File - Lauren Ambrose

Twitter schedule for The American Shakespeare Center, Crumpet the Elf: November
2014- December 2015
Macy’s SantaLand isn’t the only center of excitement around here… Coming soon to the
ASC: “The SantaLand Diaries”
Is in Santa’s Village, surrounded by candy canes and gingerbread shacks… Where are the
holidays taking you this year?
It is an elf’s lot to remain merry in the face of torment and adversity. And you thought we
just made toys!
An elf in SantaLand is one thing, an elf in Sportswear is something else all together!
The walk from SantaLand to the China department in costume is the real walk of shame.
Santa Elf, Emergency Exit Elf, Magic Tree Elf, Cash Register Elf, Water Cooler Elf…
which kind of Elf are you?
Forget the exclamation points and enthusiasm. I think I’ll be a low-key sort of elf.
Everything elves say has a forced exclamation point on the end of it… Does this make
everyone uncomfortable or is it just me?
Fill in the blank: Step on the magic star and you can see _________! Cher? Mike Tyson?
A lazy elf could ruin an entire roll of film… So could yawning Santa. Do you have any
Christmas photos gone wrong?
Once a child starts crying on Santa’s lap, its over.
We all are unique… but sometimes, it all comes down to the fingerprints.
Parents, whatever you do, PLEASE don’t bring all of your camera equipment with you to
see Santa. Just don’t.
Some Santas are wild and wonderful while others take their job way too seriously. Where
have you seen the best Santa?
Sometimes, I think this green velvet elf costume is worse than my ugliest Christmas
“Try and love other people as much as they love you” is the mantra for the Santa looking
to make parents cry (and some extra cash).
Watch out for the other elves—Snowball is adorably flirtatious and Jerome is
All of the adults ask Santa for a BMW or a Gold Card. Somehow I don’t think that’ll fit
in the sleigh.
What’s your favorite Christmas carol? “Rudolph?” “Jingle Bells?” “White Christmas?”
Christmas Eve in Macy’s SantaLand isn’t for the faint of heart. Do you go shopping on
Christmas Eve?
Merry Christmas Eve, everyone! Enjoy your day off—I know I am!