CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY Dear volunteer: We would like to ask you to fill in this application for the Project CULTURE ON THE WAY that will take place in Spain from the 1st of April till 15th October 2014. We can offer you different placements in different locations, so please read carefully the description of each one and please let us know you interest. We will also request you some information about yourself and your motivation for this Project, your sending organization will help you in all the procedure, so don’t hesitate to ask them for help! AYUNTAMIENTO DE FRÓMISTA – PALENCIA - SPAIN Description of the activities (including a possible time table) The activities that the volunteers will have to take part in will be carried out in several places. 1 - Municipal Tourism Office, together with the tourism professional and/or guides, giving tourist information to visitors and pilgrims. - Participation in the organization of festivals, such as Fiesta de San Telmo, patron of Frómista in April, Santiago Fair in 27 th of July, Celebration of the Virgin del Otero, patroness of Frómista in September and others tourist fairs… - Knowledge of the local cuisine through the wineries, cultural dinners and attending a dinner given by the city and the invitation by the Chamber of Agriculture on the day of S. Isidro, May 15. - Making some excursions in the province along with specialists in Tourism, visiting the most emblematic places as well as the villages’. - Supporting the translation of Frómista’s website, in the languages of the volunteers, to visualize/advertise our town and offered activities to the world. - Informing and Advising the pilgrims and travelers, at the municipal office, along with other guides. - Collaboration Projection, activities with the Camino de Santiago to be developed by the Municipality, in a timely manner, in advising the pilgrims upon their arrival in Frómista, do any tourist guides with them, showing the most emblematic locations, etc. In order to improve and further develop the Pilgrim route. - Collaborating writing in the BLOG and the website of the Municipality: DIAS 9:30- 11:30 12:00-13:30 13:30-16:30 17:00-19:00 DÍA 1 TOURISM OFFICE SPANISH CLASSES FREE TIME CULTURE HOUSE DÍA 2 TOURISM OFFICE SPANISH CLASSES FREE TIME TOURISM OFFICE DIA 3 TOURISM OFFICE CULTURE HOUSE FREE TIME CULTURE HOUSE DIA 4 TOURISM OFFICE SPANISH CLASSES FREE TIME TOURISM OFFICE DIA 5 TOURISM OFFICE FREE TIME INTERCULTURAL ACTIVITAES DIAS 6 Y 7 FREE DAYS -2 PIJ Youth House, open during the summer season, in morning and evening, which will have to support and collaborate on tasks and leisure entertainment, sports, summer school, swimming pool, along with the Social CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY Educator and others volunteers with youth and children. And some days in: - 3 Culture House, Telecenter and Library, together with the Social Educator and trainees, open year round during the morning and afternoon, helping in the task of teaching new technologies to children and adults who begin their adventure with computers and the Internet and bringing reading and love of books to the entire population. Activities will take place five days a week in the mornings and evenings, including language training. The volunteer will have two days of holiday each month. Etc. - She or He will participate in Fairies, Cultural Weeks and other project that the council will do. Example of the first two months; but from Easter (17 of April) to 4 of May there are Festival in Frómista. Lodging and boarding / pocket money The accommodation consists in a house located in the town within the public school facilities, which is the property of the municipality. This house can host all the volunteers, providing an individual room to each volunteer, a comfortable living room, a kitchen and a bathroom. Everything is fully furnished. The facilities include hot water, a heating system and wifi. The volunteer will live with two other volunteers from Italy and Hungary and will receive 285 € per month (105 as a pocket money and 180 € as maintenance expenses). Spanish lessons, mentor meetings days off and holidays The Linguistic training will consist of Spanish classes taught by a specialized teacher, content and number of classes will depend on the level of knowledge the volunteer has, having the longest duration in the first two months and in the remaining months the emphasis will be on the conversation. In addition to language training, cultural training will provided by a tourism professional, about customs and traditions, history and media knowledge. The volunteer will be supported personally by the tutor, solving the problems that may arise, with more hours together at the beginning of the project, and then have more independency, but the tutor will be available for anything. There will be a weekly meeting to organize and evaluate the work. Activities will take place five days a week in the mornings and evenings, including language training. In special days she or he will collaborate at weekends. The project will be carried out, in general character, 5 days a week in the morning and in the afternoon (from Monday till Friday, including the linguistic formation). Also, due to the circumstances, there will be some working at weekend, on the occasion of certain programmed activities. She or He will have two free days per week, generally Saturday and Sunday, except when he has to collaborate during the weekend. In this occasion the free day, will be transferred in another date. Also, there will be two Training Courses (on arrival and in the middle of the project) organize by the National Agency with other volunteers who are participating in Spanish Projects with a week of duration. The organization of reception is showing as an open and flexible predisposition towards to the preferences of the volunteer. In whole, she or he will have 12 weekdays of vacation during the project. CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY About the city and location / social life / leisure time Frómista is a town located in the east of the province Palencia in a rural area. The capital Palencia is 30 km away. It is situated on the northern plateau at 788 meters above sea level. The main means of transport are the highway (Palencia-Santander) and the train station connection (railway line Madrid-Santander). The municipality has a population of 840 inhabitants, of who 240 are young inhabitants between the ages 10 and 35. The population increases in the summer months. Its climate is Mediterranean, with very cold winters and warm summers. There are significant temperature changes between day and night time, temperatures ranging between 0 and 10 degrees in winter and from 15 to 25 degrees in summer. Most of the population is employed in the agricultural sector, but there is a considerably growing service sector, with a development of rural tourism initiatives as Frómista represents a rural town known for its history, both for its iconic Romanesque church, San Martin, and for being the cross point between the Camino de Santiago, Christian pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, and the Canal de Castilla, the historic waterway from Alar del Rey in the north to Valladolid in the south. Furthermore, it has other interesting attractions: The Church of San Pedro, which has a Art Museum, the Church of Santa Maria del Castillo declared as of cultural interest where there is a permanent exhibition "Vestigia Legend on the Road", and a Museum of History and Ethnography. This makes it a place of interest for an average of 60,000 visitors As mentioned a above, the public service year. contains few associations in the town. Other services available to the municipality are: a health centre, a fire station, a railway station, buses, bars, hostels, restaurants, hotels, hostels for pilgrims, a tourism centre, cottages, bakeries, hairdressers, a fish shop, a cheese factory, a butcher, supermarkets and food stores, etc. CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY AYUNTAMIENTO DE CARRION DE LOS CONDES – PALENCIA – ESPAÑA Description of the activities (including a possible time table) 1. Tourist Information Point and Point Information Camino de Santiago (SHED) Information about ERASMUS+ to the young pilgrims. You can develop a simple brochure (A4 duplex) in their native language for young pilgrims. county. Romanesque, the Roman Villas, in the province of Palencia....... es attached to the Office of Tourism, Museum of Contemporary Art , giving instructions that apply mail, the internet..... egister of people who are close to both points, for later reporting and surveys, statistics...... the production of brochures, guides.... Collaboration and support in the Fair related to the Camino de Santiago (July and August), organized by the Department of Culture and Tourism of the City. 2. Youth house and youth, crafts, painting, clay, ceramics.... n of Dynamics and games for children and young 3. The Municipal Library - Support for the reception and book loan by users - Support activities to encourage reading carried out from the library aimed at children: Storytelling - writing and drawing contests...... - Support for placement in various library tasks : preparation of reading guides , sealing tejuelar , arrange press kit , computerization and cataloguing books - READING CLUB: Supporting the volunteer in this activity with adults, children and young people, once a month. - Collaboration with the charge of the library activities : Book Day, Join the Library CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY Months of April, May and June DAY 9:30-11:00 11:00 -14:00 14:00-16:00 16:00-19:30 Day 1 Language Training Tourist Info Point Break Youth House Tourist Info Point Break Youth House Tourist Info Point Break Youth House Day 4 Tourist Info Point Break Youth House Dya 5 Tourist Info Point Break Youth House Day 2 Day 3 Language Training Days 6 Y 7 Off Months of July, August and September Days 9:30-11:00 11:00 -14:00 14:00-16:00 16:00-19:30 Day 1 Language Training Youth House Break Info Point Camino de Santiago Tourist Info Point Break Youth House Break Day 4 Tourist Info Point Break Info Point Camino de Santiago Day 5 Youth House Break Info Point Camino de Santiago Day 2 Day 3 Language Training Days 6 Y 7 Info Point Camino de Santiago Info Point Camino de Santiago Free Lodging and boarding / pocket money Support Receive a monthly basis the amount of ……………. € for monthly maintenance, the volunteer will have to make for themselves and 105 € / month pocket money means. The City will enter the total amount of ………………………………€ in a local bank in an account in your name, arrival. Accommodation They will live in a shared flat with other EVS volunteers in a house owned by the Cityhall. The house has 3 bedrooms, kitchen, 2 bathrooms and lounge, fully equipped. The City will assume all costs of management. The address is: Avda. Manuela Rizo, 9- 3 º B 34120 CARRION DE LOS CONDES - Palencia Spanish lessons, mentor meetings days off and holidays Language training Will be held in the Academy FORUM Carrion de los Condes, with extensive experience in the EVS training volunteers. Being the first 2 months 3 h/week, two 2h/week in the other months. CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY Mentor week, in which they will discuss about everything he/she considers of special interest about the project, referring to the personal situation of each, coexistence, questions, problems.... do a follow-up evaluation of the volunteer from the beginning to the end being its referent throughout the project. This will be assisted and informed by the respective Technical Information Points. Days off and Holidays The activities will be held 5 days a week, and the volunteer will have two days off per week. In those weeks where occasionally the volunteer activities happened in the weekend, she or he will get those days off back in the next week The volunteer will have 2 days of vacation for each month of the project (12 days’ vacation). About the city and location / social life / leisure time Carrión de los Condes is a village located in the province of Palencia, Castilla y León region. It has a population of about 2300 inhabitants, continued population decline since the 1960s, with a rural exodus to the cities and industrial regions, which has led to a gradual aging of the population (currently over 65 years represent a higher percentage 30%), low presence of the youth sector, and a gradual increase in the sex ratio, given the precarious labour supply, with activities traditionally performed by the male population (agriculture and construction). The town is located 830 mts. elevation with a continental Mediterranean climate with long, cold winters and short summers and not so hot. It is well connected by road to the provincial capital (40 kms), and from east to west through the municipality’s Burgos- Leon highway. The presence of foreign migrants in Carrion and region, recent and growing, it has failed to stem the depopulation. It has been and remains a core reference in our territory, rundown by social and demographic dislocation in rural areas. Carrión de los Condes has a major reference: its location on the Camino de Santiago, the French route, first European Cultural Route, which owed its great dynamism in the Middle Ages (XI and XII) , and the presence of a rich religious heritage, with Romanesque art reference. Romanesque churches of Santa Maria del Camino (XI) Santiago (XII) and Monasterio de San Zoilo (with Romanesque and Renaissance design), other medieval wall, and a number of religious and civil buildings that attest to its history. Several hostels for pilgrims and a wide, varied and increasing tourism are shaping recent years locality increasingly articulated around the pilgrimage route as a service to its people and surroundings, as well as temporary visitors. Carrion has a Municipal Theatre, where Theatre Contests are held together with an extensive program of cultural events, live theatre as both..... Other cultural facilities are: a small Contemporary Art Museum, House of Culture and Municipal Library. It also has municipal sports facilities, indoor sports centre, tennis courts and paddle and Soccer Field and Municipal Pools. It also has Cafeterias, Bars and Pub, Restaurant and Bed and breakfast accommodation. CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY ESCOLA DE TEMPO LIBRE E ANIMACIÓN SOCIOCULTURAL DON BOSCO (ETL DON BOSCO) – SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA - ESPAÑA Description of the activities (including a possible time table) Volunteers in Santiago will be divided in three places: Monte Do Gozo pilgrim hostel: to help to the people in charge to welcome and host the pilgrims, to show the the surroundings, the facilities of the place, about Camino de Santiago… O Pino pilgrim hostel with the same activities. Tourist Information office in Santiago about Camino de Santiago. There are many things that the volunteer can develop in our organisation one day per week: - Collaborate with other volunteers in the maintenance and animation of the play-room for children, contributing own initiatives and resources of his culture: games, workshops, outdoor games, sports...Together with the team of monitors the volunteer will plan the activities, play with the children and at the end of the activity will tidy up the playroom for the next day. - Collaborate with other volunteers in the animation of the computer room. - Collaborate with other volunteers in their animations (languages, theatre, handicrafts, etc) contributing his own initiatives. The volunteer can support these volunteers or if he/she is interested he/she also could start a new one. - Collaborate with the responsible person of youth information: updating the information, popularization of the activities, information about the Youth Programme... - Collaborate in the language workshop for children, youth and adult people of the neighbourhood. - Collaboration in the animation of special activities of the association contributing own initiatives and resources of his culture: intercultural parties, summer activities, summer camp...The volunteer will be part of the organize team of the different activities. This activities built part of a lot of popular celebrations, so it would be interesting if the volunteer share his own experiences and the way how he is living in his country. That would be a very interesting exchange. - Collaborate with other volunteers in the creation of in of a new cultural space in the organization(decoration of the walls, paint,…) - Collaborate to improve and develop the garden of the organisation(to create and prepare panels to identificate of the plants, to develop a orchad with children,…) - Collaborate to recover information from their own countries(traditional games, traditional dishes, …) - Participate together with other volunteers in the tasks of planning and evaluation of activities, contributing own initiatives: preparation of the material, search of resources,... - Develop a personal project related with one of the activities of the association, adjusted to his preferences, abilities and capacities. The basic timetable will be from Monday to Friday, from 17:30 to 20:30 and/or in the morning from 11:00 to 14:00, depending of the activity. During the summer time the activity will be from 9:00 to 14:00. Lodging and boarding / pocket money The EVS volunteers will live in a flat, sharing it with other volunteers or students, in a single or double room. Furthermore the flat provides all items necessary for living: a washing machine, blankets, iron, dishes, etc. Volunteers will receive the quantity of 175 € at the beginning of each month in order to take charge of their food on their own. In this way they have the possibility to buy what they need and to prepare their food just as they like to. CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY Volunteers will receive the quantity of 105 € at the beginning of each month as pocket money. Spanish lessons, mentor meetings days off and holidays To guarantee learning the Spanish language, the volunteers will have particular language classes with a qualified teacher in philology with her extended experiences teaching Spanish to foreigners. The training will be more intensive in the first months to make easier their integration in their projects and in the community. When the volunteers feel safe in Spanish, we can search a course of galician language. The mentor will have regular meetings with volunteers. The first 2 months, meetings will be held weekly, the following 4 each 15 days, and monthly recent months, as long as volunteers are already fully integrated into the project. They will discuss issues concerning the organization and development of voluntary activity, training (linguistic and technical), and their overall integration: coexistence possible problems. Furthermore, the mentor can be contacted and available every day to support volunteers in any issues that may arise, both in their in voluntary activity as in daily life. The volunteer will have two days-off a week, Saturday and Sunday, except the feasts that will coincide with their assistance. The volunteer will have two days of holiday per month worked, which they may distribute freely according to the needs of the Centre. About the city and location / social life / leisure time Santiago is the capital of Galicia. It has nearly 100.000 inhabitants and an international airport (Lavacolla). It is important to know that it is said that in Santiago “the rain is art”. Here it rains every month quite a lot although the temperatures are pretty pleasant all the year. The University of Santiago de Compostela is one of the oldest (it is about 500 year old) and is among the most important universities of Spain. There are a lot of students, around 30.000, from Spain and many other countries studying here. The University is divided into three campuses: South Campus, North Campus, and Lugo’s Campus. The students live in the centre of Santiago and because of that there is always a something happening. In the bars there are people at any hour of the day (from 10.00 – 05.00). Another feature of the town is the influence of the church and the religion. Santiago is a place of pilgrimage because it is here where the relics of the apostle Santiago (St. James) were found. Moreover there are many churches, monasteries, convents and museums related to religion. The buildings in the old part of the town represent various artistic styles which is one of the reasons why Santiago was declared part of the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage in 1985. The most famous monument of Santiago is undoubtedly the cathedral which is situated in the old town. In 2000 Santiago was one of the European Cultural Capitals, which had a positive influence on an already flourishing cultural life. There are theatre performances, cinema events, concerts of all musical styles, dancing, and exhibitions all year long, and these are only a few examples of the cultural life on Santiago. Santiago is considered as a city of young people and there are always a lot of things to do and see: concerts, theatres, cinemas, different events,... Santiago is full of places to go out at night: bars, cafes, restaurants, dicotheques etc. So you cannot get bored here. There are many places where you can practice sports like gyms, swimming-pools and in the university campus are many pitches to play football and basketball and tennis courts, etc. CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY Nombre de la organización: FUNDACIÓN GIZAKIA HERRITAR – PAMPLONA - ESPAÑA Description of the activities (including a possible time table) Volunteer´s tasks in Pamplona: Promote the destinations Villava and Pamplona in the phases 2 and 3 of the French ´Camino of Santiago´. This consists of visiting hostels and information points of the Camino and leaving there info-kits about these destinations and the project in general. This task will be done periodically in order to guarantee that there is enough information available (this is common for both of the volunteers). In the Fundacion Gizakia Herritar offices, situated in 75 Mayor street, there will be an information point about the Camino Of Santiago. The volunteer will conduct his/her office work during the morning. He /she will dedicate 20 hours weekly from Monday to Friday. One of these days he/she will be busy in the solidarity dining room Paris365 or Txoko Paris365. It may be possible to: 10 hours weekly during the afternoon he/she will conduct his/her work in the hostel ´Jesus y Maria´, managed from ASPACE (social entity for people with impairments), situated in the centre of Pamplona. Volunteer´s activities in Villava: Promote the destinations Villava and Pamplona in the phases 2 and 3 of the French ´Camino of Santiago´. This consists of visiting hostels and information points of the Camino and leaving there info-kits about these destinations and the project in general. This task will be done periodically in order to guarantee that there is enough information available (this is common for both of the volunteers). The volunteer will realize his/her work at a café called ´molino de San Andres´ in Villava, which will have double function: 1) Information point about the ´Camino of Santiago´ 2) Relaxing point for those who do the Camino. Like it´s indicated in the official webpage: ´Molino of San Andres´ is located between Villava and Huarte, where the rivers Arga and Ultzama meet in a very beautiful landscape in the riverside of Arga. Inside, there is an exposition which reminds us that this is the meeting points of two routes of the Camino: the French one and the Baztanese. Molino café: It´s a small garden café, a perfect space of 3000m2 with tables and chairs for the relaxing of the people who do the Camino or just people who pass by. A nice terrace in a quiet place next to the river where you can listen to the water of the river and enjoy the green of the trees. You can perfectly have a conversation there, read a book, relax or drink something. He /she will help with the cultural programming related with the Camino of Santiago. His/her timetable will be in the afternoon form Monday to Friday. He/she will dedicate one day per week to the proper activities of the Fundacion Gizakia Herritar: solidarity dining rooms or Txoko Paris365. Lodging and boarding / pocket money The volunteer will share a flat with other local volunteers or youngsters. Transport: Volunteer in Pamplona: we will try that the volunteer lives in a central apartment so that he/she will avoid the transport expenses. Volunteer in Villava: Villava is situated 4kms away from the center of Pamplona. One can arrive there by bicycle or on foot passing through the riverside of Arga. By car, it lasts 10 minutes. It is recommended that the volunteer finds a place to live in Villava so as to be closer to his work. CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY Spanish lessons, mentor meetings days off and holidays Spanish lessons: the volunteer can have free Spanish lessons in Jose mª Irribaren school. This training will be supplemented by the Spanish lessons we always offer in our organization once a week. Meetings with the mentor: Monday morning. The volunteer will have 13 days of holidays. He /she can take these days together or divided in two periods, always after asking permission from the responsible person of the activity and the organization. About the city and location / social life / leisure time Walks through the city: Five routes to get to know Pamplona The Citadel and City Walls: One of the most interesting, best conserved defensive complexes Parks and gardens: More than 20% of Pamplona’s surface area is green and pedestrianized Arga River Park and Pamplona’s bridges: A walk through a wonderful landscape replete with nature, dams, watermills and bridges Pilgrims" Road to Santiago: A walk through eleven centuries in mediaeval Pamplona Sculptures in the city: A walk which inspires ideas and produces emotions and feelings Pamplona in 16 landmarks: 16 privileged spots in Pamplona: Plaza del Castillo (Pamplona’s “living-room”), Palace of Navarre (Visible symbol of Navarre’s historical identity), Oteiza Museum (Museum dedicated to the sculptor), Museum of Navarre (Pamplona’s most prized museum), Church of San Nicolás (A landmark in the Historical Quarter) Cathedral of Santa María (A treasure with a Neoclassical façade before a Gothic shrine), Church of San Cernin, General Archive of Navarre (A restored XII-century building), Citadel and Vuelta del Castillo (A green lung in the centre of the city), Baluarte (One of Spain’s largest conference centres), Gardens of La Taconera (The oldest garden in the city), Parliament of Navarre (Permanent seat of government), Public University of Navarre (A modern campus with gardens and sculptures), University of Navarre, A campus covering almost half a million square metres, Planetarium (It has the largest dome in the world), Town Hall (The beginning of the San Fermin fiesta is announced from its XVII-century façade) San Fermin fiestas: The fiestas which have made Pamplona famous worldwide Gastronomy: Typical dishes to try in Pamplona Tourism in Navarre: Rural Tourism, bird-watching, ecotourism, art and culture, good food, sports in nature, peaceful holidays. Shopping… Villava is a small town situated in the region of Pamplona, with 10.300 inhabitants in a surface of 1,1 km2. Despite its size, it has really important monuments. CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY ABOUT YOU… Please indicate the location of the activity you would like to apply for (up to 3 projects in preference order) Your picture Family name (Mr/Ms) First name Date of birth dd/mm/yy Gender Street address Postcode City Region Country Email Home phone nr. Mobile nr. Place of birth Nationaliy Background information What is your current situation (studying, working, unemployed) ? Your education. Where, what and for how long did you study? CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY Work experience. Where did you work and what did you do? What languages do you speak? Language Basic Good Fluent Mother tongue Please describe yourself including strengths and weaknesses Motivation Why would you like to take part at the European Voluntary Service? Did you ever do any social or voluntary services? What did you do? CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY What are your hobbies? Are there things you are extremely good in? Why did you choose this project? What do you expect from the project? How do you see yourself on the project you are applying for? What exactly can you contribute? How the project can benefit for choosing you? What goals do you want to reach during your voluntary service? Where do you prefer to do your voluntary service? Why? In a city In a rural area Describe your experience, knowledge and skills which could help you in your EVS service What challenges and difficulties do you think you encounter during a long time living in another culture with a different set of values? CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY What do you intend to do after the voluntary service? Details about your sending organisation (contact person, e-mail, phone, fax) Please describe how did you create the contact with your sending organisation, describe your cooperation and possible future plans Why did you choose Spain for your EVS project? Considering cultural and religious differences, what do you think could become an obstacle for you when adapting to our everyday life. CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY Have you ever been In Spain? Where and for how long? Describe your travel experience to other countries? What is the longest time you spent abroad? Additional information Do you have driving licence? Do you have any special need? Are you allergic against plants, animals, or other things? Do you have other health problems? Are there things you cannot do for health reasons? Do you need any special diet (vegetarian etc)? CULTURA EN EL CAMINO / CULTURA NO CAMIÑO/ CULTURE ON THE WAY Do you smoke? Do you have any objection to sharing a room? If you answer is Yes, please explain why Person to contact for questions in case of emergency (contact person) Family name (Mr/Ms) First name Relations with applicant Address Home phone nr. Mobile nr. - Tenéis alguna preferencia de chico / chica por alguna razón? - Tenéis alguna preferencia de nacionalidad por otros voluntarios que tengáis en la entidad. - Alguna otra consideración a la hora de seleccionarles?