Name: Maged Gaber El-Ghazouly Title: Dean of the faculty and Professor in Pharmacognosy department Telephone: +2(03) 3877 056 / 3877 038 Email: Room: C148 Academic Qualification: Dipl. Of Biochemical Analysis 1984 Alex. – Univ. Ph.D. 1976 Alex – Univ. M.Sc. 1973 Alex – Univ. B. PHARM. 1969 (Honour Degree) Alex. – Univ. Professional Experiences and Positions held: Biography I- Pharmacognosy Dept. , Faculty of Pharmacy , Alexandria Univ. (1969 – till now) 1- Demonstrator 2- Ass. Lecturer 3- Lecturer 4- Ass. Prof. 5- Professor 1969-1973 1973-1976 1976-1982 1982-1987 1987 II- Visitor Lecturer . Khartom Univ-Sudan Dec. 79 – March 80. III- Lecturer of Pharmacognosy. Al- Fateh Univ. Lybia. Nov. 80 – July 82. IV- Head of the Pharmacognosy Dept. Arab . Univ. of Beirute-Libanon. Jen. 90-sept. 93&Sept 2005 to 2008. V- Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy , Arab . Univ. of Beirute-Libanon. Sept. 92-oct. 93 VI-Visitor Prof. The Univ. Of Jordan – Amman. Jordan, Sept. 95-Dec. 95 VII- Visitor Prof , Arab Univ. of Beirut – Lebanon years 1998, 999, 2000, 2001,2002,2003,2004. VIII- Vice Dean for Community Development & Environment Affairs . March 2002 – Till Sept 2005. IX- Dean of the faculty of pharmacy,Pharos univ.Alexandria Sept.2010 till now Research interest 1. Isolation. And Identification of Natural Products. 2. Phytochemical and Biological Study of the Egyption Flora. 3. Medicinal plant constituents 1. A colourmietric method for the estimation of Judaicin. Khafagy, S.M., Abdel Salam, M.A. and El-Ghazouly, M.G., Planta Medica, 30, 21-24 (1976). 2. Sesquiterpene Lactone from Varthemia candicans. Khafagy, S.M., Metwally, A.M. and El-Ghazouly, M.G., Fifth Congress of Publications the Arab Pharmacists Union, Kuwait, Proceeding, pp. 150 (1976). Planta Medica, 37, 75 (1979). 3. Isolation of a Sesquiterpene lactone from Amberboa tubuliflora Murb. Khafagy, S.M., Metwally, A.M. and El-Ghazouly, M.G., J. Drug Res. Egypt, vol. 11, No. 1-2 (1979). 4. Isolation and characterization of a new Keto-alcohol from Artemisia monosperma. Khafagy, S.M., Metwally, A.M. and El-Ghazouly, M.G., Egypt, J. Pharm. Sci., 20, No. 1-4, pp. 115-120 (1979). 5. Colourimetric estimation of xanthotoxin - Ammidin mixture. Habib, A.M., El-Ghazouly, M.G. and Khafagy, S.M., Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 19, No. 1-4 (1978). 6. Studies on the antimicrobial activity of the volatile oil of Artemisia judaica. El-Khouly, A.E., Fawzy, M.M. and ElGhazouly, M.G., Sixth Congress of Arab. Pharmacists Union, Tunis, 27-30 Nov., Proceeding pp. 72 (1978). 7. Isolation and characterization of two methoxylated flavones from Artemisia monosperma. Khafagy, S.M., El-Ghazouly, M.G. and Metwally, A.M., Pharmazie, 34, 4. 11 (1979). 8. A micro-method for the estimation of morphine in powered opium, Tincture opium and other Pharmaceutical Preparations. Omar, A.A., El-Ghazouly, M.G., Sarg, T.M. and Khafagy, S.M., Scientia Pharmaceutica, 48, 97 (1980). 9. A simple TLC method for the separation and semiquantitative evaluation of alkaloids in liquid galenicals. El-Masry, S., El-Ghazouly, M.G. and Omar, A.A., Scientia Pharmaceutica, 48, 330 (1980). 10. Alkaloids from Egyptian Papaver rhoeas. El-Masry, S., El-Ghazouly, M.G., Omar, A.A. and Khafagy, S.M., Planta Medica, 41, 61 (1981). 11. Spectrophotometric estimation of judaicin. Habib, A.M., El-Ghazouly, M.G. and Khafagy, S.M., African Journal of Med. Plants, No. 3 pp. 73-77 (1980). 12. Macro-and Micromorphology of the leaves, stems and roots of Launaea resedifolia (L. emend. Coss.) Kuntze. Saleh, M.R., Habib, A.M., El-Ghazouly, M.G., Gabr, O.M. and El-Fiky, F.K., XVII Egypt, Conf. Pharm. Sci., Cairo (1982) Proceeding pp. 33. Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 23, No. 1-4, pp. 271-282 (1982). 13. Macro-and Micromorphology of the flowers of Launaea resedifolia (L. emend. Coss.) Kuntze. Saleh, M.R., Habib, A.M., El-Ghazouly, M.G., Gabr, O.M. and El-Fiky, F.K., XVII Egypt, Conf. Pharm. Sci., Cairo (1982) Proceeding pp. 32, Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 23, No. 1-4, pp. 255-270 (1982). 14. Chemical constituents from Launaea resedifolia. Saleh, M.R., Habib, A.M., El-Ghazouly, M.G., Gabr, O.M. and El-Fiky, F.K. Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., vol. 29, No. 1-4, pp. 507-513 (1988). 15. Struktur und synthese der epimeren 10, 11-Dihydro-11 hydroxytremetone aus Artemisia monosperma. Abdallah A. Omar, Maged G. El-Ghazouly, Ferdinand Bohlmann and Christa Zero. Liebigs Ann. Chem., 1451-1454 (1983). 16. Two guaianolide lactones from Amberboa tubuliflora Murb. A.Omar, M. El-Ghazouly, A.S. El-Din and S. Khafagy. Acta pharm. Jugosl., vol. 33, No. 3-4 (1983). 17. Flavonoid constituents of Artemisia campestris. Maged G. El-Ghazouly and Abdallah A. Omar, Fitoterpaia, vol. LV, No. 2 (1984). 18. Methoxylated flavonoids of Tanacetum santolinoides and Jasonia Montana. Ahmed Seif El-Din, Nadia El-Sebakhy and Maged El-Ghazouly. Acta. Pharm. Jugosl., 35, 383-287 (1985). 19. Macro-and Micromorphological study of Amborboa tubuliflora Murb., Part I. The leaf and stem. A.A. seif El-Din, M.G. El-Ghazouly, A.A. Omar and S.M. Khafagy. 20. Macro-and Micromorphological study of Amborboa tubuliflora Murb., Part II. The Flower-Heads. A.A. Seif El-Din, M.G. El-Ghazouly, A.A. Omar and S.M. Khafagy, XVIII Egypt. Conf. Pharm. Sci., Cairo (1984) Proceeding pp. 14. Egypt. J. Pharm Sci., 26, No. 1-4, pp. 89-104 (1985). 21. Estimation of Colchicine in Pharmaceuticals by difference spectrometry. A.M. Habib, N.A. El-Sebakhy and M.G. El-Ghazouly, Bulletin of Faculty of Pharmacy, Cairo University; Accepted for publication on 31-12-(1984). 22. Auroside, a new iridoid glucoside from Phlomis aurea. M.F. Lahloub, N. El-Sebakhy, M. El-Ghazouly, G.A. Gross and O. Sticher. 33rd Annual 23. Congress of the Society for Medicinal plant Research, Universitat Regensburg BRD/FRG, Sept. 1985, Proceeding pp. 57. 24. Sesquiterpene lactones of Tanacetum santolinodies (DC.) Feinbr. & Fertig. Nadia A. El-Sebakhy and Maged G. El-Ghazouly. Pharmazie, 41, H. 4 (1986). 25. A. Heliangolide from Tanacetum santoAinoides. N.A. El- Sebakhy, M.G. El-Ghazouly, A.A. Seif El-Din and C. Zdero. Pharmazie, 41, H. 7 (1986). 26. Macro-and Micromorphological study of Phlomis aurea Decne (Lamiaceae), Part I. The Flower. Nadia A. El-Sebakhy and Maged G. El-Ghazouly, Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 27, No. 1-4, pp. 123-137 (1986). 27. Macro-and Micromorphological study of Phlomis aurea Decne (Lamiaceae), Part II. The Leaf, Stem and Fruit. Nadia A. El-Sebakhy, Maged G. El-Ghazouly and Mohamed F. Lahloub. Egypt. Pharm. Sci., 27, No. 1-4, pp. 139-152 (1986). 28. Phytochemical study of Lactuca saligna growing in Egypt. A.A. Seif El-Din, M.G. El-Ghazouly and A.H. Abou-Donia, Alex. J. Pharm. Sci., vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 5-7 (1987). 29. Sesquiterpene xylosides from Iphiona scabra. M.G. El-Ghazouly, N.A. El-Sebakhy, A.A. Seif El-Din, C. Zdero and F. Bohlmann. Phytochemistry, vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 439-443 (1987). 30. Pseudoguaianolide sesquiterpene lactones from Varthemia candicans (Del.) Boiss. Maged G. El-Ghazouly, Abdallah A. Omar, Ahmed A. Seif El-Din and Saad M. Khafagy, Acta Pharm. Jugosl. 37, 131-133 (1987). 31. Alkaloids of Glaucium flavum. Maged G. El-Ghazouly, Amina H. Abou-Donia and Mohamed F. Lahloub. Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., 28, No. 1-4, pp. 307-312 (1987). 32. Comparative Morphological and Histological Study of Iphiona scabra DC. And Iphiona mucronata (Forssk.) Asch. et Schweinf., Ahmed A. Seif El-Din and Maged El-Ghazouly. Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci., vol. 29, No. 1-4, pp. 1-18 (1988). 33. Seco-Germacranolides from Anthemis pseudoctula. M. Abou El-Ela, J. Jakupovic, F. Bohlmann, A.A. Ahmed, A. Seif El-Din, S. Khafagi, N. Sabri and M. El-Ghazouly. Phytochemistry, vol. 29, No. 8 pp. 2704-2706 (1990). 34. A Guainolide from Amberboa tubuliflora. Ahmed A. Ahmed, M. Abou El-Ela, J. Jakupovic, A.A. Seif El-Din and M. ElGhazouly. Phytochemistry, vol. 29, No. 12, pp. 3946-3946, (1990). 35. Iriodid glucosides of Ligustrum ovalifolium. Osama Salama, Maged El-Ghazouly, Nadia El-Sebakhy and William Creekmare. Alex. J. Pharm. Sci., vol. 4(1) (1990). 36. A new benzofuran glycoside from the roots of Phagnalon barbeyanum Aschers and Schweinf. Nawal N. Sabri, Maged G. El-Ghazouly, Maha A. Abou-Ela and Ahmed A. Seif El-Din. Alex. J. Pharm. Sci., vol. 6(3) (1992). 37. Chemical Constituents of Helichrysum Conglobatum growing in Egypt. Maged El-Ghazouly, Abdallah M. El-Lakany, Mohamed I. Abou-Shoer and Amal H. Aly. Natural product Sciences 9(4): 213-219 (2003). 1. participated in many local and foreign conferences. Conferences and workshops 2. Oversaw the establishment of a number of seminars and conferences at the Faculty of Pharmacy – Alexandria University. TEACHING EXPERIENCE: Professional and scientific Activities (optional) Pharmacognosy and Medicinal plants Advanced Courses in Medicinal Plant Phytochemisty Applied pharmacognocy Herbal Medicine Chemistry Of Natural Products. Isolation and Chromatography. Toxic Plant SCIENTIFIC ORGANISATIONS: Egyptian pharmaceutical Society. Arab Society For Medicinal Plants Research. Egyptian Society of Aromatic Oils, Egyptian Society of Clinical Chemistry, عضو مجلس كلية الصيدلة – جامعة اإلسكندرية. عض ووو لج وواك الفيك ووين ووا اللجن ووة الدادم ووة للعل ووون الص وويدلية – عقاقير (أسفاذ مساعد – أسفاذ) عضووو لجوواك الفيكووين امجلووة العلووون الصوويدلية – كليووة الصوويدلة – جامع و و و ووة اإلس و و و ووكندرية والق و و و ووا ر أس و و و وويو المنص و و و ووور الزقازيق. عضووو لجنووة وودوك التوويم والفعلووين اكليووة الصوويدلة منووذ عووان . 1993 اردوود لجنووة الجوالووة واللدمووة العامووة منووذ عووان 1995ويفووع عووان . 2002 رديس لجنة دوك لدمة المجفمع وفنمية البيدة. رديس لجنة إعداد نفادج االمفيانات اكلية الصيدلة جامعة اإلسكندرية. المدير الفنفيذي لمجمع الايوث الدوادية اكلية الصويدلة – جامعة اإلسكندرية . نادو ووم ردو وويس مجلو ووس إدار ويو وود اللو وودمات الصو وويدلية اكلية الصيدلة – جامعة اإلسكندرية . الم و وورا اميو وواديما للجمعي و ووة العلميو ووة لتو وويم كلي و ووة الصيدلة – جامعة اإلسكندرية ). (ASPSA رد وويس لجن ووة االرفق وواى االمس ووفوب العلم ووع لت وويم كلي ووة الصو وويدلة – جامعو ووة االسو ووكندرية ضو وومك برنو ووامج .CQAP