, contribution to cold room maintenance Dec 2010 National breeders Adequate resources and clear country priorities Strengthened NARS capacity to execute on-farm trials, maintain and produce breeder seed, and deploy it to seed companies in a timely manner MoU for germplasm exchange established Dec 2010 3.2.8 Assess opportunities for incorporating national germplasm into regional nursery CIMMYT breeder and TL II Coordinator Institutional policies enable germplasm exchange for research purposes Wider range of germplasm available to program participants Output 3.3 Environmental characterization Activity Environmental Environmental characterization of Dec 2013 CIMMYT and Adequate environmental data Use of data from main 3.2.4 3.2.6 Activity 3.2.7 Activity Page 80 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones 3.3.1 characterization of main CIMMYT, NARS and Queensland testing sites 16 strategic maize testing sites in Africa and Australia Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities QDEEDI available or able to be collected at low cost testing sites for GxExM analysis Objective 4: To support the development of regional and local innovations systems No. Outputs / Activities Output 4.1 Mainstreaming of gender sensitivity in research activities in the five primary program countries. Activity Incorporation of gender-aspects in common M&E system 4.1.1 Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities M&E system incorporates gender aspect May 2010 ASARECA or consultant contracted by ASARECA For eastern Africa, ASARECA provides both expertise and authority in implementing gender aspects for the program M&E. M&E system allows gender analysis Given absence of a similar authority in southern Africa, the same M&E system is adopted as one effective approach to M&E for the program in southern African countries. In case SADC assigns a regional authority to execute M&E for agricultural research in southern Africa, ASARECA would liase with that office for alignment and implementation of the M&E system in this program. Page 81 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity Gender specialist works with and observes program activities in a sample of local innovation systems to assess program gender sensitivity Documented evidence on gender balance and research effectiveness in program activities in a sample of target communities in a sample of innovation systems Dec 2011 ASARECA Some degree of homogeneity of gender issues across farming systems and communities Gender issues observed and documented to use as examples for increasing the gender sensitivity of program activities. Gender specialist trains eastern and southern African NARS scientists in gender issues based on ASARECA, PRGA and best practice experiences NARS scientists in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania trained in implementing gender issues into research design, monitoring and evaluation Dec 2010 ASARECA or consultant contracted by ASARECA ASARECA has highly relevant gender expertise that is relevant for eastern and southern Africa countries. Gender issues incorporated into research design, monitoring and evaluation Reporting of gender outcomes in national research workshops Understanding of processes and compilation of data on effects of gender sensitive research designs Annually from September 2010 National scientists Relevance of gender issues to the CA-oriented maize-legume systems Adjustment of workplans to improve research effectiveness and outcomes wrt gender 4.1.2 Activity 4.1.3 Activity 4.1.4 Output 4.2 Functioning program M&E system incorporated into the program providing information system assessments to national and regional program managers. Page 82 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity Fine-tuning of existing participatory low-cost M&E system to program outputs and modalities through discussion with the program staff; participation of M&E specialist in national inception workshops to brief national teams and M&E staff Functioning common M&E system established based on experiences in eastern Africa May 2010 ASARECA or consultant contracted by ASARECA For eastern Africa, ASARECA provides both expertise and authority in implementing M&E for the program. Low cost and effective M&E system 4.2.1 Given absence of a similar authority in southern Africa, the same M&E system is adopted as one effective approach to M&E for the program in southern African countries. In case SADC assigns a regional authority to execute M&E for agricultural research in southern Africa, ASARECA would liase with that office for alignment and implementation of the M&E system in this program. Activity 4.2.2 Activity 4.2.3 M&E specialist trains eastern and southern African NARS scientists in implementing common M&E system NARS scientists in five program countries trained in implementing common M&E system in ten local innovation systems Dec 2010 Formats for the collection and preparation of monitoring data provided to national and regional program management each six months NARS scientists in five program countries have formats for the collection and reporting of monitoring data in ten local innovation systems Y2-Y4, each six-months Page 83 ASARECA or consultant contracted by ASARECA ASARECA or consultant provides both expertise and authority in implementing M&E. ASARECA; National scientists unaccustomed to low cost participatory M&E NARS scientists to incountry and regional Program Management M&E system is used in eastern African program countries In case SADC assigns a regional authority to execute M&E for agricultural research in southern Africa, ASARECA would liase with that office for alignment and implementation of the M&E system in this program. Effectiveness of program interventions can be assessed No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity Analysis and discussion of monitoring data at annual program meetings Effectiveness of program interventions is assessed Y2-Y4 ASARECA M&E results are available in time for the annual meetings Workplan adjusted to maintain program relevance and dynamism; milestones monitored annually Sep 2011 ASARECA or consultant contracted by ASARECA Systematic lessons can be derived past experiences Improved organization of spillover mechanisms 4.2.4 Output 4.3 Knowledge of relevant program innovations and germplasm available in five additional countries in the region Activity Analyze past experiences and bottlenecks for maize-legume system product spillovers among ASARECA member countries and between ASARECA and SADC Peer-reviewed publication Competitive grants for eastern, central and southern African countries in implementing low cost approaches that effectively use program spill-over’s Member and non-member countries are able to effectively implement program spillovers Jan 2012 ASARECA for ASARECA member countries, SOFECSA for southern Africa Program research results are relevant to priorities in similar agroecologies in non-program countries in the region Accelerated dissemination of, and feedback on, maize/legume system research products to nonprogram countries Identify agroecological analogues between Australia and ESA Maps demonstrating agro-ecological analogues between Australia and eastern and southern Africa Sep 2010 QDEEDI in consultation with ASARECA and CIMMYT Agroecological analogues may need to be supplemented with socioeconomic profiles Accelerated dissemination of, and feedback on, maize/legume system research products between Africa and Australia 4.3.1 Activity 4.3.2 Activity 4.3.3 Conclusions for low cost approaches which extend spillovers between member countries and between member and non-member countries Conclusions for effective sharing of research results on CA-based maize/legume systems and eastern and southern Africa Page 84 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity Cross-participation in annual research workshops between program members and other programs in the region and West Africa Shared understanding of regional research challenges and products; sharing of innovative agronomy, breeding and socio-economic research methods and maize legume system products Crossparticipation in all years ACIAR; AusAID; CIMMYT; National Program scientists Relevance of West African conditions to the region Fine-tuning of research methods through greater understanding of alternate research methods Enhance the interchange of maize and legume germplasm within the sub-Saharan Africa region and with Australia facilitated by enhanced knowledge on germplasm adaptation Increased availability of relevant germplasm among program participants in Africa and Australia From September 2010 CIMMYT; Legume 2 members Adaptability of germplasm Strengthened local breeding activities 4.3.4 Activity 4.3.5 Page 85 Objective 5: Capacity building to increase the efficiency of agricultural research today and in the future No. Outputs / Activities Output 5.1 Training on technology targeting and value chain analysis provided to build and enhance capacity of national and regional programs Activity 5.1.1 Activity 5.1.2 Activity 5.1.3 Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Practical non-degree training on methods for risk analysis and technology targeting in maizelegume systems Skills of program partners in the national and regional programs enhanced in risk analysis and technology targeting Year 2 Lead: QDEEDI; Suitable candidates can be identified in time and complimentary funds will be made available Improved skills that can be immediately used by the research teams for systems diagnosis Practical non-degree training on methods for market opportunity identification and value chain analysis Capacity of program partners in the national and regional programs enhanced in identifying market and agro- enterprise opportunities Year 3 Suitable candidates can be identified in time and complimentary funds will be made available New skills that can be used by the research teams for analysis of value chains and business opportunities Regional M.Sc. training for 3 candidates (technology adoption and commercialization in maizelegume systems) Capacity of national and regional partners enhanced for conducting research agricultural economics in maize-legume systems Year 4 Regional universities would host students and partnerships with Australia will be established for cosupervision Human capital that can be used by the research teams for analysis of adoption pathways and enterprise development strategies for maize-legumes Partners: CIMMYT, ICRISAT, NARS Lead: CIMMYT Partners: QDEEDI, ICRISAT, NARS Lead: CIMMYT Partners: QDEEDI, ICRISAT, NARS, Local universities in partner countries and South Africa Partnerships between regional and Australian institutions strengthened Page 86 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity PhD training (2) on bioeconomic modeling of household decision behavior under risk Competence of national and regional partners enhanced for conducting strategic research and new options for sustainable intensification identified Year 4 Lead: QDEEDI; PhD students registered in Australian and/or regional universities will be supported for their thesis research to work in the program Greater knowledge on economically viable options for sustainable intensification and new capacity in the region for sustaining program interventions Assumption: Adequate climate, crop, and soil information is available for the target communities. Increased awareness among program staff of the opportunities of using crop/soil simulation models for developing and testing hypotheses on technology adaptation and productivity. 5.1.4 Partners: CIMMYT, ICRISAT, NARS Partnerships between African and Australian institutions strengthened Output 5.2 Training course on simulation model utilization and participatory evaluation Activity Training course on the participatory evaluation (costs, benefits and risks) of opportunities for the application of crop/soil simulation models for the ex ante analysis of technology options for maizelegume systems, including conservation agriculture technologies, nitrogen management strategies, crop sequencing, grain-legume mixed systems, rainfall harvesting, and residue management strategies. 5.2.1 Output 5.3 Capacity built in the program countries in utilizing the outputs from systems modeling to evaluate technology options and risk management strategies; and assist in the ex-ante analysis of technology options and farming systems designs. Two courses will be held in the region with 25 participants in each course. September 2010 Training on cropping systems management research including the principles and practice of conservation agriculture. Page 87 Lead: D Rodriguez (QDEEDI); Participate: Program Coordinator (CIMMYT); National staff Assumption: Socio-economic and institutional/chain information available Initial list of productive, lower risk, sustainable technologies developed for each of the target ecologies. No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity Short training courses held in each of the program countries for national program partners on: the principles and practice of CA-based maize/legume systems; principles and tools for improving risk management strategies; options for increasing household livelihoods and food security. One training course of one week duration held for approximately 25 agronomists (including extension officers) in each of the five program countries. May 2010 in Kenya and Tanzania; July 2010 in Ethiopia; October 2010 in Malawi and Mozambique; and recurrent during the life of the program as needs and topics are identified by the program management team. Lead: CIMMYT Managers will allow staff to attend a course during the crop season in Kenya, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Technical staff involved in the program have a better grasp of the principles and practice of CA and therefore are able to accomplish the field studies more efficiently and effectively. Capacity of researchers and extension agents to manage efficient participatory on-farm research and demonstration programs enhanced through short national or regional courses, each divided into 3-4 periods or “calls” of approximately 2 weeks each during the crop cycle: i.e. a “callsystem” course. Two “Call-system” courses of 6 weeks duration conducted in the region - each for 20 participants Dec 2012 Lead: CIMMYT; Participate: QDEEDI; ICRISAT; ARC; National Program partners 5.3.1 Activity 5.3.2 Page 88 Participate: QDEEDI; National Program agronomists in each program country Sufficient program staff can be identified for training in Malawi and Mozambique Technical staff involved in the program aware of the options for reducing climate risks and improve the allocation of limited resources at the household level (including access to input – output markets) (in collaboration with researchers from Objective 1). Sufficient funds are available to allow for the complete courses. Sufficient candidates can be found in each region to justify a course (at least 8 participants) Improved management of applied research and extension programs, not only in the program but in general in the participating countries No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Activity Capacity of the best participants from the call-system courses further enhanced with respect to cropping system research through a targeted course Crop Systems Research Management course given in Queensland for at least 5 outstanding candidates from Eastern and Southern Africa July 2013 Lead: QDEEDI; Participate: Sufficient candidates can be found in each region to justify a course (at least 5 participants) Improved management of applied research and extension programs, not only in the program but in general in the participating countries Post Graduate training in agronomy 5 M.Sc. students in agronomy finishing thesis programs on program-related topics Dec 2013 CIMMYT agronomists, local universities in partner countries and South Africa Scholarships available from other programs/donors Strengthened NARS capacity 5.3.3 Activity 5.3.4 Murdoch Univ; CIMMYT, Local universities in partner countries and South Africa Output 5.4 Training on crop improvement Activity Training of new breeders Regional training course including 510 maize and legume breeders from partner countries Dec 2010 CIMMYT & resource persons NARS nominate appropriate choice of candidates Strengthened NARS capacity Technician training in farmerparticipatory maize variety evaluation 5 in-country training courses including a total of 20-30 participants from partner countries Dec 2011 NARS breeders, backstopped by CIMMYT NARS nominate appropriate choice of candidates Strengthened NARS capacity Training course involving 2-10 maize and legume breeders Dec 2011 5.4.3 Short training course on GxExM analysis, its use in breeding programs and how to fast-track variety identification and release CIMMYT, QDEEDI, ARC NARS nominate appropriate choice of candidates Participants use workshop content to fast-track variety identification and release Activity Seed producers training Regional training course involving 10 seed company participants Dec 2013 CIMMYT Interest by seed companies Strengthened seed company capacity 5.4.1 Activity 5.4.2 Activity 5.4.4 Page 89 No. Outputs / Activities Milestones Output 5.5 Training and APSIM model parameters Genotype and environment parameters Activity Practical training in environmental characterization 5.5.1 Activity 5.5.2 Activity 5.5.3 Due date of milestone Responsible Risks / assumptions Application of activities Two CIMMYT staff trained in environmental characterization Dec 2010 QDEEDII Staff identified and visa is procured in a reasonable time frame. Use of data from main testing sites for GxExM analysis PhD training in crop simulation model based analysis of GxExM Tropical germplasm parameterized to apply APSIM models to predict performance in changing climate under different management options in Africa and Australia. Research for one PhD study completed Dec 2013 QDEEDII breeder/APSIM group/UQ Scholarships available from other programs/donors Enable implementation of GxExM analysis for tropical germplasm Post Graduate training in breeding 4 M.Sc. students in breeding finishing thesis programs on program-related topics Dec 2013 CIMMYT and ICRISAT breeder, local universities in partner countries and South Africa Scholarships available from other programs/donors Strengthened NARS capacity Page 90 Page 91 5.3 Program personnel 5.3.1 List of participants involved in the program Commissioned IARC – CIMMYT CIMMYT as Commissioned Organization leads and coordinates the overall program through the Program Coordinator, who is supported by the CIMMYT financial, administrative and legal services and Program Management Committee. The PMC comprises four members: the Coordinator and the three line Directors for Agronomy, Economics and Maize Breeding who collectively provide oversight for program implementation and individually of their respective disciplinary areas. Each Collaborating Organization will progressively adjust the disciplinary composition of its research team to reflect the overall disciplinary balance and priorities of the program, and will manage the research team and other partner/contractor activities through a Partner Coordinator. Name Sex (m/f) Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Program Coordinator, overall leadership of the program(Agricultural Economist) Testing value chain innovations Poverty/Value Chain Economist ) Analysis of markets and value chains; impacts(Market Economist) Oversight of socioeconomic research quality, member PMC) Agronomist (agronomy research in Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia) Agronomist (agronomic research in Southern Africa Oversight agronomy research quality, member PMC (Agronomist) Breeder/Bioinformatics (Breeder/Bioinformatics) Mulugetta Mekuria m CIMMYT, Senior Scientist Harare based, relocation under consideration) Jonathan Hellin m CIMMYT, Senior Scientist (UK based) To Be Recruited - CIMMYT, Assoc Scientist (Africa based) Bekele Shiferaw m CIMMYT, Director, SEP (Nairobi-based) Fred Kanampiu m CIMMYT, Senior scientist, (Nairobi-based) To Be Recruited - Patrick Wall m To Be Recruited - Scientist (Southern Africa-based) CIMMYT, Director GCAP (Harare-based, relocating to Mexico) Scientist (Africa based) Gary Atlin m Marianne Banziger Luz George f f Mike Listman m Petr Kosina m Wilfred Mwangi m CIMMYT, Associate Director GMP (Mexico based) CIMMYT, DDG-RP, (Mexico based) CIMMYT, Head, Project Management Unit (Mexico based) CIMMYT, Head, Corporate Communications (Mexico based) CIMMYT, Knowledge Management Scientist (Mexico based) CIMMYT, Principal Scientist (Nairobi) Page 92 Time input (%) 100 Funding 50 10 ACIAR CIMMYT 100 ACIAR 20 10 ACIAR CIMMYT 83 10 ACIAR CIMMYT 67 10 20 10 ACIAR CIMMYT ACIAR CIMMYT 50 30 ACIAR CIMMYT 10 5 ACIAR CIMMYT 5 ACIAR 2.66 ACIAR Communications support (Communications) 5 ACIAR Knowledge management (Knowledge management) 13 ACIAR Support country and regional liaison (Agricultural Economist) 10 CIMMYT Oversight breeding research quality, member PMC (Breeder) Institutional support (Breeder) Administrative support (Management) ACIAR To Be Recruited CIMMYT, locally recruited staff (Africa based) Research support socioeconomics (Agricultural Economist) 125 ACIAR To Be Recruited CIMMYT, locally recruited staff (Africa based) Research support agronomy (Agronomist) 135 ACIAR To Be Recruited CIMMYT, locally recruited staff (Africa based) CIMMYT, locally recruited field staff (Africa based) Data management technician (Bioinformatics) Support to seed production (Agriculture) 100 ACIAR 200 ACIAR To Be Recruited CIMMYT, locally recruited staff (Africa based) Research support breeding (breeding) 80 ACIAR To Be Recruited CIMMYT, Locally recruited staff (Africa based) Locally recruited staff (same location as Program Coordinator) Support communication 40 ACIAR Program Administrators, support to program management and coordination (Administration) 170 ACIAR To Be Recruited (2) To Be Recruited - Partner country institution - Ethiopia Name Sex (m/f) Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding Dagne Wegary Gissa m EIAR, Researcher Melkassa RC (Melkassa) Partner Coordinator, Maize breeding (Breeder) 50 EIAR Gezahegn Bogale Gebre m EIAR Senior Researcher, Melkassa RC (Melkassa) Maize breeding (Breeder) 35 EIAR Setegn Gebeyehu Endire Solomon Admassu Seyoum Habtamu Admassu Ayana m EIAR Director, Melkassa RC (Melkassa) Common bean breeding and physiology (Physiologist) 20 EIAR m EIAR Researcher, Awassa RC (Awassa) Maize breeding (Breeder) 40 EIAR m EIAR, Researcher, Melkassa RC (Melkassa) Agronomy research (Agronomist) 15 EIAR Bedru Beshir Abdi m EIAR, Head of Research and Extension, Melkassa RC (Melkassa) Socioeconomics analysis, extension linkages (Economist) 40 EIAR Tolera Abera Goshu m EIAR Head of Agronomy and Crop Physiology Research Division, Bako RC Agronomy research (Agronomist) 35 EIAR Mosisa Worku m EIAR, Breeder, Bako RC (Bako) Maize breeding (Breeder) 10 EIAR Dawit Alemu Bimerew m EIAR, Economist, HQ (Addis) Socioeconomics and Extension Coordinator (Economist) 25 EIAR Partner country institution - Kenya Name John Achieng Sex (m/f) m Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) KARI, Senior Research Officer Partner Coordinator, Agronomy research (Agronomist) Page 93 Time input (%) 50 Funding KARI Name Sex (m/f) Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding Beatrice Dorna Sakwa Salasya f KARI, Senior Research Officer and Coordinator, Head Socio economics Section Socioeconomics (Economist) 30 KARI Christine Ndinya-Omboko f KARI, Technical Officer, Head of seed program Seed Science (Agriculturist) 20 KARI Charles John Masaku Mutinda James O. Ouma m KARI, Senior Research Officer Plant Breeding (Breeder) 50 KARI m KARI, Economist Socioeconomics (Economist) 30 KARI Ezekiah Ngoroi m KARI, Agronomist Seed Science (Agronomist) 20 KARI Micheni Alfred Ngera m KARI, Assistant Head of SWM and adaptive research Agronomy (Agronomist) 20 KARI James Gethi m KARI, Breeder Plant Breeding, National Maize Coordinator (Breeder) 5 KARI David Karanja m KARI, Agronomist Agronomy, National Legumes Coordinator (Agronomist) 10 KARI Partner country institution - Malawi Name Sex (m/f) Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding Cyprian Mwale m DARS Research Scientist, Chitedze Research Centre Breeding (Breeder) 30 DARTS Samson F.M. Kazombo m DARS Agric Economist/SocioEconomist, Chitedze Research Centre Socioeconomics analysis (Economist) 30 DARTS Kesbell Kaswela Eston Kaonga m DARS Principal Maize Breeder and Maize Commodity Team Leader, Chitedze Research Centre Maize breeding (Breeder) 30 DARTS Francis Maideni m DARS Chief Scientist, Plant Breeding, Chitedze Research Centre Seed systems (Agriculturalist) 30 DARTS Amos Robert Ngwira m DARS Agronomist, Chitedze Research Centre Agronomist focused on CA (Agronomist) 30 DARTS Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding Partner country institution - Mozambique Name Sex (m/f) Domingos José Brás Dias m IIAM Head, Research Dept, Central Zonal Center Agronomy research (Agronomist) 30 IIAM Rafael Nemba Uaiene m IIAM Project Coordinator Partner Coordinator, socioeconomic analysis (Agricultural Economist) 30 IIAM Feliciano Mário Mazuze m IIAM, Economist Socioeconomics analysis (Socioeconomist) 30 IIAM Page 94 Name Pedro Fato Sex (m/f) m Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding IIAM Biologist and Maize Breeder Maize breeding (Breeder) 30 IIAM Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding Partner country institution - Tanzania Name Sex (m/f) Alfred Joseph Moshi m ARS Zonal Director, Research & Development, Eastern Zone Partner Coordinator, maize breeding (Breeder) 30 ARS Adrian B.C. Mbiza m ARS Principal Agric Research Officer 1, Agric Research Inst, Ilonga, Eastern Zone Maize agronomy research (Agronomist) 30 ARS Fidelis A. Myaka m ARS Ilonga Agric Research Inst Eastern Zone Grain legumes agronomy (Agronomist) 30 ARS Ruth Madulu f ARS Eastern Zone, Agric research officer Farming Systems and Socio Economics analysis (Economist) 30 ARS K. Kitenge m ARS Northern zone, Agric research officer Maize breeding (Breeder) 30 ARS T. Mbaga f ARS Selian Agric Research Inst, Northern zone Maize agronomy research (Agronomist) 30 ARS M. Mgendi m ARS Northern zone, Agric research officer Pigeon pea research (Breeder) 30 ARS Mbando m ARS Northern zone, Agric research officer Farming Systems and Socio- Economics (Economist) 30 ARS Partner country institution – Republic of South Africa Name Sex (m/f) Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding Mohammed Jeenah m Agricultural Research Council, Executive Director, Research and Development National Coordinator, organization of strategic capacity building (Biotechnologist) 5 ACIAR Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding Partner Australian institution - QDEEDI Name Sex (m/f) Daniel Rodriguez m QDEEDI, Team Leader, Agricultural Systems Modeling Partner Coordinator, Systems modeling (Crop Eco-physiologist) 30 QDEEDI Andries Potgieter m QDEEDI, Principal Scientist GIS & regional production modeling (GIS) 30 QDEEDI Richard Routley m QDEEDI, Principal Scientist Field research agronomy, coordinator of Queensland’s field agronomic trials (Agronomist) 30 QDEEDI Jo Owens f QDEEDI, Senior Scientist Farming system modeling and interactions (Modeling) 20 QDEEDI Page 95 Name Sex (m/f) Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding Solomon Kebede Fekybelu m QDEEDI, Senior Scientist Maize breeding in Queensland (Breeder) 20 QDEEDI Andrew Ward m QDEEDI, Science Leader Sustainable Farming Systems General agronomy in Queensland, training (Agronomist) 5 QDEEDI TBA - Senior Scientist Field research agronomy (Agronomy) 40 QDEEDI TBA - QDEEDI, Research Officer Field research agronomy in Qld (Agronomist) 100 ACIAR TBA - QDEEDI, Field Technician Field breeding in Qld (Breeder) 100 ACIAR TBA - QDEEDI, Field Technician Field research agronomy in Qld (Agronomist) 50 ACIAR Howard Cox m QDEEDI, Principal Scientist Cropping systems modeling (Agronomist) 25 ACIAR TBA - QDEEDI, Research Officer Systems modeling and climate risk management 100 ACIAR Alex Hoffman m QDEEDI, Resource Economist Farm typologies and resource allocation (Economist) 20 ACIAR Peter Davies m QDEEDI, Research Scientist GIS regional production modeling (GIS) 20 ACIAR Karine Chenu f QDEEDI, Senior Research Scientist GxExM modeling (Modeler) 30 ACIAR TBA - QDEEDI-QAAFI student Small household livelihoods analysis 100 ACIAR Partner Australian institution - Murdoch University Name Sex (m/f) Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding John Howieson m Murdoch University Director, Inst for Crop and Plant Sciences Partner Coordinator, Legumes in farming systems (Rhizobiologist) 10 Murdoch Univ Graham O'Hara m Murdoch University, Director, Centre for Rhizobium Studies; Dean, Graduate Studies, Inoculant production, nitrogen fixation, training (Microbiologist) 10 Murdoch Univ Peter White m Murdoch University, Agronomist Pulse legume agronomy, farming systems (Agronomist) 50 ACIAR TBA - Murdoch University, technician Technician, glasshouse experimentation in nodulation and rhizobiology 50 Murdoch Univ Partner regional institution - ASARECA Name Sex (m/f) Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Page 96 Time input (%) Funding Lydia Kimenye f ASARECA, Knowledge Management Partner Coordinator, Spillover Management (Economist) 40 10 ACIAR ASARECA Monica Kansiime f ASARECA, M&E Specialist Monitoring and evaluation (Economist) 40 10 ACIAR ASARECA Elizabeth Sseniwale f ASARECA, Gender Specialist Gender awareness, implementation and analysis (Gender analysis) 20 10 ACIAR ASARECA Partner IARC - ICRISAT Name Sex (m/f) Agency, position (location) Role in program (discipline) Time input (%) Funding Said Silim m ICRISAT, Director for Africa (Kenya based) Partner Coordinator (Physiologist/Breeder) 5 10 ACIAR ICRISAT Moses Siambi m ICRISAT, Agronomist (Malawi based) Agronomy research, crop modeling, southern Africa (Agronomist) 25 10 ACIAR ICRISAT Emmanuel Monyo m ICRISAT, Breeder (Malawi based) Pulses breeding (Breeder) 20 20 ACIAR ICRISAT K.P.C. Rao m ACIAR m Research agronomy, pulses, eastern Africa (Agronomist) Administrative support 25 Peter Ninnes 10 ACIAR David Hoisington To Be Recruited m ICRISAT, Agronomist (Kenya based) ICRISAT, Director, resource mobilizationpartnerships (India based) ICRISAT, DDG-R (India based) ICRISAT, locally recruited staff (Africa based) Institutional support (Biotechnology) Agronomy research agronomy (Agronomist) 10 ACIAR 54 ACIAR To Be Recruited (2) - ICRISAT, locally recruited field staff (Africa based) Support to seed production (Agriculture) 100 ACIAR To Be Recruited - ICRISAT, locally recruited staff (Africa based) Support to breeding (breeding) 54 ACIAR - Collaborators have sent support and endorsement of the program as follows: Partner Institution Official Endorsing the Proposal Date of endorsement Malawi, DARS Dr. Jeff Luhanga Controller , Ag.G Extension and Technical Support, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Security Dr. Calisto Bias Director General, IIAM Dr. Solomon Assefa, Director General , EIAR Mr. Timothy Kirway, Acting Director 04 January 2010 Mozambique ,IIAM Ethiopia, EIAR Tanzania, DRD Kenya, KARI ASARECA QDEEDI Ted Njagi Deputy Director On behalf of the Director Dr. E. Mukisira Dr. Seyfu Ketema Executive Director, ASARECA Paul Grieve General Manager, Emerging Technologies, QDEEDI Page 97 30 December 2009 12 January 2010 14 January 2010 15 January 2010 15 January 2010 18 January 2010 Partner Institution Murdoch University ICRISAT ARC 5.3.2 Official Endorsing the Proposal Professor Jim Reynoldson Deputy Vice-Chancellor Research, Murdoch University Dr. Peter Ninnes Director Resource Mobilization, ICRISAT Dr Muhammed Jeenah, Executive Director, ARC Date of endorsement 18 January 2010 18 January 2010 25 January 2010 Description of the comparative advantage of the institutions involved The NARS in Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Mozambique deliver public agricultural research products (varieties, technologies, knowledge) for smallholder farmers in close cooperation with extension and, increasingly, small and large commercial seed companies. The NARS capacity varies by country, but several of these rank among the top NARS in SSA. ASARECA has established capacity in M&E, scaling out/knowledge management and the incorporation of gender in agricultural research. As an association for NARS in the east and central sub-regions, ASARECA has a natural role in fostering technology and knowledge spillovers between the 10 countries of the sub-region. It will apply its M&E frameworks to the four World Bank supported centres of excellence including rice (Tanzania), dairy (Kenya) and wheat (Ethiopia). With the assistance of the CGIAR System wide program on Participatory Research and Gender Analysis PRGA, ASARECA has developed a framework and approach to the mainstreaming of gender in agricultural research which can be mainstreamed in food security research in the sub-region. CIMMYT has a long history of successful development of stress-tolerant maize OPVs and hybrids, supported in recent years by molecular breeding, and a considerable proportion of improved maize varieties in ESA contain significant CIMMYT germplasm. CIMMYT research is well known for a strong multi-disciplinary orientation with breeders, agronomists and economists interacting closely. Drought tolerance is an ongoing focus of CIMMYT maize improvement (supported by BMGF); another planned target is nitrogen efficient maize for sub-Saharan Africa. CIMMYT has catalyzed and successfully participated in CA research in the developing world over the past three decades and brings this experience to the program. The CIMMYT conservation agriculture program has strong participatory systems agronomy expertise and has collaborated with a range of national and regional partners to initiate successful scaling out of conservation agriculture in maize based systems in Malawi. CIMMYT social scientists are engaged in value chain analyses of maize inputs and produce, as well as on-farm technology evaluation. Other relevant expertise include capacity building in participatory diagnosis of farming systems and the management of on-farm research. Other CG Centers have strong relevant experience and capability. ICRISAT has a long experience in dryland agriculture. In ESA, it has scientists dedicated to the development, deployment and linking farmers to markets in legumes. ICRISAT works on chickpea, pigeon pea and groundnuts and improved and high yielding varieties with resistance or tolerance to biotic and biotic stresses have been developed to fit specific agro-ecologies. Pigeonpeas have been developed for intercropping with maize. ICRISAT social scientists have history of working along value chains. CIAT has not only worked on bean improvement and promotion but also, through TSBF, on soil management including conservation agriculture. Page 98 5.4 Intellectual property and other regulatory compliance SIMLESA partners will exchange knowledge and information about crop production and cropping systems, value chains, socio-economic and GIS characterization data, approaches, inputs and outputs of APSIM models, germplasm of maize and legumes; nodulant bacteria; and IT systems. Knowledge and information will be provided as Background Intellectual Property (IP) and developed as Foreground IP and exchanged freely and without restrictions among program partners for use in the program. SIMLESA Partners will also exchange germplasm and bacteria. The Standard Material Transfer Agreement (SMTA; smtainformation-en.htm) of the International Treaty of Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture will regulate the exchange and distribution of maize and legume germplasm contributed to by the IARCs (CIMMYT, ICRISAT, IITA and CIAT), and QDEEDI’s germplasm will be provided under a DEEDI MTA (see section 6.3 of Appendix A), which allows free use of the contributed germplasm for research and development for the project. The SMTA makes germplasm freely available for research and commercialization. SMTA compatible terms will regulate the exchange and use of nodulant bacteria. As part of the program subcontract to NARS, a Memorandum of Understanding on the exchange of NARS germplasm will be developed in the first year of the program as described in the Log Frame (Objective 3.3). The current practice is that licensing of NARS germplasm for production and deployment through seed companies is managed through a public tender process. The Memorandum of Understanding will request that germplasm developed in the course of this program as Foreground IP is made available for research purposes to other partners and that licensing to seed companies for commercialization will be managed in a manner that allows commercialization in African countries and Australia. The APSIM modeling framework for farmer systems contributed by QDEEDI will be available free of charge as Background IP for the use by SIMLESA partners and participants for non-commercial R&D purposes. All Background IP contributed to the program by the SIMLESA partners either existing before of the program or developed independently by the partners and contributed to it, remains the property of each contributing partner and each partner is responsible for observing licensing agreements that may be relevant in the use of that Background IP. This may in particular apply to private sector contribution to germplasm or software used as Background IP. Foreground IP is represented by diverse outputs (see Appendix A for details) such as knowledge and information on improved cropping systems, farmer resource allocation and value chains; socioeconomic and biophysical data, new and suitable hybrids, parental lines and OPVs of maize and legumes; improved APSIM systems; CA-based technologies that are beneficial and effective in eastern and southern Africa, and training materials. For research purposes, all SIMLESA partners will make available Foreground IP on an unrestricted, royalty-free and non-exclusive basis. For commercial purposes, IARCs make available Foreground IP on an unrestricted, royalty-free and non-exclusive basis, while NARS, QDEEDI and Murdoch University will make available Foreground IP according to licensing terms determined by them on a case-by-case basis, taking into account recommendations by the Steering Committee of the program. SIMLESA partners will follow all applicable laws and regulations, in particular seed and phytosanitary laws of the target countries and, if such germplasm and knowledge is being utilized, agreements signed within Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation supported programs Page 99 (DTMA and TL-2) that support Global Access33. All germplasm will be attained through conventional breeding methods and no genetically modified organisms will be utilized. 33 Global Access. The partner organization understands and acknowledges that the Foundation is making a grant in furtherance of its charitable purposes and hence, as a condition to making the grant, the Foundation requests that the partner organization agrees to the extent it is within reasonable control, to conduct and manage support of the research, product development and innovations funded by this grant in a manner that enables availability and accessibility at reasonable costs to the developing countries of the world. The purpose and intent of this paragraph is to evidence the partner organization’s commitment to engage in negotiations on intellectual property rights created in whole or in part with funding from this grant as applicable and related commercialization activities, in a manner that furthers the Foundation's charitable purpose as stated above. Page 100 5.5 Travel table PART A Commissioned Organization or IARC Trip no. Person or position CIM-1 Value Chain Specialist CIM-2 From / to Purpose 1-Feb-10 Ken-Tan-Ken Selection+Planning Meeting 4 Value Chain Specialist 1-Feb-10 Ken-Eth-Ken Selection+Planning Meeting 4 CIM-3 Value Chain Specialist 1-Feb-10 Ken-Mal-Ken Selection+Planning Meeting 4 CIM-4 Breeder (maize) 1-Feb-10 Eth-Ken-Eth National planning meeting 5 CIM-5 Breeder (maize) 1-Feb-10 Eth-Tan-Eth National planning meeting 5 CIM-6 Breeder (legume) 1-Feb-10 Mal-Ken-Mal National planning meeting 5 CIM-7 Breeder (legume) 1-Feb-10 Mal-Tan-Mal National planning meeting 5 CIM-8 Project Leader 1-Feb-10 Zim-Tan-Zim National planning meeting 5 CIM-9 Project Leader 1-Feb-10 Zim-Ken-Zim National planning meeting 5 CIM10 Value Chain Specialist 1-Mar-10 Ken Selection+Planning Meeting 4 CIM11 Value Chain Specialist 1-Mar-10 Ken-Zim-Ken Selection+Planning Meeting 4 CIM12 Agronomist -EA 1-Mar-10 Ken-Tan-Ken CA Short Course 7 CIM13 Agronomist -EA 1-Mar-10 Ken-Tan-Ken Planning Meeting 5 CIM14 Agronomist -EA 1-Mar-10 Ken Planning Meeting 3 CIM15 Agronomist -EA 1-Mar-10 Ken Planning Meeting 5 CIM16 Agronomist -SA 1-Mar-10 Zim-Ken-Zim CA Short Course 7 CIM17 Agronomist -SA 1-Mar-10 Zim-Ken-Zim Planning Meeting 5 CIM18 Oversight Agronomist 1-Mar-10 Mex-Ken-Tan-Mex Planning Meeting 12 CIM19 Breeder (maize) 1-Mar-10 Eth-Ken-Eth Induction CIMMYT-Zim 5 CIM20 Project Leader 1-Mar-10 Zim-Ken-Zim Project initiation visit 5 Market Economist 1-Apr-10 Ken-Eth-Ken CIM- Estimated date of travel Page 101 Baseline Survey, Training Duration (days) 5 Trip no. Person or position Estimated date of travel From / to 21 Purpose Duration (days) Supervision CIM22 Market Economist 1-Apr-10 Ken Baseline Survey, Training Supervision 5 CIM23 Agronomist -EA 1-Apr-10 Ken Planting 5 CIM24 Agronomist -EA 1-Apr-10 Ken-Tan-Ken Planting 7 CIM25 Market Economist 1-May-10 Ken-Tan-Ken Baseline Survey, Training Supervision 5 CIM26 Market Economist 1-May-10 Ken Baseline Survey, Training Supervision 5 CIM27 Agronomist -EA 1-May-10 Ken-Eth-Ken Planning Meeting 5 CIM28 Agronomist -SA 1-May-10 Zim-Eth-Zim CA Short Course 7 CIM29 Oversight Agronomist 1-May-10 Mex-Eth-Ken-TanMex Planning Meeting + Trial evaluation 14 CIM30 Breeder (maize) 1-May-10 Eth National planning meeting 5 CIM31 Breeder (legume) 1-May-10 Mal-Eth-Mal National planning meeting 5 CIM32 Project Leader 1-May-10 Zim-Eth-Zim National planning meeting 5 CIM33 Project Leader 1-May-10 Zim-Eth-Zim Project initiation visit 5 CIM34 Project Leader 1-May-10 Zim-Tan-Zim Project initiation visit 5 CIM35 Market Economist 1-Jun-10 Ken-Eth-Ken Baseline Survey, Training Supervision 5 CIM36 Senior Economist 1-Jun-10 Ken-Uga-Ken Visits to ASERECA 5 CIM37 Agronomist -EA 1-Jun-10 Ken-Tan-Ken Crop and trial evaluation 7 CIM38 Agronomist -EA 1-Jun-10 Ken Crop and trial evaluation 5 CIM39 Agronomist -EA 1-Jun-10 Ken-Eth-Ken Planting 5 CIM40 Agronomist -EA 1-Jun-10 Ken Prog Support + Trial Evaluation 5 Agronomist -EA 1-Jun-10 Ken-Tan-Ken Prog Support + Trial Evaluation 7 CIM- Page 102 Trip no. Person or position Estimated date of travel From / to Purpose Duration (days) 41 CIM42 Breeder (maize) 1-Jun-10 Eth-Ken-Eth Backstopping 5 CIM43 Breeder (maize) 1-Jun-10 Eth-Tan-Eth Backstopping 5 CIM44 Breeder (maize) 1-Jun-10 Eth-Ken-Eth Induction CIMMYT-Ken 5 CIM45 Project Leader 1-Jun-10 Zim-Tan-Zim National study tour 7 CIM46 Project Leader 1-Jun-10 Zim-Ken-Zim National study tour 7 CIM47 Agronomist -EA 1-Jul-10 Ken Harvest methodology course 3 CIM48 Agronomist -EA 1-Jul-10 Ken-Tan-Ken Harvest methodology course 5 CIM49 Breeder & Technician (maize) 1-Jul-10 Eth Planting (several trips) 10 CIM50 Market Economist 1-Jul-10 Ken-Tan-Ken Baseline Survey, Training Supervision 5 CIM51 Market Economist 1-Jul-10 Ken Baseline Survey, Training Supervision 5 CIM52 Agronomist -EA 1-Aug-10 Ken-Eth-Ken Crop and trial evaluation 5 CIM53 Agronomist -SA 1-Aug-10 Zim-Mal-Zim Planning Meeting 5 CIM54 Agronomist -SA 1-Aug-10 Zim-Moz-Zim Planning Meeting 5 CIM55 Oversight Breeding 1-Aug-10 Ken Annual Project Meeting 5 CIM56 Breeder (maize) 1-Aug-10 Eth-Ken-Eth Annual Project Meeting 5 CIM57 Breeder (maize) 1-Aug-10 Eth-Mal-Eth National planning meeting 5 CIM58 Breeder (maize) 1-Aug-10 Eth-Moz-Eth National planning meeting 5 CIM59 Oversight CIMMYT 1-Aug-10 Mex-Ken-Mex Annual Project Meeting 5 CIM60 Breeder (legume) 1-Aug-10 Mal-Moz-Mal National planning meeting 5 Breeder (legume) 1-Aug-10 Mal National planning meeting 5 CIM- Page 103 Trip no. Person or position Estimated date of travel From / to Purpose Duration (days) 61 CIM62 Project Leader 1-Aug-10 Zim-Moz-Zim National planning meeting 5 CIM63 Project Leader 1-Aug-10 Zim-Mal-Zim National planning meeting 5 CIM64 Agronomist -EA 1-Sep-10 Ken-Moz-Ken CA Short Course 7 CIM65 Agronomist -EA 1-Sep-10 Ken-Eth-Ken Harvest methodology course 3 CIM66 Agronomist -EA 1-Sep-10 Ken-Eth-Ken Prog Support + Trial Evaluation 5 CIM67 Agronomist -SA 1-Sep-10 Zim-Moz-Zim CA Short Course 7 CIM68 Breeder & Technician (maize) 1-Sep-10 Eth Pollination (several trips) 10 CIM69 Breeder (maize) 1-Sep-10 Eth Backstopping 5 CIM70 Breeder (maize) 1-Sep-10 Eth-Mex-Eth Induction CIMMYT-Mex 7 CIM71 Project Leader 1-Sep-10 Zim-Ken-Zim Annual International Collaborators Meeting 5 CIM72 Project Leader 1-Sep-10 Zim-Eth-Zim National study tour 7 CIM73 Agronomist -EA 1-Oct-10 Ken-Mal-Ken CA Short Course 5 CIM74 Agronomist -SA 1-Oct-10 Zim-Mal-Zim CA Short Course 7 CIM75 Breeder (maize) 1-Oct-10 Eth-Aus-Eth GxExM characterization 9 CIM76 Technician 1-Oct-10 Eth-Aus GxExM characterization 75 CIM77 Technician 1-Oct-10 Zim-Aus GxExM characterization 75 CIM78 Project Leader 1-Oct-10 Zim-Moz-Zim Project initiation visit 5 CIM79 Project Leader 1-Oct-10 Zim-Mal-Zim Project initiation visit 5 CIM80 Market Economist 1-Nov-10 Ken-Eth-Ken Baseline Survey, Training Supervision 5 Agronomist -SA 1-Nov-10 Zim-Mal-Zim Planting 7 CIM- Page 104 Trip no. Person or position Estimated date of travel From / to Purpose Duration (days) 81 CIM82 Agronomist -SA 1-Nov-10 Zim-Moz-Zim Planting 7 CIM83 Market Economist 1-Dec-10 Ken-Tan-Ken Baseline Survey, Training Supervision 5 CIM84 Market Economist 1-Dec-10 Ken Baseline Survey, Training Supervision 5 CIM85 Breeder & Technician (maize) 1-Dec-10 Eth Harvest (several trips) 10 CIM86 Advisory Board 1-Dec-10 Africa-Ken-Africa Annual Meeting 5 CIM87 Advisory Board 1-Dec-10 Aus-Ken-Aus Annual Meeting 7 For budget purposes, travel in Y2-Y4 will approximate those of Y1 PART B Australian Collaborating Organization/s Person or position Estimated date of travel* From / to Purpose Duration (days) 1 Daniel Rodriguez Apr-10 Australia/ Africa (Kenya/Ethiopia) ACIAR-AFRICA To work on the systems modeling components within objectives 1, 2, 4 and 5 15 2 Daniel Rodriguez Sept-10 Australia/ Africa (Kenya/Ethiopia) ACIAR-AFRICA To work on the systems modeling components within objectives 1, 2, 4 and 5 7 3 PhD student (Australia based) Sept-10 Australia/ Africa (Kenya/Ethiopia) ACIAR-AFRICA Project farm typologies and initial interviews with participating farmers 20 4 Solomon Fekybelu Apr-10 Australia/ Africa (Kenya/Ethiopia) ACIAR-AFRICA Project review/planning 10 5 Solomon Fekybelu Sep-10 Australia/Kenya DTMA meeting 10 6 Project officer (Australia / Africa based) Apr-10 Australia/ Africa (Kenya/Ethiopia) To work on the systems modeling components within objectives 1, 2, 4 and 5 15 7 Senior modeler Apr-10 Australia/Africa To provide modeling training in alignment with AusAid funding 10 8 Project officer (Australia / Africa based) Apr-10 Australia/ Africa (Kenya/Ethiopia) To work on the systems modeling components within objectives 1, 2, 4 and 5 15 9 Project officer (Australia / Africa based) Oct-10 Australia/ Africa (Kenya/Ethiopia) To work on the systems modeling components within objectives 1, 2, 4 and 5 15 10 John Howieson Mar-10 Australia/Malawi or Kenya Trip no. *For budget purposes, travel in Y2-Y4 will approximate those of Y1 Page 105 10 PART C Overseas Partner Organization/s Trip no. Person or position ETHIOPIA 1 National Coordinator/ Disciplinary Leaders (4) 2 National Maize Breeder 3 National Legume Breeder 4 National Economist 5 National Research Agronomist 6 National Extension agents (6) 7 National crop/livestock scientist 8 National Maize Breeder+Assistants (3) 9 National Legume Breeder+Assistants (2) 10 National Economist+Assistant (2) 11 National Extension Agents (6) 12 National Research Agronomist + Assistants (3) 13 Agronomists and Extension Agents (25) 14 National Maize Breeder 15 National Legume Breeder 16 National Economist 17 National Research Agronomist 18 National Extension agents (6) 19 National crop/livestock scientist 20 National Maize Breeder 21 22 23 National Legume Breeder National Economist National Research Agronomist 24 National crop/livestock scientist 25 National Coordinator KENYA 26 National Coordinator/ Disciplinary Leaders (4) 27 National Maize Breeder 28 National Legume Breeder 29 National Economist 30 National Research Agronomist 31 National Extension agents (6) 32 National crop/livestock scientist Estimated date of travel From / to Purpose No of days/ trip Apr-10 Eth 5 May-10 May-10 Eth Eth Ex-Ante Technology Analysis Workshop Planning Meeting Planning Meeting May-10 May-10 Eth Eth Planning Meeting Planning Meeting 3 3 May-10 Eth Planning Meeting 3 May-10 Eth Planning Meeting 3 May to Nov 2010 May to Nov 2010 May to Nov 2010 Eth Trial evaluation 2 Eth Trial evaluation 2 Eth Trial evaluation + farmer meetings 2 May to Nov 2010 May to Nov 2010 Eth Trial evaluation + farmer meetings Trial evaluation + farmer meetings 1 Aug-10 Eth Short Course on CA 6 Sep-10 Sep-10 Eth Eth Annual Study Tour Annual Study Tour 6 6 Sep-10 Sep-10 Eth Eth Annual Study Tour Annual Study Tour 6 6 Sep-10 Eth Annual Study Tour 3 Sep-10 Eth Annual Study Tour 6 Sep-10 Eth-Ken 5 Sep-10 Eth-Ken Sep-10 Eth-Ken Sep-10 Eth-Ken Sep-10 Eth-Ken Sep-10 Eth-Tan International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting Project Steering Committee Feb-10 Ken 5 Mar-10 Mar-10 Ken Ken Ex-Ante Technology Analysis Workshop Planning Meeting Planning Meeting Mar-10 Mar-10 Ken Ken Planning Meeting Planning Meeting 3 3 Mar-10 Ken Planning Meeting 3 Mar-10 Ken Planning Meeting 3 Eth Page 106 3 3 2 5 5 5 5 4 3 3 Trip no. Person or position Estimated date of travel Feb to Sept 2010 Feb to Sept 2010 Feb to Sept 2010 From / to Purpose Ken Trial evaluation No of days/ trip 2 33 National Maize Breeder+Assistants (3) National Legume Breeder+Assistants (2) National Economist+Assistant (2) National Extension Agents (6) National Research Agronomist + Assistants (3) Agronomists and Extension Agents (25) National Maize Breeder National Legume Breeder National Economist National Research Agronomist National Extension agents (6) National crop/livestock scientist National Maize Breeder Ken Trial evaluation 2 Ken Trial evaluation + farmer meetings 2 Feb to Sept 2010 Feb to Sept 2010 Ken Trial evaluation + farmer meetings Trial evaluation + farmer meetings 1 May-10 Ken Short Course on CA 6 Jun-10 Jun-10 Ken Ken Annual Study Tour Annual Study Tour 6 6 Jun-10 Jun-10 Ken Ken Annual Study Tour Annual Study Tour 6 6 Jun-10 Ken Annual Study Tour 3 Jun-10 Ken Annual Study Tour 6 Sep-10 Ken 5 Sep-10 Ken Sep-10 Ken National Research Agronomist 49 National crop/livestock scientist 50 National Coordinator MALAWI 51 National Coordinator/ Disciplinary Leaders (4) 52 Agronomists and Extension Agents (25) 53 National Maize Breeder 54 National Legume Breeder 55 National Economist 56 National Research Agronomist 57 National Extension agents (6) 58 National crop/livestock scientist 59 National Maize Breeder Sep-10 Ken Sep-10 Ken Sep-10 Ken-Tan International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting Project Steering Committee Jul-10 Mal 5 Mar-11 Mal Ex-Ante Technology Analysis Workshop Short Course on CA Aug-10 Aug-10 Mal Mal Planning Meeting Planning Meeting 3 3 Aug-10 Aug-10 Mal Mal Planning Meeting Planning Meeting 3 3 Aug-10 Mal Planning Meeting 3 Aug-10 Mal Planning Meeting 3 Sep-10 Mal-Ken 5 60 National Legume Breeder National Economist Sep-10 Kenya Sep-10 Kenya National Research Agronomist National crop/livestock scientist National Coordinator National Maize Breeder+Assistants (3) Sep-10 Kenya Sep-10 Kenya Sep-10 Nov-10 to May-11 Mal-Tan Mal International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting Project Steering Committee Trial evaluation 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 National Legume Breeder National Economist 48 61 62 63 64 65 Ken Page 107 2 5 5 5 5 4 6 5 5 5 5 4 2 Trip no. Person or position 66 National Legume Breeder+Assistants (2) 67 National Economist+Assistant (2) 68 National Extension Agents (6) 69 National Research Agronomist + Assistants (3) MOZAMBIQUE 70 National Coordinator/ Disciplinary Leaders (4) 71 Agronomists and Extension Agents (25) 72 National Maize Breeder 73 National Legume Breeder 74 National Economist 75 National Research Agronomist 76 National Extension agents (6) 77 National crop/livestock scientist 78 National Maize Breeder 79 80 81 National Legume Breeder National Economist National Research Agronomist 82 National crop/livestock scientist 83 National Coordinator 84 National Maize Breeder+Assistants (3) 85 National Legume Breeder+Assistants (2) 86 National Economist+Assistant (2) 87 National Extension Agents (6) 88 National Research Agronomist + Assistants (3) TANZANIA 89 National Coordinator/ Disciplinary Leaders (4) 90 National Maize Breeder 91 National Legume Breeder 92 National Economist 93 National Research Agronomist 94 National Extension agents (6) 95 National crop/livestock scientist 96 National Maize Breeder+Assistants (3) Estimated date of travel Nov-10 to May-11 Nov-10 to May-11 From / to Purpose Mal Trial evaluation Mal Trial evaluation + farmer meetings 2 Nov-10 to May-11 Nov-10 to May-11 Mal Trial evaluation + farmer meetings Trial evaluation + farmer meetings 1 Jul-10 Moz 5 Mar-11 Moz Ex-Ante Technology Analysis Workshop Short Course on CA Aug-10 Aug-10 Moz Moz Planning Meeting Planning Meeting 3 3 Aug-10 Aug-10 Moz Moz Planning Meeting Planning Meeting 3 3 Aug-10 Moz Planning Meeting 3 Aug-10 Moz Planning Meeting 3 Sep-10 Moz-Ken 5 Sep-10 Moz-Ken Sep-10 Moz-Ken Sep-10 Moz-Ken Sep-10 Moz-Ken Sep-10 Nov-10 to May-11 Nov-10 to May-11 Nov-10 to May-11 Moz-Tan Moz International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting Project Steering Committee Trial evaluation Moz Trial evaluation 2 Moz Trial evaluation + farmer meetings 2 Nov-10 to May-11 Nov-10 to May-11 Moz Trial evaluation + farmer meetings Trial evaluation + farmer meetings 1 Feb-10 Tan 5 Mar-10 Mar-10 Tan Tan Ex-Ante Technology Analysis Workshop Planning Meeting Planning Meeting Mar-10 Mar-10 Tan Tan Planning Meeting Planning Meeting 3 3 Mar-10 Tan Planning Meeting 3 Mar-10 Tan Planning Meeting 3 Feb to Sept 2010 Tan Trial evaluation 2 Mal Moz Page 108 No of days/ trip 2 2 6 5 5 5 5 4 2 2 3 3 Trip no. Person or position 97 National Legume Breeder+Assistants (2) National Economist+Assistant (2) National Extension Agents (6) National Research Agronomist + Assistants (3) Agronomists and Extension Agents (25) National Maize Breeder National Legume Breeder National Economist National Research Agronomist National Extension agents (6) National crop/livestock scientist National Maize Breeder 98 99 100 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Estimated date of travel Feb to Sept 2010 Feb to Sept 2010 From / to Purpose Tan Trial evaluation Tan Trial evaluation + farmer meetings 2 Feb to Sept 2010 Feb to Sept 2010 Tan Trial evaluation + farmer meetings Trial evaluation + farmer meetings 1 May-10 Tan Short Course on CA 6 Jun-10 Jun-10 Tan Tan Annual Study Tour Annual Study Tour 6 6 Jun-10 Jun-10 Tan Tan Annual Study Tour Annual Study Tour 6 6 Jun-10 Tan Annual Study Tour 3 Jun-10 Tan Annual Study Tour 6 Sep-10 Tan-Ken 5 National Legume Breeder National Economist Sep-10 Tan-Ken Sep-10 Tan-Ken National Research Agronomist National crop/livestock scientist National Coordinator Sep-10 Tan-Ken Sep-10 Tan-Ken Sep-10 Tan International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting International Collaborators meeting Project Steering Committee Feb-10 Aug-10 Joh-Ken Joh-Ken Visit Kenya Annual Project Meeting 5 5 Feb-10 Uga - Ken - Uga National planning or backstopping National planning or backstopping Selection Gender consultancy Selection M&E consultancy Visit Ethiopia Visit Kenya Visit Tanzania Visit Malawi Visit Mozambique Finalizing M&E framework National planning or backstopping Training eastern Africa 5 Selection Spill-over consultancy Annual Project Meeting 5 National planning or backstopping National planning or backstopping Visit Ethiopia 5 112 ARC 113 Muhammed Jeenah 114 Muhammed Jeenah ASARECA 115 Regional Rep (1) Tan 116 Regional Rep (1) Feb-10 Uga - Tan - Uga 117 M&E consultant (1) Feb-10 Reg - Uga - Reg 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 Gender consultant (1) M&E, Gender (2) M&E, Gender (2) M&E, Gender (2) M&E, Gender (2) M&E, Gender (2) M&E, Gender (2) Regional Rep (1) Feb-10 Mar-10 Mar-10 Mar-10 Apr-10 Apr-10 May-10 May-10 Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Uga 126 PM, M&E, Gender, Spill-over (9) Spill-over consultant (1) Jul-10 Reg - Ken - Reg Jul-10 Reg - Uga - Reg Aug-10 Uga - Ken - Uga 129 PM, M&E, Gender, Spill-over (4) Regional Rep (1) Aug-10 Uga - Mal - Uga 130 Regional Rep (1) Aug-10 Uga - Moz - Uga 131 Spill-over consultant (1) Sep-10 Reg - Eth - Reg 127 128 - Uga - Reg - Eth - Reg - Ken - Reg - Tan - Reg - Mal - Reg - Moz - Reg - Uga - Reg - Eth - Uga Page 109 No of days/ trip 2 2 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 Trip no. Person or position 132 Spill-over consultant (1) 133 Spill-over consultant (1) 134 Spill-over consultant (1) 135 Spill-over consultant (1) 136 3 RO, 4 NARS (total=7) ICRISAT 137 Breeder 138 Breeder 139 Agronomist 140 Agronomist 141 Agronomist 142 Breeder 143 Breeder/Agronomist 144 Breeder/Agronomist 145 Breeder & Technician 146 Agronomist 147 Breeder/Agronomist 148 Agronomist 149 Breeder/Agronomist 150 Breeder 151 Oversight ICRISAT 152 Agronomist 153 Agronomist 154 Breeder & Technician 155 Breeder/Agronomist 156 Breeder & Technician Estimated date of travel Sep-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Oct-10 Dec-10 Feb-10 Feb-10 Mar-10 Mar-10 Mar-10 May-10 Jun-10 Jun-10 Jul-10 Aug-10 Jan-11 Aug-10 Aug-10 Aug-10 Aug-10 Sep-10 Sep-10 Sep-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 From / to Purpose Reg Reg Reg Reg Reg Visit Kenya Visit Tanzania Visit Malawi Visit Mozambique Training southern Africa No of days/ trip 5 5 5 5 4 National planning meeting National planning meeting CA Short Course National planning meeting National planning meeting National planning meeting Backstopping Backstopping Planting (several trips) National planning meeting Backstopping National planning meeting Annual Project Meeting National planning meeting Annual Project Meeting CA Short Course National planning meeting Pollination (several trips) Backstopping Harvest (several trips) 5 5 7 5 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 7 3 5 5 5 - Ken - Reg - Tan - Reg - Mal - Reg - Moz - Reg - Mal - Reg Ken Ken-Tan-Ken Ken-Tan-Ken Ken-Tan-Ken Ken Mal Ken Ken-Tan-Ken Mal Mal Mal-Moz-Mal Mal-Moz-Mal Ken Mal-Moz-Mal Ken Mal-Moz-Mal Ken-Eth-Ken Mal Mal Mal Page 110 6 Appendix A: Intellectual property register 6.1 Administrative details Project ID Assigned by ACIAR Project title Pathways to sustainable intensification of maize-legume based farming systems for food security in eastern and southern Africa (SIMLESA) Assessment provider Carolina Roa, Ph.D. If not Australian program leader, provide title IP Manager, CIMMYT Date of assessment 12 January 2010 6.2 Categories of intellectual property and brief description Plant or animal germplasm exchange Does the program involve: Yes provision of germplasm by Australia to a partner country? X provision of germplasm from a partner country to Australia? X provision of germplasm from or to an IARC or another organisation and a program participant? X No use of germplasm from a third party X material subject to plant breeders/variety rights in Australia or another country? X If “yes” to any of the above, for each applicable country provide brief details of the material to be exchanged: If the germplasm exchange can be finalised before the program commencement, provide a Materials Transfer Agreement. If the specific germplasm to be exchanged cannot be identified until after program commencement, indicate the type of material likely to be exchanged. Country Details of plant or animal germplasm exchange Source countries: Mexico, Nigeria, India, Colombia, Queensland (Australia) Recipient countries: Australia*, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa. Maize: Maize germplasm from CIMMYT. Some varieties are already under seed production and distribution by NARS, NGOs and small & medium seed companies in Sub Saharan Africa. QDEEDI inbred maize lines and/or breeding materials which are not commercialized under exclusive licences to other breeding companies/seed growers *Note: In relation to Australia as a recipient of germplasm, participating IARCs may provide germplasm to Australia, while the terms for an eventual provision of germplasm by African NARS to Australia will be negotiated in Year 1 as described in Objective 3.3. Source countries: India, Nigeria, Colombia. Recipient countries: Australia*, Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa. Legumes: Legume varieties obtained from ICRISAT, IITA, and CIAT in SubSaharan Africa. Activities already underway in target countries. The legumes include beans (Phaseolus), cowpeas (Vigna unguiculata), pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), groundnuts (Arachis hypogea) and soybeans (Glycine max). Source country: Australia Recipient countries: same as above Bacteria (Rhizobium): Inoculants of root-nodule bacteria provided by Murdoch University collaborator to SIMLESA countries where required and where possible for both experimentation and training purposes. Page 111 Proprietary materials, techniques and information Does the program involve provision (from one party to another) of: Yes research materials or reagents (e.g. enzymes, molecular markers, promoters)? X proprietary techniques or procedures? No X proprietary computer software? X If "yes" to any of the above, for each applicable country provide: brief details of the materials or information, the organisation providing, and the organisation receiving the materials a copy of any formal contract between the parties. Country Details of proprietary materials, techniques and information Australia (Provider) APSIM, a crop system information tool, is IP of the APSIM Initiative, an unincorporated joint venture between the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO), The University of Queensland (UQ) and the State of Queensland through its Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI). The use of the APSIM software is encouraged for non-commercial R&D and educational purposes, through broad licensing, free of charge to approved third parties under an APSIM Community Source Framework (see for licensing terms). Commercial licensing of APSIM will also be considered for approval on a case by case basis, upon submission of a detailed commercialisation proposal to the APSIM Initiative. Australia (Provider) There is IP attached to some of the potential carrier materials for nodule bacteria provided by Murdoch University, but there is no IP attached to the provided strains of nodule bacteria themselves and therefore no restrictions for non-commercial use. Other agreements Is any aspect of the program work subject to, or dependent upon: Yes other materials-transfer agreements entered into by any program participant? X confidentiality agreements entered into by any program participant? No X If "yes" to any of the above, for each applicable country provide: brief details of the agreements and conditions a copy of any such agreement before program commencement. Country Details of other agreements Australia QDEEDI will require an MTA be signed for any QDEEDI germplasm material that is supplied for use in the project. 6.3 Foreground, background and third party Intellectual Property This includes, but is not limited to patents held or applied for in Australia and/or in partner countries and/or in third countries. For example, Foreground IP includes any new germplasm, reagents (such as vectors, probes, antibodies, vaccines) or software that will be developed by the program. Page 112 Foreground IP (IP that is expected to be developed during the program) Ownership of or rights to Foreground IP other than as detailed in the ACIAR Standard Conditions must be approved by ACIAR. Yes Is it expected that there will be Foreground IP? No X If "yes", for each applicable country provide brief details of the IP and who will have rights to use the IP (e.g. Commissioned Organisation, Australian collaborating organisation/s partner countries). If a patent, give details of patent status (provisional, application, granted), priority date and designated countries. Country Details of foreground IP México, Nigeria, India and Colombia New and improved experimental germplasm, inbred lines and varieties of maize and legumes by IARCs. Available to any entity without restrictions through the SMTA. Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and Tanzania New varieties and hybrids of maize and legumes by NARS. Available for research purposes and under NARS specific license agreements to seed companies in Eastern and Southern Africa. Australia Improved QDEEDI’s maize germplasm will be available under the QEEDI MTA for research purposes and will be made available under specific license agreements for commercial purposes. Australia New software that might be developed will be part the APSIM Initiative and will be available to third parties for non-commercial R&D and educational purposes, through broad and free of charge licensing to approved third parties under an APSIM Community Source Framework (see All countries From all partners: knowledge and information on socio-economics, geophysical, agribusiness, conservation agriculture and modeling of targeted farming systems, and value chains ( including market instruments, technology evaluation and risk management mechanisms for farmer-based production systems); policies; training approaches and materials; germplasm information. Available to all partners and to target users in Eastern and Southern Africa. Background IP (IP that is necessary for the success of the program but that has already been created and is owned by parties to the program) Any agreements in place regarding Background IP should be provided to ACIAR prior to program commencement. Yes Is it there Background IP? No X If “yes”, are there any restrictions on the program's ability to use the Background IP? X would there be any restriction on ACIAR or the overseas collaborator claiming their rights to IP for the program based on the Background IP (refer ACIAR Standard Conditions)? X If "yes", for each applicable country provide brief details of: the source of the Background IP. whether the Commissioned Organisation and/or Australian collaborators and/or developing country collaborators own it. any conditions or restrictions on its use. Page 113 country Details of background IP México, India, Nigeria and Colombia IARCs maize and legume germplasm; no restrictions on R&D use Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi. Mozambique, and Tanzania NARS’ developed maize and legumes germplasm; available for research use and under NARS-specific licensing agreements for commercial use Australia QDEEDI maize varieties; no restrictions on use for the program activities and partners. Grain Research Development Corporation (GRDC) holds some IP on QDEEDI’s germplasm (see below). No restrictions apply for the use of QDEEDI germplasm for research and development purposes in this project. Australia Murdoch University’s nodulant bacteria; no restrictions on experimental and research use and commercial licenses on a caseby-case basis. Australia APSIM software owned by the APSIM Initiative and provided by QDEEDI; no restrictions for non-commercial R&D and educational purposes and through commercial licenses defined on a case-by-case basis. Third Party IP (IP that is owned by or licensed from other parties) Agreements governing the use of third party IP can be related to research materials, research equipment or machinery, techniques or processes, software, information and databases. Yes Is there any relevant Third Party IP that is essential to the program? No X If “yes”, would there be any restriction on ACIAR claiming its rights to IP for the program (refer ACIAR Standard Conditions)? X If "yes", for each applicable country provide brief details of: the source of the Third Party IP. the applicable country/ies, the circumstances/agreement/arrangement under which the IP is to be obtained or used by the program partners (for example, material transfer agreement, germplasm acquisition agreement, confidentiality agreement, research agreement or other arrangements). any conditions or restrictions on its use. Country Details of third party IP Australia (provider) On the bacteria provided by Murdoch University: some microbiological carriers will be owned by a third party. The condition of use is that the patent on manufacture must be respected. The IP can be transferred to a third party in Africa by negotiation with its owner, if manufacture of the carrier in Africa was ever required. ACIAR can exert its IP rights in this regard. Australia (provider) Grain Research Development Corporation (GRDC) holds an IP share of QDEEDI germplasm. The use of such IP will be under the terms of the QDEEDI MTA. There are no restrictions on the use of this IP for Research and Development activities. In the case ACIAR decided to go for a commercialization of project IP where QDEEDI's maize germplasm has been used, the same applied for any other of the contributing party organizations, QDEEDI expects and understands that a share will be negotiated with all the contributing parties. Other contracts, licences or legal arrangements Yes Are there any other contracts, licences or other legal arrangements that relate to the program? Page 114 No X If "yes", for each applicable country provide brief details. Country Details of other contracts, licences or legal arrangements Page 115 7 Appendix B: Supporting documentation 7.1 Current experiences with implementing conservation agriculture practices in Africa The majority of reports on the effects of CA technologies on smallholder farms in subSaharan Africa show yield benefits with CA systems, including results with maize, beans, sorghum, cotton, sunflower, potatoes, finger millet, pigeonpeas or cotton34,35,36,37,38,39 with very few reports of crop yield being reduced. When they do occur, yield losses may be associated with the necessary adjustments and learning necessary to adapt the new CA system. Farmers in the Sanyani District of Tanzania, for example, reported 30% yield reductions due to competition with mucuna in CA systems40, suggesting that mucuna should be planted later relative to the maize crop a common and necessary system adjustment. Chemical weed control can be (but does not need to be) a component in CA systems and the sustainability of promoting such a system among resource-poor farmers has been questioned, due to access and affordability.”41 Several studies in southern Africa show that increased weed competition and weeding requirements are common with the mulch ripping system, a minimum tillage CA system42,43,44 and short term yields can be lower in the first 1-3 years of use because of increased weed pressure. In CIMMYT’s projects with small farmers in Malawi, herbicide use is one of the principal factors that attracted farmers to the CA system as it combines with the labour-saving of reduced tillage to reduce labour requirements by more than 50% while at the same time giving a Marginal Rate of Return on variable costs of 450%45. Results from Zimbabwe show that even without chemical weed control and in poor, degraded and abandoned soils, CA gives advantages in both increased yields and reduced costs of production46. An important benefit of CA often manifested by farmers is the reduction in risk with CA practices. Several reports (e.g. from both Tanzania and Zambia in the 2001/2002 drought year) refer to the reduction in crop failure with CA practices in drought years. This is supported by the results in Nigeria47 and in Zimbabwe48 and in an analysis of results from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania and Zambia49 – yield advantages were greater in 34Ekboir et al., 2002 et al., 2004 36Boahen et al., 2007 37Apina et al., 2007 38Erenstein et al., 2008 39Rockstrom et al., 2009 40Boahen et al., 2007 41Rockstrom et al. 2001 42Shumba et al. 1992 43Vogel et al. 1994 44Muza et al. 1996 45 Wall et al., 2008 46Erenstein et al., 2008 47Lal, 1986 48Vogel, 1993 49Rockstrom et al., 2009 35Haggblade Page 116 dry years, and often absent in “good” seasons. For smallholder farmers this is an important factor as risk aversion is a major driver of their farming strategy and decision process. The reasons for yield increases with CA are variable, although factors related to water and rainfall use efficiency are generally reported to be the main reasons for yield benefits. One common effect is a benefit from earlier planting in CA systems: in tilled systems farmers often have to wait to till the soil until after the first rains soften the plough layer. In Zambia50, in general CF (Conservation Farming) farmers planted two weeks earlier than farmers managing conventionally tilled systems, giving an average benefit of 56 kg ha-1 of cotton or 350 kg ha-1 of maize grain. This benefit was likely due to extra moisture availability towards the end of the crop season. Reported infiltration rates are 50-120% higher under CA conditions51,52, resulting in greater soil moisture. Benefits to CA also resulted from 50% less evaporation of soil water in studies using simulation modeling in Kenya53 and a combination of the increased water infiltration and reduced evaporation leads to major increases in rainfall use efficiency – a 150% increase in water use efficiency with CA was reported in Tanzania54, with 3800m3 water required to produce a ton of maize grain under conventionally tilled conditions but only 1500m 3 t-1 with CA. The converse of increased water infiltration is a marked reduction (45-90%) of both water run-off 55 , 56 , 57 and soil erosion 58 . Based on nutrient and soil loss relationships derived from the field-plot measured data at Henderson Research Station in Zimbabwe, it was estimated that annual on-farm losses of soil nutrients through sheet erosion and predicted alarmingly high levels of nutrient losses: approximately 50 kg ha-1 nitrogen and 8 kg ha-1 phosphorus, about 535 kg ha-1 of organic carbon together with 30 % of seasonal rainfall59. There is very little data on the effects of CA systems on soil fertility, although farmers often perceive that the yield increases are due to improved soil fertility. In studies in Tanzania60, Zambia and Zimbabwe61, increased earthworm numbers were found under CA conditions. In Zimbabwe, it was found that after opening new land to cultivation, soil organic carbon (SOC) fell in all treatments, but it fell far more with conventional tillage (42% in 5 years) than it did in the mulch-rip system (-9%). The mulch-rip treatment also had greater aggregate stability: aggregate mean weight diameter was 87% higher than the conventionally tilled treatment, while the percentage of water stable aggregates was 100% greater in the mulch-rip treatment 50Haggblade and Tembo, 2003 1993 52Thierfelder and Wall, 2008 53Gitonga et al., 2008 54Rockstrom and Steiner, 2003 55Chuma and Hagmann, 1995 56Diallo et al., 2008 57Gitonga et al., 2008 58Chuma and Hagmann, 1995 59 Elwell and Stocking, 1988 60Mariki, 2004 61Nhamo, 2007 51Chuma, Page 117 7.2 Economic impact of technologies The following calculations estimate how the project will achieve the impact of (an average of) 30% increase in productivity and a 30% decrease in production risk on the farms of 500,000 farmers in the five project countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. Some of the basic assumptions are as follows: Number of families per community (assumed) 200 Number of communities targeted in Year 1 38 The adoption of all technologies is dependent on accessible and beneficial input and output markets etc. Therefore the benefits of improved value chains are embedded in the increases expected with the different technologies. a) Effect of new maize varieties. Assumptions: Number of communities targeted with maize seed increase by 80% each year. Number of directly exposed farmers that adopt maize varieties - 67%. Spillover to other farmers likely but not quantified Maize Varieties No of communities reached No of farmers reached 1 38 7600 2 68 13680 5092 3 123 24624 9166 4 222 44323 16498 5 399 79782 29697 6 718 143607 53454 7 1292 258493 96217 8 2326 465287 173190 9 4188 837517 311742 10 7538 1507531 561136 Year Adopters (67%) b) Effect of new legume species and varieties. Assumptions: Number of communities targeted with legume seed increase by 80% each year Number of directly exposed farmers that adopt legume varieties - 50%. Spillover to other farmers likely but not quantified Page 118 Legume Species and Varieties No of communities reached No of farmers reached 1 38 7600 2 68 13680 3800 3 123 24624 6840 4 222 44323 12312 5 399 79782 22162 6 718 143607 39891 7 1292 258493 71804 8 2326 465287 129246 9 4188 837517 232644 10 7538 1507531 418759 Year Adopters (50%) c) Effect of crop management based on the principles of conservation agriculture. Assumptions: Number of communities targeted with CA technologies increase by 60% each year Adoption of CA is slow but exponential. In 2nd year 60 farmers try CA on their own fields Number of farmers testing CA grows by a factor of 3 each year. This is half the rate we have experienced in southern Africa CA with fertilizer and weed control No of communities reached No of farmers reached 1 38 7600 2 68 13680 60 3 123 24624 180 4 222 44323 540 5 399 79782 1620 6 718 143607 4860 7 1292 258493 14580 8 2326 465287 43740 9 4188 837517 131220 10 7538 1507531 393660 Year Adopters Page 119 d) Overall numbers of farmers and effects on yield. Assumptions: Maize variety without any other factors will give a 5% yield increase. Greater increases are expected as yield improves but have not been quantified. Legume variety without any other factors will give a 5% yield increase. Greater increases are expected as yield improves but have not been quantified. Average yield increases with CA over time in Zimbabwe show approximately 0, 14 and 24 % yield increases in the first, second and third years of CA. No further increase Average yield increases with CA over time in Malawi show approximately 16% yield increase over tilled check in all seasons. Based on the above data we assume a conservative average of 5, 10 and 15% increase in yield in years 1-3 respectively and no further increase. We assume a very conservative 40% yield increase due to fertilizer application. Fertilizer application is adopted because of lower risk with CA. CA with fertilizer and weed control gives a 45% yield increase in the first year of CA. CA with fertilizer and weed control gives a 50% yield increase in the second year of CA. CA with fertilizer and weed control gives a 55% yield increase in the third year of CA. No further yield increase in succeeding years. We have not taken into account a reduction in costs with CA likely at least after year 3 with CA. Number of farmers with different percentages of yield increases CA + Mz/ CA + Mz/ CA + Mz/ Maize legumes /legumes legumes and Maize Yr. 3 Yr. 2 Yr. 1 legumes only Year 55% 50% 45% 10% 5% Farmers Ave % benefit 1 2 3 60 3800 1232 5092 9 60 120 6660 2326 9166 9 4 60 120 360 11772 4186 16498 10 5 180 360 1080 20542 7535 29697 11 6 540 1080 3240 35031 13563 53454 12 7 1620 3240 9720 57224 24413 96217 14 8 4860 9720 29160 85506 43944 173190 18 9 14580 29160 87480 101424 79099 311742 24 10 43740 87480 262440 25099 142378 561136 35 e) Risk The measure of risk that we use in the project (possibly per country or per agroecosystem) will need to be defined during the project. New stress tolerant maize varieties result in a 5% reduction in risk Page 120 New legume varieties with higher yield result in a 5% reduction in risk Data from Zimbabwe shows a 50% reduction in risk with fertilized CA compared to fertilized farmer practice. Data from Malawi show the fertilized conventional ridge planting has a 10% risk of yield lower than 1.5 t/ha. On the same farms in Malawi yields of CA plots have never been below 1.5 t/ha (i.e. 100% reduction) Based on these data and assumptions we believe that the estimated 30% reduction in risk will be achieved Page 121 7.3 References Apina T, Wamai P, Mwangi PK. 2007. Laikipia District. In: Kaumbutho P. and Kienzle J. (Eds.) Conservation Agriculture as practiced in Kenya: two case studies. Nairobi, African Conservation Tillage Network, Centre de Coopération Internationale de Recherche Agronomique por le Développement, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. p 1-56. Boahen P, Dartey BA, Dogbe GD, Boadi EA, Triomphe B, Daamgard-Larsen S, Ashburner J. 2007. Conservation Agriculture as practiced in Ghana. 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October 5-9, 2008 Page 124 7.4 Acronyms AGRA Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa APSIM Agricultural Production Systems Simulator APSRU Agricultural Production Systems Research Unit ARC Agricultural Research Council ASARECA Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa BMGF Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation BNF Biological nitrogen fixation DEEDI Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation, Queensland CA Conservation Agriculture CIAT International Center for Tropical Agriculture CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center COMESA Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization CAADP Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Program DARTS Department of Agricultural Research and Technical Services DTMA Drought Tolerant Maize for Africa Project EIAR Ethiopian Institute of Agricultural Research ENSO El Nino Southern Oscillation FARA Forum for Agricultural Research in Africa FPTE Farmer participatory technology evaluation GNI Gross National Income GxE Germplasm by Environment (interaction) IARC International Agricultural Research Center ICRISAT International Center for Research for the Semi-Arid Tropics IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development IIAM Instituto de Investigacao Agraria de Mozambique KARI Kenya Agricultural Research Institute MDGs Millennium Development Goals Page 125 NARI National Agricultural Research Institute NARS National Agricultural Research System NARES National Agricultural Research and Extension System NEPAD New Partnership for Africa’s Development NGO Non-Governmental organization NSIMA New Seed Initiative for Maize in Africa Project OFR On-farm Research OPV Open Pollinated variety PASS Program for Africa’s Seed Systems PM&E Participatory Monitoring and Evaluation PRGA Participatory Research and Gender Analysis (program) RUFORUM Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Development in Agriculture SADC Southern African Development Community SOFECSA Soil Fertility Consortium for Southern Africa SIMLESA Sustainable Intensification of Maize and Legume Cropping Systems in Eastern and Southern Africa TLII, TL-2 Tropical Legumes II project UQ, UoQ University of Queensland Page 126