PAT May 16, 2013 minutes

President’s Advisory Team
May 16, 2013
President’s Advisory Team Members in attendance:
Diane Allen, Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs
Aaron Basko, Assistant Vice President of Enrollment Management
Eric Berkheimer, Associate Vice President for Administration and Finance,
Capital Planning and Construction
J. Craig Clarke, President, Faculty Senate
Betty Crockett, Vice President, Administration and Finance
Richard Culver, Director, Media Relations
Jason Curtin, Assistant Vice President, Development & Alumni Relations; Deputy Director SU Foundation
Janet Dudley-Eshbach, President
Sue Eagle, Assistant Vice President, Marketing and Public Relations
Todd Ensminger, Interim University Counsel
Dane Foust, Vice President of Student Affairs
Tabatha Beck for Julia Glanz, President, Graduate Student Council
Clifton Griffin, Dean of Graduate Studies and Research
Bea Hardy, Dean, Libraries and Instructional Resources
John Hickman, President, Staff Senate
Mentha Hynes-Wilson, Associate Vice President, Student Affairs
Ken Kundell, Interim Chief Information Officer
Ed Lashley, Chief, Salisbury University Police
Katherine Mooney, President, SGA
Karen Olmstead, Dean, Henson School of Science and Technology
Maarten Pereboom, Dean, Fulton School of Liberal Arts
Melanie Perreault, Associate Provost
Greg Prince, Vice President, Advancement and External Affairs
Marvin Pyles, Associate Vice President Administration and Finance, Human Resources
Robert Sheehan, Deputy Chief of Staff and Director for Government and Community Relations
Maureen Belich for Kara Siegert, Director, University Analysis, Reporting & Assessment
Brian Stiegler, Director, International Education
Bob Wood, Dean, Perdue School of Business
Carol Wood, Interim Dean, Seidel School of Education and Professional Studies
Welcoming and Opening Remarks – President Janet Dudley-Eshbach
Dr. Dudley-Eshbach opened the meeting by welcoming the group and introducing
the incoming President of the Graduate Student Council, Tabatha Beck who was
filling in for Julia Glanz.
On May 2 the President announced an $8 million gift from the Guerrieri
Foundation towards the new Academic Commons. This legacy gift leaves a
lasting memory for the Guerrieri family and the building will be named the Patricia
R. Guerrieri Academic Commons building.
Robby Sheehan has been promoted to Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of
Government and Community Relations.
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SU athletic teams have had an outstanding year. Club Sport Men’s Rugby won the
national championship recently. Women’s Lacrosse is currently undefeated and is
competing for the championship this coming weekend. Men’s Lacrosse is
participating in the NCAA semifinals. Baseball is currently ranked number one in
Division III in the nation, and are regional champions. The will participate in the
World Series May 24 - 28. Softball will be playing in the World Series in
Wisconsin this weekend. SU Track and Field athletes will participate in the
NCAA championships in LaCrosse Wisconsin May 23 – 25.
University Governance
Faculty Senate – Dr. J. Craig Clarke
i. New officers of the Faculty Senate have been elected and will take office July
1, 2013. They are Elizabeth Ragan, President; Kathleen Shannon, Vice
President; Mark DeSocio, Secretary; and Stephen Ford, Webmaster.
Staff Senate – John Hickman
i. Employee Appreciation Day is scheduled for Wednesday, June 12, 2013. Chief
Edwin Lashley will conduct two presentations on Campus Safety and How to
React to Emergencies. There will be a sign up for door prizes.
Student Government Association – Katherine Mooney
i. Katherine reported that there was record attendance at SGA sponsored events this
past year.
ii. Their goals for next year include having a bigger and better Homecoming, and
fresh ideas for student events and activities.
iii. Katherine encourages faculty and staff to contact the SGA if there are any issues.
Graduate Student Council – Tabatha Beck
i. The Graduate Student Council has elected new officers. They are Tabatha Beck,
President; Stephen Kelly, Vice President; Marshall Boyd, Treasurer; Biage
Alexander, Secretary; Maria Diaz, Public Relations; and Vanice Antrum as
Social Coordinator.
ii. Topics for review this coming year are graduate student housing, recruiting
graduate students, fees and parking issues.
Summer Projects Overview – Eric Berkheimer
Eric provided an overview of the many construction and renovation projects
underway this summer.
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i. Construction will begin on a new communications tower behind the Maintenance
Building on South Division Street.
ii. Renovations on Holloway Hall Auditorium will begin in June and will be
completed in September.
iii. Design teams will continue to meet over the summer to work on the plans for the
Academic Commons building.
iv. Severn Hall will begin renovations with two shifts working over the summer.
This fall will mark the first time in two years when all residence hall beds will be
v. New tennis courts will be constructed on the East Campus.
Fall 2013 Enrollment Update – Aaron Basko
Aaron noted that for the fall 2013 academic year 8900 applications have been
processed to date. So far, 1327 freshmen have made deposits indicating they may
come here in the fall. This most likely will drop down to 1250 if past semesters are an
indication. This is up 24 students from this time last year.
There are currently 830 transfer students who have made deposits for the fall 2013
semester, and it is expected to grow to 825 students. This is up 19 students from this
time last year.
The freshmen current SAT average is 1730, up 6 points from last year. The freshmen
current GPA is 3.72, up .02 from last year.
There has been an increase in regulations and challenges in higher education financial
aid, and loan denials for parents have more than doubled. The enrollment
management team is looking at new sources for financial assistance. One example of
attracting qualified, out of state students who live on the Delmarva Peninsula is the
establishment of the Delmarva Scholarship.
Pedestrian Safety Issues Work Group – Robby Sheehan
Robby updated the Team on the progress of the Pedestrian Safety Issues Work group.
He noted that collaboration between the city, county and the University has resulted
in plans for improved lighting, the designation of new crosswalks, and continued
discussions about improving pedestrian and cyclist safety.
SU Foundation – Advancement’s Financial Impact on SU – Greg Prince
There has been progress on the future of Delmarva Public Radio. The SU
Foundation is going through the process of transferring the FCC licenses and
management to the University. A search for a new manager is underway and in the
meantime, Jason Curtin is serving as the point person for any questions that arise.
The spring fund raising campaign begins on April 11.
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Other Business
Maarten Pereboom encouraged attendance to exhibit receptions at the SU Art
Galleries on the Downtown plaza in Salisbury the evening of Friday, May 17.
Appreciation was expressed for the Publications team on the advertisement in the US
Today Graduate School issue touting SU’s graduate school program.
Recorded by: Tracy Hajir