Ysgol Gynradd Alexandra Mathematics/ Numeracy Policy November 2014 INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION This policy reflects the values and philosophy of Alexandra C P School in relation to the teaching and learning of Mathematics. It gives a framework to which staff work. It gives guidance on planning, teaching and assessment. This policy is to be used, in conjunction with the scheme of work for Mathematics, which gives details of what pupils in each age will cover. Mathematics is a core subject of the National Curriculum and is therefore taught at Alexandra C P. DEFINITION Mathematics teaches us how to make sense of the world around us through developing the child’s ability to calculate, to reason and to solve problems. It enables children to understand and appreciate relationships and pattern in both number and space in their everyday lives. Children should be taught to: Develop mathematical language, reasoning and problem solving skills by using and applying maths in practical tasks, in real-life problems and in the context of all work on number, data, measures, shape and space. Use a mental approach as a first resort when a calculation is needed. Develop oral mental and estimation strategies. AIMS OF MATHEMATICS The aims of Mathematics in the Foundation Phase at Ysgol Alexandra are: We aim to provide the pupils with a mathematics curriculum, which will produce individuals who are numerate, creative, independent, inquisitive, enquiring and confident. We also aim to provide a stimulating environment and adequate resources so that all pupils can develop their mathematical skills across the curriculum to their full potential. Our vision of the Year 6 pupil leaving Alexandra School is one who: Has the ability to solve problems through decision- making and reasoning in a range of contexts. Can communicate and reason mathematically. Is confident and competent with the number system. Is secure in mental, written and calculator strategies. (See Calculation Policy) Enjoys learning through practical activity, exploration and discussion. Has a practical understanding of the ways in which information is gathered and presented. Has explored features of shape and space and has developed measuring skills. Has an understanding of the importance of mathematics in everyday life. 2 Can apply their numeracy skills across the curriculum STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS Mathematics is a core subject in the National Curriculum. The statutory requirements for the teaching and learning of Mathematics are set out in “Curriculum for Wales: Revised Areas of Learning and Programmes of Study.” This means that Foundation Phase follow the Maths Programme of Study and Numeracy Framework (LNF) and KS2 follow the LNF and the Mathematics Programme of Study for KS2. Both Key Stages also implement the LNF across the curriculum. The LNF is split up into the following areas: Learners in mathematics and numeracy are expected to become accomplished in the following. Developing numerical reasoning skills. Using number skills. Using measuring skills. Using data skills. The mathematics programme of study also develops learners’ skills in two further strands. Using geometry skills. Using algebra skills. ‘Probability’ is an additional element within ‘Using data skills’. Lower Foundation Phase Children should learn to: Develop their use and understanding of mathematical language through communicating and talking about their work. Develop a range of flexible methods for working mentally with number in order to solve problems. Explore, estimate and solve real-life problems in both the indoor and outdoor environment. Be given opportunities to develop their understanding of number, measurement, pattern, shape and space through varied activities that allow then to explore, practise and talk confidently about mathematics. Upper Foundation Phase Children should be given opportunities to develop their knowledge and understanding of mathematics through practical activity, exploration and discussion. They should learn to: Use appropriate mathematical language Represent their work in a variety of ways. Recognise simple patterns and relationships. Develop a range of flexible methods At Key Stage 2 Children should learn 3 to calculate fluently with all four number operations in order to solve numerical problems and should approach these with a mental method before any other approach and also learn to use written methods of calculating. to develop estimation strategies should and use them to check calculations. to explore a wide variety of shapes and use a range of units and practical equipment to learn to measure accurately. To collect, represent and interpret data for a variety of purposes. To select, discuss, explain and present their methods and reasoning using an increasing range of mathematical language, diagrams and charts. THE ROLE OF THE CURRICIULUM LEADER Please refer to subject leadership policy. THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER To To To To keep up to date with subject knowledge/new developments plan units of work in conjunction with the curriculum leader. deliver units of work and evaluate them monitor pupils’ progress. LEARNING AND TEACHING Teachers fulfil National Curriculum guidelines by following the Abacus Evolve scheme of work, prioritising the units which focus on the LNF objectives for each year group. Medium term plans are produced and adapted as necessary to ensure the plan is progressive in developing pupil capability. Short term plans are taken from the Abacus Evolve scheme and adapted appropriately to address the needs of individuals and groups within the class. They are evaluated and inform next steps. Pupils are provided with a variety of opportunities to develop and extend their mathematical skills in and across each phase of education. Teachers share lesson objectives and success criteria with their children at the beginning of the lesson (WALT &WILF) and revisit them during the plenary session to allow for evaluation /self-assessment. Lessons taught to the whole class and are structured in three parts with a mental/oral starter, a main differentiated teaching activity and a plenary session. Mathematical speaking and listening skills are developed throughout oral and plenary sessions as well as during maths activities. Children are taught a range of skills through the context of maths lessons and across the curriculum. They are taught to: Solve mathematical problems 4 Communicate mathematically Reason mathematically Oral and mental work Each Maths lesson begins with a ‘warm-up’. Activities are often based on the following: Counting and counting on and back in an increasing number of steps. Mental recall of number bonds and number facts and using them in calculations Rounding and estimating Practising mental methods of calculation. Naming and recognising the properties of shapes. Telling the time Converting units of measurement Main teaching The context of the lesson will be taken from the Range in the programmes of study as set out in the LNF/ PoS. Number Measure Data Geometry Algebra Activities Following the main teaching part of the lesson, children will embark on an activity. These are differentiated and may involve group, paired or individual work. Where appropriate groups are supported by a teaching assistant. Activities can be: Games – with partner or group Activities making use of number cards Interactive computer games or activities Worksheets Text book work Investigations Plenary Each lesson ends with a plenary session which relates to the context of the lesson, but often represents a challenge to the children and forms part of the teacher’s assessment when planning for the next lesson. CONTRIBUTION TO THE WHOLE CURRICULUM “The acquisition of knowledge and skills in mathematics should not be seen as an end in itself. Pupils should be able to use their mathematics confidently to tackle problems in a variety of situations.” The School Curriculum in Wales ACCAC 2003 5 Mathematics contributes to many subjects and at Alexandra, we feel it is important the children are given opportunities to apply and use Mathematics in real contexts. RECORDING, ASSESSMENT AND REPORTING See Assessment Policy. MONITORING AND REVIEW Monitoring is carried out by the Headteacher and subject leader through: School Based Review Weekly reviews of planning files Scrutiny of pupils books Evaluation, informal discussion with staff and pupils, observation of Mathematics displays, Mathematics portfolio, classroom observations. ALN In accordance with the school ALN policy children with additional educational needs will be identified as early as possible. Procedures outlined in that policy will be followed to ensure that each child has access to a broad and balanced curriculum and makes the greatest possible progress according to their ability. Assessment and intervention programme – SUMSUP, Rapid Maths. Use of Numicon Programme/ Numicon Manipulatives See Policy on Additional Learning Needs EQUAL OPPORTUNITITES All teaching and non-teaching staff at ALEXANDRA are responsible for ensuring that all children, irrespective of gender, ability, ethnicity and social circumstances, have access to the whole curriculum and make the greatest possible progress. The school will ensure that learning opportunities for all are maximised and no one pupil is denied the chance to realise his/her potential because of issues relating to the above. See Policy on Equal Opportunities HEALTH AND SAFETY The school will ensure that children’s safety is paramount at all times, Children will be made aware of safety issues and the need to respect others safety during all activities. See Policy on Health and Safety/Responsible use of the Internet policy. 6 CURRICULUM CYMREIG Pupils will be given opportunities where appropriate in their study of Mathematics to develop and apply their knowledge and understanding of the cultural, economic, environmental, historical and linguistic characteristics of Wales. KEY SKILLS Pupils will be given opportunities where appropriate to develop and apply their key skills in their study of Mathematics. These opportunities are planned for within the medium term plans. CROSS PHASE LINKS A continuous progressive curriculum runs throughout the school. Whole school cross phase planning meetings take place. There are shared resources. End of Key Stage Assessments are passed on. Liaison with High schools takes place. Bridging units from Rhosnesni High School are followed by Year 6. REVIEW This policy will be kept under review by the Governing Body in conjunction with the teaching staff of Alexandra School. 7